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Nonparametric Estimation of Expected Shortfall   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The expected shortfall is an increasingly popular risk measurein financial risk management and it possesses the desired sub-additivityproperty, which is lacking for the value at risk (VaR). We considertwo nonparametric expected shortfall estimators for dependentfinancial losses. One is a sample average of excessive losseslarger than a VaR. The other is a kernel smoothed version ofthe first estimator (Scaillet, 2004 Mathematical Finance), hopingthat more accurate estimation can be achieved by smoothing.Our analysis reveals that the extra kernel smoothing does notproduce more accurate estimation of the shortfall. This is differentfrom the estimation of the VaR where smoothing has been shownto produce reduction in both the variance and the mean squareerror of estimation. Therefore, the simpler ES estimator basedon the sample average of excessive losses is attractive forthe shortfall estimation.  相似文献   

引入状态空间模型对传统两因子CBD模型拟合阶段和预测阶段进行联合建模,并基于卡尔曼滤波方法对模型参数进行估计。进一步考虑到死亡率数据的小样本特征,结合Bootstrap仿真技术和生存年金组合折现模型对长寿风险进行测度。利用1996~2011年数据展开实证研究,结果表明:结合模型解释能力、参数估计结果和误差项正态分布检验结果,两因子状态空间模型要优于传统CBD模型;年金组合规模的扩大可以消除微观长寿风险,但不能消除宏观长寿风险和参数风险;宏观长寿风险占据着不可分散风险的主导地位。  相似文献   

Pricing for mortgage and mortgage-backed securities is complicated due to the stochastic and interdependent nature of prepayment and default risks. This paper presents a unified economic model of the contingent claims and competing risks of mortgage termination by prepayment and default. I adopt a proportional hazard framework to analyze these competing and interdependent risks in a model with time-varying covariates. The paper incorporates a stochastic interest rate model into the hazard function for prepayment. The empirical results reported in the paper provide new evidence about the ruthlessness of default and prepayment behavior and the sensitivity of these decisions to demographic as well as financial phenomena. The results also illustrate that evaluating the interest rate contingent claims with a stochastic term structure has effects on predicting not only the mortgage prepayment behavior but also the mortgage default behavior.  相似文献   

The Black–Scholes model is based on a one-parameter pricing kernel with constant elasticity. Theoretical and empirical results suggest declining elasticity and, hence, a pricing kernel with at least two parameters. We price European-style options on assets whose probability distributions have two unknown parameters. We assume a pricing kernel which also has two unknown parameters. When certain conditions are met, a two-dimensional risk-neutral valuation relationship exists for the pricing of these options: i.e. the relationship between the price of the option and the prices of the underlying asset and one other option on the asset is the same as it would be under risk neutrality. In this class of models, the price of the underlying asset and that of one other option take the place of the unknown parameters.   相似文献   

道德风险问题是我国金融业普遍存在的问题,许多金融案件的发生无不与金融从业人员的职业道德水平有关.而目前金融系统实行的多层级委托代理经营管理模式存在制度缺陷和道德风险隐患.  相似文献   

The paper considers kernel estimation of conditional quantilesfor both short-range and long-range-dependent processes. Undermild regularity conditions, we obtain Bahadur representationsand central limit theorems for kernel quantile estimates ofthose processes. Our theory is applicable to many price processesof assets in finance. In particular, we present an asymptotictheory for kernel estimates of the value-at-risk (VaR) of themarket value of an asset conditional on the historical informationor a state process. The results are assessed based on a smallsimulation and are applied to AT&T monthly returns.  相似文献   

Hedonic regression has become the standard approach for modeling the behavior of house prices. Usually, the common price component is modeled via dummy variables. Based on an approximation for the present value, we deliver an economic interpretation of the common price component. This allows to include explanatory factors like inflation rates, mortgage rates and building permissions. The notional rents for houses are fitted with a flexible hedonic function. We use the EM algorithm to estimate our model with monthly data of single-family house sales from the four South-West districts of Berlin, Germany from 1982:8 to 1999:12. Emphasis is put on the interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

Financial advisors commonly recommend that the investment horizon should be rather long in order to benefit from the ‘time diversification’. In this case, in order to choose the optimal portfolio, it is necessary to estimate the risk and reward of several alternative portfolios over a long-run given a sample of observations over a short-run. Two interrelated obstacles in these estimations are lack of sufficient data and the uncertainty in the nature of the return generating process. To overcome these obstacles researchers rely heavily on block bootstrap methods. In this paper we demonstrate that the estimates provided by a block bootstrap method are generally biased and we propose two methods of bias reduction. We show that an improper use of a block bootstrap method usually causes underestimation of the risk of a portfolio whose returns are independent over time and overestimation of the risk of a portfolio whose returns are mean-reverting.  相似文献   

