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This paper presents an extension of the classical compound Poisson risk model for which the inter-claim time and the forthcoming claim amount are no longer independent random variables (rv's). Asymptotic tail probabilities for the discounted aggregate claims are presented when the force of interest is constant and the claim amounts are heavy tail distributed rv's. Furthermore, we derive asymptotic finite time ruin probabilities, as well as asymptotic approximations for some common risk measures associated with the discounted aggregate claims. A simulation study is performed in order to validate the results obtained in the free interest risk model.  相似文献   

We derive expressions for the density of the time to ruin given that ruin occurs in a Sparre Andersen model in which individual claim amounts are exponentially distributed and inter-arrival times are distributed as Erlang(n,?β). We provide numerical illustrations of finite time ruin probabilities, as well as illustrating features of the density functions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a class of infinite-dimensional phase-type distributions with finitely many parameters as models for heavy tailed distributions. The class of finite-dimensional phase-type distributions is dense in the class of distributions on the positive reals and may hence approximate any such distribution. We prove that formulas from renewal theory, and with a particular attention to ruin probabilities, which are true for common phase-type distributions also hold true for the infinite-dimensional case. We provide algorithms for calculating functionals of interest such as the renewal density and the ruin probability. It might be of interest to approximate a given heavy tailed distribution of some other type by a distribution from the class of infinite-dimensional phase-type distributions and to this end we provide a calibration procedure which works for the approximation of distributions with a slowly varying tail. An example from risk theory, comparing ruin probabilities for a classical risk process with Pareto distributed claim sizes, is presented and exact known ruin probabilities for the Pareto case are compared to the ones obtained by approximating by an infinite-dimensional hyper-exponential distribution.  相似文献   

For a rather general class of risk-reserve processes, we provide an exact method for calculating different kinds of ruin probabilities, with particular emphasis on variations over Parisian type of ruin. The risk-reserve processes under consideration have, in general, dependent phase-type distributed claim sizes and inter-arrivals times, whereas the movement between claims can either be linear or follow a Brownian motion with linear drift. For such processes, we provide explicit formulae for classical, Parisian and cumulative Parisian types of ruin (for both finite and infinite time horizons) when the clocks are phase-type distributed. An erlangization scheme provides an efficient algorithmic methods for calculating the aforementioned ruin probabilities with deterministic clocks. Special attention is drawn to the construction of specific dependency structures, and we provide a number of numerical examples to study its effect on probabilities.  相似文献   

We consider a Markov-modulated risk model in which the claim inter-arrivals, amounts and premiums are influenced by an external Markovian environment process. A system of Laplace transforms of the probabilities of the severity of ruin, given the initial environment state, is established from a system of integro-differential equations derived by Snoussi [The severity of ruin in Markov-modulated risk models Schweiz Aktuarver. Mitt., 2002, 1, 31–43]. In the two-state model, explicit formulas for probabilities of the severity of ruin are derived, when the initial reserve is zero or when both claim amount distributions are from the rational family. Numerical illustrations are also given.  相似文献   


We consider risk processes t t?0 with the property that the rate β of the Poisson arrival process and the distribution of B of the claim sizes are not fixed in time but depend on the state of an underlying Markov jump process {Zt } t?0 such that β=β i and B=Bi when Zt=i . A variety of methods, including approximations, simulation and numerical methods, for assessing the values of the ruin probabilities are studied and in particular we look at the Cramér-Lundberg approximation and diffusion approximations with correction terms. The mathematical framework is Markov-modulated random walks in discrete and continuous time, and in particular Wiener-Hopf factorisation problems and conjugate distributions (Esscher transforms) are involved.  相似文献   


A wide variety of distributions are shown to be of mixed-Erlang type. Useful computational formulas result for many quantities of interest in a risk-theoretic context when the claim size distribution is an Erlang mixture. In particular, the aggregate claims distribution and related quantities such as stop-loss moments are discussed, as well as ruin-theoretic quantities including infinitetime ruin probabilities and the distribution of the deficit at ruin. A very useful application of the results is the computation of finite-time ruin probabilities, with numerical examples given. Finally, extensions of the results to more general gamma mixtures are briefly examined.  相似文献   

