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The traditional theory of collective risk is concerned with fluctuations in the capital reserve {Y(t): t ?O} of an insurance company. The classical model represents {Y(t)} as a positive constant x (initial capital) plus a deterministic linear function (cumulative income) minus a compound Poisson process (cumulative claims). The central problem is to determine the ruin probability ψ(x) that capital ever falls to zero. It is known that, under reasonable assumptions, one can approximate {Y(t)} by an appropriate Wiener process and hence ψ(.) by the corresponding exponential function of (Brownian) first passage probabilities. This paper considers the classical model modified by the assumption that interest is earned continuously on current capital at rate β > O. It is argued that Y(t) can in this case be approximated by a diffusion process Y*(t) which is closely related to the classical Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. The diffusion {Y*(t)}, which we call compounding Brownian motion, reduces to the ordinary Wiener process when β = O. The first passage probabilities for Y*(t) are found to form a truncated normal distribution, which approximates the ruin function ψ(.) for the model with compounding assets. The approximate expression for ψ(.) is compared against the exact expression for a special case in which the latter is known. Assuming parameter values for which one would anticipate a good approximation, the two expressions are found to agree extremely well over a wide range of initial asset levels.  相似文献   


1. In a s. or n.s. cPp (stationary or non-stationary compound Poisson process) the probability for occurrence of m events, while the parameter (one-or more-dimensional) passes from zero to τ 0 as measured on an absolute scale (the τ-scale), is defined as a mean of Poisson probabilities with intensities, which are distributed with distribution functions defining another random process, called the primary process with respect to the s. or n.s cPp. The stationarity (in the weak sence) and the non-stationarity of the primary process imply the same properties of the s. or n.s. cPp.  相似文献   


Explicit, two-sided bounds are derived for the probability of ruin of an insurance company, whose premium income is represented by an arbitrary, increasing real function, the claims are dependent, integer valued r.v.s and their inter-occurrence times are exponentially, non-identically distributed. It is shown, that the two bounds coincide when the moments of the claims form a Poisson point process. An expression for the survival probability is further derived in this special case, assuming that the claims are integer valued, i.i.d. r.v.s. This expression is compared with a different formula, obtained recently by Picard & Lefevre (1997) in terms of generalized Appell polynomials. The particular case of constant rate premium income and non-zero initial capital is considered. A connection of the survival probability to multivariate B -splines is also established.  相似文献   


This paper considers a Cramér–Lundberg risk setting, where the components of the underlying model change over time. We allow the more general setting of the cumulative claim process being modeled as a spectrally positive Lévy process. We provide an intuitively appealing mechanism to create such parameter uncertainty: at Poisson epochs, we resample the model components from a finite number of d settings. It results in a setup that is particularly suited to describe situations in which the risk reserve dynamics are affected by external processes. We extend the classical Cramér–Lundberg approximation (asymptotically characterizing the all-time ruin probability in a light-tailed setting) to this more general setup. In addition, for the situation that the driving Lévy processes are sums of Brownian motions and compound Poisson processes, we find an explicit uniform bound on the ruin probability. In passing we propose an importance-sampling algorithm facilitating efficient estimation, and prove it has bounded relative error. In a series of numerical experiments we assess the accuracy of the asymptotics and bounds, and illustrate that neglecting the resampling can lead to substantial underestimation of the risk.  相似文献   

1. Some questions about the connection between statistical tests of significance for simple and multiple correlation coefficients and for differences between sample means (and between sample means and population means) of variables of one or several dimensions are treated in this paper. The distributions of the random variables that are considered in such tests are given, under certain conditions, by frequency functions of the following types 1 the recently published treatise “Mathematical Methods of Statistics” by Professor Harald Cramér (Uppsala 1945). : where - ∞ < t < ∞, n≧1; where where 0 < t < ∞, k≧1, n≧k; and where .  相似文献   

