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Recent terrorist acts, in particular the 9-11 attacks in 2001, have created disruptions in the global economy. The short-term impact had been felt in the global tourism, airline industries, as well as the financial markets. While the global economy has recovered and is adjusting to the new global realities, the longer-term impact of heightened security risk across the world can be felt in the form of higher risk premiums in asset markets, as well as a shift of resources towards dealing with terrorism. Just as World War II had accelerated the development of nuclear energy as well as a major contributing factor in the genesis of Silicon Valley, the current war against terrorism will affect both the pace and trajectory of technology trends, as efforts are focused on developing technologies to combat terrorism. In this paper, we review the effects of the current war on terrorism in terms of its impact on the economy, the allocation of resources to R&D, and the trajectory of future R&D.  相似文献   

We establish the strategic equivalence of a variety of rent-seeking contests, innovation tournaments, and patent-race games. The results allow us to disentangle negative and positive externalities, and to apply theorems and results intended for rent-seeking games to other games, and vice versa. We conclude with several examples that highlight the practical utility of our results.  相似文献   

社会结构、市场结构与企业技术创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文建立了一个基于社会结构与市场结构的技术创新系统模型,来解释企业的技术创新行为,认为企业是社会网络中的一个行动者,其技术创新行为是一种社会行动,它会受到人际关系和社会结构的影响.作为一种结果,社会结构会影响市场结构,从而两者共同作用于企业的技术创新过程.在这个过程中,对企业的社会资本分析是非常重要的.推动社会结构、市场结构与技术创新活动的协调发展是深化我国经济体制改革进而提升企业技术创新竞争力的重要途径.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of deregulation in an energy market on R&D activities for new energy technology when climate policy is implemented. A model of growth with vertical innovation is modified by including an oligopolistic energy supply sector for demonstrating to what extent deregulation in the energy supply sector will affect R&D activities for low-carbon energy technology, provided that carbon taxation is implemented. The analysis shows that, when the elasticity of substitution between input factors is less than unity, deregulation will drive energy R&D activities and reduce CO2 accumulation if the energy market is highly concentrated in the beginning.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between OECD countries'business sector total factor productivity and domestic and foreignR&D efforts during the period 1961-1991. A sensitivity analysisis performed by making use of alternate estimations of specificationsin growth terms and in level terms. The results are shown tobe robust. They show that the influence of international technologicaldiffusion is, on average, substantially stronger than that ofdomestic R&D. In the case of the large economies, however,the latter influence is found to be more important. A structuralstability analysis provides evidence of a decrease in the estimatesin the mid-1970s, without significant recovery afterwards. Variouslong-run supply effects appear to have contributed. The discontinuousnature of the reduction does indicate, however, that these werereinforced by macroeconomic disturbances at the demand side.  相似文献   

This article is intended to establish links and seek connections between the contributions made to the study of innovatory phenomena. Specifically, it analyzes the evolution undergone by studies on the topic of the technological innovation (TI) process carried out by different disciplines from the point of view of the objectives they pursue and the suppositions on which they are based. Hence, it attempts to provide evidence for the relationships existing between research done at macro level (sociology, history, economics, and industrial economics) and that undertaken at micro level (management).  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between uncertainty and innovation. It distinguishes three kinds of uncertainty: truth uncertainty, semantic uncertainty, and ontological uncertainty, the latter of which is particularly important for innovation processes. The paper then develops some implications of ontological uncertainty for innovation processes at three levels of organization, by means of three theories: a narrative theory of action at the level of individual economic actors; the theory of generative relationships at the meso-level of agent interaction; and the theory of scaffolding structures at the macro-level of market systems. These theories are illustrated by means of examples drawn from a prospective study on the emergence of a new market system around a technology for distributed control.JEL Classification: D800, O300, L100 Correspondence to : D.A. Lane, Cannaregio 4392, Venezia 30121, ItalyThe authors would like to acknowledge the financial support for the research reported here from the European Commission IST-FET program, the Italian Ministry of Universities, Instruction and Research, and the Santa Fe Institute. We thank our colleagues in the ISCOM research project and the participants in the SFI workshop on scaling and social organization for valuable comments and discussion.  相似文献   

