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Participating life insurance contracts allow the policyholder to participate in the annual return of a reference portfolio. Additionally, they are often equipped with an annual (cliquet-style) return guarantee. The current low interest rate environment has again refreshed the discussion on risk management and fair valuation of such embedded options. While this problem is typically discussed from the viewpoint of a single contract or a homogeneous* insurance portfolio, contracts are, in practice, managed within a heterogeneous insurance portfolio. Their valuation must then – unlike the case of asset portfolios – take account of portfolio effects: Their premiums are invested in the same reference portfolio; the contracts interact by a joint reserve, individual surrender options and joint default risk of the policy sponsor. Here, we discuss the impact of portfolio effects on the fair valuation of insurance contracts jointly managed in (homogeneous and) heterogeneous life insurance portfolios. First, in a rather general setting, including stochastic interest rates, we consider the case that otherwise homogeneous contracts interact due to the default risk of the policy sponsor. Second, and more importantly, we then also consider the case when policies are allowed to differ in further aspects like the guaranteed rate or time to maturity. We also provide an extensive numerical example for further analysis.  相似文献   


New classes of order relations for discrete bivariate random vectors are introduced that essentially compare the expectations of real functions of convex-type of the random vectors. For the actuarial context, attention is focused on the so-called increasing convex orderings between discrete bivariate risks. First, various characterizations and properties of these orderings are derived. Then, they are used for comparing two similar portfolios with dependent risks and for constructing bounds on several multilife insurance premiums.  相似文献   

We investigate lower and upper bounds for right tails (stop-loss premiums) of deterministic and stochastic sums of nonindependent random variables. The bounds are derived using the concepts of comonotonicity, convex order, and conditioning. The performance of the presented approximations is investigated numerically for individual life annuity contracts as well as for life annuity portfolios, where mortality is modeled by Makeham's law, whereas investment returns are modeled by a Brownian motion process.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive assessment of premiums, reserves and solvency capital requirements (SCRs) for long-term care (LTC) insurance policies using Activities of Daily Living and US data. We compare stand-alone policies, whole life insurance policies with LTC benefit riders (LTC insurance combined with whole life insurance), life care annuities (LTC insurance combined with annuities) and shared LTC insurance in terms of net premium cost and SCRs. Net premiums and best-estimate reserves for base LTC insurance policies are determined using Thiele’s differential equation. Product features such as the elimination period and the maximum benefit period are compared using a simulation-based model. We show how a maximum benefit period can reduce costs and risks for LTC insurance products. SCRs for longevity risk and disability risk are based on the Solvency II standard formula. We quantify the extent to which whole life insurance policies with LTC benefit riders and life care annuities provide lower SCRs than stand-alone LTC insurance policies.  相似文献   


We study ruin probabilities for generalized life insurance programs. These programs include among others whole life and long term care contracts. Clearly, in such programs the claims in successive years are dependent, hence the structure of our problem is different from that of ruin probabilities in general insurance where claims over time are independent. First, we develop algorithms calculating the ruin probabilities for life and LTC insurance programs. Further, upper and lower bounds for these probabilities are derived. These new bounds take into account the joint distribution of claims over time.  相似文献   

A large part of the actuarial literature is devoted to the derivation of ruin probabilities in various non-life insurance risk models. On the contrary, very few papers deal with ruin probabilities for life insurance portfolios. The difficulties arise from the dependence and non-stationarity of the annual payments made by the insurance company. This paper shows that the ruin probability in case of life annuity portfolios can be computed from algorithms derived by De Pril (1989) and Dhaene & Vandebroek (1995). Approximations for ruin probabilities are discussed. The present article complements the works of Frostig et al. (2003) who considered whole life, endowment, and temporary assurances, and of Denuit & Frostig (2008) who considered homogeneous life annuities portfolios. Here, heterogeneous portfolios (with respect to age and/or face amounts) are studied. Particular attention is paid to the capital allocation problem. The total amount of reserve is shared among the risk classes in order to minimize the ruin probability. It is then fair to charge a higher margin to the risk classes requiring more capital.  相似文献   

We derive formulas for calculating the premiums that should be charged on policies in a discounted cash flow model with tax reserves and required assets that are determined by regulation. We also determine the unique division of required assets into “reserves” and “capital” that allows the product profitability to be correctly evaluated. That is, the profit after capital charges is zero if the product achieves the return assumed in pricing. We illustrate the concepts using whole life insurance and guaranteed minimum death benefit examples.  相似文献   

