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Investors are said to “abhor uncertainty,” but if there were no uncertainty they could earn only the risk‐free rate. A fundamental result in the analytical accounting literature shows that investors buying into a CARA‐normal CAPM market pay lower asset prices, gain higher ex‐ante expected returns, and obtain higher expected utility, when the market payoff has higher variance. New investors obtain similar “welfare” gains from risk under a log/power utility CAPM. These results do not imply that investors “abhor information.” To realize investors' ex‐ante expectations, the subjective probability distributions representing market expectations must be accurate. Greater payoff risk can add to investors' expected utility, but higher ex‐post(realized) utility comes from better information and more accurate ex‐ante expectations. An important implication for accounting is that greater disclosure can have the simultaneous effects of (i) exposing more fully or perceptibly firms' payoff uncertainty, thereby increasing new investors' expected utility, and (ii) improving market estimates of firms' payoff parameters (means, variances, covariances), thereby giving investors a better chance of realizing their expectations. Paradoxically, better information can be valuable to new investors by exposing more fully and more accurately the risk in firms' business operations and results–new investors maximizing expected utility want both more risk and better information.  相似文献   


Under the competing risks model, we obtain conditions for and consequences of the independence of the system life length and the cause of failure. When the survival distributions are continuous, we consider the situations where the risks are independent as well as they are dependent. In the dependent case, the discussion is limited to two risks with some special bivariate survival distributions. The discussion of discrete model where we assume the survival distributions to be discrete, is limited to two independent risks. This results in two characterizations of geometric distribution. Finally some generalizations of our results to k out of m systems are considered.  相似文献   


In the present paper we discuss various results related to moments and cumulants of probability distributions and approximations to probability distributions. As the approximations are not necessarily probability distributions themselves, we shall apply the concept of moments and cumulants to more general functions. Recursions are deduced for moments and cumulants of functions in the form Rk [a, b] as defined by Dhaene & Sundt (1996). We deduce a simple relation between the De Pril transform and the cumulants of a function. This relation is applied to some classes of approximations to probability distributions, in particular the approximations of Hipp and De Pril.  相似文献   

For many consumer packaged goods products, researchers have documented inertia in brand choice, a form of persistence whereby consumers have a higher probability of choosing a product that they have purchased in the past. We show that the finding of inertia is robust to flexible controls for preference heterogeneity and not due to autocorrelated taste shocks. We explore three economic explanations for the observed structural state dependence: preference changes due to past purchases or consumption experiences which induce a form of loyalty, search, and learning. Our data are consistent with loyalty, but not with search or learning. This distinction is important for policy analysis, because the alternative sources of inertia imply qualitative differences in firm's pricing incentives and lead to quantitatively different equilibrium pricing outcomes.  相似文献   


The following situation is considered. A fixed number (= n) or sequence of independent trials T 1 T 2,…, T n is given, and in each of these an event E mayor may not occur, It is further observed that the event E occurs a total of k times amongst the n trials T i , (i = l,…, n). It is then required to test the hypothesis H 0 that the probability of the occurrence of E is constant from trial to trial, i.e. H 0 is the hypothesis: p 1 = p 2 = ? = p n = p, if p n (i = 1, …, n) represents the probability that E occurs on the ith trial.  相似文献   

Recursive formulae are derived for the evaluation of the t-th order cumulative distribution function and the t-th order tail probability of compound mixed Poisson distributions in the case where the derivative of the logarithm of the mixing density can be written as a ratio of polynomials. Also, some general results are derived for the evaluation of the t-th order moments of stop-loss transforms. The recursions can be applied for the exact evaluation of the probability function, distribution function, tail probability and stop-loss premium of compound mixed Poisson distributions and the corresponding mixed Poisson distributions. Several examples are also presented.  相似文献   