Recently, different bivariate Poisson regression models have been used in the actuarial literature to make an a priori ratemaking taking into account the dependence between two types of claims. A natural extension for these models is to consider a posteriori ratemaking (i.e. experience rating models) that also relaxes the independence assumption. We introduce here two bivariate experience rating models that integrate the a priori ratemaking based on the bivariate Poisson regression models, extending the existing literature for the univariate case to the bivariate case. These bivariate experience rating models are applied to an automobile insurance claims data-set to analyse the consequences for posterior premiums when the independence assumption is relaxed. The main finding is that the a posteriori risk factors obtained with the bivariate experience rating models are significantly lower than those factors derived under the independence assumption.  相似文献   


Some authors define the (elementary) compound Poisson process in wide sense {χ t , 0 ? t < ∞} with help of probability distributions where τ is a so-called operational time, a continuous non-decreasing function of t vanishing for t = 0, and V(q, t) is a non-negative distribution function for every t.  相似文献   


The Sparre Andersen risk model assumes that the interclaim times (also the time between the origin and the first claim epoch is considered as an interclaim time) and the amounts of claim are independent random variables such that the interclaim times have the common distribution function K(t), t|>/ 0, K(O)= 0 and the amounts of claim have the common distribution function P(y), - ∞ < y < ∞. Although the Sparre Andersen risk process is not a process with strictly stationary increments in continuous time it is asymptotically so if K(t) is not a lattice distribution. That is an immediate consequence of known properties of renewal processes. Another also immediate consequence of such properties is the fact that if we assume that the time between the origin and the first claim epoch has not K(t) but as its distribution function (kb1 denotes the mean of K(t)) then the so modified Sparre Andersen process has stationary increments (this works even if K(t) is a lattice distribution).

In the present paper some consequences of the above-mentioned stationarity properties are given for the corresponding ruin probabilities in the case when the gross risk premium is positive.  相似文献   


Consider a sequence of independent random variables (r.v.) X 1 X 2, …, Xn , … , with the same distribution function (d.f.) F(x). Let E (Xn ) = 0, E , E (?(X)) denoting the mean value of the r.v. ? (X). Further, let the r.v. where have the d.f. F n (x). It was proved by Berry [1] and the present author (Esseen [2], [4]) that Φ(x) being the normal d.f.   相似文献   


1. If (x) and (y) are lives whose remaining lifetimes are stochasticallyindependent, and if the mortality of each of the lives is given by a Makeham expression, then as a well known fact (see e.g. P. F. Hooker & L. H. Longley-Cook, Life and Other Contingencies, Cambridge 1957, vol. II, pp. 137&138) the evaluation of joint-life endowments and joint-life annuities on the lives (x) and (y) may be performed by substituting a single life (u) for (x) and (y) and altering the force of interest, provided that and with the same value of the parameter c( > 1).  相似文献   

Let the distribution function of X, where a?X ? ∞, defined by the Pearson type III density function be designated by aH(x;p,β).  相似文献   


In a previous paper [2] the author has studied the distribution of the average value of n consecutive observations of the waiting-time in an M/G/1 queuing system, i.e. a system where the arrival epochs form a Poisson process with constant intensity. The observations were assumed to be made during the equilibrium state of the process.  相似文献   


It is well known that if in a queueing situation the arrivals occur in a Poisson stream with intensity λ, and probability differential of a service completion is μd t+o(dt), then in the steady state the successive epochs of service completion also occur in a Poisson stream with intensity λ, that of arrivals. Here, we shall show that this criteria could be proved in the more general case in which the probability differential of a service completion is directly proportional to the number of customers momentarily present in the system.  相似文献   


In einer Note über die Theorie des Deekungskapitales habe ieh für das reduzierte Kapital der gemisehten Versicherung auf die Beträge At den Ausdruck gebraueht (1) wobei als Deckungsintensität bezeichnet wurde.  相似文献   


Recursive formulae are derived for the evaluation of the moments and the descending factorial moments about a point n of mixed Poisson and compound mixed Poisson distributions, in the case where the derivative of the logarithm of the mixing density can be written as a ratio of polynomials. As byproduct, we also obtain recursive formulae for the evaluation of the moments about the origin, central moments, descending and ascending factorial moments of these distributions. Examples are also presented for a number of mixing densities.  相似文献   

