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Equity-indexed annuities (EIAs) provide investors with a minimum rate of return and at the same time the opportunity of gaining a profit that is linked to the performance of an equity index. These properties make EIAs a popular product in the market. For modeling the equity index process and calculating the price of EIAs, as the maturity of EIAs usually is long, it is more reasonable to assume that the interest rate and the volatility of the equity index are stochastic processes. One simple way is to apply the regime-switching model, which allows these parameters depending on the market situation. However, the valuation of derivatives in such models is challenging, especially for the strong path-dependent options such as Asian options. A trinomial tree model is introduced to provide an efficient way to solve this problem. The valuation of Asian options is studied and extended to Asian-option-related EIAs.  相似文献   

We investigate the valuation problem of variable annuities with guaranteed lifelong/lifetime withdrawal benefit (GLWB) options, which give the policyholder the right to withdraw a specified amount as long as he or she lives, regardless of the performance of the investment. We assume the static approach that the policyholder’s withdrawal rate is a constant throughout the life of the contract. We apply the principle of equivalent utility to find the indifference price for a variable annuity with a GLWB contract with an equity-indexed death benefit. Using an exponential utility function, Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) type partial differential equations (PDEs) are derived for the pricing functions. We first assume the mortality is deterministic, and the pricing PDE is solved numerically using a finite difference method. The effects of various parameters are investigated, including the age at inception of the policyholder, withdrawal rate, risk-free rate, and volatility of the underlying asset. We also consider a roll-up option and analyze the effect of delaying the start of the withdrawals. Another pricing PDE is derived with a stochastic mortality, when the force of mortality is modeled with a stochastic differential equation. A finite difference method is used again to solve the pricing PDE numerically, and the sensitivities of the GLWB contracts with respect to the withdrawal rate and the risk-free rate are explored.  相似文献   

This paper values guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit (GMWB) riders embedded in variable annuities assuming that the underlying fund dynamics evolve under the influence of stochastic interest rates, stochastic volatility, stochastic mortality and equity risk. The valuation problem is formulated as a partial differential equation (PDE) which is solved numerically by employing the operator splitting method. Sensitivity analysis of the fair guarantee fee is performed with respect to various model parameters. We find that (i) the fair insurance fee charged by the product provider is an increasing function of the withdrawal rate; (ii) the GMWB price is higher when stochastic interest rates and volatility are incorporated in the model, compared to the case of static interest rates and volatility; (iii) the GMWB price behaves non-monotonically with changing volatility of variance parameter; (iv) the fair fee increases with increasing volatility of interest rates parameter, and increasing correlation between the underlying fund and the interest rates; (v) the fair fee increases when the speed of mean-reversion of stochastic volatility or the average long-term volatility increases; (vi) the GMWB fee decreases when the speed of mean-reversion of stochastic interest rates or the average long-term interest rates increase. We investigate both static and dynamic (optimal) policyholder's withdrawal behaviours; we present the optimal withdrawal schedule as a function of the withdrawal account and the investment account for varying volatility and interest rates. When incorporating stochastic mortality, we find that its impact on the fair guarantee fee is rather small. Our results demonstrate the importance of correct quantification of risks embedded in GMWBs and provide guidance to product providers on optimal hedging of various risks associated with the contract.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the valuation of caps, floors, and collars in a contingent claim framework under continuous time. These instruments are interpreted as options on traded zero coupon bonds. The bond prices themselves are used as the underlying stochastic variables. This has the advantage that we end up with closed form solutions which are easy to compute. Special attention is devoted to the choice of the stochastic process appropriate for the price dynamics of the underlying zero coupon bonds.  相似文献   

There are several examples in the literature of contingent claims whose payoffs depend on the outcomes of two or more stochastic variables. Familiar cases of such claims include options on a portfolio of options, options whose exercise price is stochastic, and options to exchange one asset for another. This paper derives risk neutral valuation relationships (RNVRs) in a discrete time setting that facilitate the pricing of such complex contingent claims in two specific cases: joint lognormally distributed underlying variables and constant proportional risk aversion on the part of investors, and joint normally distributed underlying variables and constant absolute risk aversion preferences, respectively. This methodology is then applied to the valuation of several interesting complex contingent claims such as multiperiod bonds, multicurrency option bonds, and investment options.  相似文献   

This article studies the equilibrium valuation of foreign exchange contingent claims. Within a continuous-time Lucas (1982) two-country model, exchange rates, interest rates and, in particular, factor risk prices are all endogenously and jointly determined. This guarantees the internal consistency of these price processes with a general equilibrium. In the same model, closed-form valuation formulas are presented for currency options and currency futures options. Common to these formulas is that stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rates are admitted. Hedge ratios and other comparative statics are also provided analytically. It is shown that most existing currency option models are included as special cases.  相似文献   

