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In the current debate on local and regional development and after several ‘turns’, dominant critical models have found some security in institutional, cultural and evolutionary approaches. Interest today centres on success and competitiveness and how they are reproduced in a few paradigmatic regions. A distinctive feature of these regions and places is the embeddedness of certain non‐economic factors such as social capital, trust and reciprocity based on familiarity, face‐to‐face exchange, cooperation, embedded routines, habits and norms, local conventions of communication and interaction, all of which contribute to a region’s particular success. Although these approaches may not deny the forces of the capitalist space economy, they do not explicitly acknowledge them or take them on board and so they tend to discuss non‐economic factors and institutions as autonomous forces shaping development. This essay provides a critique of these concepts based on their (1) inadequate theorization, (2) depoliticized view of politics and de‐economized use of economics and (3) reduction of space to territory. The essay concludes that we need a far more penetrating renewal of radical critique of the current space economy of capitalism. Old concepts such as uneven development, the social and spatial division of labour, the geographical transfer of value, accumulation and imperialism must be combined with cultural and institutional issues, with those non‐economic factors mentioned above.  相似文献   

如果说20世纪最后两年有什么词汇使用频率最高的话,无疑会首推“新经济”(New Economy)。本文旨在通过对新经济现象的考察,从宏观角度对其进行技术经济分析,判定其技术经济效果,为相关政策制定提供理论佐证。  相似文献   

The Third Annual Hayek Memorial Lecture delivered in London on 16 June 1994 and revised to bring it up to date.  相似文献   

The New Economic Geography   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Recently, the 'new economic geography' literature has developed as a theory of the emergence of large agglomerations which relies on increasing returns to scale and transportation costs. This literature builds on diverse intellectual traditions. It combines the insights of traditional regional science with those of modern trade theory and thus attempts to provide an integrative approach to interregional and international trade. The paper surveys this literature and discusses its relation to earlier approaches to similar topics.  相似文献   

公路运输市场经济规制的全新视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统观点认为,由于公路运输的自然垄断性和外部公共性应对其实行经济规制,但由于对系统内各组成部分技术经济特性以及我国社会经济现状把握不够准确,致使在很长一段时间内经济规制效率低下.在详细分析公路运输基础设施市场和公路运输产品市场特性的基础上,结合我国实际国情,分别从进入规制、价格规制等方面提出了具体每一细分市场的经济规制方案,以期促进我国公路运输快速、高效、健康发展.  相似文献   

A bstract . Although there is little discussion of distributive justice in the Theravādā canon, the Buddhist State is advised to provide all people with a minimum income. Radiation theory sees the economy prospering through the virtuous actions of individuals following the moral law. Early Buddhist writings generally accept existing political and economic institutions, even while providing a democratic social ethos revolutionary for its time. King Asoka , greatest of all Indian emperors , pursued a highly activist fiscal policy even though he believed only meditation could help people to advance in moral living. But canonical beliefs about economic activity are much more ambiguous than economic literature often indicates. Hence today there are rightist and leftist Buddhists, differing in interpretation.  相似文献   

基于Riou(2006)的模型,加入官员晋升的因素,建立一个包含单个中央政府和两个地方政府的双层政府架构的新经济地理模型,而且遵循Keen(1998)和Boadway(2004)的标准研究范式假设在经济决策过程中,可以看出,中央政府是一个斯坦克伯格形式的领导者,而地方政府扮演的是追随者角色。理论分析证明,现有的官员晋升机制是地区分割的一个因素。改变官员晋升机制,加强官员交流可能有利于打破中国地区分割,促进地区经济发展一体化。  相似文献   

构建新型工业经济体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自中国加入世界贸易组织以来,我国的工业体系将进行全面的改革,主要向高经济收入、跨越式发展的方向迈进,把工业生产产业结构进行改革和完善,使工业经济快速的得到增长,把与国际企业进行合作的项目作为经济发展的载体,把各个方面的大集团大企业作为工业经济发展的中间力量,重新进行科学的规划建设、合理的布局和推进,构建新型工业经济体系。  相似文献   

This article seeks to use Karl Polanyi's book, The Great Transformation, first published in 1944, to understand the global financial crisis that began in 2008. Polanyi's basic premise was that a great crisis must result from powerful causes. He argued that the crisis of the 1930s was a consequence of three distinct processes: deep imbalances in the global trading system, a crisis within the global financial mechanism that was supposed to manage those imbalances, and a failure of adaptation in the world's leading economy, the United States. The same processes can be seen at work in the last decade.  相似文献   

Abstract . James Mill, as a high official of the East India Company, had the opportunity after 1819 to establish economic policy for India. In fact, James Mill's Utilitarian philosophy of government and his advocacy of Ricardian rent theory as the basis for revenue policies in India set the pattern for the development of modern India. Both James and John Stuart Mill (who succeeded his father with the company) defended the company against its critics, such as J. R. McCulloch and Richard Jones, who argued that the revenue policy was inhibiting economic development. Modern Indian institutions are an amalgamation of Benthamism, Fabian Socialism, and Brahminism.  相似文献   

矿产是现代人类社会存在与发展的重要资源,但也是不可再生性资源.进入20世纪90年代,作为我国三大铁矿之一的首钢矿业公司,尽管号称拥有百里矿区,也只能再开采30多年.偌大的首钢矿业公司是生是死,25000多名矿山职工何去何从,是摆在矿业人面前的世纪性难题.  相似文献   

由李小建教授独著、科学出版社2016年出版的《中国特色经济地理探索》在同行中引起较大反响。李小建教授在新作中第一次明确提出创建"中国特色的经济地理学",为中国经济地理学的发展提出了一个新方向。全书分为经济地理学理论探索、农户地理研究、公司地理研究、经济地理学的小尺度研究、区域研究,共5篇48章。此书基于作者30多年的研究,对国际背景下中国特色经济地理学进行了多视角的探索,充分反映了李小建教授的创新性学术思想、脚踏实地的研究态度,包括从中国特殊国情探索建立中国特色经济地理学,主张经济地理学的"地理"传统,一贯坚持经济地理学微观研究、"学"有所用和实证研究。  相似文献   

城市新区作为城市的有机组成部分,涉及区位、产业、社会、交通等诸多因素,合理的功能定位是城市新区科学规划和健康发展的基础与保证,旨在探讨城市新区功能定位的一般方法体系,为其开发建设提供参考。采用实证研究和定性分析相结合的方法,以延安经济技术开发区为例,从多角度对城市新区功能定位的方法体系进行研究。在对城市新区地域空间理解的基础上,通过准确把握区域、城市以及自身的发展特点,提出"区域—城市—场地"三位一体的城市新区功能定位方法体系和技术路线。认为城市新区的功能定位必须重视其所在区域的宏观形势和政策要求,重点研究其所依托城市的发展态势,科学分析场地的立地条件,从而把握城市新区的发展方向。  相似文献   

李佛赏 《价值工程》2013,(32):26-27
为探索振兴东北经济区的新策略,分析了东北经济区的优势、不足、面临的机遇和应对的挑战,提出东北经济区应该从区域资源的整合与挖潜、资源型城市的转型与产业升级、优秀人才的引进与培养、国内跨区域经济合作以及参与东北亚经济一体化等方面入手实现振兴发展的目标。  相似文献   

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