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虽然全球大部分经济体已采纳或向国际财务报告准则(IFRS)趋同,但各经济体采纳和运用IFRS的策略并不相同.研究通过手工收集数据识别了2000-2020年间全球162个经济体在"采纳"和"运用"IFRS两个环节、六个决策点上的显著差异.研究还从制度逻辑及政策扩散视角分析并检验了IFRS全球扩散的文化、政治及市场逻辑.实证结果表明,与盎格鲁撒克逊文化距离越远、国际政治地位越高及协调型市场经济体更迟采纳IFRS,且更倾向以有保留的方式运用IFRS;而与盎格鲁撒克逊文化距离越近、国际政治地位越低及传统自由市场经济体更早采纳IFRS,且更倾向以无保留的方式运用IFRS.进一步分析表明,当IFRS扩散面临不同制度逻辑冲突时,政治逻辑与市场逻辑较之于文化逻辑更易成为主导逻辑.研究还发现,在IFRS制定中掌握更多话语权及具有先发优势的经济体并不积极采纳IFRS.研究最后阐释了中国会计准则国际趋同策略的制度逻辑,并为全球经济治理变局下中国会计准则进一步国际趋同提供政策建议.  相似文献   

国际财务报告准则(IFRS)在非洲的采纳和实施是被广泛接受和承诺执行的。由非洲40个专业会计组织组成的泛非洲会计师联合会(PAFA)于2011年投票决定在非洲采用IFRS和IFRS中小企业准则(SMEs)。截至目前,准则的采纳实施由上市公司引领,由金融机构、跨国公司及跨国公司的子公司巩固强化。目前,对于不同的非洲国家,IFRS的采纳和实施处于不同的阶段。例如,南非全面采纳和实施了IFRS。而东南非国家(肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、乌干达等)则仍在采纳的过程中。西非的形式则多种多样,西非货币区  相似文献   

2003年6月19日,国际会计准则理事会(IASB)发布了第1号国际财务报告准则《首次采纳国际财务报告准则》(IFRS1)。IFRS1规定了企业在首次采纳国际财务报告准则作为编制其一般目的财务报告的基础时应当遵循的程序。IFRS1对自2004年1月1日或以后日期开始的报告期间,首次按照国际财务报告准则编制财务报告有效。 IFRS1的适用主体国际财务报告准则的首次采纳者指第一次明确且无保留的表示其通用目的财务报告将遵循国际财务报告准则的企业。如果企业在前一年度为内部管理需要已经按照国际财务报告准则编制了财务报告,而…  相似文献   

自2005年欧盟强制所有在欧洲股票市场上上市的公司采用国际会计准则(以下简称IFRS)到今天已经过去了整十个年头.在这十年间IFRS的全球化推行为学者们提供了一个前所未有的研究机会,尤其是引起了学术界跨国研究的兴趣和广泛合作.因此,在这十年间涌现出了一大批有价值的实证研究成果.本文回顾了2005年到2015年间发表在国际顶级会计期刊上IFRS的采用对资本市场影响的相关文献,期望通过系统性的回顾和梳理加深我们对IFRS全球化影响的认识.  相似文献   

孙铮  刘浩 《会计研究》2013,(1):13-19,95
本文对IFRS实施的经济后果的文献进行了梳理,讨论其对全球资本市场和企业行为的影响。现有文献发现,IFRS在推动全球建立高质量且可比的会计信息的过程中已经取得了一定的成绩,在会计信息的价值相关性、契约有用性和资本市场效率等方面起着积极的作用,对于IFRS的推动者提供了初步的、较为显著的支持。但是这些成绩是否稳定以及IFRS在不同的法律和商业环境下的可推广性,尚需要时间的检验。  相似文献   

基于产权和制度经济学的相关理论,对新兴资本市场上,司法体系如何影响会计准则执行及其对国际会计准则的采纳作了解释.研究表明,由于国际会计准则缺乏足够的自我实施特征,在会计国际化进程中,为了改善投资者保护,各个国家通过修订法律条文或与本国一贯采用的GAAP加以协调成为其主要的途径.与本国GAAP协调的目的是为了突出会计准则的自我实施能力,而修订本国法律条文则主要是强调司法机制保证会计准则的执行.对不同法系国家采纳和执行IFRS的实证研究也为上述结论提供了初步的证据支持.  相似文献   

