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This paper presents an explicit characterization for the joint probability density function of the surplus immediately prior to ruin and the deficit at ruin for a general risk process, which includes the Sparre-Andersen risk model with phase-type inter-claim times and claim sizes. The model can also accommodate a Markovian arrival process which enables claim sizes to be correlated with the inter-claim times. The marginal density function of the surplus immediately prior to ruin is specifically considered. Several numerical examples are presented to illustrate the application of this result.  相似文献   


In his short article Professor Seal considers inter alia the suitability of the renewal approach to the occurrence scheme in risk theory. He gives a catalog of four facts which according to him make the renewal approach less reasonable. About the two first facts he himself says that they may be removed as more actual experience becomes available so I will not discuss them but consider the two last only  相似文献   


This paper has been inspired by a very interesting article by Taylor (1979) in which he considered the effect of claims cost inflation on a compound Poisson risk process. The present paper divides naturally into two parts. In the first part we show, under very general conditions, that if claims costs are increasing and if the premiums are increasing at the same rate then ultimate ruin is certain for the risk process. In the second part we try to determine how fast the premiums should increase in order that ultimate ruin should not be certain for such a risk process.  相似文献   


The traditional theory of collective risk is concerned with fluctuations in the capital reserve {Y(t): t ?O} of an insurance company. The classical model represents {Y(t)} as a positive constant x (initial capital) plus a deterministic linear function (cumulative income) minus a compound Poisson process (cumulative claims). The central problem is to determine the ruin probability ψ(x) that capital ever falls to zero. It is known that, under reasonable assumptions, one can approximate {Y(t)} by an appropriate Wiener process and hence ψ(.) by the corresponding exponential function of (Brownian) first passage probabilities. This paper considers the classical model modified by the assumption that interest is earned continuously on current capital at rate β > O. It is argued that Y(t) can in this case be approximated by a diffusion process Y*(t) which is closely related to the classical Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. The diffusion {Y*(t)}, which we call compounding Brownian motion, reduces to the ordinary Wiener process when β = O. The first passage probabilities for Y*(t) are found to form a truncated normal distribution, which approximates the ruin function ψ(.) for the model with compounding assets. The approximate expression for ψ(.) is compared against the exact expression for a special case in which the latter is known. Assuming parameter values for which one would anticipate a good approximation, the two expressions are found to agree extremely well over a wide range of initial asset levels.  相似文献   

We consider the classical Sparre-Andersen risk process perturbed by a Wiener process, and study the joint distribution of the ruin time and the aggregate claim amounts until ruin by determining its Laplace transform. This is first done when the claim amounts follow respectively an exponential/Phase-type distribution, in which case we also compute the distribution of recovery time and study the case of a barrier dividend. Then the general distribution is considered when ruin occurs by oscillation, in which case a renewal equation is derived.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a risk measure derived from ruin theory defined as the amount of capital needed to cope in expectation with the first occurrence of a ruin event. Specifically, within the compound Poisson model, we investigate some properties of this risk measure with respect to the stochastic ordering of claim severities. Particular situations where combining risks yield diversification benefits are identified. Closed form expressions and upper bounds are also provided for certain claim severities.  相似文献   

风险管理是商业银行经营活动中的一个永恒的话题,承担和管理风险是商业银行的基本职责,也是商业银行业务不断创新发展的动力源泉之一。商业银行如何有效防范与化解经营过程中面临的各种风险,已成为影响银行发展的关键因素之一。业界普遍认为,风险管理对商业银行的经营有如下作用:风险管理能够成为商业银行实施经营战略的手段,极大地改变了商业银行的经营管理模式;  相似文献   

We consider a Markov-modulated risk model in which the claim inter-arrivals, amounts and premiums are influenced by an external Markovian environment process. A system of Laplace transforms of the probabilities of the severity of ruin, given the initial environment state, is established from a system of integro-differential equations derived by Snoussi [The severity of ruin in Markov-modulated risk models Schweiz Aktuarver. Mitt., 2002, 1, 31–43]. In the two-state model, explicit formulas for probabilities of the severity of ruin are derived, when the initial reserve is zero or when both claim amount distributions are from the rational family. Numerical illustrations are also given.  相似文献   

