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Let X 1, X 2,... be a sequence of independent, identically distributed random variables with P(X?0)=0, and such that pκ = ?0 x κ dP(x)<∞, k= 1, 2, 3, 4. Assume that {N(t), t?0} is a Poission stochastic process, independent of the X 1 with E(N(t))=t. For λ ? 0, let Z T= max {Σ t?1 N(t) X t ?t(p 1+λ)}. Expressions 0 ?t?T for E(Z T ), E(Z T 2), and P(Z T =0) are derived. These results are used to construct an approximation for the finite-time ruin function Ψ(u, T) = P(Z T >u) for u?0. An alternate method of approximating Ψ(u, T) was presented in [10] by Olof Thorin and exemplified in [11] by Nils Wikstad. One of the purposes of this paper is to compare the two methods for two distributions of claims where the number of claims is a Poisson variate. The paper will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods. We will also present a comparison of our approximate figures with the exact figures for the claim distribution   相似文献   


In a paper in Biometrika, Anscombe (1950) considered the question of solving the equation with respect to x. Here “Log” denotes the natural logarithm, while N s , where N k >0 and N s =0 for s>k, denotes the number of items ?s in a sample of independent observations from a population with the negative binomial distribution and m denotes the sampling mean: it can in the case k ? 2 be shown that the equation (*) has at least one root. In vain search for “Gegenbeispiele”, Anscombe was led to the conjecture (l.c., 367) that (*) has no solution, if m 2 > 2S, and a unique solution, if k ? 2 and m 2 < 2S. In the latter case, x equals the maximum-likelihood estimate of the parameter ?.

In the present paper it will, after some preliminaries, be shown that the equation (*) has no solution, if k=l, or if k?2 and m 2 ? 2S, whereas (*) has a unique solution, if k ? 2 and m 2 < 2S.  相似文献   


In [5] S. Holm proposed teststatistics for testing simple hypotheses by means of the probability paper for distribution functions (d.f.) of the form F 0(x) = Φ[(x - μ0)/σ0], where μ0 is location parameter, σ0 scale parameter, and Φ is an absolutely continuous distribution function with Φ(0) = 1/2. If μ0 and (σ0 are known, the hypothesis H 0 is:
  • H 0: H(x) = F 0(x) = Φ[(x0)/σ0],

while the three possible alternatives are
  • H 1: H(x) > F 0(x)

  • H 2: H(x) < F 0(x)

  • H 3: H(x) ≠ F 0(x).



Large sample estimation of the origin (α1 and the scale parameter (α2 of the gamma distribution when the shape parameter m is known is considered. Assuming both parameters are unknown, the optimum spacings (0<λ12<...λ k <1) determining the maximum efficiences among other choices of the same number of observations are obtained. The coefficients to be used in computing the estimates, their variances and their asymptotic relative efficiencies (A.R.E.) relative to the Cramer Rao lower bounds are given.  相似文献   


Let X 1 (µ), X 2 (µ), ... be an infinite sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables defined on the whole real axis and with EX1 (µ) = µ > 0. Put Mn (µ) = max (S0 (µ), S1 (µ), ..., Sn (µ) , where Sn (µ) = X1 (µ) + ... + Xn (µ) for n = 1 , 2, ... and S0 (µ) = 0, and define   相似文献   


When applying a proportional reinsurance policy π the reserve of the insurance company is governed by a SDE =(aπ (t)u dt + aπ (t)σ dWt where {Wt } is a standard Brownian motion, µ, π, > 0 are constants and 0 ? aπ (t) ? 1 is the control process, where aπ (t) denotes the fraction, that is reinsured at time t. The aim of this paper is to find a policy that maximizes the return function Vπ (x) = where c > 0, τπ is the time of ruin and x refers to the initial reserve.  相似文献   


Let X 1, X 2 be independent identically distributed positive integer valued random variables. H the X i 's have a geometric distribution, then the conditional distribution of R = max(X 1, X 2)-min(X 1, X 2), given R > 0, is the same as the distribution of X 1. This property is shown to characterize the geometric distribution.  相似文献   

We propose a new parametric model – the generalized excess mortality (GEM) model – for converting excess mortality from clinical to insured population. The GEM model has been formulated as a generalization of the excess death rate (EDR) model in terms of a single adjustment parameter (m) that accounts for a partial elimination of a clinical study’s EDR due to the underwriting selection process. The suggested value of the parameter m depends only on the ratio of the impairment’s prevalence rate in the insured population to that in the clinical population. The model’s development has been implemented in two phases: the design phase and the validation phase. In the design phase, the data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey I pertaining to three broad impairments (diabetes, coronary artery disease, and asthma) have been used. As a result, the following equation for the parameter m has been proposed: mk?=?(Pi,k/Pc,k)n, where Pi,k, Pc,k are the prevalence rates of impairment k under study in the insured and the clinical populations, respectively, and n a single universal parameter with its value best approximated as n?=?0.5 (95% confidence interval 0.5–0.6). In the validation phase, several independent clinical studies of three other impairments (Crohn’s disease, epilepsy, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) were used. As it has been demonstrated in the validation phase, for a number of impairments, the GEM model can provide a better fit for observed insured population mortality than either one of the conventional EDR or mortality ratio models.  相似文献   

