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One of the central issues in the Solvency II process will be an appropriate calculation of the Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR). This is the economic capital that an insurance company must hold in order to guarantee a one-year ruin probability of at most 0.5%. In the so-called standard formula, the overall SCR is calculated from individual SCRs in a particular way that imitates the calculation of the standard deviation for a sum of normally distributed risks (SCR aggregation formula). However, in order to cope with skewness in the individual risk distributions, this formula must be calibrated accordingly in order to maintain the prescribed level of confidence. In this paper, we want to show that the methods proposed and discussed thus far still show stability problems within the general setup.  相似文献   

In the context of Solvency II the Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR) is a well known financial demand which will have to be fulfilled by all European insurance companies to assure a theoretical ruin probability of 0.005 or less.  相似文献   

The Solvency II Directive creates a complex set of prudential rules to improve the protection of policyholders and to contribute to the stability of the financial market. One of the key elements is a system of governance, which is not only to be established in each undertaking concerned, but also at group level. This article shows that in a factual group, the parent company’s sphere of influence is very limited, rendering it impossible to implement an effective group-wide governance system. Thus, the achievement of the objectives is at stake. The author discusses various approaches to solving this problem and proposes an amendment to the law. Furthermore, the impact of the paradigm shift from a rules-based to a principles-oriented regulatory regime is analyzed.  相似文献   

As early as the 1970s, European Union (EU) member countries implemented rules to coordinate insurance markets and regulation. However, with the more recent movement toward a general single EU market, financial services regulation has taken on new meaning and priority. Solvency I regulations went into effect for member nations by January 2004. The creation of risk-based capital standards, the main focus of Solvency II, now appears likely sometime after 2007. The purpose of the discussion presented here is to outline the specifics of Solvency II as they currently stand and suggest important areas of future research.  相似文献   

Recently Cairns et al. introduced a general framework for modeling the dynamics of mortality rates of two related populations simultaneously. Their method ensures that the resulting forecasts do not diverge over the long run by modeling the difference in the stochastic factors between the two populations with a mean-reverting autoregressive process. In this article, we investigate how the modeling of the stochastic factors may be improved by using a vector error correction model. This extension is highly intuitive, allowing us to visualize the cross-correlations and the long-term equilibrium relation between the two populations. Another key benefit is that this extension does not require the user to assume which one of the two populations is dominant. This benefit is important because, as we demonstrate, it is not always easy to identify the dominant population, even if one population is much larger than the other. We illustrate our proposed extension with data from a pair of populations and apply it to the calculation of Solvency II risk capital.  相似文献   

Accounting and supervision are closely related, especially via the determination of regulatory capital. As a precondition for the harmonisation of solvency rules within Europe, as discussed in the context of Solvency II, there is a need for harmonised accounting rules regarding the recognition and measurement of assets and liabilities. The International Financial Reporting Standards resp. International Accounting Standards (IFRS resp. IAS) are used as a starting point. Insurance contracts are accounted for under IFRS 4, published in March 2004, which is only established as an interim standard allowing insurance companies to continue their existing accounting policy without major changes in their accounting systems. The IASB has just begun working on a final standard (Phase II). The IASB’s work on the final standard should be taken into account for the determination of regulatory capital as well. The third pillar of Solvency II is an additional connection between international accounting standards and the Solvency II project: extensive disclosure requirements companies shall provide disciplinary transparency with regard to their risk management systems and risk profiles.  相似文献   

The article considers the solvency requirements for a whole portfolio of annuities under the regime of Solvency II. More precisely, the following question is investigated: Which demand of interest on the initial capital – the Solvency II premium reserves – is needed in order to fit the balance for Solvency II capital requirements in the next year? It turns out, that even for a model portfolio of simple annuities with say guaranteed interest rate of 1,25% the demand of interest in one year is greater than 3%. So even if a life insurance company fulfill the capital requirements of Solvency II in 2016 the mentioned effect causes eventually problems in future times.  相似文献   

偿付能力监管是现代保险监管方法的重要组成部分,更是衡量保险公司经营稳定与安全性的主要指标,如何改善偿付能力是保险业界必须讨论和研究的热点问题。再保险特别是财务再保险,由于其自身所具有的本质特性,将成为改善保险公司偿付能力的主要手段之一。本文基于再保险的角度去探索改善保险公司偿付能力的途径,从财务再保险的基本理论出发,介绍了财务再保险的定义、特征和分类,并结合保险公司偿付能力的有关知识分析了二者之间的关系。通过模型计算,得出了财务再保险与偿付能力最适边界和可解决域,这将极大的方便保险公司在购买财务再保险时的决策。  相似文献   

