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在20世纪80年代应用地理大发展中应运而生的旅游地理学,因发展历程尚短、理论方法体系不十分健全和完善,对持续快速发展的旅游业支撑乏力,迫切需要从相邻学科吸收养分。物候学与旅游地理学交叉性质明显,可多方面支撑其发展。本文系统梳理了物候学对旅游业的学科支撑作用、具体实践应用领域、服务于旅游业高质量发展的6个维度以及气候变化对物候旅游资源和相关行业的影响。主要结论有:(1)物候概念有助于系统整合旅游系统中自然、人文和社会要素的相关旅游资源,而物候学应用亦可有效提升区域旅游业的服务支持子系统、交通子系统以及医疗健康子系统的效用;(2)物候学在旅游业发展中的实践应用主要涉及利用植物季相进行景观设计、观赏季划分与观赏期预报、体验类生态旅游活动的时间规划、花粉浓度预报与冰雪灾情预警以及旅游线路设计五大方面;(3)物候学可在要素、行业、过程、时空、方位和部门6个维度上服务于旅游业的高质量发展;(4)物候旅游资源和相关产业对于气候变化响应敏感,相关研究人员在未来应注重气候变化对其的风险影响研究,深入分析游客感知、行为反应所受影响,并积极参与中长期产业发展规划以及行业报告编制。从学科发展和产业应用的角度讲,物候学可为旅游学的研究提供自然科学的理论支撑,也为当今气候变化背景下旅游业的可持续发展提供科学指导。  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of the influencing factors and mechanisms of community resilience in tourism destinations is vital not only for recovery after disasters but also for strengthening the adaptive capacity of community residents to manage sudden change. This study aims to investigate the roles of bonding, bridging, and linking social capital in enhancing community residents' perceived resilience in tourism destinations. Based on data derived from a survey of 691 residents of China's Dujiangyan scenic areas and Jiuzhai Valley National Park, this study used structural equation modeling to test the relationship between community residents' perceived social capital and resilience in tourism destinations. The findings suggest that the three types of social capital have significantly positive effects on community residents' perceived resilience in tourism destinations. In China's centralized political system, linking social capital is the most important type of social capital in community disaster recovery. An interaction effect between bonding, bridging, and linking social capital is found. This study's results help managers and community residents cultivate social capital, improve community resilience and maintain sustainable tourism development.  相似文献   

文化旅游创新体系的结构与性质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何提升创新能力是中国旅游业实现产业转型和升级需要解决的关键问题.因为旅游业产业结构的复杂性,所以产业内部创新行为的表现形式也会有很大差异.文化旅游创新主要不是技术创新,而是要以文化创新为基础,达到旅游的创新与发展.文化旅游创新体系在结构和运行机制上都体现为文化与旅游融合的二元复合体系,具有创新目标与成果的双重性、二元核心创新主体、双重价值导向,是双重核心模式.鉴于此,应注意文化创新和文化旅游产品创新的差异,建立协调市场机制和公共管理机制的创新管理体制,充分发挥旅游地居民与旅游企业的积极性.  相似文献   

As Russia transforms itself from the largest partner in the command economy that was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the largest member of the post Cold-War Commonwealth of Independent States, political, social and economic structures and institutions are undergoing rapid and fundamental change. Included in this is tourism, its role and how it is organized. This paper provides a snapshot view of the official structural arrangements for tourism in Russia as of summer 1997. It is hoped that the paper will prove useful for scholars as they track these changes over time. The paper commences with a brief geographic, demographic and economic profile of Russia, turns to a discussion of the function of tourism in the former Soviet Union and goes on to examine the structural arrangements for tourism. The paper concludes with some observations about the problems and prospects of tourism and some suggestions for further research  相似文献   

基于伦理维度的旅游研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人文社会科学存在科学叙事和人文叙事两种知识创造模式,旅游研究应该改变片面追求"科学化"、"客观性"的现状,而对人文关怀取向的旅游研究加以重视。由于旅游不仅具有经济价值与审美价值,还有伦理价值,旅游伦理研究理应是人文叙事知识创造模式的表现形式之一。文章从旅游伦理研究的时代背景、现实问题、国内外相关领域研究进展等方面对相关文献进行了综述,并认为这一新研究范式将改变以往只注重旅游的"事实"方面而忽视"价值"方面的片面性,为旅游研究注入了人性的因素,有助于旅游研究进一步走向成熟。  相似文献   