R & D joint ventures and tacit product market collusion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is shown that R & D joint ventures make it more likely that firms will be able to sustain tacit product-market collusion, all else equal.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of effluent taxes on firms’ allocation of resources to cost-reducing and emission-reducing R&D, and on entrepreneurs’ decisions to develop new goods and enter the market. A tax set at an exogenous rate that does not depend on the state of technology reduces growth, the level of consumption of each good, and raises the number of firms. The induced increase in the variety of goods is a benefit not considered in previous analyses. In terms of environmental benefits, the tax induces a positive rate of pollution abatement that offsets the “dirty” side of economic growth. A tax set at an endogenous rate that holds constant the tax burden per unit of output, in contrast, has ambiguous effects on growth, the scale of activity of each firm and the number of firms. Besides being novel, the potential positive growth effect of this type of effluent tax is precisely what makes this instrument effective for welfare-maximizing purposes. The socially optimal policy, in fact, requires the tax burden per unit of output to equal the marginal rate of substitution between the growth rate of consumption and abatement. Moreover, a tax/subsidy on entry is needed, depending on whether the contribution of product variety to pollution dominates consumers’ love of variety.   相似文献   

This paper sheds light on the effects of two different types of R&D financing sources respectively from a supply-demand combined perspective, namely subsidy from government and venture capital in market, on the innovation process. Our empirical analysis is based on a unique data set of industrial enterprises located in Beijing ZhongGuanCun Science Park during the period 2008–2015. In terms of the two stages of the innovation process, this paper untangles and compares the effects of the two financing sources on R&D input, patent output as well as profit outcome. We find that both supply- and demand-side external R&D financing channels have differential effects on the innovation process in terms of input, output or outcome as well as the different-sized enterprises. Supply-side subsidy tends to be more effective at the front end of the innovation process, while venture capital shows a demand-side consideration on technology evolution by focusing more on the back end of the innovation process. Both government subsidy and venture capital can have a significantly positive impact on the entire innovation process of small and micro enterprises, whereas for large and medium-sized enterprises, subsidy has no significant impact on profit outcome and venture capital can only affect patents positively. These findings suggest that the Chinese government should focus more on small and micro firms and increase such firms’ access to venture capital through a process of certification, so as to achieve an effective combination of government functions and market functions.  相似文献   

Jan Kranich   《Economic Modelling》2009,26(5):817-830
This paper discusses a model of the New Economic Geography, in which the seminal core-periphery model of Krugman [Krugman, P., 1991, Increasing returns and economic geography, Journal of Political Economy 99, 483–499.] is extended by endogenous research activities. Beyond the common ‘anonymous’ consideration of R&D expenditures within fixed costs, this model introduces in an analytically tractable approach vertical product differentiation in combination with a de-integrated R&D sector. In the context of international factor mobility, the destabilizing effects of a mobile scientific workforce are analyzed. Based upon a simple welfare analysis, a consideration of R&D promoting policy instruments and their spatial implications, this paper makes a contribution to the brain-drain debate.  相似文献   

The paper presents a novel tax that is designed to improve the performance of research and development (R&D) investments. Ideally, the tax allows the technical efficiencies of monopoly while bringing about the desirable effects of the competitive pressure of R&D rivalry. Thus, with the tax, the state can sanction a monopoly of R&D investment in order to attain technical efficiencies and yet avoid the underinvestment in R&D that would result without competitive pressures. A critique of the tax emphasizes the problems of implementing it and offers a more practical alternative that would achieve the same desirable effects.  相似文献   

We compare the subgame perfect equilibrium emerging in four regimes of research and development (R&D) competition between duopolists: (i) full competition, (ii) coordination of research strategies, (iii) joint venture with cross licensing of patents, and (iv) full collusion in R&D and the product market. The outcome of the firms' interaction depends on the interplay of the degree of product market competition, the similarity of the research strategies, and the cost of R&D, relatively to market size. Our main result is that each of the four regimes can, for plausible parameter combinations, yield the highest level of welfare. Therefore it is problematic to draw general rules applicable to all proposed research joint ventures.  相似文献   

Joint R&D projects have emerged as a significant model for the development of research and technological activities. Our study examines, through an exploratory analysis, the typology of joint R&D projects and the characteristics of R&D networks in which the projects are developed. In addition, the interrelation between the R&D projects in the context of European Technology Policy is analysed. Findings from survey data collected on joint R&D projects carried out in the context of European Framework Programmes indicate that three groups of R&D projects can be identified (invention, innovation and diffusion projects), and that each of these projects is managed inside the R&D network with a different degree of structuring and external opening. The analysis of interrelations between R&D projects also shows a low, non-linear and non-progressive interrelation. This conclusion is an important question to bear in mind in the design of scientific and technological policies.  相似文献   

