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我国财险公司操作风险探析及其管理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
风险管理能力是金融企业的核心竞争力之一,在当前金融危机席卷全球的背景下,金融企业自身的风险管理显得尤为重要。从国际经验数据来看,财险公司出现财务危机或者破产的主要原因是操作风险导致的,因此操作风险的管理是财险公司风险管理的重点。本文借鉴银行业的操作风险的管理经验,对操作风险的范畴进行了界定,阐述了操作风险的特点,分析了我国财险业目前面临的主要操作风险,并提出了管理对策。  相似文献   

当今社会经济的日益繁荣及经济来往的多元化、复杂化,使寿险公司的经营面临着诸多风险,加强内部控制研究和实施就成为寿险公司亟待解决的一个问题。本文揭示了内部控制的涵义和本质,描述了寿险公司内部控制的特点和目前存在的问题,提出了加强寿险公司内部控制应采取的对策:强化内部控制在战略管理中的地位;寿险公司内部控制作为核心竞争力的培育;建立寿险公司内部控制标准;提升内部控制设计思路;加强内部控制的执行力等。  相似文献   


During the past year most of the Swedish life insurance companies have agreed upon instituting common technical basis for the calculation of premiums, policy reserves, surrender values and prospective bonus (returns of premiums). Chiefly the same basis also has been adopted by two companies outside the agreement, and with one exception all Swedish life insurance companies now use the same premiums.  相似文献   

常枫 《国际融资》2012,(9):21-25
《国际融资》与汉鼎咨询联合推出"IPO研究院"栏目,以期对中小企业有所帮助。汉鼎咨询分析指出:2012年1~6月份,中国主板、中小板、创业板一些企业IPO未过会,原因主要集中在关联交易、募投项目、盈利的不确定性、信息虚假披露。这四个主要的理由占被否原因的19.6%,17.4%,23.9%,10.9%,盈利的不确定性依然是企业被否最主要的理由  相似文献   

The primary aim of this paper is to examine the strategic risks associated with environmental selection and how this affects the life process risks of insurance intermediaries. To achieve this aim; firstly the carrying capacity of UK and Turkish insurance intermediaries is calculated and, secondly, the demographic, ecological and environmental variables that affect that carrying capacity are examined. Our study provides two contributions to the literature. For the first time, carrying capacity analysis is applied for an organisational community. As much as previous studies assume the existence of carrying capacity as theoretical, it has not been previously calculated on a quantitative basis. The second contribution is related to risk and insurance literature, specifically the life process risks of insurance intermediaries. The main rationale behind that analysis is the construction of a map that will simplify the strategic risk and reward decisions of insurers as to which areas are potentially profitable, or are indicative of fruitful relationships with intermediaries. Additionally, this research enables us to identify the areas that have potential for development in terms of insurance. For this reason, uncertainties relating to the selection of authorised brokers/agents as a strategic risk is, perhaps, minimised. Moreover, we have examined whether probable variables that can affect carrying capacity have contextual differences or not. The findings exhibit that there is contextual differentiations concerning the variables that affect the carrying capacity of both countries.  相似文献   

We examine an unusual sample of firms within the life insurance industry: 30 firms which switched from a common-stock to a mutual-ownership structure. Our evidence indicates that the rate of growth of premium income from policyholders remains unchanged, stockholders receive a premium for their stock, and management turnover declines; thus, no group of claimholders systematically loses in the sample of firms which choose to go through the mutualization process. We therefore conclude that for this sample of firms, changing from a stock to a mutual-ownership structure is on average efficiency-enhancing.  相似文献   

VaR模型及其在寿险公司风险管理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着保险产品的创新、竞争的加剧及金融市场的发展,我国寿险公司面临的风险将更为复杂和多样,如何对这些风险进行有效管理是寿险公司面临的重要难题,而VaR模型作为当前国际金融风险管理和金融监管的主流方法,含有丰富的风险管理思想,故对VaR模型进行研究并探讨其在我国寿险公司风险管理中的应用具有一定的现实意义。本文分析了寿险公司应用VaR模型时需注意的问题,并指出我国寿险公司建立基于VaR的风险管理体系需在公司治理结构、风险管理组织架构、风险管理技术、风险数据库等方面加以完善。  相似文献   

Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a counter-regulatory hormone produced mainly by ventricular myocardium. Early research studies were performed to ascertain its value in the diagnosis of congestive heart failure in acute care settings. Subsequent studies have explored its utility in screening for asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction in the community, determining prognosis in coronary artery disease, appropriate timing of surgery in valve disorders, and in evaluating many other cardiac diseases. This review summarizes the current status of medical literature, introduces a new test to the insurance industry.  相似文献   

有效的资产负债管理以寿险公司资产和负债价值的正确计量为基础。寿险负债的长期性和多种嵌入期权的特性使寿险公司资产负债管理更具复杂性。寿险负债价值计量的精算方法注重于它的死亡率风险测定的技术秘诀和期限的长期性,但该方法使期权的效应无从体现,也使在利率和被保险人行为的静态假设不成立的前提下,负债价值被低估的情况发生。因此,必须辅之于财务方法来测量期权在寿险合约中的价值。本文对寿险合约中期权价值的测量及其对ALM的作用也做了探讨。  相似文献   

