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Consider a sequence of independent random variables (r.v.) X 1 X 2, …, Xn , … , with the same distribution function (d.f.) F(x). Let E (Xn ) = 0, E , E (?(X)) denoting the mean value of the r.v. ? (X). Further, let the r.v. where have the d.f. F n (x). It was proved by Berry [1] and the present author (Esseen [2], [4]) that Φ(x) being the normal d.f.   相似文献   


7. The joint distribution of the moments a 11, a 22,…, ann and a 12, …, a 1n may be deduced explicitly in the case, in which the variates χ1, …, χ n in (1) are mutually uncorrelated. In this case we have for the population values of the moments: αμv = 0 for μ ═ v and, consequently, Aμv = 0 for μ ═ v, so that according to (6) λμv = 0 for μ ═ v; the distribution (5) of the moments αμv is then   相似文献   


Introduction. In an earlier paper 1 BergströM (1) I proved the inequality for the difference between the normal d. f. 2 Distribution function Φ (χ) and the d. f. of the sum of n equally distributed random variables with the mean value O. Here σ denotes the dispersion, β3 the absolute third moment of the variable Xi and C is an absolute constant. To establish the inequality I gave an identical expansion of the convolution , when the dispersion for F(χ) was 1, and a lemma for Weierstrass' singular integral. I also remarked that this method could be used for d. f.'s in the space Rk , k> 1. In fact there is very little to be changed when I now give the generalization for the space Rk .  相似文献   


If X and Y are mutually independent random variables whith the d. f. 1 Distribution function(s) F 1(χ) and F 2(χ), it is known 2 CRAMÉR (1), p. 35. that the sum X + Y has the d. f. F 2(χ), defined as the convolution where the integrals are Lebesgue-Stiltjes integrals. One uses the abbreviation More generally the sum X 1 + X 2 + … + X n of n mutually independent random variables with the d. f. 1 Distribution function(s) F 1(χ), F 2(χ) , … , F n has the d. f.   相似文献   

In his nice paper (Mykhopadhyay, 1982) as well as in his significant monograph (Mykhopadhyay & Solanky, 1994) N. Mykhopadhyay considers the following application of STEIN's two-stage procedure: Suppose that (X 1,..., Xn ) T , n = 1, 2,..., is n-dimensional normal with mean vector µ = µ l and dispersion matrix Σ n =σ 2(ρij ) with ρij = 1, ρij = ρ *, ij = 1,..., n where (µ, Σ, ρ) ∈ ? × ?+ × (-1, 0); this is called the intra-class model. For given d > 0 and α ∈ (0, 1) one wants to construct a (sequential) confidence interval I for µ having width 2d and confidence coefficient at least (1 - α). It is claimed that where N is determined, according to Stein's two-stage procedure (Stein, 1945), as where m ? 2 is the first stage sample size and denotes the sample variance, fulfills this aim.  相似文献   


A one-dimensional random variable X is given. We have L points, µ1, µ2, …, µ L , and define the random variable Z = minµ h | X — µ h |, that is the distance to the nearest of the L points µ1, …, µ L . We want to find that set of points µ h for which the function has a minimum. As we shall see in section 2, this problem is equivalent to finding L strata with the set of points of stratification x 1, x 2, …, x L?1 that makes a minimum. wh is the probability mass and σ2 h the variance of the hth stratum. By differentiation of φ with respect to xh one can show [3] that a necessary condition for minimum is where µh is the mean of the hth stratum. In section 2 we obtain this condition in another way, which at the same time gives a method of finding the points µh and xh .  相似文献   


Let X 1 (µ), X 2 (µ), ... be an infinite sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables defined on the whole real axis and with EX1 (µ) = µ > 0. Put Mn (µ) = max (S0 (µ), S1 (µ), ..., Sn (µ) , where Sn (µ) = X1 (µ) + ... + Xn (µ) for n = 1 , 2, ... and S0 (µ) = 0, and define   相似文献   


Let Xbv (v = 1,2, ..., n) be independent random variables with the distribution functions Fbvx) and suppose . We define a random variable by where and denote the distribution function of X by F (x.  相似文献   


Let us survey an economic subject A0 who at the point t0 is planning to offer for sale a number q of lots during a space of time = selling period of lottery ticket.  相似文献   