对我国银行业实施IFRS9的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由国际会计准则理事会推出并最迟在2013年强制执行的IFRS9必将给我国银行业带来深远的影响和巨大的挑战。我国银行业为了迎接挑战,想要顺利地在规定的时间甚至提前实施IFRS9就必须及早研究国际会计准则的变化,并充分预测估计其可能带来的影响,提前做好相应的准备,并充分预见实施过程中可能遇到的难题。本文旨在比较IFRS9与现行会计准则IAS39的区别,试图分析未来银行业实施IFRS9可能需要做出的准备,并指出未来执行IFRS9的过程中我国银行业可能面临的难题,以期为我国银行业顺利实施IFRS9提供参考。  相似文献   

虽然中国企业会计准则(ASBE)在内容上实现了与国际财务报告准则(IFRS)实质趋同,但在体例结构与语言特征上采取了与IFRS迥异的本土化风格。研究借鉴Hall(1976)语境文化理论比较了ASBE文本的高语境特征与IFRS中译本的低语境特征、基于Nida(1964)功能等效翻译理论识别了ASBE文本的归化翻译策略及IFRS中译本的异化翻译策略。研究还采用实验研究方法检验了中国会计专业学生在不同任务模式下对ASBE与IFRS中译本的习得效率。实证结果表明低语境准则文本更有利于解决复杂任务模式下的会计问题,而对IFRS的归化翻译处理有助于提高复杂任务模式下会计准则习得效率。研究进一步探究了文本完整性与可读性因素在上述影响过程中的中介作用机制,并对中国会计准则的进一步国际趋同及IFRS基金会的会计准则全球化愿景提供了文本层面的政策建议。  相似文献   

曾璇 《新金融》2016,(9):59-64
金融工具的会计计量是一个充满争议的话题。最新的金融工具国际会计准则IFRS9即将于2018年1月1日正式实施。本文介绍了IFRS9的主要内容,并通过对2015年国内和国际上主要银行相关数据的比较分析,讨论了IFRS9对银行业可能产生的影响,然后分析了IFRS9对银行资本计算的影响,以及国际方面,包括巴塞尔委员会、欧盟和美国FASB对IFRS9的反应,最后讨论了国内银行实施IFRS9面临的挑战并提出建议。  相似文献   

IFRS 13公允价值计量及对我国的启示和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自公允价值计量引入会计系统后,对其的研究逐渐成为实务界和理论界的一个热门话题,相关的研究文献日趋增多.本文以国际财务报告准则第13号为基点,综述国内有关公允价值研究的基础上进行了进一步的思考,阐述了公允价值计量及估价技术,指出了IFRS 13对我国公允价值的启示并提出相应对策  相似文献   

This paper provides a perspective on the effect of IFRS adoption on the tendency of investors to under-invest in foreign equities. We consider explanations for the equity home bias described in prior research and discuss research relevant to the informational consequences of global adoption of IFRS. Specifically, we evaluate whether IFRS adoption reduces information processing costs or decreases investor uncertainty about either the quality of financial reporting or the distribution of future cash flows. We predict that the effect of any reduction in information processing costs from the adoption of IFRS is likely to be small relative to the effects of other determinants of home bias such as the strength of investor protection mechanisms in foreign countries, behavioral biases toward familiar equities, and informational advantages related to geographical proximity. We argue that the quality of the information that investors have (or perceive they have) decreases with distance, conclude that global IFRS adoption is unlikely to affect home bias, and propose avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Although previous research has investigated the economic consequences of International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) adoption, there is little evidence on the impact of IFRS adoption on key financial ratios. To fill this gap, we examine this issue in a continental European country (Finland). Our results show that the adoption of IFRS changes the magnitude of the key accounting ratios. Moreover, we extend the literature by showing that the adoption of fair value accounting rules and stricter requirements on certain accounting issues are the reasons for the changes observed in accounting figures and financial ratios.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the implications of the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) from the perspective of small and growing companies listed on the United Kingdom's (UK) Alternative Investment Market (AIM). We consider the cost–benefit issues of IFRS adoption and investigate its economic consequences. The results reveal that only a small number of comparatively larger AIM companies have voluntarily adopted IFRS for some anticipated economic objectives. The results also suggest that most of the mandatory adopters have done so for regulation compliance purposes and they would not have adopted IFRS if a choice was available to them. As the existing literature mainly covers the impact of IFRS adoption on large listed companies, the findings of this study will give better insights into extending IFRS to private companies. The findings show an association between the early adoption of IFRS and firm size and conclude that size matters in both the adoption and implications of IFRS. This study also contributes to the debate on the implications of the new IFRS‐based UK GAAP for SMEs‐FRS 102, which will replace the majority of existing UK accounting standards for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with effect from 2015. Our findings have implications for managers, regulators, market participants, practitioners and other stakeholders.  相似文献   