经济因素在税收增长中贡献作用的估算:1997~2005   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济因素在税收增长中贡献作用的实证研究,是分析税收高增长问题的重要突破口。在实际估算中,首先,在深入分析GDP与税基对应性的基础上,界定了经济因素的内涵及其与税收增长的关联性;其次,结合相关的数据资料,确定了相应的分析步骤和估算方法;最后,计算得到了主要经济因素在1997~2005年期间对于税收增长影响作用的实证结果。  相似文献   

税收流失估算:美国的经验及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了美国国内收入局(IRS)于20世纪60年代启动税收遵从评估项目(TCMP),从1979年开始据此进行税收流失估算,以及从2000年开始启动国家研究项目(NRP)继续开展税收流失估算工作的历程。文章对美国国内收入局采用的估算方法进行了详细介绍,对其利用估算结果制定美国税收征管战略的情况进行了全面分析。最后,借鉴美国经验对我国开展税收流失估算工作、制定税收征管战略提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, we adopt a smooth non-parametric estimation to explore the safety-first portfolio optimization problem. We obtain a non-parametric estimation calculation formula for loss (truncated) probability using the kernel estimator of the portfolio returns’ cumulative distribution function, and embed it into two types of safety-first portfolio selection models. We numerically and empirically test our non-parametric method to demonstrate its accuracy and efficiency. Cross-validation results show that our non-parametric kernel estimation method outperforms the empirical distribution method. As an empirical application, we simulate optimal portfolios and display return-risk characteristics using China National Social Security Fund strategic stocks and Shanghai Stock Exchange 50 Index components.  相似文献   

In this note we extend the Gaussian estimation of two factor CKLS and CIR models recently considered in Nowman, K. B. (2001, Gaussian estimation and forecasting of multi-factor term structure models with an application to Japan and the United Kingdom, Asia Pacif. Financ. Markets 8, 23–34) to include feedback effects in the conditional mean as was originally formulated in general continuous time models by Bergstrom, A. R. (1966, Non-recursive models as discrete approximations to systems of stochastic differential equations, Econometrica 34, 173–182) with constant volatility. We use the exact discrete model of Bergstrom, A. R. (1966, Non-recursive models as discrete approximations to systems of stochastic differential equations, Econometrica 34, 173–182) to estimate the parameters which was first used by Brennan, M. J. and Schwartz, E. S. (1979, A continuous time approach to the pricing of bonds, J. Bank. Financ. 3, 133–155) to estimate their two factor interest model but incorporating the assumption of Nowman, K. B. (1997, Gaussian estimation of single-factor continuous time models of the term structure of interest rates, J. Financ. 52, 1695–1706; 2001, Gaussian estimation and forecasting of multi-factor term structure models with an application to Japan and the United Kingdom, Asia Pacif. Financ. Markets 8, 23–34). An application to monthly Japanese Euro currency rates indicates some evidence of feedback from the 1-year rate to the 1-month rate in both the CKLS and CIR models. We also find a low level-volatility effect supporting Nowman, K. B. (2001, Gaussian estimation and forecasting of multi-factor term structure models with an application to Japan and the United Kingdom, Asia Pacif. Financ. Markets 8, 23–34).  相似文献   

本文在利用泊松双线性模型对我国未来人口死亡率曲线进行预测的基础上,采用长寿风险模型预测了我国养老金个人账户的财务平衡状况以及最佳退休年龄和投资收益率的匹配组合。结论认为,养老金个人账户压力较大的是女性群体,因此应首先考虑提高女性劳动者的退休年龄。另外,男性和女性在不同的投资收益率下有最佳退休路径可选择。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,全国上下展开了全面的、全方位的扶贫工作,极大地推动了国家经济的发展。扶贫过程中,对于政府及社会团体组织等扶贫来讲,针对不同群体、不同地域、不同文化背景等问题,制定了不同的扶贫方案和目标,有给钱给物的金融物质扶贫,也有文化扶贫等,然而,对于扶贫对象来讲,不同的扶贫方式、不同方案、不同目标对于其脱贫需求效果来讲并不相同,会存在一个先后的心理序列排序,哪种扶贫方案目标对于脱贫更有效呢?本文站在金融扶贫对象脱贫有效性的角度出发,对于不同扶贫方案目标的有效性进行理论分析,为我国金融精准扶贫工作提供一定理论参考。  相似文献   

