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Let X 1, X 2,... be a sequence of independent, identically distributed random variables with P(X?0)=0, and such that pκ = ?0 x κ dP(x)<∞, k= 1, 2, 3, 4. Assume that {N(t), t?0} is a Poission stochastic process, independent of the X 1 with E(N(t))=t. For λ ? 0, let Z T= max {Σ t?1 N(t) X t ?t(p 1+λ)}. Expressions 0 ?t?T for E(Z T ), E(Z T 2), and P(Z T =0) are derived. These results are used to construct an approximation for the finite-time ruin function Ψ(u, T) = P(Z T >u) for u?0. An alternate method of approximating Ψ(u, T) was presented in [10] by Olof Thorin and exemplified in [11] by Nils Wikstad. One of the purposes of this paper is to compare the two methods for two distributions of claims where the number of claims is a Poisson variate. The paper will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods. We will also present a comparison of our approximate figures with the exact figures for the claim distribution   相似文献   


We indicate by S t a non-decreasing function having the differential dSt υ defined for all t?0 (S0=0); P t a non-decreasing continuous function with an existing second differential for all t ?0.  相似文献   


Some authors define the (elementary) compound Poisson process in wide sense {χ t , 0 ? t < ∞} with help of probability distributions where τ is a so-called operational time, a continuous non-decreasing function of t vanishing for t = 0, and V(q, t) is a non-negative distribution function for every t.  相似文献   


1. Let an infinite sequence of real numbers be given by (1) {ηt } =[…, η t-2, η t-1, η t , η t+1, η t+2, . . . ] and let (b) = (b 0, b 1,.., bh ) represent real constants. The sequence(2) {ζ t } = […, ζ t-2, ζ t-1, ζt , ζ t+1, ζ t+2,…] defined for every t by the relation(3) ζ t = b 0 · η t + b 1 · η t-1 — . . . + b h-1 · η t-h+1 + b h · η t-h is said to be a moving average of {η t } with weights (b i ) The variable t, which is restricted to integral values 0, ± 1, ± 2 etc., will in the sequel be spoken of as representing time.  相似文献   


1. The Unnatural Hypothesis of a Constant Rate of Interest

There are loan contracts which assume a constant interest during several years and thereafter payment of the amount borrowed, but nowadays clauses are as a rule admitted giving the debtor right of conversion or repayment after a certain period, generally ten years. Low interest loans can be considered as perpetuities from a practical point of view, as long as no possibility is meant to exist that the market rate will fall under their nominal rate. Such a loan—as e.g. Consols—with the nominal rate i 0 ought to be valued at a discount if the market rate is higher, say i > i 0, the value being equal to the fraction i 0 : i. But constant rates are no rule in practice.  相似文献   


When applying a proportional reinsurance policy π the reserve of the insurance company is governed by a SDE =(aπ (t)u dt + aπ (t)σ dWt where {Wt } is a standard Brownian motion, µ, π, > 0 are constants and 0 ? aπ (t) ? 1 is the control process, where aπ (t) denotes the fraction, that is reinsured at time t. The aim of this paper is to find a policy that maximizes the return function Vπ (x) = where c > 0, τπ is the time of ruin and x refers to the initial reserve.  相似文献   


In the present paper we discuss various results related to moments and cumulants of probability distributions and approximations to probability distributions. As the approximations are not necessarily probability distributions themselves, we shall apply the concept of moments and cumulants to more general functions. Recursions are deduced for moments and cumulants of functions in the form Rk [a, b] as defined by Dhaene & Sundt (1996). We deduce a simple relation between the De Pril transform and the cumulants of a function. This relation is applied to some classes of approximations to probability distributions, in particular the approximations of Hipp and De Pril.  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(3):224-227

Are large-scale research programmes that include many projects more productive than smaller ones with fewer projects? This problem of economies of scale is relevant for understanding recent mergers, in particular in the pharmaceutical industry. We present a quantitative theory based on the characterization of distributions of discounted sales S resulting from new innovations. Assuming that these complementary cumulative distributions have fat tails with approximate power law structure S , we demonstrate that economies of scales are realized if and only if α<1. ‘Economies of scale’ is here understood according to the criterion that the probability to earn more than any fixed factor proportional to its size N is larger for the merged company C=A+B of size N A+N B than for any of the two component companies A and B with size N A and N B. In essence, the mechanism underlying the ‘economies of scale’ is that a very large payoff from a successful project can pay for all of the losing projects. Some empirical evidence suggests that α?2/3 for the pharmaceutical industry. This could provide a simple rationalization for recent mergers or alternatively for portfolio diversification since the same effect could also be achieved in part if each firm held shares in all of its competitors.  相似文献   

Consider discrete-time observations (X ? δ )1≤?n+1 of the process X satisfying $dX_{t}=\sqrt{V_{t}}dB_{t}Consider discrete-time observations (X δ )1≤n+1 of the process X satisfying dXt=?{Vt}dBtdX_{t}=\sqrt{V_{t}}dB_{t} , with V a one-dimensional positive diffusion process independent of the Brownian motion B. For both the drift and the diffusion coefficient of the unobserved diffusion V, we propose nonparametric least square estimators, and provide bounds for their risk. Estimators are chosen among a collection of functions belonging to a finite-dimensional space whose dimension is selected by a data driven procedure. Implementation on simulated data illustrates how the method works.  相似文献   


