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位居世界500强的办公用品零售巨鳄,来自美国的Staples公司(NASDAQ代码:SPLS),在关注中国这个全球最具潜力的市场许久之后,终于来到了中国,这次与他们携手的是中国最大的网上办公用品销售企业--上海上信电子商务有限公司(OA365).  相似文献   

(三)赢利能力差距较大 2003世界500强企业共实现利润1335亿美元,其中实现利润最多的是500强排名第十三的美国花旗集团公司,实现利润153亿美元.2003世界500强企业平均利润为3.7亿美元.2003中国500强企业共实现利润3505亿元,折算成美元为423亿美元,尽管2003中国500强企业利润比2002中国500强利润增长了15.78%,而2003世界500强企业利润比2002世界500强利润下降了56%,但2003中国500强企业利润仍只相当于2003世界500强企业的32%.  相似文献   

2003年8月23日,在中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会在北京举办的"2003年中国500强企业发布会暨加快培育具有国际竞争力大企业座谈会"上,中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会常务副会长张彦宁就如何加快培育国际竞争力的问题,回答了记者的提问.他说,2003年度的<中国企业发展报告>在社会各界的期盼中终于问世了.今年的报告在去年的基础上又有了较大的提高,特别是对中国500强企业的发展状况进行了动态的比较分析,并深化了中国500强与世界500强企业对比分析的重要内容.  相似文献   

关于2008年中国企业500强国有企业占比2/3的几点心思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新出炉的"2008年中国企业500强"中,国有及国有控股企业共有331家,占了66.2%的比例.国有企业位居中国企业500强首位,并非由于竞争能力的提高,而是由于垄断地位带来的优势.要想真正缩短国有企业和世界500强企业的差距,必须继续深化国有企业改革,加强对国有资产的监营力度;同时还应积极扶持私营及中小企业,完善社会主义市场经济.  相似文献   

"找到人才并留住他们"这是杰克·韦尔奇告诫中国企业家.这不仅是一个世界500强企业老板的忠告,更是众多跨国公司的深刻体会."二十一世纪什么最贵一人才"现今最流行的一句话非他莫属.吸引人才难,留住人才更难.那么世界500强企业都是采用何种战略做到"找到人才并留住他们."的呢?  相似文献   

世界500强企业是中国企业成长学习的一个重要对象,了解和熟悉世界500强的经营方法对中国企业的健康快速发展具有极其重要的意义。本文在分类和对比世界500强企业不同经营战略的基础上,总结了现阶段世界500强企业的经营战略发展概况,分析了世界500强的经营战略的优缺点,最后对中国企业今后的努力方向及提升中国企业的核心能力给出了一些比较合理的建议,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

中国企业活不长的五个原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国普遍存在"活不长"现象.据统计,世界500强的平均寿命是40岁至42岁,1000强的平均寿命是30岁.在中国集团公司的平均寿命7至8岁,中小企业平均寿命只有2.9岁.由于中国90%以上的企业是中小企业,据此推算,中国企业的平均寿命约3.5岁.  相似文献   

李建明 《当代经济》2003,(11):14-15
(三)赢利能力差距较大2003世界500强企业共实现利润1335亿美元,其中实现利润最多的是500强排名第十三的美国花旗集团公司,实现利润153亿美元。2003世界500强企业平均利润为3.7亿美元。2003中国500强企业共实现利润3505亿元,折算成美元为423亿美元,尽管2003中国500强企业利润比2002中国500强利润增长了15.78%,而2003世界500  相似文献   

美国《财富》杂志每年评选一次的世界 500强已经成为世界经济生活中一件引人注目的事件, 500强成为人们评价世界级企业实力和竞争力的象征,世界 500强一般都是在激烈的市场竞争中成长壮大起来的,因而成为各国企业学习的榜样和追赶的目标。由于各种因素的限制,中国企业特别是工业企业与世界 500强相比在许多方面都存在着差距。本文以 1998年作为案例,通过中国工业企业 500强与世界 500强中工业企业的比较分析,找出差距,提出对策。  相似文献   