Leland’s approach to the hedging of derivatives under proportional transaction costs is based on an approximate replication of the European-type contingent claim V T using the classical Black–Scholes formula with a suitably enlarged volatility. The formal mathematical framework is a scheme of series, i.e., a sequence of models with transaction cost coefficients k n =k 0 n α , where α∈[0,1/2] and n is the number of portfolio revision dates. The enlarged volatility [^(s)]n\widehat{\sigma}_{n} in general depends on n except for the case which was investigated in detail by Lott, to whom belongs the first rigorous result on convergence of the approximating portfolio value VnTV^{n}_{T} to the pay-off V T . In this paper, we consider only the Lott case α=1/2. We prove first, for an arbitrary pay-off V T =G(S T ) where G is a convex piecewise smooth function, that the mean square approximation error converges to zero with rate n −1/2 in L 2 and find the first order term of the asymptotics. We are working in a setting with non-uniform revision intervals and establish the asymptotic expansion when the revision dates are tin=g(i/n)t_{i}^{n}=g(i/n), where the strictly increasing scale function g:[0,1]→[0,1] and its inverse f are continuous with their first and second derivatives on the whole interval, or g(t)=1−(1−t) β , β≥1. We show that the sequence n1/2(VTn-VT)n^{1/2}(V_{T}^{n}-V_{T}) converges in law to a random variable which is the terminal value of a component of a two-dimensional Markov diffusion process and calculate the limit. Our central result is a functional limit theorem for the discrepancy process.  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(4):264-281

Imitative and contrarian behaviours are the two typical opposite attitudes of investors in stock markets. We introduce a simple model to investigate their interplay in a stock market where agents can take only two states, bullish or bearish. Each bullish (bearish) agent polls m ‘friends’ and changes her opinion to bearish (bullish) if (i) at least mρ hb (mρ bh ) among the m agents inspected are bearish (bullish) or (ii) at least mρ hh >mρ hb (mρ bb >mρ bh ) among the m agents inspected are bullish (bearish). The condition (i) ((ii)) corresponds to imitative (antagonistic) behaviour. In the limit where the number N of agents is infinite, the dynamics of the fraction of bullish agents is deterministic and exhibits chaotic behaviour in a significant domain of the parameter space {ρ hb bh hh bb ,m}. A typical chaotic trajectory is characterized by intermittent phases of chaos, quasi-periodic behaviour and super-exponentially growing bubbles followed by crashes. A typical bubble starts initially by growing at an exponential rate and then crosses over to a nonlinear power-law growth rate leading to a finite-time singularity. The reinjection mechanism provided by the contrarian behaviour introduces a finite-size effect, rounding off these singularities and leads to chaos. We document the main stylized facts of this model in the symmetric and asymmetric cases. This model is one of the rare agent-based models that give rise to interesting non-periodic complex dynamics in the ‘thermodynamic’ limit (of an infinite number N of agents). We also discuss the case of a finite number of agents, which introduces an endogenous source of noise superimposed on the chaotic dynamics.  相似文献   

Consider an atomistic developer who decides when and at what density to develop his land, under a property value tax system characterized by three time-invariant tax rates: τV, the tax rate on pre-development land value; τS, the tax rate on post-development residual site value; and τK, the tax rate on structure value. Arnott (2005) identified the subset of property value tax systems that are neutral. This paper investigates the relative efficiency of four idealized, non-neutral property value tax systems [(i) “Canadian' property tax system: τV = 0, τ S = τK; (ii) simple property tax system: τV = τ S = τK; (iii) residual site value tax system: τK = 0,τ V = τS; (iv) two-rate property tax system: τV = τ S > τK > 0] under the assumption of a constant rental growth rate. JEL Code: H2  相似文献   


Let us assume that two integrable functions f (t) and ?(t) are defined in an interval a > t > b, that f (t) never increases, and that 0 ≥ ? (t) ≥ 1.  相似文献   


The Sparre Andersen risk model assumes that the interclaim times (also the time between the origin and the first claim epoch is considered as an interclaim time) and the amounts of claim are independent random variables such that the interclaim times have the common distribution function K(t), t|>/ 0, K(O)= 0 and the amounts of claim have the common distribution function P(y), - ∞ < y < ∞. Although the Sparre Andersen risk process is not a process with strictly stationary increments in continuous time it is asymptotically so if K(t) is not a lattice distribution. That is an immediate consequence of known properties of renewal processes. Another also immediate consequence of such properties is the fact that if we assume that the time between the origin and the first claim epoch has not K(t) but as its distribution function (kb1 denotes the mean of K(t)) then the so modified Sparre Andersen process has stationary increments (this works even if K(t) is a lattice distribution).