This article presents a new credibility estimation of the probability distributions of risks under Bayes settings in a completely nonparametric framework. In contrast to the Ferguson's Bayesian nonparametric method, it does not need to specify a mathematical form of the prior distribution (such as a Dirichlet process). We then show the applications of the method in general insurance premium pricing, a procedure commonly known as experience rating, which utilizes the insured's claim experience to calculate a proper premium under a given premium principle (referred to as a risk measure). As this method estimates the probability distributions of losses, not just the means and variances, it provides a unified nonparametric framework to experience rating for arbitrary premium principles. This encompasses the advantages of the well-known Bühlmann's and Ferguson's approaches, while it overcomes their drawbacks. We first establish a linear Bayes method and prove its strong consistency in nonparametric settings that require only knowledge of the first two moments of the loss distributions considered as a stochastic process. Then an empirical Bayes method is developed for the more general situation where a portfolio of risks is observed but no knowledge is available or assumed on their loss and prior distributions, including their moments. It is shown to be asymptotically optimal. The performance of our estimates in comparison with traditional methods is also evaluated through theoretical analysis and numerical studies, which show that our approach produces premium estimates close to the optima.  相似文献   

Analysis of statistical distributions.

1. Let m and σ denote the mean and the standard deviation of a statistical variable X, and let W(x) be the probability function of that variable as defined in the first paper 1 This journal, 1928, p. 13. We shall refer to that paper by the letter I. — The sense in which the words probability function and frequency function are used here must be carefully observed, If the probability that a certain variable lies between x and x+dx is f(x) dx, then f(x) is the frequency function of the variable. The probability function is, in cases where a finite frequency function ex-ists, equal to the integral of the latter, taken over the interval from -∞ to x — The notations of the present paper will, as a rule, correspond to those of I, the most important exception being the symbol n , which will here always denote the number of observations in a statistical series and not, as in I, the number of elementary components. , Art. 1. If we put (cf. I, formula (3)) F(x) is the probability function of the variable , with the mean value 0 and the standard deviation 1. Denoting by µ2, µ3, ... the moments of W(x) , taken about the mean (cf. I, Art. 7, where m is supposed to be zero), we put, following Charlier,   相似文献   


Some authors define the (elementary) compound Poisson process in wide sense {χ t , 0 ? t < ∞} with help of probability distributions where τ is a so-called operational time, a continuous non-decreasing function of t vanishing for t = 0, and V(q, t) is a non-negative distribution function for every t.  相似文献   

This paper continues the theme of Jones (Accounting, Organizations & Society, 10, 177–200, 1985) which described the findings of an empirical study of the changes introduced into management accounting systems following acquisition. It adopts a contingency theory perspective of the findings; relates them to existing hypotheses; and introduces a test of the theory involving measurement of the control relationships established between acquisition partners. Theoretical expectations for the adaptation of effective post- acquisition MAS are developed and related to success/failure.  相似文献   


The probability of ruin is investigated under the influence of a premium rate which varies with the level of free reserves. Section 4 develops a number of inequalities for the ruin probability, establishing upper and lower bounds for it in Theorem 4. Theorem 5 gives an expression for the ruin probability, and it is seen in Section 5 that this amounts to a generalization of the ruin probability given by Gerber for the special case of a negative exponential claim size distribution. In that same section it is shown the Lundberg's inequality is not derivable from the generalized theory of Section 4, and this is seen as a drawback of the methods used there. Sections 6 and 7 deal with some special cases, including claim size distributions with monotone failure rates. Section 8 shows that, in contrast with the result for a constant premium that the probability of ruin for zero initial reserve is independent of the claim size distribution, the same result does not hold when the premium rate is allowed to vary. Section 9 gives some comments on the possible effect of “dangerousness” of a claim size distribution on ruin probability.  相似文献   

This paper presents an asymptotic expansion of the ultimate ruin probability under Lévy insurance risks as the loading factor tends to zero. The expansion formula is obtained via the Edgeworth type expansion for compound geometric distributions. We give higher-order expansion of the ruin probability, any order of which is available in explicit form, and discuss a certain type of validity of the expansion. We shall also give applications to evaluation of the VaR-type risk measure due to ruin, and the scale function of spectrally negative Lévy processes.  相似文献   