Prior literature finds that International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopters enjoy lower financing costs subsequent to IFRS adoption. We predict and find that mandatory IFRS adopters exploit lower financing costs to increase market share vis-à-vis non-adopters. This effect is robust across several different model specifications in a sample capturing the universe of public and private firms in the EU, in a matched sample of public and private firms, and in a public firm sample comparing mandatory and voluntary IFRS adopters. We further find that IFRS is associated with an increase (decrease) in industry sales concentration (competition), consistent with large public firms increasing market share. In supplemental analyses, we find that mandatory adopters issue more equity and debt after IFRS adoption and that larger market share gains accrue to those mandatory IFRS adopters that issue more equity and debt after IFRS adoption. Overall, we provide evidence of unintended product market consequences of IFRS adoption.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on the effects of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption. It aims to provide a cohesive picture of empirical archival literature on how IFRS adoption affects: financial reporting quality, capital markets, corporate decision making, stewardship and governance, debt contracting, and auditing. In addition, we also present discussion of studies that focus on specific attributes of IFRS, and also provide detailed discussion of research design choices and empirical issues researchers face when evaluating IFRS adoption effects. We broadly summarize the development of the IFRS literature as follows: The majority of early studies paint IFRS as bringing significant benefits to adopting firms and countries in terms of (i) improved transparency, (ii) lower costs of capital, (iii) improved cross-country investments, (iv) better comparability of financial reports, and (v) increased following by foreign analysts. However, these documented benefits tended to vary significantly across firms and countries. More recent studies now attribute at least some of the earlier documented benefits to factors other than adoption of new accounting standards per se, such as enforcement changes. Other recent studies examining the effects of IFRS on the inclusion of accounting numbers in formal contracts point out that IFRS has lowered the contractibility of accounting numbers. Finally, we observe substantial variation in empirical designs across papers which makes it difficult to reconcile differences in their conclusions.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of mandatory IFRS adoption and investor protection on the quality of accounting earnings in forty-six countries around the globe. The results suggest that earnings quality increases for mandatory IFRS adoption when a country's investor protection regime provides stronger protection. This study extends the current literature that shows that accounting practices are influenced by country-level macro settings. The results highlight the importance of investor protection for financial reporting quality and the need for regulators to design mechanisms that limit managers' earnings management practices.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to research the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Jordan, which was one of the first Middle Eastern emerging economies to adopt IFRS. The paper investigates the related factors that pressure and prevent such adoption over time, and illustrates the developmental aspects of such adoption. An interpretive methodology is employed, and perceptions of the study's participants are analysed regarding the adoption of IFRS in Jordan, which is an area that is under researched. Semi‐structured interviews were undertaken to collect Jordanian experts’ perceptions. Based on the empirical data analysis and prior theoretical and empirical literature, an adoption model was developed, which can serve future studies as well. The model illustrates the paradox of accounting changes in emerging economies, in which the actual conditions that pressure IFRS adoption are also the conditions that prevent full adoption. The model also provides an explanation of the implementation process of IFRS in emerging economies at both country and corporation levels. It combines practical features and related theories in an integrative model seeking to explain the phenomenon of IFRS as a new accounting regulation change.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the empirical literature on the economic consequences of disclosure and financial reporting regulation, drawing on U.S. and international evidence. Given the policy relevance of research on regulation, we highlight the challenges with (1) quantifying regulatory costs and benefits, (2) measuring disclosure and reporting outcomes, and (3) drawing causal inferences from regulatory studies. Next, we discuss empirical studies that link disclosure and reporting activities to firm‐specific and market‐wide economic outcomes. Understanding these links is important when evaluating regulation. We then synthesize the empirical evidence on the economic effects of disclosure regulation and reporting standards, including the evidence on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption. Several important conclusions emerge. We generally lack evidence on market‐wide effects and externalities from regulation, yet such evidence is central to the economic justification of regulation. Moreover, evidence on causal effects of disclosure and reporting regulation is still relatively rare. We also lack evidence on the real effects of such regulation. These limitations provide many research opportunities. We conclude with several specific suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This paper collects survey evidence on the costs and benefits of adopting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). It also examines the motivations for the timing of IFRS adoption. Significant differences exist between early and late adopters for three of nine benefits and for one of six cost measures. No significant differences exist in terms of firm size or the impact of IFRS on contracts. Early adopters perceive themselves as market leaders. They are more certain about the manageability of implementing IFRS and are more specific with regard to the impact of IFRS adoption. Late adoption decisions are motivated by adverse consequences and uncertainty.  相似文献   

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