旅游的产业属性决定了旅游地理研究的实践性,在服务国家战略和产业实践需求的过程中,中国旅游地理学科呈现出研究领域、方法和应用的新特征。本文围绕旅游规划、旅游资源、旅游大数据和旅游实验方法等进行总结与展望,认为:(1)旅游规划是透视旅游地理研究发展的重要视角,旅游规划的知识域主要包括旅游开发战略与对策、旅游业与旅游企业、乡村旅游与乡村振兴等12个方面;(2)新时代文化和旅游资源普查面临文旅资源保护和整合利用的重大现实需求,为旅游地理研究带来了文旅资源的内涵与分类评价、普查信息集成与应用、普查技术与组织方式等新命题;(3)大数据背景下要求旅游地理探寻新科学问题,重点要关注大数据旅游统计测量模型和指标规则的规范,数据伦理与信息茧房,大数据旅游现象的地理效应和相关空间格局等研究;(4)实验研究方法在认识论层面从描述走向解释预测,在方法论层面从调查走向直接测量,为认识和理解旅游情境下人地关系的核心科学问题提供了“科学化”的研究路径。因此,面对新时代战略要求和旅游业发展趋势,旅游地理学应加强产业实践、研究方法和学科交叉研究,提升学科服务国家战略和社会经济发展的支撑能力。  相似文献   

应天煜 《旅游学刊》2004,19(1):87-92
旅游作为一门跨多个学科领域的应用科学,其学科发展往往会涉及社会学、心理学、人类学、地理学等各相关学科的研究成果。而目前旅游学研究中具体实证研究有余而基础理论工作相对不足的局面已经阻碍了旅游学作为一个学科体系的确立、完善和向前发展。本文试对社会心理学中新兴的“社会表象理论”(Social Representation Theory)以及近年来国外学术界将该理论引入旅游学研究的基本情况作一个简单的介绍,以期能够为国内旅游学界的相关研究工作起到一点参考作用。  相似文献   

Freya   《Tourism Management》2006,27(6):1192-1208
This paper argues that in the current neo-liberal era, the discourse of tourism as an “industry” has overshadowed other conceptualisations of the tourism phenomenon. An argument is developed that this discourse serves the needs and agendas of leaders in the tourism business sector. However, the author desires to revive an earlier understanding of tourism that predates the neoliberal era. Tourism is in fact a powerful social force that can achieve many important ends when its capacities are unfettered from the market fundamentalism of neoliberalism and instead are harnessed to meet human development imperatives and the wider public good. Examining the human rights aspects of tourism, investigating phenomena such as “social tourism”, exploring a few “non-western” perspectives of tourism and outlining some of the tantalising promise that tourism holds, this paper attempts to revive and reinforce a wider vision of tourism's role in societies and the global community. It is argued that it is critical for tourism academics, planners and leaders to support such a vision if tourism is to avoid facing increasing opposition and criticism in a likely future of insecurity and scarcity.  相似文献   

The concept of sustainable tourism emerged as a reaction to the impacts of tourism development. This paper shows the relevance of sustainable tourism to tourism decline and the rising interest in de-growth. Mixed-methods research in the Isle of Man, UK, was carried out by analysing 355 postal questionnaires sent to randomly selected island households, and conducting 32 in-depth personal interviews. The research revealed a series of negative environmental and social consequences of tourism decline in a small island. Such consequences are found to occur despite successful local diversification into other industries, notably offshore finance. Consequences of decline are revealed as tangible, e.g. facilities closure, and as less tangible, e.g. a sense of rejection by off-islanders, and have led to an increasing sense amongst residents of isolation and loss of local attractiveness. Results suggest tourism decline, de-growth and economic replacement require sustainable management in order to facilitate change. Measures such as urban and rural landscape protection, may reduce adverse effects of decline. A re-assessment of the application of the principles of sustainable tourism in the context of decline, rather than development, is needed.  相似文献   