Remuneration, Retention, and Reputation Incentives for Outside Directors   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
I study incentives received by outside directors in Fortune 500 firms from compensation, replacement, and the opportunity to obtain other directorships. Previous research has only shown these relations to apply under limited circumstances such as financial distress. Together these incentive mechanisms provide directors with wealth increases of approximately 11 cents per $1,000 rise in firm value. Although smaller than the performance sensitivities of CEOs, outside directors' incentives imply a change in wealth of about $285,000 for a 1 standard deviation (SD) change in typical firm performance. Cross‐sectional patterns of director equity awards conform to agency and financial theories.  相似文献   

Nian Yang 《Quantitative Finance》2018,18(10):1767-1779
The stochastic-alpha-beta-rho (SABR) model is widely used by practitioners in interest rate and foreign exchange markets. The probability of hitting zero sheds light on the arbitrage-free small strike implied volatility of the SABR model (see, e.g. De Marco et al. [SIAM J. Financ. Math., 2017, 8(1), 709–737], Gulisashvili [Int. J. Theor. Appl. Financ., 2015, 18, 1550013], Gulisashvili et al. [Mass at zero in the uncorrelated SABR modeland implied volatility asymptotics, 2016b]), and the survival probability is also closely related to binary knock-out options. Besides, the study of the survival probability is mathematically challenging. This paper provides novel asymptotic formulas for the survival probability of the SABR model as well as error estimates. The formulas give the probability that the forward price does not hit a nonnegative lower boundary before a fixed time horizon.  相似文献   


Let ?(χ/y, z, …) be an ordinary frequency distribution where χ is the variate and y, z, … are parameters characterising the function. If then χ is a graduated variate fd 32_1 represents the probability of an observation drawn from this universe, falling between χ and χ + dχ. This probability is a function of χ. It is, however, also a function of the parameters. If one or more parameters are changed, this probability also changes. d f is a relative probability dependent on the values of y, z, …  相似文献   


A method of continuity analysis of ruin probabilities with respect to variation of parameters governing risk processes is proposed. It is based on the representation of the ruin probability as the stationary probability of a reversed process. We apply Kartashov's technique designed for continuity analysis of stationary distributions of general Markov chains in order to obtain desired continuity estimates. The method is illustrated by the Sparre Andersen and Markov modulated risk models.  相似文献   


The probability distribution for the relative return of a portfolio constructed from a subset n of the assets from a benchmark, consisting of N assets whose returns are multivariate normal, is completely characterized by its tracking error. However, if the benchmark asset returns are not multivariate normal then higher moments of the probability distribution for the portfolio's relative return are not related to its tracking error. We discuss the convergence of generalized tracking error measures as the size of the subset of benchmark assets increases. Assuming that the joint probability distribution for the returns of the assets is symmetric under their permutations we show that increasing n makes these generalized tracking errors small (even though n « N). For n » 1 the probability distribution for the portfolio's relative return is approximately symmetric and strongly peaked about the origin. The results of this paper generalize the conclusions of Dynkin et al (Dynkin L, Hyman J and Konstantinovsky V 2002 Sufficient Diversification in Credit Portfolios (Lehman Brothers Fixed Income Research)) to more general underlying asset distributions.  相似文献   

We obtain a quasi-analytical approximation of the survival probability in the credit risk model proposed in [Madan, D.B. and Unal, H., Pricing the risk of default. Rev. Deriv. Res., 1998, 2(2), 121–160]. Such a formula, which extensive numerical simulations reveal to be accurate and computationally fast, can also be employed for pricing credit default swaps (CDSs). Specifically, we derive a quasi-analytical approximate expression for CDS par spreads, and we use it to estimate the parameters of the model. The results obtained show a rather satisfactory agreement between theoretical and real market data.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the study of a coherent risk measure, which we call Weighted V@R. It is a risk measure of the form where μ is a probability measure on [0,1] and TV@R stands for Tail V@R. After investigating some basic properties of this risk measure, we apply the obtained results to the financial problems of pricing, optimization, and capital allocation. It turns out that, under some regularity conditions on μ, Weighted V@R possesses some nice properties that are not shared by Tail V@R. To put it briefly, Weighted V@R is “smoother” than Tail V@R. This allows one to say that Weighted V@R is one of the most important classes (or maybe the most important class) of coherent risk measures.  相似文献   

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