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Mushrooms are an important commodity worldwide. However, a thorough understanding of consumption trends is not yet available. In developing countries, the importance of edible mushrooms within consumer preferences and perceptions has not been studied. We carried out a study (2000-2003) to understand the patterns of mushroom consumption in central Mexico, where most wild/cultivated mushrooms are produced and/or marketed. About one-half (49.4%) of urban consumers bought mushrooms, independently of their social level [fresh or canned: white button mushroom (Agaricus), oyster mushroom (Pleurotus), shiitake (Lentinula). Preferences and perceptions from Mexican consumers depended on the social level. Mushroom prices were considered very or moderately expensive. Mushrooms were markedly more expensive than foods widely consumed. The variation of mushroom prices was a major factor influencing consumption. Basic data to carry out further marketing research are discussed, as well as an integral strategy considering social levels and regions to increase mushroom consumption.  相似文献   

中国水产品流通渠道结构特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
相对于其他农产品而言,水产品主要以鲜活形式(淡水产品)或者冷冻形式消费(海水产品)。水产品的消费特征要求水产品必须保证鲜活流通,而水产品容易腐烂,所以要实现水产品的鲜活流通,就要求水产品流通渠道结构能够保证尽量减少水产品的实体周转,而相应的加强和稳定商流、信息流和资金流。  相似文献   

An analysis of data collected from 207 households from Bamenda urban town revealed a high preference for fresh milk though actual consumption was low. Only 36% of households reported consuming fresh milk. Apart from butter, all households reported consuming local and imported dairy products on a daily basis. Only 4%, 3% and 16% of low-, medium- and high-income households consumed fresh milk daily, while 7%, 12% and 6% of low-, medium- and high-income households consumed fresh milk weekly. Mean household consumption of fresh milk was 3 kg for the high-income households, 3 kg for the low-, and 2 kg for the medium-income households. Although high-income households spent more money on fresh milk compared to the medium- and low-income households, the proportion of income spent on fresh milk was lowest for the high, followed by medium and low income households. The study suggests the need to organize home-based education programmes on nutrition as a strategy for boosting the consumption of dairy products among low-income households.  相似文献   

Wild mushroom picking is a growing recreational and commercial activity. In Spain, wild mushrooms legally belong to the landowner, who seldom benefits from trade in mushrooms or from their recreational value. Cultural aspects (tradition, picker-related harms) and economic aspects (costly forestry works, income opportunities) constitute elements of the debate on how to deal with mushroom picking. Through a survey of private forest owners in Catalonia (north-eastern Spain), this paper examines their experiences with mushroom pickers, the factors shaping their related policy preferences and their willingness to engage in mushroom reserves.The results show broad support for introducing mushroom picking norms. A regulation would allow outsider pickers to enter private land, but only under certain conditions, i.e. to comply with socio-ecological rules of the area. Among respondents who support the regulation, active land owners who report instances of picker-related harm (both tangible and intangible) tend to support the establishment of a fee system which could be reinvested into forest management. That is also the position of the respondents who perceive mushrooms as a private right, i.e. they believe to have a legitimate right to exclude outsider pickers and, eventually, to raise revenues from that asset. On the contrary, forest owners who conceive mushroom picking as a free-access activity prefer neither to regulate it nor to charge fees. The option to establish a mushroom picking reserve depends on the landholder being a fee-supporter and perceiving instances of harm. Harm, instead, is mainly determined by the perception of congestion of pickers, which in turn is determined by the mushroom productivity of their forest, their level of privacy protection and their involvement to the primary sector. These findings help policymakers to better understand the logic and sensitivities of forest owners in view of designing mushroom picking policies that can effectively solve picker-landowner conflicts.  相似文献   

经过几十年的发展,广东省虽已建成了以冷冻水产品为主,鱼糜制品、调味休闲食品、干制品、腌熏制品、罐头制品、调味品、功能保健品、鱼粉与饲料加工、海藻化工、海藻食品以及海洋药物等多个门类为辅的较为完善的水产加工体系。但是,与发达国家相比仍有明显差距,加工水平低、企业规模小、加工设备简陋、综合利用率低、标准体系不完善的问题仍十分突出。广东省正在实施海洋强省战略,大力推进水产品精深加工,对促进广东省由海洋经济大省向海洋经济强省转变具有十分重要的意义,为此,文章从扩大企业规模、推进技术创新、发展精深加工、实施品牌战略、健全质量安全标准体系等方面提出了发展广东省水产品深加工的政策建议。  相似文献   