This article explores whether there is support for the stationarity hypotheses of life and non-life insurance premiums during the period 1979–2007 for 40 heterogeneous countries. The stationarity of insurance premiums affects insurance companies’ prediction on their future inflow of premium income, which affects the liquidity of insurance companies and their investment plans and thus is relevant to the insurers’ operation. This article employs the advanced nonlinear panel unit-root test with a sequential panel selection method to classify the entire panel into two groups: stationary countries and non-stationary countries. We apply Monte Carlo simulations to derive empirical distributions of the test, which allows us to correct for the finite-sample bias and to consider the cross-country effects. We find relatively stationary life insurance premiums in countries from the following groups: high-income, Europe, and common law origin; relatively stationary non-life insurance premiums exist in the following groups: low-income, Middle East and Africa, and common law origin. Evidence herein shows that different classifications, including income levels, geographic regions, regionally or economically integrated blocs, and legal system, affect the stationarity of life and non-life insurance premiums.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate how the heterogeneity among occurrence probabilities and claim severities affects the aggregate claim numbers and aggregate claim amount for an insurance portfolio. We show that higher heterogeneity (and dependence) among occurrence probabilities results in both smaller aggregate claim numbers and aggregate claim amount in the sense of the mean residual lifetime order. We also prove that as the heterogeneity among the claims increases, the aggregate claim amount increases in the sense of the usual stochastic order when the vector of occurrence probabilities is left tail weakly stochastic arrangement increasing. These theoretical findings are applied to (i) study ordering properties of convolutions of binomial random variables, (ii) provide upper bounds for the mean residual lifetime functions of the aggregate claim numbers and amount, and (iii) compare stop-loss premiums and risk capital of different insurance portfolios.  相似文献   

Insurance companies develop loaded life tables to protect themselves against deviations, for example, in the number of expected deaths or in the (residual) expectation of life of their insured. In doing so, however, the single random vector of experience crude death rates from which loaded tables are constructed is treated as deterministic or, at best, as a single realization of an underlying stochastic process, omitting the fact that it is estimated and subject to error and uncertainty. This can result in serious consequences for the insurer. To solve this problem, we follow the example of other researchers and propose a method to replicate loaded life tables using parametric bootstrap. We focus on estimating period-loaded life tables from company portfolios, where the sizes of the exposed-to-risk populations are significantly smaller than those of general populations. If we have a set of B loaded life tables, the average behavior and some extreme values can be computed and subsequently used in managing premiums or reserves. This article offers life insurers a simple way of incorporating the experience uncertainty in actuarial tasks (for example, in pricing) by comparing the limits of the confidence intervals obtained between parametric bootstrap and classical approaches (such as limit theorems).  相似文献   

In life insurance both the time and the amount of future payments between insurer and policyholder may be stochastic; biometrical as well as financial risks are transferred to the insurer. We present an approach that allows to decompose the randomness of the discounted value of future benefits and premiums to a sum whose addends correspond to the uncertainty of the policy development, the interest rates, the probabilities of death, the probabilities of disablement, etc. Upon modeling the actuarial assumptions stochastically, we quantify these risk factors for typical life insurance contracts and compare them with each other. Contrary to a common folklore, the examples show that the systematic biometrical risks are in many cases not marginal compared to the interest rate risk.  相似文献   

Recent studies have analyzed optimal reinsurance contracts within the framework of profit maximization and/or risk minimization. This type of framework, however, does not consider reinsurance as a tool for capital management and financing. In the present paper, we consider different proportional reinsurance contracts used in life insurance (viz., quota-share, surplus, and combinations of quota-share and surplus) while taking into account the insurer's capital constraints. The objective is to determine how different reinsurance transactions affect the risk/reward profile of the insurer and whether factors, such as claims severity, premiums, and insurer's risk appetite, influence the choice of a proportional reinsurance coverage. We compare each reinsurance structure based on actual insurance company data, using the risk–return criterion. This criterion determines the type of reinsurance that enables insurer to retain the largest underwriting profits and/or minimize the risk of the retained claims while keeping the insurer's risk appetite constant, assuming a given capital constraint. The results of this study confirm that the choice of reinsurance arrangement depends on many factors, including risk retention levels, premiums, and the variance of the sum insured values (and therefore claims). As such, under heterogeneous insurance portfolio single type of reinsurance arrangement cannot maximize insurer's returns and/or minimize the risk, therefore a combination of different reinsurance coverages should be employed. Hence, future research on optimal risk management choices should consider heterogeneous portfolios while determining the effects of different financial and risk management tools on companies' risk–return profiles.  相似文献   

The decline in population will increase dramatically after the year 2030; this development is accompanied by a dramatic change of the social structure of the German society and the aging of the population. Policyholders of annuity contracts who are now in the age of 35 will probably retire in the year 2037 and their death can be actuarially awaited near 2060. That means those people are completely affected by the development after 2030. The annuity contracts with a guaranteed interest rate (legally fixed for the duration of the contracts) dominate the new business of life insurance companies. The period of time of the interest rate guarantee can be up to 40 or 50 years. Our demographic profile leads to the assumption that in 2050 we will miss 15 million people of our working population; this represents the actual figure of the working population of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland and Austria. Consumption, overall investments and the demand of borrowed funds will decrease. The level of the rate of return of bonds or other interest bearing assets will decline. On the other hand, the value of shares of those companies who belong to the winners of the global transition process we have started right now will increase. Unfortunately life insurance companies and pension funds — when they take investment risk — are forced mainly to invest in bonds or other debentures. The consequence can be a not attractive level of return of the premiums paid. A solution would be to reinforce the development and business of non guaranteed annuities and a higher quote of shares in the portfolios. Then it would be the duty of each policyholder to protect himself by diversification  相似文献   