Properties of the distribution of the deficit at ruin in the stationary renewal risk model are studied. A mixture representation for the conditional distribution of the deficit at ruin (given that ruin occurs) is derived, as well as a stochastic decomposition involving the residual lifetime associated with the maximal aggregate loss. When the individual claims have a phase-type distribution, the deficit at ruin is also of phase-type.  相似文献   

The ruin probability of an insurance company is a central topic in risk theory. We consider the classical Poisson risk model when the claim size distribution and the Poisson arrival rate are unknown. Given a sample of inter-arrival times and corresponding claims, we propose a semiparametric estimator of the ruin probability. We establish properties of strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimator and study bootstrap confidence bands. Further, we present a simulation example in order to investigate the finite sample properties of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   


It is well known that the chief aim of all theory of risk is to attain a sort of objective and somehow confirmed opinion of how and to which extent an insurance company ought to reinsure its risks in order that the probability of ruin by random fluctuations of the risk process shall become so small that it can be overlooked in practice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a nonparametric estimator for ruin probability in the classical risk model with unknown claim size distribution. We construct the estimator by Fourier inversion and kernel density estimation method. Under some conditions imposed on the kernel, bandwidth and claim size density, we present some large sample properties of the estimator. Some simulation studies are also given to show the finite sample performance of the estimator.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider an extension to the classical compound Poisson risk model. Historically, it has been assumed that the claim amounts and claim inter-arrival times are independent. In this contribution, a dependence structure between the claim amount and the interclaim time is introduced through a Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern copula. In this framework, we derive the integro-differential equation and the Laplace transform (LT) of the Gerber–Shiu discounted penalty function. An explicit expression for the LT of the discounted value of a general function of the deficit at ruin is obtained for claim amounts having an exponential distribution.  相似文献   

We consider a risk process with the possibility of investment into a risky asset. The aim of the paper is to obtain the asymptotic behaviour of the ruin probability under the optimal investment strategy in the small claims case. In addition we prove convergence of the optimal investment level as the initial capital tends to infinity.  相似文献   


1. The determination of the probability that an insurance company once in the future will be brought to ruin is a problem of great interest in insurance mathematics. If we know this probability, it does not only give us a possibility to estimate the stability of the insurance company, but we may also decide which precautions, in the form of f. ex. reinsurance and loading of the premiums, should be taken in order to make the probability of ruin so small that in practice no ruin is to be feared.  相似文献   

In this paper, a dependent Sparre Andersen risk process in which the joint density of the interclaim time and the resulting claim severity satisfies the factorization as in Willmot and Woo is considered. We study a generalization of the Gerber–Shiu function (i) whose penalty function further depends on the surplus level immediately after the second last claim before ruin; and (ii) which involves the moments of the discounted aggregate claim costs until ruin. The generalized discounted density with a moment-based component proposed in Cheung plays a key role in deriving recursive defective renewal equations. We pay special attention to the case where the marginal distribution of the interclaim times is Coxian, and the required components in the recursion are obtained. A reverse type of dependency structure, where the claim severities follow a combination of exponentials, is also briefly discussed, and this leads to a nice explicit expression for the expected discounted aggregate claims until ruin. Our results are applied to generate some numerical examples involving (i) the covariance of the time of ruin and the discounted aggregate claims until ruin; and (ii) the expectation, variance and third central moment of the discounted aggregate claims until ruin.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the severity of ruin in a discrete semi-Markov risk model. It is shown that the work of Reinhard and Snoussi (Stochastic Models, 18) can be extended to cover the case where the premium is an integer value and no restriction on the annual result is imposed. In particular, it is shown that the severity of ruin without initial surplus is solution of a system of equations. It can be obtained by a monotonically converging algorithm when the claims are bounded.  相似文献   

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