Numerical evaluation of ruin probabilities in the classical risk model is an important problem. If claim sizes are heavy-tailed, then such evaluations are challenging. To overcome this, an attractive way is to approximate the claim sizes with a phase-type distribution. What is not clear though is how many phases are enough in order to achieve a specific accuracy in the approximation of the ruin probability. The goals of this paper are to investigate the number of phases required so that we can achieve a pre-specified accuracy for the ruin probability and to provide error bounds. Also, in the special case of a completely monotone claim size distribution we develop an algorithm to estimate the ruin probability by approximating the excess claim size distribution with a hyperexponential one. Finally, we compare our approximation with the heavy traffic and heavy tail approximations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first study orders, valid up to a certain positive initial surplus, between a pair of ruin probabilities resulting from two individual claim size random variables for corresponding continuous time surplus processes perturbed by diffusion. The results are then applied to obtain a smooth upper (lower) bound for the underlying ruin probability; the upper (lower) bound is constructed from exponentially distributed claims, provided that the mean residual lifetime function of the underlying random variable is non-decreasing (non-increasing). Finally, numerical examples are given to illustrate the constructed upper bounds for ruin probabilities with comparisons to some existing ones.  相似文献   


Growing research interest has been shown in finite-time ruin probabilities for discrete risk processes, even though the literature is not as extensive as for continuous-time models. The general approach is through the so-called Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function, obtained for large families of claim severities and discrete risk models. This paper proposes another approach to deriving recursive and explicit formulas for finite-time ruin probabilities with exponential or geometric claim severities. The proposed method, as compared to the general Gerber-Shiu approach, is able to provide simpler derivation and straightforward expressions for these two special families of claims.  相似文献   


If one assumes that the surplus of an insurer follows a jump-diffusion process and the insurer would invest its surplus in a risky asset, whose prices are modeled by a geometric Brownian motion, the resulting surplus for the insurer is called a jump-diffusion surplus process compounded by a geometric Brownian motion. In this resulting surplus process, ruin may be caused by a claim or oscillation. We decompose the ruin probability in the resulting surplus process into the sum of two ruin probabilities: the probability that ruin is caused by a claim, and the probability that ruin is caused by oscillation. Integro-differential equations for these ruin probabilities are derived. When claim sizes are exponentially distributed, asymptotical formulas of the ruin probabilities are derived from the integro-differential equations, and it is shown that all three ruin probabilities are asymptotical power functions with the same orders and that the orders of the power functions are determined by the drift and volatility parameters of the geometric Brownian motion. It is known that the ruin probability for a jump-diffusion surplus process is an asymptotical exponential function when claim sizes are exponentially distributed. The results of this paper further confirm that risky investments for an insurer are dangerous in the sense that either ruin is certain or the ruin probabilities are asymptotical power functions, not asymptotical exponential functions, when claim sizes are exponentially distributed.  相似文献   


Two types of default risk are discussed in the article: The traditional “probability of ruin” (insurer being unable to meet his obligations) and a “perceived probability of ruin” (the probability of the insured being affected by ruin). The explicit relationship between these probabilities on the actuarial loading factors of a mutual insurer were developed. The explicit mathematical formulae obtained for these complex relationships were followed also by numerical results. A second concept presented in the paper is related to the idea of actuarially fair premiums. It is shown that the premium must also be a function of the payments of the other insured as well as their claim distributions, reflecting thereby the simultaneity and mutual dependence of the insured.  相似文献   

In this paper, a dependent Sparre Andersen risk process in which the joint density of the interclaim time and the resulting claim severity satisfies the factorization as in Willmot and Woo is considered. We study a generalization of the Gerber–Shiu function (i) whose penalty function further depends on the surplus level immediately after the second last claim before ruin; and (ii) which involves the moments of the discounted aggregate claim costs until ruin. The generalized discounted density with a moment-based component proposed in Cheung plays a key role in deriving recursive defective renewal equations. We pay special attention to the case where the marginal distribution of the interclaim times is Coxian, and the required components in the recursion are obtained. A reverse type of dependency structure, where the claim severities follow a combination of exponentials, is also briefly discussed, and this leads to a nice explicit expression for the expected discounted aggregate claims until ruin. Our results are applied to generate some numerical examples involving (i) the covariance of the time of ruin and the discounted aggregate claims until ruin; and (ii) the expectation, variance and third central moment of the discounted aggregate claims until ruin.  相似文献   