Nonparametric Inference of Value-at-Risk for Dependent Financial Returns   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The article considers nonparametric estimation of value-at-risk(VaR) and associated standard error estimation for dependentfinancial returns. Theoretical properties of the kernel VaRestimator are investigated in the context of dependence. Thepresence of dependence affects the variance of the VaR estimatesand has to be taken into consideration in order to obtain adequateassessment of their variation. An estimation procedure of thestandard errors is proposed based on kernel estimation of thespectral density of a derived series. The performance of theVaR estimators and the proposed standard error estimation procedureare evaluated by theoretical investigation, simulation of commonlyused models for financial returns, and empirical studies onreal financial return series.  相似文献   

It is well known that an unbiased forecast of the terminal valueof a portfolio requires compounding at the arithmetic mean returnover the investment horizon. However, the maximum-likelihoodpractice, common with academics, of compounding at the estimatorof mean return results in upward biased and highly inefficientestimates of long-term expected returns. We derive analyticallyboth an unbiased and a small-sample efficient estimator of long-termexpected returns for a given sample size and horizon. Both estimatorsentail penalties that reduce the annual compounding rate asthe investment horizon increases. The unbiased estimator, whichis far lower than the compounded arithmetic average, is stillvery inefficient, often more so than a simple geometric estimatorknown to practitioners. Our small-sample efficient estimatoris even lower. These results compound the sobering evidencein recent work that the equity risk premium is lower than suggestedby post-1926 data. Our methodology and results are robust toextensions such as predictable returns. We also confirm analyticallythat parameter uncertainty, properly incorporated, producesoptimal asset allocations, in stark contrast to conventionalwisdom. Longer investment horizons require lower, not higher,allocations to risky assets.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a class of multivariate GARCH models that extends the existing literature by explicitly modeling correlation dependent pricing kernels. A large subclass admits closed-form recursive solutions for the moment generating function under the risk-neutral measure, which permits efficient pricing of multi-asset options. We perform a full calibration to three bivariate series of index returns and their corresponding volatility indexes in a joint maximum likelihood estimation. The results empirically confirm the presence of correlation dependance in addition to the well known variance dependance in the pricing kernel. The model improves both the overall likelihood and the VIX-implied likelihoods, with a better fitting of marginal distributions, e.g., 15% less error on one-asset option prices. The new degree of freedom is also shown to significantly impact the shape of marginal and joint pricing kernels, and leads to up to 53% differences for out-of-the-money two-asset correlation option prices.  相似文献   

Not all claims are reported when a database for financial operational risk is created. The probability of reporting increases with the size of the operational risk loss, and converges towards one for big losses. Losses in operational risk have different causes, and usually follow a wide variety of distributional shapes. Therefore, a method for modelling operational risk based on one or two parametric models is deemed to fail. In this paper, we introduce a semi-parametric method for modelling operational risk that is capable of taking under-reporting into account and being guided by prior knowledge of the distributional shape.  相似文献   

我国DSGE模型的开发及在货币政策分析中的应用   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
DSGE模型是近年来宏观经济及货币政策分析方面关注的一个重要研究方向,也是中央银行在经济建模方面的一个新视角,该模型的显性建模框架、理论一致性、微观和宏观分析的完美结合、长短期分析的有机整合等独特性日益受到中央银行的青睐。本文结合我国的实际情况,建立了一个带有金融加速器的开放经济DSGE模型,基于我国的数据,采用Bayes技术估计了我国的DSGE模型,并利用该模型进行了政策分析。  相似文献   


This paper describes a classroom-tested instructional resource, grounded in principles of active learning and a constructivism, that embraces two primary objectives: ‘demystify’ for accounting students technical material from statistics regarding ordinary least-squares (OLS) regression analysis – material that students may find obscure or overly abstract – and increase student knowledge regarding the use of Excel for cost-estimation purposes. The resource consists of a set of seven student-related files – PowerPoint slides, Word documents, and Excel files – divided into two major parts: four files that deal with simple (i.e., one-variable) linear regression and three files related to the incremental unit-time learning-curve model. A separate Word file, meant for instructors, provides detailed guidance regarding the use of the student-based files. The resource is flexible in that it can be used at both graduate and undergraduate courses in cost/management accounting; customized to meet the needs of individual instructors (coverage of the entire resource requires approximately seven hours of in-class time) and used in conjunction with any cost/management accounting textbook. Throughout the resource many references to related online supplemental materials are provided, including links to relevant online video clips.  相似文献   

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