Using urban survey data collected by the authors in 2001–02, this paper analyses demographics, cultural factors and purchasing behaviours influencing the consumption of fresh milk, yogurt, ice cream and powered milk in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, China. Results from estimation of a double-hurdle model of consumption show that income and marketing channels are the key determinants of milk consumption levels; however, education, advertising and convenience play a more important role in consumption of other dairy products. There is some evidence that milk powder, as a consumer good, may be becoming an inferior product in urban China. Finally, the survey data suggest that the growing sophistication of China's retail sector is influencing consumption of dairy products.  相似文献   

Wild edible mushroom demand has increased substantially in OECD countries in the last few years. Nevertheless, few studies have been published in recent years on these markets. The main objective of this paper is to characterise the saffron milk cap (Lactarius deliciosus Fr.) demand in Spain. Data sources in this study come from main Central Markets in Spain. Using econometric methods, we have found that the consequence of an increase in the price of the saffron milk cap has a negative effect on demand. However, changes in the percentage of persons born in Catalonia every year exercise a positive effect, and price increases in the Madrid market could also induce an increase in the Lactarius deliciosus demand in the Barcelona Central Market. The consequences of chanterelle imports on the Catalan demand for the saffron milk cap appear to be negative. Finally, results indicate that the saffron milk cap and oyster mushroom behave as complementary goods and, therefore, consumption of one of these mushrooms reinforces the other's consumption.  相似文献   

张迎阳  蒋儆  薛海华  郑文武 《现代食品》2021,(6):104-107,112
本课题主要以蔬菜鸡肉丸为研究对象,选取香菇为添加蔬菜,旨在研究添加香菇对鸡肉丸的感官、品质与保藏特性的影响,探究香菇鸡肉丸的可行性及效果。将香菇以0%、2%、4%、6%和8%的不同比例等质量替代鸡胸肉加入鸡肉丸,测定各组鸡肉丸样品的感官评分、质构特性,并将新制鸡肉丸样品置于-18~24℃环境下保藏,测定其质构。实验结果表明,香菇的添加使得鸡肉丸的感官性能和质构特性得到提高,口感得到优化。加香菇的鸡肉丸样品在-24℃冷藏期内,质构维持较好,可用于提高蔬菜鸡肉丸配方安全性,也便于鸡肉丸绿色保健食品的开发。香菇添加量为6%时,鸡肉丸感官品质、质构特性最好,且在-18~24℃条件下冷藏效果较好。  相似文献   

Seafood is an important food commodity in Spain, the second largest consuming nation of seafood in the world. Today, several changes in demographics, socioeconomic factors, and lifestyle changes have affected demand for seafood products. Double‐hurdle models allow an examination of Spanish household expenditures on these products and explicitly account for the value of women's time. The empirical evidence shows that the set of statistically significant factors in the participation and expenditure equations is not the same for fresh and processed seafood goods. Income and household demographic variables are important determinants of both participation and expenditures on seafood products. In addition, the value of women's time affects expenditures on processed products, which include frozen, cured, and canned seafood goods.  相似文献   

作为农业循环经济的代表性产业,中国食用菌产业近年来发展迅速,产业结构出现了新变化,工厂化大规模集中生产方式发展较快。但近三年的产量数据表明,我国食用菌产业的生产主体仍是以家庭为生产单位的种植户。通过实地调研与对比观察法,文章分析了山东省食用菌种植户的相对优势、自身缺陷及生存战略,并提出了对策建议。文章首先指出,食用菌种植户的竞争优势在于低生产成本与高生产灵活性。继而分析了影响种植户生存能力的负面因素,即:议价能力低、技术与操作水平低、外部交易成本高、销售渠道有限、抵御市场风险能力差。并指出为了提高生存能力,种植户采取了差异竞争、合作化及多元经营的生存策略。最后,从进一步降低成本与优化合作模式的角度提出了加强种植户生存能力的对策建议:指出循环利用工厂化企业废弃菌棒与杂菌污染菌棒可以有效降低生产成本;并提出在合作社发展基础薄弱的地区率先发展"农户+议价合作社+公司"的合作模式,在基础较好的地区大力推行"农户+合作社+超市"的合作模式。  相似文献   