This contribution focuses on a discrete-time risk model in which both insurance risk and financial risk are taken into account and they are equipped with a wide type of dependence structure. We derive precise asymptotic formulas for the ruin probabilities when the insurance risk has a dominatedly varying tail. In the special case of regular variation, the corresponding formula is proved to be uniform for the time horizon.  相似文献   

One of the central issues in the Solvency II process will be an appropriate calculation of the Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR). This is the economic capital that an insurance company must hold in order to guarantee a one-year ruin probability of at most 0.5%. In the so-called standard formula, the overall SCR is calculated from individual SCRs in a particular way that imitates the calculation of the standard deviation for a sum of normally distributed risks (SCR aggregation formula). However, in order to cope with skewness in the individual risk distributions, this formula must be calibrated accordingly in order to maintain the prescribed level of confidence. In this paper, we want to show that the methods proposed and discussed thus far still show stability problems within the general setup.  相似文献   


A Markov-modulated risk process perturbed by diffusion is considered in this paper. In the model the frequencies and distributions of the claims and the variances of the Wiener process are influenced by an external Markovian environment process with a finite number of states. This model is motivated by the flexibility in modeling the claim arrival process, allowing that periods with very frequent arrivals and ones with very few arrivals may alternate. Given the initial surplus and the initial environment state, systems of integro-differential equations for the expected discounted penalty functions at ruin caused by a claim and oscillation are established, respectively; a generalized Lundberg’s equation is also obtained. In the two-state model, the expected discounted penalty functions at ruin due to a claim and oscillation are derived when both claim amount distributions are from the rational family. As an illustration, the explicit results are obtained for the ruin probability when claim sizes are exponentially distributed. A numerical example also is given for the case that two classes of claims are Erlang(2) distributed and of a mixture of two exponentials.  相似文献   


We determine the optimal investment strategy in a financial market for an individual whose random consumption is correlated with the price of a risky asset. Bayraktar and Young consider this problem and show that the minimum probability of lifetime ruin is the unique convex, smooth solution of its corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. In this paper we focus on determining the probability of lifetime ruin and the corresponding optimal investment strategy. We obtain approximations for the probability of lifetime ruin for small values of certain parameters and demonstrate numerically that they are reasonable ones. We also obtain numerical results in cases for which those parameters are not small.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a compound Markov binomial model which is an extension of the compound binomial model proposed by Gerber (1988a, b) and further examined by Shiu (1989) and Willmot (1993). The compound Markov binomial model is based on the Markov Bernoulli process which introduces dependency between claim occurrences. Recursive formulas are provided for the computation of the ruin probabilities over finite- and infinite-time horizons. A Lundberg exponential bound is derived for the ruin probability and numerical examples are also provided.  相似文献   


We describe an approach to the evaluation of the moments of the time of ruin in the classical Poisson risk model. The methodology employed involves the expression of these moments in terms of linear combinations of convolutions involving compound negative binomial distributions. We then adapt the results for use in the practically important case involving phase-type claim size distributions. We present numerical examples to illuminate the influence of claim size variability on the moments of the time of ruin.  相似文献   

For a large motor insurance portfolio, on an open environment, we study the impact of experience rating in finite and continuous time ruin probabilities. We consider a model for calculating ruin probabilities applicable to large portfolios with a Markovian Bonus-Malus System (BMS), based on claim counts, for an automobile portfolio using the classical risk framework model. New challenges are brought when an open portfolio scenario is introduced. When compared with a classical BMS approach ruin probabilities may change significantly. By using a BMS of a Portuguese insurer, we illustrate and discuss the impact of the proposed formulation on the initial surplus required to target a given ruin probability. Under an open portfolio setup, we show that we may have a significant impact on capital requirements when compared with the classical BMS, by having a significant reduction on the initial surplus needed to maintain a fixed level of the ruin probability.  相似文献   

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