寿险公司偿付能力不足导致的后果是非常严重的,有效的偿付能力监管对寿险行业的健康发展更是举足轻重。目前,中国保监会借鉴国外偿付能力监管经验,逐步运用各种偿付能力监管方法来加强对寿险企业的监管。但深入了解各种偿付能力监管方法之间的有效性差异,才是我们在实践中加以取舍的关键。本文从有效性的定义入手,深入阐述偿付能力监管有效性评价标准。随后介绍了近年来寿险公司偿付能力监管有效性研究的主要方法及相关结论,最后,本文指出了偿付能力监管有效性研究对中国的借鉴意义,指出了在中国开展偿付能力监管有效性研究的重要性和迫切性。  相似文献   

张铁铸  周红 《保险研究》2011,(1):117-127
基于ISIS全球保险公司数据库收录的美国寿险公司数据资料,本文研究了美国寿险公司的不动产投资情况.研究发现,从美国寿险公司的资产组合构成来看,不动产投资所占的比重还很低,且在次贷危机前后不动产投资在整个资产组合中所占的比重没有很大的变动.在美国房地产市场顶峰期的2005年,寿险公司所持有的不动产投资反而是最低的.但是,...  相似文献   

This paper investigates the simple hypothesis that when companies issue more capital, they have a tendency to select the type of capital, all other things being equal, which results in the higher short-term earnings per share (eps). The methodology employs probit analysis to test the hypothesis that the form of issue selected was that which gave the higher eps after controlling for other factors such as leverage and industry classification. The results lead us to conclude that there is evidence in capital issues of functional fixation on eps.  相似文献   

The computation of long-term survival is usually based on adjustments to the conventional life table. Assessing the validity of different types of adjustments can be difficult, partly because of the need to allow for two age-related trends-the decline in the average (normal) life expectancy, as well as in the new (abnormal) estimate. In this paper, we illustrate the value of routinely expressing each new estimate as a percentage of normal at each age. An additional finding has been that in some common disorders this proportional life expectancy (PLE) remains remarkably constant over many years.  相似文献   

Recent work on the economics of the firm and other organizations has emphasized the importance of internal organization and incentives. The issue of competition within the firm has not arisen, however. In this article I construct a model of nonprice competition among members of a professional partnership and test the model with data on medical group practice. The empirical results are consistent with the hypothesis of nonprice competition among members of the firm.  相似文献   

Mark Leggett 《Futures》2006,38(7):778-809
An integrated risk management method is developed for the task of addressing global risks—those threatening the destruction of civilisation, humanity, life on Earth, or the entire planet. Use of the method produced four main results. First, the following risks were classified as global risks: an avian influenza pandemic; scientific experiments which change the fabric of the universe in ways not previously seen in nature; global-warming, especially either releasing methane from methane clathrates or causing a new ice age; biovorous nanoreplicators; computers or robots surpassing human accomplishment; super-eruption; nuclear exchange (full superpower arsenals); strike by large asteroid or comet; eruption of continental flood basalts; and a massive pulse of cosmic rays. Second, it was found that responses are capable of development for each risk. Third, a comprehensive scan for potential interactions between risks and responses found that solar and wind energy (mooted as an alternative to global-warming fossil fuels) would be greatly reduced or uncertain during a super-eruption winter. Two energy options both address global warming and are robust against super-eruption: geothermal and nuclear. Of these, geothermal energy seems lower-risk than nuclear. Finally, the full suite of required responses is estimated to cost approximately $67 trillion. Starting now but introduced over the multi-decade timeframes generally available, this budget would represent a surprisingly small 2.2 per cent of gross world product per year. By contrast, US expenditure on World War II in 1944 was 35 per cent of GNP.  相似文献   

我国保险资金境外投资风险防范探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着保险业发展速度的加快,保险投资资金的不断增多,使保险资金境外投资逐步成为国内保险机构扩展投资领域、提高保险资金投资收益的重要途径。但与境外投资高收益相伴的是不容忽视的高风险,2008年下半年以来,随着美国次级债风波演变为百年难遇的全球性金融危机,国际金融形势风云突变,对外投资形势日趋严峻,我国保险资金对外投资面临着严峻的风险。本文通过对当前我国保险业保险资金境外投资面临的风险分析,采取理论与案例相结合的方式,从保险监管方式、内部风险控制、资产负债匹配、投资比例限制及投资人才储备等方面提出我国保险资金境外投资风险的具体策略和措施。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the characteristics of 73 UK companies in which managers have an ownership stake of greater than 50 per cent. We find that majority owner‐managed companies make less use of alternative corporate control systems and are less likely to remove their chief executive officer or other board members following poor performance. However, our sample firms actually outperform diffusely held companies of similar size in the same industry. The determinants of majority control appear more closely related to the characteristics of the controlling shareholders rather than the firm's operating environment. Changes in the ownership structure of our sample companies owe more to changes in owner‐specific characteristics and security issuance than they are related to changes in the company's operating environment or company performance. We conclude that despite the obvious agency costs of managerial entrenchment for closely held companies, for the present sample at least the incentive alignment benefits of large director shareholdings are beneficial to outside shareholders.  相似文献   

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