There are many research on consumer perception of fish product attributes. To increase fish consumption, as recommended by international health organizations and dietary guidelines, there is a need to better understand what drives consumers to fish consumption behaviour. The objective of the research is to explore determinants of fish frequency consumption, with focus on healthy attitude and socio-demographic or family structure characteristics. The research interviewed 740 consumers face-to-face. Data elaboration includes a factor analysis, with PCA and Varimax rotation, and multiple multivariate linear regressions. Results show that consumer health-orientation and social influences are better drivers to increase fish consumption frequency, compared to socio-economic characteristics, including households with children. Easing consumer time constraints and fish purchasing favor convenience and at home fish consumption frequency. Given the health advantages of higher fish consumption, government initiatives should support fish food industry marketing strategies.  相似文献   

目的:比较传统玻璃蒸馏瓶蒸馏装置、二氧化硫测定仪、自动凯氏定氮仪3种仪器测定食品中二氧化硫的效果及适用性,为设备选型提供参考.方法:选取番薯干、咸菜、香菇干,分别用上述3种蒸馏装置测定样品中的二氧化硫含量,分析测定结果和过程控制.结果:使用3种不同蒸馏仪器测定结果无显著性差异,两次独立测定结果的绝对差值小于算术平均值的10%,回收率均在85%~95%.结论:二氧化硫测定仪自动化程度高,安全性高,基本可以替代传统玻璃蒸馏瓶蒸馏,实现大部分食品的批量检测,对于香菇干等蒸馏过程易倒吸食品,可采用自动凯氏定氮仪检测,提高实验的准确性和可靠性.  相似文献   


A nonlinear, partial equilibrium, Armington model of the European Union canned pear market was built and simulated for reductions in specific EU policies and for reductions in selected combinations of these policies relevant to canned pears: import tariffs, factor subsidies, and an output subsidy. Effects of these policy reductions on the following EU canned pear market variables were comparatively analyzed: own-product consumption, imports, exports, and price. Comparative analyses of these policy-specific effects were conducted from two viewpoints: the absolute magnitudes of completely eliminating, and the marginal effects of incrementally reducing, the EU policies and policy combinations. Among other findings, results suggest that EU tariff reduction enhances EU imports more than EU subsidy reduction, and that EU subsidy reduction increases EU prices more effectively than reducing EU tariffs.  相似文献   

本试验以草莓和皇冠梨为研究对象,对其进行-25℃冻藏处理,以明确冻藏对两种水果失重、维生素C含量、可溶性糖含量和可滴定酸度的影响.结果表明,冻藏后两种水果的重量有微小变化;冻藏24 h后,与鲜样相比,草莓维生素C含量和可滴定酸度均显著增加,冻藏草莓的维生素C含量是鲜样的1.17倍,可溶性糖含量增加16.00%,糖酸比无...  相似文献   

基于秦岭太白山自然保护区周边社区农户微观层面的调查数据,采用ologit模型和ols模型,从薪柴带给农户的效用角度,定量分析影响薪柴消费的主要因素。研究结果表明:家庭经济条件对薪柴消费有负向影响,女性家庭成员个数、户主年龄有正向影响,农户生计和劳动力配置非农化程度有负向影响,农户居住的地理位置以及能源消费习惯也是影响薪柴消费的重要因素。  相似文献   

[目的]通过向有过O2O模式下生鲜农产品电商购物经历的消费者发放问卷并分析个体特征,运用主成份分析法,探究O2O模式下生鲜农产品消费者购物满意度的影响因素及影响作用。[方法]通过在多个线上网络社交平台以及线下生鲜农产品电商实体门店,向有过O2O模式生鲜农产品电商购物经历的消费者发放调查问卷,通过索取样本数据,分析研究O2O模式下购买生鲜农产品的消费者的个体特征,并通过相关性来分析消费者购物满意度的影响因素之间的关系。[结果]生鲜农产品质量、销售价格、商家的物流配送、消费者使用的支付方式、商家的售后服务、商家的网页设计,均对提升消费者线上线下购买生鲜农产品的满意度有正向的影响。[结论](1)商家应严格把控生鲜农产品质量,保持线上线下的生鲜农产品品质一致性。(2)商家定价应遵循多样定价、合理定价。(3)商家应做好线上的网页设计,维护好线上的网站质量,同时商家应合理进行产品宣传,消除信息误解。(4)商家应提升自己的服务,提供符合消费者购物习惯的支付方式。(5)进一步完善商家的物流配送能力,建立更全面的配送网络,倡导及时、高效配送,提升配送人员素质,提供更优质的配送服务。(6)保障消费者权益并完善商家的售后服务,线下可提供体验性服务满足消费者个性化的消费需求。  相似文献   