本文在大量调查问卷的基础上,以江苏省制造业企业为样本,以统计实证与计量分析等方法考察与观测企业所处行业、企业规模以及企业所有制等三个因素对企业R&D行为的影响,从微观行为数据层面揭示了中国制造业企业R&D活动的行为模式与真实机理。论文的许多发现为理解R&D“不易观测”的关键因素提供了基于中国经验的独特的实证视角。我们揭示出:中国小公司、中型公司、大公司的R&D强度趋势存在着明确的倾斜的V型结构关系,以此修正了Bound等、Pavitt等人的理论观点。  相似文献   

This study presents an in-depth investigation of the impact of “Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (MEI) policy on small and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs’) innovation using the propensity score matching–difference-in-difference method. The MEI policy's R&D subsidies are found to generate a positive effect on SMEs’ innovation. Although R&D subsidies have no significant impact on SMEs’ strategic innovation, they can promote substantial innovation and establish a solid microfoundation for China's high-quality development. Compared with R&D subsidies, tax incentives in the MEI policy cannot encourage SMEs to innovate and may even have a negative impact on SMEs’ innovation.  相似文献   

We present robust results on the empirical relationship among income inequality, innovation, and economic growth for a panel dataset of 74 countries over the period 1996–2014. We estimate pairwise causality tests to show that there is bidirectional causality between GDP per capita and R&D, while R&D causes the Gini index of income inequality, and it causes human capital. Allowing coefficients to be different across cross-sections of countries, we get in any case a pairwise bi-directionality. By dynamic panel data estimations, when regressing R&D on GDP per capita, we obtain a threshold value of 0.16% of R&D such that for values above it there is economic growth. While regressing R&D on the Gini index, we get a threshold of 0.10% of R&D above which, the income distribution begins to improve. Finally, we estimate a growth equation that depends on R&D, income inequality, and physical capital. We obtain two thresholds, one of 38.79 for the Gini (above which the economic growth decreases), and one of 0.06% for R&D such that above it, economic growth is rising.  相似文献   

This paper explores how technological, commercial and social uncertainties shaped the development of Brazilian biofuels. Technological innovation allowed the country to emerge as a global leader, but Brazil continues to struggle with major social uncertainties due to poverty and environmental concerns common in many emerging economies. Contemporary approaches to development within the innovation literature focus primarily on overcoming technological and commercial uncertainties, but only peripherally explore social uncertainties. To fill this void, we draw on Martin and Hall's framework for managing innovative uncertainties, which is based on Kuhn and Popper's approaches to the evolution and methodology of science, and extend it with Aldrich and Fiol's concept of cognitive versus socio-political legitimacy. Based on qualitative data collected in Brazil, we outline the evolution of automotive fuel ethanol and flex-fuel technology, the development of Brazilian soybean production, and castor for socially inclusive biodiesel production. We show how innovation solved some technological and commercial uncertainties and generated new opportunities, but also created additional social uncertainties that are now being addressed. Through this process, Brazil has acquired capabilities in alternative energy technologies and more sustainable agriculture, becoming an exemplar for other emerging economies. We conclude with implications for policy and industry.  相似文献   

It is argued that the firm is the principal source of innovation and growth, a device for the establishment of technological competence, and for its continued development over time. Markets, products and background knowledge may change quite dramatically over time. Yet as a result of the cumulative nature of learning in the production processes of firms, the profile of corporate technological competence will tend to persist over quite long periods, provided there is institutional continuity. Within the same firm, competence may evolve into related areas, but the firm's technological origins will remain identifiable in its subsequent trajectories. However, if the institution itself changes more dramatically, this technological persistence may be disrupted. Supporting evidence is provided from data on the patenting of 30 large US and European companies, which have been continuously active since the interwar period. The science and the knowledge base, and the composition of products and markets may shift quite radically, but the firm's productive and technological system itself is potentially more stable. The firm provides a vehicle for potential institutional continuity and a device for managing transitions within the economic system.  相似文献   

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