从2003年中国500强企业的整体分析可以看出,经过20多年的改革开放,中国500强企业已有了一定的竞争力。其明显标志就是中国企业的成长速度在加快,主要表现在两个方面:一是每年都有新的企业进入世界500强,今年进入世界500强的企业有12家,分别是中国石油化工集团公司、中国石油天然气集团公司、中国移动通信集团公司、中国工商银行、  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that people believe in the existence of the “hot hand” effect: recent good performances make one more confident and lead to more good performances. However, economists have found little evidence that such an effect is present. Motivated by models of momentum from psychology, this study examines hole-by-hole performances of four types of professional golfers, which is perhaps the ideal environment to evaluate whether such an effect exists. The results show that evidence consistent with the existence of hot hand and cold hand can be masked by looking only at overall mean impacts because the existence and magnitude of the effects can vary with the player's experience.  相似文献   

McDonough JJ 《Medical economics》1999,76(23):67-8, 71-2, 74

Cimiotti JP  Stone PW  Larson EL 《Nursing economic$》2004,22(4):196-9, 204, 175
The cost and quality of two hand hygiene regimens were compared. A waterless alcohol-based rub was significantly less costly than traditional handwashing because of reduced time required, and was associated with significantly better quality.  相似文献   

The paper shows how, and under what minimal information supply conditions, a market finds its competitive equilibrium price and thus solves the so-called tatonnement process, without sellers and buyers knowing the equilibrium price in advance. The information premises must be understood as a basic first approach, and do not necessarily mimic the real market process. Demonstration of a discovery process under these information handling conditions is an important finding for an evolutionary market theory. Additional information-processing elements should augment the efficiency of the discovery process. The results of the simulated market process set out above raise new questions. The role of institutional elements (such as the relevance of demand flexibility or “certainty” of knowledge in the learning process, etc.) is discussed further outside the context of the simulation model, providing new insight into the market process.  相似文献   

ETF在股指期货期现套利的现货组合中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在股指期货的期现套利中,是否能有效构建现货组合成为决定套利成功与否的关键之一,本文探讨了利用ETF构建沪深300指数期货的现货组合的可能性,对几种ETF组合与沪深300指数的相关性、以及他们跟踪沪深300指数的跟踪误差进行了分析.从结果看,使用ETF组合作为现货组合来模拟沪深300指数能够取得良好的效果.  相似文献   

Following the massive entry of foreign banks into the Central and Eastern European (CEE) banking markets, one may wonder whether their competitive behaviour differs from that of their domestic counterparts, possibly leading to the segmentation of these markets at the regional and national levels. We find that the competitive behaviour of foreign and domestic banks differs, with foreign banks having less market power until the recent financial crisis and more market power after this financial turmoil. Despite this difference, banks tend to behave similarly, and their market power converges to a similar level. The tendency towards similar competitive behaviour is observed at the regional and national levels and for both foreign and domestic banks, although foreign institutions that enter these markets through the acquisition of domestic banks have slightly more market power. Our findings suggest the regional integration of CEE banking markets and no segmentation between foreign and domestic institutions.  相似文献   

Hands of health care personnel frequently serve as vectors for the transmission of organisms between patients and are also a major reservoir for pathogens with antimicrobial resistance. Hand hygiene is one effective strategy to reduce health care associated infections. The purposes of this study were to (a) compare the costs of hand hygiene in hospitals with high and low hand hygiene compliance as well as high and low frequency of alcohol hand rub use; and (b) examine associations between hospital characteristics and hand hygiene compliance as well as frequency of alcohol hand rub use. Nursing and health care policy leaders should look for ways to promote sustained adherence to hand hygiene recommendations.  相似文献   

陈维 《江南论坛》2002,(9):22-23
世界各国的实践经验表明,发展高新技术产业,仅靠市场机制这一“无形之手”的力量是不够的,有时政府“有形之手”的干预和有效的政策措施起着至关重要的作用。但政府的作用如何发挥却是一个值得研究的问题。这个问题在我国目前仍然存在认识上的误区,如在很多情况下“不恰当  相似文献   

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