We find a closed-form formula for valuing a time-switch option where its underlying asset is affected by a stochastically changing market environment, and apply it to the valuation of other qualitative options such as corridor options and options in foreign exchange markets. The stochastic market environment is modeled as a Markov regime-switching process. This analytic formula provides us with a rapid and accurate scheme for valuing qualitative options with stochastic volatility.  相似文献   

We use an extension of the equilibrium framework of Rubinstein ( 1976 ) and Brennan ( 1979 ) to derive an option valuation formula when the stock return volatility is both stochastic and systematic. Our formula incorporates a stochastic volatility process as well as a stochastic interest rate process in the valuation of options. If the “mean,” volatility, and “covariance” processes for the stock return and the consumption growth are predictable, our option valuation formula can be written in “preference-free” form. Further, many popular option valuation formulae in the literature can be written as special cases of our general formula.  相似文献   

We present a detailed analysis of interest rate derivatives valuation under credit risk and collateral modeling. We show how the credit and collateral extended valuation framework presented in Pallavicini et al. [Funding valuation adjustment: FVA consistent with CVA, DVA, WWR, collateral, netting and re-hyphotecation, 2011], and the related collateralized valuation measure, can be helpful in defining the key market rates underlying the multiple interest rate curves that characterize current interest rate markets. A key point is that spot Libor rates are to be treated as market primitives rather than being defined by no-arbitrage relationships. We formulate a consistent realistic dynamics for the different rates emerging from our analysis and compare the resulting model performances to simpler models used in the industry. We include the often neglected margin period of risk, showing how this feature may increase the impact of different rates dynamics on valuation. We point out limitations of multiple curve models with deterministic basis considering valuation of particularly sensitive products such as basis swaps. We stress that a proper wrong way risk analysis for such products requires a model with a stochastic basis and we show numerical results confirming this fact.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to provide a valuation formula for commodity spread options. Commodity spread options are options written on the difference of the prices (spread) of two commodities. From the aspect of commodity contingent claims, it is considered that commodity spread options are difficult to evaluate with accuracy because of the existence of the convenience yield. Hence, the model of the convenience yield is the key factor to price commodity spread options. We use the concept of future convenience yields to develop the model that enriches the stochastic behavior of convenience yield. We also introduce Heath-Jarrow-Morton interest rate model to the valuation framework. This general model not only captures the mean reverting feature of the convenience yield, but also allows us to handle a very wide range of shape that the term structure of convenience yield can take. Therefore our model provides various types of models. The numerical analysis presented in this paper provides some unique features of commodity spread options in contrast to normal options. These characteristics have never been addressed in previous studies. Moreover, it suggests that the existing model overprice commodity spread options through neglecting the effect of interest rates.  相似文献   

We model a stream of cash flows as an optional stochastic process, and value the cash flows by using a continuous and strictly positive linear functional. By applying a representation theorem from the general theory of stochastic processes we are able to study this valuation principle, as well as properties of the stochastic discount factor it implies. This approach to valuation is useful in the non-presence of a financial market, as is often the case when valuing cash flows arising from insurance contracts and in the application of real options.  相似文献   


It is well known that purchasers of annuities have lower mortality than the general population. Less widely known is the quantitative extent of this adverse selection and how it varies across countries. This paper proposes and applies several methods for comparing alternative mortality tables and illustrates their impact on annuity valuation for men and women in the U.S. and the U.K. Our results indicate that the relatively lower mortality among older Americans who purchase annuities is equivalent to using a discount rate that is 50–100 basis points below the U.K. rate for compulsory annuitants or 10–20 basis points lower than the U.K. rate for voluntary annuitants. We then draw on the mortality experience of over half a billion lives to estimate mortality differentials due to varying degrees of adverse selection controlling for country, gender, and an allowance for mortality improvements. Results show that adverse selection associated with the purchase of individual annuities reduces mortality rates by at least 25% in the international context. We also find that the system of mortality tables used to value Japanese annuities is quite distinct from international norms.?  相似文献   

We present regression-based Monte Carlo simulation algorithm for solving the stochastic control models associated with pricing and hedging of the guaranteed lifelong withdrawal benefit (GLWB) in variable annuities, where the dynamics of the underlying fund value is assumed to evolve according to the stochastic volatility model. The GLWB offers a lifelong withdrawal benefit, even when the policy account value becomes zero, while the policyholder remains alive. Upon death, the remaining account value will be paid to the beneficiary as a death benefit. The bang-bang control strategy analysed under the assumption of maximization of the policyholder’s expected cash flow reduces the strategy space of optimal withdrawal policies to three choices: zero withdrawal, withdrawal at the contractual amount or complete surrender. The impact on the GLWB value under various withdrawal behaviours of the policyholder is examined. We also analyse the pricing properties of GLWB subject to different model parameter values and structural features.  相似文献   