旅游六要素的理论属性探讨   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
翟辅东 《旅游学刊》2006,21(4):18-22
文章通过对旅游六要素理论的形成过程及其历史贡献的回顾,说明旅游六要素不仅是旅游产业结构的主体,而且在旅游学科体系中也居于基础性的地位.旅游六要素有自己的概念和原理体系,使旅游学具有应用学科性质.除了旅游学之外,没有一门别的学科能系统地把旅游六要素及其相关现象的发生发展规律作为自己特定的研究对象.旅游学科体系结构由三个层次的系统组成:一是主体系统(旅游六要素);二是动力系统;三是支撑系统.建立旅游六要素理论的目标就是要创新理性思维去促使六要素产出的综合效益达到最大化.文章还针对六要素结构系统中的主导因素变化分析了动力系统的形成机制问题.  相似文献   

社区旅游参与视角下民族村寨旅游地居民地方感生成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
居民地方感领域的研究在深化“人-地”关系认识、旅游目的地地方性塑造、旅游资源开发与保护以及旅游规划等方面具有特殊意义。已有研究主要探讨人口统计学特征、物理环境和社会环境等影响因素,缺乏对旅游世界中人与场的积极互动而产生的地方感等问题的讨论。本研究从社区旅游参与视角,通过田野调查的方法收集郎德上寨村民主诉的旅游参与实践,对民族旅游村寨居民地方感的生成问题进行分析。研究发现:郎德上寨村民的社区旅游参与主要表现为“合作激励型”“自我激励型”“机械被动型”和“利益激励型”4种类型;在社区旅游参与过程中,村民获得了强烈的地方感,并由自然地理和人文物理环境、社会文化特性、经济制度、乡土认同、血缘认同、文化认同、房屋归属感和生活便利性等内容体现。本研究还发现,居民地方感在不同的社区旅游参与形态中表现出差异性;社区旅游参与和地方感之间是双向、交互式的影响关系,其中,旅游效益感知因素在二者的关系中起着重要的中介作用。  相似文献   

本文以香格里拉梅里雪山周边雨崩藏族村的旅游开发为研究背景,分析了该区村民参与旅游开发的轮流制模式,认为这是一个社区主动参与旅游发展,基本实现了经济增权、政治增权、心理增权和社会增权的典型案例。轮流制模式一方面妥善协调与巧妙解决了村民参与旅游开发利益分配的不均衡,控制了外来投资,同时避免了由于无序竞争引起的经济利益过于集中现象,对构建雨崩村社会和谐起着非常大的积极作用。值得注意的是,雨崩村民的增权有一个重要的假设条件,即村民绝对拥有在村境内的住宿、餐饮、租马等经营权。本质上雨崩村的旅游增权是个人增权,一旦有外来旅游企业进入,原来取得的利益均衡和分配制度将会被破坏。从此角度讲,制度增权的缺失又对提高民族地区旅游目的地新农村建设构成了阻碍。  相似文献   

This study examines the within tourism businesses social dynamics that lead to positive community social change via the reduction of barriers between amenity migrants and locals. The overarching study question is: What social dynamics happen within amenity migrant owned tourism businesses that are reducing social barriers between migrants and locals and leading to positive social change in the community? Findings show the existence of a dynamic interplay between the amenity migrants and locals who are working together that reflect rational (providing opportunities for locals to become tourism producers, promoting mutual understanding and respect, widening the participation of locals in decision-making) and emotional (welcoming nature, sympathetic understanding, emotional closeness) dimensions, reducing their differences and creating positive social change in the community.  相似文献   

国外大众旅游对海滨环境影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海滨旅游自19世纪开始兴起,兴起之初仅限于旅游地所在国家范围内,而从1950年到21世纪初,滚装渡船与廉价航空运输的引入,导致国际海滨旅游以指数化的方式增长.海滨旅游的发展促进了旅游地的经济发展与社会进步,同时也对旅游地的海滨环境造成了严重的,甚至是不可逆的影响.在广泛查阅相关文献的基础上,本文从6个方面对大众旅游对海滨环境的影响进行了述评:旅游的自我毁灭理论、基础设施的修建导致生境破碎化、游轮引致严重的生态损害、踩踏降低潮间带生物多样性、海滩清洁降低沙质海岸生物多样性和生态旅游的负面影响.  相似文献   