In this paper we study the pricing problem for a class of universal variable life (UVL) insurance products, using the idea of principle of equivalent utility. As the main features of UVL products we allow the (death) benefit to depend on certain indices or assets that are not necessarily tradable (e.g., pension plans), and we also consider the “multiple decrement” cases in which various status of the insured are allowed and the benefit varies in accordance with the status. Following the general theory of indifference pricing, we formulate the pricing problem as stochastic control problems, and derive the corresponding HJB equations for the value functions. In the case of exponential utilities, we show that the prices can be expressed explicitly in terms of the global, bounded solutions of a class of semilinear parabolic PDEs with exponential growth. In the case of general insurance models where multiple decrements and random time benefit payments are all allowed, we show that the price should be determined by the solutions to a system of HJB equations, each component corresponds to the value function of an optimization problem with the particular status of the insurer.  相似文献   

Stock insurers can reduce or eliminate agency conflicts between policyholders and stockholders by issuing participating insurance. Despite this benefit, most stock companies don't offer participating contracts. This study explains why. We study an equilibrium with both stock and mutual insurers in which stockholders set premiums to provide a fair expected return on their investment, and with a policyholder who chooses the insurance contract that maximizes her expected utility. We demonstrate that stockholders cannot profitably offer fully participating contracts, but can profitably offer partially participating insurance. However, when the policyholder participation fraction is high, the fair‐return premium is so large that the policyholder always prefers fully participating insurance from the mutual company. Policies with lower levels of policyholder participation are optimal for policyholders with relatively high risk aversion, though such policies are usually prohibited by insurance legislation. Thus, the reason stock insurers rarely issue participating contracts isn't because the potential benefits are small or unimportant. Rather, profitability or regulatory constraints simply prevent stock insurers from exercising those benefits in equilibrium.  相似文献   

We consider the fractional independence (FI) survival model, studied by Willmot (1997), for which the curtate future lifetime and the fractional part of it satisfy the statistical independence assumption, called the fractional independence assumption.

The ordering of risks of the FI survival model is analyzed, and its consequences for the evaluation of actuarial present values in life insurance is discussed. Our main fractional reduction (FR) theorem states that two FI future lifetime random variables with identical distributed curtate future lifetime are stochastically ordered (stop-loss ordered) if, and only if, their fractional parts are stochastically ordered (stop-loss ordered).

The well-known properties of these stochastic orders allow to find lower and upper bounds for different types of actuarial present values, for example when the random payoff functions of the considered continuous life insurances are convex (concave), or decreasing (increasing), or convex not decreasing (concave not increasing) in the future lifetime as argument. These bounds are obtained under the assumption that some information concerning the moments of the fractional part is given. A distinction is made according to whether the fractional remaining lifetime has a fixed mean or a fixed mean and variance. In the former case, simple unique optimal bounds are obtained in case of a convex (concave) present value function.

The obtained results are illustrated at the most important life insurance quantities in a continuous random environment, which include bounds for net single premiums, net level annual premiums and prospective net reserves.  相似文献   

Surrender and paid-up states are incorporated in the valuation of guaranteed benefits and payments of a level premium paying life insurance policy.

We present different valuation methods and examine to what extent they avoid capitalizing and releasing future loadings which are associated with the payment of future premiums.

We demonstrate how to avoid capital being required in the future to cover valuation strains. The paid-up benefit valuation method is being extended so that it does not require the premium basis to be on the safe-side of the valuation basis. We obtain a unification and integration of the level premium and paid-up valuation principles.  相似文献   

While the impact of an Internet-based sales strategy on sales performance has been well studied, there is little academic research that examines the impact of a mobile application (MA) sales strategy on the sales performance of insurers. Using a unique data set for term life insurance policies from a Chinese life insurer, we study the impact of implementing this strategy on insurance purchases. We find a significant growth in the insurance purchase quantity and somewhat lower growth in premiums received from new policies. This paper determines that this is due to improved channel accessibility and the cost reduction of the MA channel. Although sales of traditional distribution channels are cannibalized in the short term by the MA distribution strategy, this substitution effect does not persist in the long run. In addition, we find that this strategy reduces impulsive purchases.  相似文献   


A family of concave distortion functions is a set of concave and increasing functions, mapping the unity interval onto itself. Distortion functions play an important role defining coherent risk measures. We prove that any family of distortion functions which fulfils a certain translation equation, can be represented by a distribution function. An application can be found in actuarial science: moment-based premium principles are easy to understand but in general are not monotone and cannot be used to compare the riskiness of different insurance contracts with each other. Our representation theorem makes it possible to compare two insurance risks with each other consistent with a moment-based premium principle by defining an appropriate coherent risk measure.  相似文献   

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