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The following situation is considered. A fixed number (= n) or sequence of independent trials T 1 T 2,…, T n is given, and in each of these an event E mayor may not occur, It is further observed that the event E occurs a total of k times amongst the n trials T i , (i = l,…, n). It is then required to test the hypothesis H 0 that the probability of the occurrence of E is constant from trial to trial, i.e. H 0 is the hypothesis: p 1 = p 2 = ? = p n = p, if p n (i = 1, …, n) represents the probability that E occurs on the ith trial.  相似文献   


We consider risk processes t t?0 with the property that the rate β of the Poisson arrival process and the distribution of B of the claim sizes are not fixed in time but depend on the state of an underlying Markov jump process {Zt } t?0 such that β=β i and B=Bi when Zt=i . A variety of methods, including approximations, simulation and numerical methods, for assessing the values of the ruin probabilities are studied and in particular we look at the Cramér-Lundberg approximation and diffusion approximations with correction terms. The mathematical framework is Markov-modulated random walks in discrete and continuous time, and in particular Wiener-Hopf factorisation problems and conjugate distributions (Esscher transforms) are involved.  相似文献   


Let X m(n) =(X j , n, ..., X j m,n ) be a subset of observations of a sample Xn = (X1n X 2n ... , X nn ). Here the Xjn 'S in Xn are not necessarily independent or identically distributed, and m(n) mayor may not tend to infinity as n tends to infinity. Suppose the joint density function hn =hn (x m (n); θ) of the X jn 's in Xm(n) is completely specified except the values of the parameters in the parameter vector θ = (θ1 θ2, ... , θ k ), where θ belongs to a non-degenerate open subset H of the k-dimensional Euclidean space Rk and k?m(n).  相似文献   


Cook (1978) has proved that n positive random variables X 1 ..., X n are independent and follow the same exponential distribution iff the random vectors (X 1 ..., X s ) and (X s+1, ..., X n ) are independent for some s ∈ {1, ..., n-l} and E(Π} j=1 n max {X j -a j , 0}) is a function of Σ j=1 n a j for a 1, ..., a n dR +. In this paper a generalization of this characterization of the exponential distribution and an analogous characterization of the geometric distribution are given.  相似文献   


Let χi be the total claim amount of an insurance policy in calendar year i. We assume that the χi's are conditionally independent given an unknown random parameter ø, and that for all i. In the present paper it is under these assumptions shown how to calculate the credibility estimator of m(ø) by recursive updating. We also give estimators for the unknown parameters αi, βi, and ?i based on portfolio data. Finally we mention some related models.  相似文献   


Let X 1 (µ), X 2 (µ), ... be an infinite sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables defined on the whole real axis and with EX1 (µ) = µ > 0. Put Mn (µ) = max (S0 (µ), S1 (µ), ..., Sn (µ) , where Sn (µ) = X1 (µ) + ... + Xn (µ) for n = 1 , 2, ... and S0 (µ) = 0, and define   相似文献   


In a previous paper [2] the author has studied the distribution of the average value of n consecutive observations of the waiting-time in an M/G/1 queuing system, i.e. a system where the arrival epochs form a Poisson process with constant intensity. The observations were assumed to be made during the equilibrium state of the process.  相似文献   


Let X f1, X f2, ... be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with mean µ and variance σ2∈ (0, ∞). Define the stopping times N(d)=min {n:n ?1 Σ n i=1} (X i&#x2212;X n)2+n ?1?nd 2/a 2}, d>0, where X n =n ?1 Σ n i=1} Xi and (2π) a ?a exp (?u 2/2) du=α ∈(0,1). Chow and Robbins (1965) showed that the sequence In,d =[Xn ?d, X n + d], n=1,2, ... is an asymptotic level -α fixed-width confidence sequence for the mean, i.e. limd→0 P(µ∈IN(d),d )=α. In this note we establish the convergence rate P(µ∈IN(d),d )=α + O(d½?δ) under the condition E|X1|3+?+5/(28) < ∞ for some δ ∈ (0, ½) and ??0. The main tool in the proof is a result of Landers and Rogge (1976) on the convergence rate of randomly selected partial sums.  相似文献   


Although most applications of stratified sampling represent sampling from a finite population, π(N), consisting of k mutually exclusive sub-populations or strata, n, (N,), it is for purposes of theoretical investigations convenient to deal with a hypothetical population n, represented by a distribution function f(y), a < y < b. This hypothetical population likewise consists of k mutually exclusive strata, πi , i = 1,.2 ... k. The mean of this population is µi being the mean of ni. By means of a random sample of n observations, ni of which are selected from πi , µ, is estimated by: being the estimate of µi .  相似文献   


Let X 1, X 2 be independent identically distributed positive integer valued random variables. H the X i 's have a geometric distribution, then the conditional distribution of R = max(X 1, X 2)-min(X 1, X 2), given R > 0, is the same as the distribution of X 1. This property is shown to characterize the geometric distribution.  相似文献   