Let X f1, X f2, ... be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with mean µ and variance σ2∈ (0, ∞). Define the stopping times N(d)=min {n:n ?1 Σ n i=1} (X i&#x2212;X n)2+n ?1?nd 2/a 2}, d>0, where X n =n ?1 Σ n i=1} Xi and (2π) a ?a exp (?u 2/2) du=α ∈(0,1). Chow and Robbins (1965) showed that the sequence In,d =[Xn ?d, X n + d], n=1,2, ... is an asymptotic level -α fixed-width confidence sequence for the mean, i.e. limd→0 P(µ∈IN(d),d )=α. In this note we establish the convergence rate P(µ∈IN(d),d )=α + O(d½?δ) under the condition E|X1|3+?+5/(28) < ∞ for some δ ∈ (0, ½) and ??0. The main tool in the proof is a result of Landers and Rogge (1976) on the convergence rate of randomly selected partial sums.  相似文献   

We consider a class of Markovian risk models perturbed by a multiple threshold dividend strategy in which the insurer collects premiums at rate c i whenever the surplus level resides in the i-th surplus layer, i=1, 2, …,n+1 where n<∞. We derive the Laplace-Stieltjes transform (LST) of the distribution of the time to ruin as well as the discounted joint density of the surplus prior to ruin and the deficit at ruin. By interpreting that the insurer, whose gross premium rate is c, pays dividends continuously at rate d i =c?c i whenever the surplus level resides in the i-th surplus layer, we also derive the expected discounted value of total dividend payments made prior to ruin. Our results are obtained via a recursive approach which makes use of an existing connection, linking an insurer's surplus process to an embedded fluid flow process.  相似文献   


The following situation is considered. A fixed number (= n) or sequence of independent trials T 1 T 2,…, T n is given, and in each of these an event E mayor may not occur, It is further observed that the event E occurs a total of k times amongst the n trials T i , (i = l,…, n). It is then required to test the hypothesis H 0 that the probability of the occurrence of E is constant from trial to trial, i.e. H 0 is the hypothesis: p 1 = p 2 = ? = p n = p, if p n (i = 1, …, n) represents the probability that E occurs on the ith trial.  相似文献   


Consider a single-server queuing system, where the arrival intervals Ti and the service-times Ui of consecutive customers form two independent sequences of independent and equally distributed random variables. Assume that customers arriving when the server is busy line up and that they are then served in order of arrival. Let Wn be the waiting-time of the nth customer and suppose that the server is idle at the start, i.e. W1 = 0. Put W = lim n Wn when the limit exists. Furthermore, let Fn (?) be the c.d.f. of Wn and put EWn n .  相似文献   


Let us survey an economic subject A0 who at the point t0 is planning to offer for sale a number q of lots during a space of time = selling period of lottery ticket.  相似文献   


A formula for U(w, t), the distribution function of the waiting time of a potential customer who joins a queue with a single server at epoch t after service commences without a queue was derived for dam theory by Gani & Prabhu (1959) and for queues by Bene? (1960). Here we use it to calculate numerically the probability of non-ruin in risk theory with an assumption that X(t), the accumulated claims during the interval (0, t), is a stochastic process with independent increments occurring at the event points of a stationary process. The difficulties encountered are described in some detail and suggestions made for the attainment of three-decimal accuracy in U(w, t).  相似文献   

Nils Ekholm     

The problem of χ2 tests of a linear hypothesis H0 for ‘matched samples’ in attribute data has been discussed earlier by the author (Bennett, 1967, 1968). This note presents corresponding results for the hypothesis that the multinomial probabilities p satisfy (c ?1) functional restrictions: F 1(p) = 0, ... , F C?1(p) = 0. An explicit relationship between the usual ‘goodness-of-fit’ χ2 and the modified minimum χ2 (=χ*2) of Jeffreys (1938) and Neyman (1949) is demonstrated for this situation. An example of the test for the 2 × 2 × 2 contingency table is given and compared with the solution of Bartlett (1935).  相似文献   

Valuation theory says that expected stock returns are related to three variables: the book-to-market equity ratio (Bt/Mt), expected profitability, and expected investment. Given Bt/Mt and expected profitability, higher expected rates of investment imply lower expected returns. But controlling for the other two variables, more profitable firms have higher expected returns, as do firms with higher Bt/Mt. These predictions are confirmed in our tests.  相似文献   


In [5] S. Holm proposed teststatistics for testing simple hypotheses by means of the probability paper for distribution functions (d.f.) of the form F 0(x) = Φ[(x - μ0)/σ0], where μ0 is location parameter, σ0 scale parameter, and Φ is an absolutely continuous distribution function with Φ(0) = 1/2. If μ0 and (σ0 are known, the hypothesis H 0 is:
  • H 0: H(x) = F 0(x) = Φ[(x0)/σ0],

while the three possible alternatives are
  • H 1: H(x) > F 0(x)

  • H 2: H(x) < F 0(x)

  • H 3: H(x) ≠ F 0(x).


《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(4):303-314

We generalize the construction of the multifractal random walk (MRW) due to Bacry et al (Bacry E, Delour J and Muzy J-F 2001 Modelling financial time series using multifractal random walks Physica A 299 84) to take into account the asymmetric character of financial returns. We show how one can include in this class of models the observed correlation between past returns and future volatilities, in such a way that the scale invariance properties of the MRW are preserved. We compute the leading behaviour of q-moments of the process, which behave as power laws of the time lag with an exponent ζ q =p?2p(p?1)λ2 for even q=2p, as in the symmetric MRW, and as ζ q =p + 1?2p 2λ2?α (q=2p + 1), where λ and α are parameters. We show that this extended model reproduces the ‘HARCH’ effect or ‘causal cascade’ reported by some authors. We illustrate the usefulness of this ‘skewed’ MRW by computing the resulting shape of the volatility smiles generated by such a process, which we compare with approximate cumulant expansion formulae for the implied volatility. A large variety of smile surfaces can be reproduced.  相似文献   

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