中国旅游教育研究综述   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
随着旅游业的发展 ,中国旅游教育蓬勃兴起 ,成为旅游业发展的重要支撑。本文从中国旅游教育的发展、旅游学科建设、旅游教育结构体系以及高等旅游教育的性质、课程设置等方面对中国旅游教育的研究进行了简略综述。提出了今后需要进一步研究的有关旅游教育的理论和实际问题。  相似文献   

杨勇 《旅游学刊》2016,(10):59-72
以往关于消费者需求行为的研究多基于传统经济学框架的设定展开,认为影响消费者旅游需求的主要因素包含收入、目的地吸引力、交通等,普遍忽视了消费过程中的社会交往和具体情境。文章在理论分析的基础上,提出了若干命题,将消费者收入、社会交往和旅游情境等因素纳入旅游消费者需求的模型中,提出了若干研究命题。依据2014年春节“黄金周”旅游需求调研数据,采用排序选择模型验证了相关命题的正确性。计量结果表明,个人经济因素对我国消费者春节“黄金周”旅游需求影响较小,家庭结构、同伴等社会交往因素是影响其旅游需求的重要因素;我国消费者对于春节“黄金周”出游过程中遭遇的拥堵、旅游市场混乱等旅游情境问题具有一定的容忍度,但是,严重供需失衡导致的旅游情境问题依然对其旅游需求产生了显著的影响。  相似文献   


This paper's aim is to reflect on the contribution of Sociology to our knowledge of tourism, just when the tourism industry is demanding professionals with a wider knowledge and understanding of tourism, and European universities are redefining their programmes. Half of the Spanish universities offering a degree in Tourism Studies include Sociology of Tourism in its programme. A comparative analysis of the syllabi shows how their content covers the main issue areas in this field. More emphasis has been placed on typologies of tourists and the impact of tourism, while the tourists' social behaviour and the tourist system as a social structure are largely ignored.  相似文献   

Women’s participation in business is gaining momentum amongst communities in the South Pacific, yet very few studies have explored this area in the context of tourism in Fiji. Based on ethnographic research, this study focuses on the gender dimension of community-based tourism development in Vatuolalai village, along with the Coral Coast of Fiji. In particular, this study seeks to extend our understanding of the links between female empowerment, tourism and business in this indigenous Fijian community. The paper discusses how indigenous Fijian women, through their involvement in tourism, have adapted to becoming successful business operators and influential drivers of socio-political change affecting established gender relations within an indigenous Fijian setting. Therefore, the current study argues that through tourism-based entrepreneurship, local women have attained not only economic but also psychological, social and political empowerment. Given the literature, this is not a mainstream result, particularly in patriarchal and embedded indigenous communities.  相似文献   

中国旅游产业结构变迁对旅游经济增长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从产业结构合理化和高级化两个维度考察了中国旅游产业结构变迁的特征,通过构建计量模型分析了旅游产业结构变迁对中国旅游经济增长的影响,并验证了该影响的可靠性。结果表明:(1)整体看我国旅游产业结构的高级化程度在提升、合理化程度在波动中下降,但区域差异明显;(2)旅游产业结构变迁对我国旅游经济增长的影响具有区域普遍性和持久性,但影响力在下降;(3)旅游产业结构变迁对旅游经济增长影响力的大小具有时段性特征,但比较而言,旅游产业结构合理化是推动旅游经济增长的基础性动力。针对上述结论,文章进一步讨论了其成因并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Models of sustainable tourism consider not only the aspects of the physical environment but also the dimensions of the social and cultural environment of destinations. During the past two decades a number of researchers have made the case that local residents must be involved in tourism development decisions if support for, and thereby sustainability of, the industry is to be maintained. Minority ethnic and racial groups, however, are often differentially influenced by tourism within a community. This study investigates the differences between Hispanic and Anglo residents with respect to their perceptions of tourism and quality of life framed with the context of ethnicity marginality theory.  相似文献   

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