目的 低温奶产品是我国唯一可以与国际奶产品相抗衡的产品品类,未来低温奶产品必然在我国形成新的消费趋势,并成为复兴民族乳业的关键。基于此,探究大城市居民的低温奶产品消费认知水平、消费现状及其消费的影响因素既可开拓国内低温奶产品消费市场,也可弥补该产品消费研究的不足,对提高我国奶业国际竞争力具有重要现实意义。方法 文章通过使用2019年北京市8个辖区内的418位城镇居民乳制品消费调研数据,以不同群体特征作为切入点,深度分析大城市居民低温奶产品消费认知水平及消费现状,并借助Heckman两阶段模型考察个人及家庭特征和产品认知信息是否是影响城镇居民低温奶产品消费行为决策和消费水平的主要因素。结果 学生人口数、工作人口数、收入水平以及年龄、职业因素分别影响居民巴氏杀菌奶和低温酸奶的消费行为决策。年龄、教育水平以及性别、人口总数、职业因素分别影响居民巴氏杀菌奶和低温酸奶的消费水平。营养价值、口感风味和制作工艺因素对居民巴氏杀菌奶消费行为决策和消费水平均有显著影响,而保质期和价格因素仅对消费行为决策有显著影响。口感风味、制作工艺和价格因素对居民低温酸奶消费行为决策影响显著,但只有口感风味因素对消费水平有显著影响。结论 城镇居民低温奶产品认知概念薄弱,对营养价值、口感风味和保质期信息的认知程度较高。低温奶产品消费具有区域性差异,消费主力集中在女性人群、40~50岁人群、高学历和高收入人群中。个人和家庭特征以及产品认知信息对城镇居民巴氏杀菌奶和低温酸奶的消费行为决策和消费水平均具有显著影响。未来我国大城市居民的乳制品消费将逐渐趋于新鲜化和休闲化发展,低温奶产品消费将发展为新兴消费趋势,液态奶产品消费结构逐步改善。  相似文献   

We apply a bivariate probit model and cluster analysis to German household survey data to evaluate factors influencing consumption of conventional and organic potatoes. Results show there is a positive but insignificant correlation between the consumption of conventional and organic potatoes and consumers associate organic potatoes with healthy ingredients, trusted origin, and food safety. Furthermore, consumers' sociodemographics such as education and children in households affect their choice of potatoes. Cluster analysis results group potato consumers into the market segments “Industry trusting,” “Healthy diet oriented,” and “Price oriented.” These results suggest an adoption of different marketing strategies to promote fresh potatoes to the different market segments.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study on female adolescents' food choice motives, constraints and behaviours over the course of the school day. A model of top shelf food and drink (TSFD) consumption is developed. TSFDs relate to those foods located towards the top of the food pyramid as presented in the current Irish guide to healthy eating and are advised to be consumed in very small amounts or used sparingly. The findings support negative associations between TSFD consumption and the importance of health/physique, diet/slimming and natural ingredients to the adolescent. Perceived guardians' knowledge of adolescents' eating behaviour was also found to be negatively related to the frequency of TSFD consumption. Positive associations with TSFD consumption are found with regards to the availability of these foods in school, and price and trendiness motives. The provision of lunch money was found to be positively associated with availability of food in schools.  相似文献   

Using a double hurdle model on panel data from 3,200 Danish households (monthly observations for 2002–2007), we study the effects of health‐related media information on the demand for organic fruit and vegetables. We find that “negative” information about pesticides contained in conventional fruit and vegetables mainly influences the probability of a consumer entering the organic market, not the quantities consumed by households that are already active on the organic market. “Positive” information that links health and the consumption of organic food influences both steps of the decision process. Our dataset includes information about consumers’ media habits, which allows us to disentangle the direct effects of media information from the indirect effects of this information as it is disseminated through the population. Our results suggest that directly obtained information is the main type of information influencing consumers, while information loadings by dissemination through the population have almost no effect on consumption.  相似文献   

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