In this paper, the compound Poisson risk model is considered. Inspired by Albrecher, Cheung, & Thonhauser. [(2011b). Randomized observation periods for the compound Poisson risk model: dividend. ASTIN Bulletin 41(2), 645–672], it is assumed that the insurer observes its surplus level periodically to decide on dividend payments at the arrival times of an Erlang(n) renewal process. If the observed surplus is larger than the maximum of a threshold b and the last observed (post-dividend) level, then a fraction of the excess is paid as a lump sum dividend. Ruin is declared when the observed surplus is negative. In this proposed periodic threshold-type dividend strategy, the insurer can have a ruin probability of less than one (as opposed to the periodic barrier strategy). The expected discounted dividends before ruin (denoted by V) will be analyzed. For arbitrary claim distribution, the general solution of V is derived. More explicit result for V is presented when claims have rational Laplace transform. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effect of randomized observations on V and the optimization of V with respect to b. When claims are exponential, convergence to the traditional threshold strategy is shown as the inter-observation times tend to zero.  相似文献   


In a paper in Biometrika, Anscombe (1950) considered the question of solving the equation with respect to x. Here “Log” denotes the natural logarithm, while N s , where N k >0 and N s =0 for s>k, denotes the number of items ?s in a sample of independent observations from a population with the negative binomial distribution and m denotes the sampling mean: it can in the case k ? 2 be shown that the equation (*) has at least one root. In vain search for “Gegenbeispiele”, Anscombe was led to the conjecture (l.c., 367) that (*) has no solution, if m 2 > 2S, and a unique solution, if k ? 2 and m 2 < 2S. In the latter case, x equals the maximum-likelihood estimate of the parameter ?.

In the present paper it will, after some preliminaries, be shown that the equation (*) has no solution, if k=l, or if k?2 and m 2 ? 2S, whereas (*) has a unique solution, if k ? 2 and m 2 < 2S.  相似文献   

Recursive formulae are derived for the evaluation of the t-th order cumulative distribution function and the t-th order tail probability of compound mixed Poisson distributions in the case where the derivative of the logarithm of the mixing density can be written as a ratio of polynomials. Also, some general results are derived for the evaluation of the t-th order moments of stop-loss transforms. The recursions can be applied for the exact evaluation of the probability function, distribution function, tail probability and stop-loss premium of compound mixed Poisson distributions and the corresponding mixed Poisson distributions. Several examples are also presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose to revisit Kendall’s identity (see, e.g. Kendall (1957)) related to the distribution of the first passage time for spectrally negative Lévy processes. We provide an alternative proof to Kendall’s identity for a given class of spectrally negative Lévy processes, namely compound Poisson processes with diffusion, through the application of Lagrange’s expansion theorem. This alternative proof naturally leads to an extension of this well-known identity by further examining the distribution of the number of jumps before the first passage time. In the process, we generalize some results of Gerber (1990 Gerber, H. U. (1990). When does the surplus reach a given target? Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 9, 115–119.  [Google Scholar]) to the class of compound Poisson processes perturbed by diffusion. We show that this main result is particularly relevant to further our understanding of some problems of interest in actuarial science. Among others, we propose to examine the finite-time ruin probability of a dual Poisson risk model with diffusion or equally the distribution of a busy period in a specific fluid flow model. In a second example, we make use of this result to price barrier options issued on an insurer’s stock price.  相似文献   


Rao [1] and simultaneously Cramér [2, 3] have shown that if f (x, θ) is the probability density function of a distribution involving an unknown parameter θ and distributed over the range α ? x ? b, where a and b are independent of θ, and if x 1 x 2 ... x n is a random sample of n independent observations from this distribution, the variance of any estimate unbiased for Ψ (θ), satisfies the inequality where E denotes mathematical expectation and is Fisher's information index about θ. In (1), equality holds if, and only if, θ* is sufficient for θ. This inequality is further generalized to the multi-parametric case.  相似文献   

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