In his nice paper (Mykhopadhyay, 1982) as well as in his significant monograph (Mykhopadhyay & Solanky, 1994) N. Mykhopadhyay considers the following application of STEIN's two-stage procedure: Suppose that (X 1,..., Xn ) T , n = 1, 2,..., is n-dimensional normal with mean vector µ = µ l and dispersion matrix Σ n =σ 2(ρij ) with ρij = 1, ρij = ρ *, ij = 1,..., n where (µ, Σ, ρ) ∈ ? × ?+ × (-1, 0); this is called the intra-class model. For given d > 0 and α ∈ (0, 1) one wants to construct a (sequential) confidence interval I for µ having width 2d and confidence coefficient at least (1 - α). It is claimed that where N is determined, according to Stein's two-stage procedure (Stein, 1945), as where m ? 2 is the first stage sample size and denotes the sample variance, fulfills this aim.  相似文献   


1. The Unnatural Hypothesis of a Constant Rate of Interest

There are loan contracts which assume a constant interest during several years and thereafter payment of the amount borrowed, but nowadays clauses are as a rule admitted giving the debtor right of conversion or repayment after a certain period, generally ten years. Low interest loans can be considered as perpetuities from a practical point of view, as long as no possibility is meant to exist that the market rate will fall under their nominal rate. Such a loan—as e.g. Consols—with the nominal rate i 0 ought to be valued at a discount if the market rate is higher, say i > i 0, the value being equal to the fraction i 0 : i. But constant rates are no rule in practice.  相似文献   

We consider a class of Markovian risk models perturbed by a multiple threshold dividend strategy in which the insurer collects premiums at rate c i whenever the surplus level resides in the i-th surplus layer, i=1, 2, …,n+1 where n<∞. We derive the Laplace-Stieltjes transform (LST) of the distribution of the time to ruin as well as the discounted joint density of the surplus prior to ruin and the deficit at ruin. By interpreting that the insurer, whose gross premium rate is c, pays dividends continuously at rate d i =c?c i whenever the surplus level resides in the i-th surplus layer, we also derive the expected discounted value of total dividend payments made prior to ruin. Our results are obtained via a recursive approach which makes use of an existing connection, linking an insurer's surplus process to an embedded fluid flow process.  相似文献   


Eine Grösse X hänge in der Weise vom Zufall ab, dass sie verschiedene Werte x 1, x 2, … XII annimmt, je nachdem das Ereignis E 1, oder das Ereignis E 2 oder … oder das Ereignis E n eintritt, wofür die Wahrscheinlichkeiten p 1, p 2, … p n bestehen sollen; p 1 + p 2 + … + p n = 1. Mann nennt X eine von Zufall abhängige Grösse oder X eine variable Grösse mit dem Wertevorrat (x 1, x 2, … x n), wobei jedem einzelnen dieser Werte eine bestimmte Wahrscheinlichkeit zukommt. Zwei Grössen X, Y mit den Individualwerten x 1, x 2, … x n; y 1, y 2, … y m heissen unabhängig von einander, wenn die Wahrscheinlichkeit p i von x i dieselbe bleibt, welches auch der Wert von Y sei, und wenn auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit q p von y p dieselbe bleibt, welchen Wert auch X annehmen möge.  相似文献   


Given a convex set F in the plane with a sufficiently smooth boundary we try to approximate it by polygons in the following way. Using some specified sampling procedure we pick out n points on the boundary. Through each such point we draw the tangent. Consider the polygon F*n spanned by all these tangents. If n is large we would expect F*n to be close to F. Measuring the deviation by the area of F*n F we will derive an asymptotic expression for this area when n becomes large. This expression can be used to choose the optimum sampling procedure in the sense of smallest asymptotic deviation.

The problem arose from a problem of statistical approximation in propositional calculus, see section 1.  相似文献   



Consider a unit of risk, say the whole portfolio of an office, or a comprehensive contract of a branch of casualty insurance, which can give rise to a variety of total amounts of claims during a chosen period, say one year. The total claims of the years i =- 1, 2, ... will be denoted by x 1. They follow some frequency distribution and we assume that during the years considered they are independent from year to year and subject to the same parent distribution. This means, implicitly, that the volume of business and the value of money have remained unaltered and this assumption will be made, since the adjustments otherwise needed are technically trivial and we are not dealing here with the commercial aspect (dif. ficult though it may be of solution) arising out of changes in monetary value. The frequency distribution mentioned can then be regarded as given by a sample from a population whose probability distribution is given by p (x), say, so that   相似文献   


1. Introduction.

A sample of N independently observed points (xo 1 | x11 , x21 ,... , xpt ), i = 1, 2, ... , N≥ p is given, where xk, k = 1, 2, ... , p are known, possibly choosable, non-random variates. Suppose now that, for any fixed values of x1 , x2 ..., xp the random variable o is normally distributed with the mean and the variance λo α x and λo are unknown parameters, not involving xk, the regression coefficients and the residual variance of the parent population respectively.  相似文献   


7. The joint distribution of the moments a 11, a 22,…, ann and a 12, …, a 1n may be deduced explicitly in the case, in which the variates χ1, …, χ n in (1) are mutually uncorrelated. In this case we have for the population values of the moments: αμv = 0 for μ ═ v and, consequently, Aμv = 0 for μ ═ v, so that according to (6) λμv = 0 for μ ═ v; the distribution (5) of the moments αμv is then   相似文献   

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