In the present paper some consequences of the above-mentioned stationarity properties are given for the corresponding ruin probabilities in the case when the gross risk premium is positive.  相似文献   

A time-dependent double-barrier option is a derivative security that delivers the terminal value φ(S T ) at expiry T if neither of the continuous time-dependent barriers b ±:[0,T]→ℝ+ have been hit during the time interval [0,T]. Using a probabilistic approach, we obtain a decomposition of the barrier option price into the corresponding European option price minus the barrier premium for a wide class of payoff functions φ, barrier functions b ± and linear diffusions (S t ) t∈[0,T]. We show that the barrier premium can be expressed as a sum of integrals along the barriers b ± of the option’s deltas Δ ±:[0,T]→ℝ at the barriers and that the pair of functions (Δ +,Δ ) solves a system of Volterra integral equations of the first kind. We find a semi-analytic solution for this system in the case of constant double barriers and briefly discus a numerical algorithm for the time-dependent case.  相似文献   


We consider risk processes t t?0 with the property that the rate β of the Poisson arrival process and the distribution of B of the claim sizes are not fixed in time but depend on the state of an underlying Markov jump process {Zt } t?0 such that β=β i and B=Bi when Zt=i . A variety of methods, including approximations, simulation and numerical methods, for assessing the values of the ruin probabilities are studied and in particular we look at the Cramér-Lundberg approximation and diffusion approximations with correction terms. The mathematical framework is Markov-modulated random walks in discrete and continuous time, and in particular Wiener-Hopf factorisation problems and conjugate distributions (Esscher transforms) are involved.  相似文献   


The following situation is considered. A fixed number (= n) or sequence of independent trials T 1 T 2,…, T n is given, and in each of these an event E mayor may not occur, It is further observed that the event E occurs a total of k times amongst the n trials T i , (i = l,…, n). It is then required to test the hypothesis H 0 that the probability of the occurrence of E is constant from trial to trial, i.e. H 0 is the hypothesis: p 1 = p 2 = ? = p n = p, if p n (i = 1, …, n) represents the probability that E occurs on the ith trial.  相似文献   

While in a steady state framework the choice between the wacc approach ( Modigliani‐Miller, 1963 ) and the adjusted present value (APV) approach ( Myers, 1974 ) is irrelevant since the two approaches provide the same result, however, in a growing firm context the wacc equation seems to be inconsistent with the APV result. In this paper we propose a simple model to evaluate the tax savings in a growing firm in order to show under which assumptions the two approaches lead to the same results. We demonstrate that the use of the wacc model in a steady‐growth scenario gives rise to some unusual assumptions with regard to the discount rates to be used in calculating tax shields. We show that the widely used wacc formula, if used, as it is in most cases, in a growth context, implies that a) debt tax shield related to already existing debt are discounted using kd; b) debt tax shield related to new debt, due to company's growth, are discounted, according to a mixed procedure, using both ku and kd. We discuss the inconsistency of such a discounting procedure and the preferred features of the APV approach.  相似文献   


Let X f1, X f2, ... be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with mean µ and variance σ2∈ (0, ∞). Define the stopping times N(d)=min {n:n ?1 Σ n i=1} (X i&#x2212;X n)2+n ?1?nd 2/a 2}, d>0, where X n =n ?1 Σ n i=1} Xi and (2π) a ?a exp (?u 2/2) du=α ∈(0,1). Chow and Robbins (1965) showed that the sequence In,d =[Xn ?d, X n + d], n=1,2, ... is an asymptotic level -α fixed-width confidence sequence for the mean, i.e. limd→0 P(µ∈IN(d),d )=α. In this note we establish the convergence rate P(µ∈IN(d),d )=α + O(d½?δ) under the condition E|X1|3+?+5/(28) < ∞ for some δ ∈ (0, ½) and ??0. The main tool in the proof is a result of Landers and Rogge (1976) on the convergence rate of randomly selected partial sums.  相似文献   

We derive a general formula for the time decay θ for out-of-the-money European options on stocks and bonds at expiry, in terms of the density of jumps F(x,dy) and the payoff g +: −θ(x)= g(x+y)+ F(x,dy). Explicit formulas are derived for the standard put and call options, exchange options in stochastic volatility and local volatility models, and options on bonds in ATSMs. Using these formulas, we show that in the presence of jumps, the limit of the no-exercise region for the American option with the payoff (−g)+ as time to expiry τ tends to 0 may be larger than in the pure Gaussian case. In particular, for many families of non-Gaussian processes used in empirical studies of financial markets, the early exercise boundary for the American put without dividends is separated from the strike price by a nonvanishing margin on the interval [0,T), where T is the maturity date.   相似文献   

We consider the class of law invariant convex risk measures with robust representation rh,p(X)=supfò01 [AV@Rs(X)f(s)-fp(s)h(s)] ds\rho_{h,p}(X)=\sup_{f}\int_{0}^{1} [AV@R_{s}(X)f(s)-f^{p}(s)h(s)]\,ds, where 1≤p<∞ and h is a positive and strictly decreasing function. The supremum is taken over the set of all Radon–Nikodym derivatives corresponding to the set of all probability measures on (0,1] which are absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the position X such that ρ h,p (X) is real-valued and the supremum is attained. Using variational methods, an explicit formula for the maximizer is given. We exhibit two examples of such risk measures and compare them to the average value at risk.  相似文献   

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