Rao [1] and simultaneously Cramér [2, 3] have shown that if f (x, θ) is the probability density function of a distribution involving an unknown parameter θ and distributed over the range α ? x ? b, where a and b are independent of θ, and if x 1 x 2 ... x n is a random sample of n independent observations from this distribution, the variance of any estimate unbiased for Ψ (θ), satisfies the inequality where E denotes mathematical expectation and is Fisher's information index about θ. In (1), equality holds if, and only if, θ* is sufficient for θ. This inequality is further generalized to the multi-parametric case.  相似文献   



In an earlier paper [5] we discussed the problem of finding an unbiased estimator of where p (x, 0) is a given frequency density and 0 is a (set of) parameter(s). In general, will not be an unbiased estimator of (1), when Ô is an unbiased estimate of O. In [5] it was shown that is an unbiased estimator of (1), if we define yi , as the larger of 0 and X j - c. It was emphasized that the resulting estimate may very well be zero, even when it is unreasonable to assume that the premium for a stop.loss reinsurance. defined by a frequency p (x, 0) of claims x and a critical limit c, should be zero when the critical limit has not been exceeded during the n years considered for the determination of the premium.  相似文献   


Although most applications of stratified sampling represent sampling from a finite population, π(N), consisting of k mutually exclusive sub-populations or strata, n, (N,), it is for purposes of theoretical investigations convenient to deal with a hypothetical population n, represented by a distribution function f(y), a < y < b. This hypothetical population likewise consists of k mutually exclusive strata, πi , i = 1,.2 ... k. The mean of this population is µi being the mean of ni. By means of a random sample of n observations, ni of which are selected from πi , µ, is estimated by: being the estimate of µi .  相似文献   

Let the distribution function of X, where a?X ? ∞, defined by the Pearson type III density function be designated by aH(x;p,β).  相似文献   


Dans ce même périodique, vous avez considéré1, à la page 7, la loi de probabilité de deux variables aléatoires X, Y,2 où la probabilité élémentaire ?(x, y) dx dy pour que X et Y soient respectivement compris entre x et x + dx, y et y + dy, est de la forme où K, a 1, a 2, b 1, b 2 sont des constantes. Nous nous proposons, dans ce qui suit, d'apporter quelques compléments à votre exposé.  相似文献   


Considérons une distribution statistique (empirique ou théorique) x v (v = 1, 2 ... n) désignant les valeurs que peut assumer une variable fortuite une-dimensionelle x, et Pv (v= 1,2 ... n) désignant les fréquences observées (absolues ou relatives) ou bien les probabilités des valeurs xv .  相似文献   

《Scandinavian actuarial journal》2013,2013(3-4):207-218


d1. Vis, at man for n ? 2 har når x ikke antager nogen af værdierne 0, ?1, ..., ?n+1, og når x ikke antager nogen af værdierne 0, 1, ..., n+1.  相似文献   


1. In an earlier Note1 I have suggested to measure the dependence between statistical variables by the expression where pij is the probability that x assumes the value xi and y the value yj , while By is meant summation with respect to all i and j for which pij > pi* p*j .  相似文献   


Bhattacharyya & Roussas (1969) proposed to estimate the functional Δ = ∫ ?∞/ f 2(x)dx by , where is a kernel estimate of the probability density f(x). Schuster (1974) proposed, alternatively, to estimate Δ by , where F n (x) is the sample distribution function, and showed that the two estimates attain the same rate of strong convergence to Δ. In this note, two large sample properties of are presented, first strong convergence of to Δ is established under less assumptions than those of Schuster (1974), and second the asymptotic normality of established.  相似文献   


A complete proof of existence of a probability measure m the space Ω of all sample functions was given by Cramér [4]. For a finitc period, a simplified proof was given in my paper [2]. The latter proof could be restricted to the space of sample functions having only a finite number of jumps, as the probability of an infinite number of jumps is zero in this case. In fact, dividing the space Ω into disjunct subspaces Ωn containing exactly n jumps we have: The measure of Ωn m the case of a finite period of length x is: Thus and consequently P) = 0. Therefore the set Ω and all its subsets can be neglected.  相似文献   

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