Guarantees embedded variable annuity contracts exhibit option-like payoff features and the pricing of such instruments naturally leads to risk neutral valuation techniques. This paper considers the pricing of two types of guarantees; namely, the Guaranteed Minimum Maturity Benefit and the Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefit riders written on several underlying assets whose dynamics are given by affine stochastic processes. Within the standard affine framework for the underlying mortality risk, stochastic volatility and correlation risk, we develop the key ingredients to perform the pricing of such guarantees. The model implies that the corresponding characteristic function for the state variables admits a closed form expression. We illustrate the methodology for two possible payoffs for the guarantees leading to prices that can be obtained through numerical integration. Using typical values for the parameters, an implementation of the model is provided and underlines the significant impact of the assets’ correlation structure on the guarantee prices.  相似文献   

This paper describes European-style valuation and hedging procedures for a class of knockout barrier options under stochastic volatility. A pricing framework is established by applying mean self-financing arguments and the minimal equivalent martingale measure. Using appropriate combinations of stochastic numerical and variance reduction procedures we demonstrate that fast and accurate valuations can be obtained for down-and-out call options for the Heston model.  相似文献   

In this research, we investigate the impact of stochastic volatility and interest rates on counterparty credit risk (CCR) for FX derivatives. To achieve this we analyse two real-life cases in which the market conditions are different, namely during the 2008 credit crisis where risks are high and a period after the crisis in 2014, where volatility levels are low. The Heston model is extended by adding two Hull–White components which are calibrated to fit the EURUSD volatility surfaces. We then present future exposure profiles and credit value adjustments (CVAs) for plain vanilla cross-currency swaps (CCYS), barrier and American options and compare the different results when Heston-Hull–White-Hull–White or Black–Scholes dynamics are assumed. It is observed that the stochastic volatility has a significant impact on all the derivatives. For CCYS, some of the impact can be reduced by allowing for time-dependent variance. We further confirmed that Barrier options exposure and CVA is highly sensitive to volatility dynamics and that American options’ risk dynamics are significantly affected by the uncertainty in the interest rates.  相似文献   

Recent variable annuities offer participation in the equity market and attractive protection against downside movements. Accurately quantifying this additional equity market risk and robustly hedging options embedded in the guarantees of variable annuities are new challenges for insurance companies. Due to sensitivities of the benefits to tails of the account value distribution, a simple Black–Scholes model is inadequate in preventing excessive liabilities. A model which realistically describes the real world price dynamics over a long time horizon is essential for the risk management of the variable annuities. In this article, both jump risk and volatility risk are considered for risk management of lookback options embedded in guarantees with a ratchet feature. We evaluate relative performances of delta hedging and dynamic discrete risk minimization hedging strategies. Using the underlying as the hedging instrument, we show that, under a Black–Scholes model, local risk minimization hedging can be significantly better than delta hedging. In addition, we compare risk minimization hedging using the underlying with that of using standard options. We demonstrate that, under a Merton's jump diffusion model, hedging using standard options is superior to hedging using the underlying in terms of the risk reduction. Finally, we consider a market model for volatility risks in which the at‐the‐money implied volatility is a state variable. We compute risk minimization hedging by modeling at‐the‐money Black–Scholes implied volatility explicitly; the hedging effectiveness is evaluated, however, under a joint model for the underlying price and implied volatility. Our computational results suggest that, when implied volatility risk is suitably modeled, risk minimization hedging using standard options, compared to hedging using the underlying, can potentially be more effective in risk reduction under both jump and volatility risks.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the structure of American option valuation problems and derive the analytic valuation formulas under general underlying security price processes by an alternative but intuitive method. For alternative diffusion processes, we derive closed-form analytic valuation formulas and analyze the implications of asset price dynamics on the early exercise premiums of American options. In this regard, we introduce useful and interesting diffusion processes into American option-pricing literature, thus providing a wide range of choices of pricing models for various American-type derivative assets. This work offers a useful analytic framework for empirical testing and practical applications such as the valuation of corporate securities and examining the impact of options trading on market micro-structure.  相似文献   

Participating life insurance contracts allow the policyholder to participate in the annual return of a reference portfolio. Additionally, they are often equipped with an annual (cliquet-style) return guarantee. The current low interest rate environment has again refreshed the discussion on risk management and fair valuation of such embedded options. While this problem is typically discussed from the viewpoint of a single contract or a homogeneous* insurance portfolio, contracts are, in practice, managed within a heterogeneous insurance portfolio. Their valuation must then – unlike the case of asset portfolios – take account of portfolio effects: Their premiums are invested in the same reference portfolio; the contracts interact by a joint reserve, individual surrender options and joint default risk of the policy sponsor. Here, we discuss the impact of portfolio effects on the fair valuation of insurance contracts jointly managed in (homogeneous and) heterogeneous life insurance portfolios. First, in a rather general setting, including stochastic interest rates, we consider the case that otherwise homogeneous contracts interact due to the default risk of the policy sponsor. Second, and more importantly, we then also consider the case when policies are allowed to differ in further aspects like the guaranteed rate or time to maturity. We also provide an extensive numerical example for further analysis.  相似文献   

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