It is already foreseeable that Solvency II will tie capital requirements to a very comprehensive risk definition including underwriting and market risks. The new regulatory framework will demand more sophisticated tools to detect interest rate risks on both sides of the balance sheet in an integrated approach. Efforts by life insurers to level these risks could lead to an increased demand for long term fixed income securities. At this point the question arises if this industry wide change in asset demand will have or already has had an impact on prices of long-term bonds and the yield curve in the Euro-Zone?  相似文献   

我国虚拟货币监管机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虚拟货币在网络交易中表现出一些货币特征。本文根据我国虚拟货币的市场规模和流通方式,分析虚拟货币在流通与交易中存在的风险,借鉴美国和欧洲等国家经验,提出构建以虚拟货币发行厂商交易平台为枢纽的监管体系。  相似文献   

发生频率高、致灾影响大的台风灾害已成为制约沿海地区生产生活正常运行的重要因素,而现行以政府为主导的单一救灾方式易造成巨大的财政负担.商业保险等市场机制的引入,无疑成为海洋灾害风险分散的有益尝试.对此,基于Cummins偿付反应函数模型,以台风频发、灾情较重的浙江、福建、广东、海南四省为研究对象,计算中国财险业对台风灾害损失的偿付能力.结果显示,中国财险业对台风灾害损失的实际赔付率仅为理论值的16%,保险市场对台风灾害损失有较充裕的偿付空间.  相似文献   

The discrepancy between the decision and data-sampling intervals, known as time aggregation, confounds the identification of long-, short-run growth, and volatility risks in asset prices. This paper develops a method to simultaneously estimate the model parameters and the decision interval of the agent by exploiting identifying restrictions of the Long Run Risk (LRR) model that account for time aggregation. The LRR model finds considerable empirical support in the data; the estimated decision interval of the agents is 33 days. Our estimation results establish that long-run growth and volatility risks are important for asset prices.  相似文献   

This article presents an approach for evaluating the liabilities of traditional Brazilian annuity plans, using a continuous-time stochastic approach based on modern solvency principles. The technical provisions are obtained by means of conditional expectation, under a real-world measure and considering the peculiar characteristics of each plan and the financial guarantees and profit participations (bonus and dividend plans) embedded in the annuity plans. We assume that policyholder behavior is not optimal, but we also illustrate a calculation of provision assuming optimal policyholder behavior to show the differences between both assumptions. In this article all explicit provisions formulas are derived, and several relevant conclusions about the values of these provisions are discussed.  相似文献   

Whether pure contagion is more likely to occur when a federal deposit insurer is severely undercapitalized is an unanswered question. This paper provides evidence on this issue by examining the stock market reaction of savings and loans (S&Ls) to the crisis of Financial Corporation of America (FCA) in 1984, when the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation was fiscally unsound. Consistent with a contingent insurance guarantee hypothesis, the results show large, significant negative abnormal returns (ARs) for a portfolio of high insured deposit S&Ls during FCA's crisis.  相似文献   

In auctions with externalities, it is well-known that the core can be empty, which is undesirable both in terms of stability and “fairness.” Nevertheless, some auction outcome must be chosen. We separate deviations into two types: deviations by paying more and deviations by refusing to pay. In high-stakes auctions where bidders also care about their reputation, the latter are unlikely to occur, or else can be prevented by legal interventions. In contrast, the former is more undesirable in the sense that the seller and the bidders experience justified envy. We show that the core is nonempty if bidders cannot refuse to pay.  相似文献   

An important issue in derivative pricing that hasn't been explored much until very recently is the impact of short selling to the price of an option. This paper extends a recent publication in this area to the case in which a ban of short selling of the underlying alone is somewhat less ‘effective’ than the extreme case discussed by Guo and Zhu [Equal risk pricing under convex trading constraints. J. Econ. Dyn. Control, 2017, 76, 136–151]. The case presented here is closer to reality, in which the effect of a ban on the underlying of an option alone may quite often be ‘diluted’ due to market interactions of the underlying asset with other correlated assets. Under a new assumption that there exists at least a correlated asset in the market, which is allowed to be short sold and thus can be used by traders for hedging purposes even though short selling of the underlying itself is banned, a new closed-form equal-risk pricing formula for European options is successfully derived. The new formula contains two distinguishable advantages; (a) it does not induce any significantly extra burden in terms of numerically computing option values, compared with the effort involved in using the Black–Scholes formula, which is still popularly used in finance industry today; (b) it remains simple and elegant as only one additional parameter beyond the Black–Scholes formula is introduced, to reflect the dilution effect to the ban as a result of market interactions.  相似文献   

Fama and French (2006) use the dividend-discount model to develop the role of expected profitability, expected investment, and the book-to-market ratio as predictors of stock returns. One reported empirical result is anomalous. The valuation model establishes that the comparative static relation between expected returns and expected investment is negative, yet it appears to be positive and insignificant. We show that the posited valuation relations apply at the firm level, and not at the per share level at which they were tested. Once the variables are measured at the firm level, all the Fama French predictions are validated.  相似文献   

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