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构建基于DLLs的可扩展软件结构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
程序的运行完全绕开编译器是不可能的,但可以把那些来自DLL库、用于驱动设备的函数或其他目的性很强的函数从主程序中分离出来,实现一种可扩展的软件构架,即不在程序中直接调用函数,而是将需要调用函数写在一个脚本里,在程序运行时去读这个脚本,根据脚本的内容载入相应的动态连接库并执行其中的函数,这样就形成了一种灵活的软件结构,使软件的可伸缩性得到改善。本文介绍在C++源程序中嵌入汇编语句来构建基于DLLs的可扩展软件结构的方法,并提供部分源代码。  相似文献   

一、我是怎样开始学外文的 在已不是闭关锁国的中国,学术研究要有深度和广度,不掌握一门以上外文是难以做到的,知识产权研究尤其如此。而提起我真正学习外文之始,我就常想起20多年前的一次出国前外语口试。 那是1979年末的一天。中国社科院与北京大学一道,在北大法律系的一间教室里,对刚刚通过了法学所出国外语笔试的几位研究人员进行外语口试。主考  相似文献   

黄佩洁  郭威 《玩具世界》2024,(1):102-105
数字技术的应用为各行各业带来了新的发展动力,近年来数字技术与影视创作的有效融合也为大众带来了耳目一新的感官体验。因此,如何利用好数字技术对推动影视创作具有重要的意义。文章首先对数字技术与影视创作进行了概述,随后阐述了数字技术应用于影视创作中的意义,并对两者的融合形式进行了分析,最后就数字技术在影视创作中的应用前景进行了详细探究,以期为数字技术与影视产业的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着影视摄影技术快速发展,中国影视产业发展规模的日益扩大,传统的人工手动摇臂拍摄技术迫切需要进一步发展。将机器人技术与传统拍摄技术相结合,既可以达到拍摄质量要求,还可以提高拍摄效率,应用SolidWorks软件对摄影机器人进行虚拟样机设计,并利用motion模块对机器人进行运动仿真,缩短了设计周期,节约了研发费用,为日后进一步研制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

随着影视摄影技术快速发展,中国影视产业发展规模的日益扩大,传统的人工手动摇臂拍摄技术迫切需要进一步发展。将机器人技术与传统拍摄技术相结合,既可以达到拍摄质量要求,还可以提高拍摄效率,应用SolidWorks软件对摄影机器人进行虚拟样机设计,并利用motion模块对机器人进行运动仿真,缩短了设计周期,节约了研发费用,为日后进一步研制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

张丹 《华北电业》2005,(5):52-53
网络时代,人们获取信息的方式有多种选择,多媒体和视听享受,甚至成了许多人不读书的理由。在社会竞争越来越激烈的今天,一个人或一个企业,必须不停地学习才能保证自己不被淘汰。那么,处于改革与发展中的电力企业是否需要建立自己的行业图书馆?图书馆的建设与发展是否能够促进电力企业的发展,它又将以怎样的状态出现?这都是值得我们探讨的。  相似文献   

近年来,在创建学习型组织过程中,很多企事业单位采用了“行动学习法”(Action Learning)。的确,传统培训方式越来越不招人喜欢了:与工作脱节,针对性不强,效果不易衡量。难以付诸应用……面对传统培训方式这些无法回避的问题,一些企业开始将目光转移到一些新型的培训与学习方法上。在这种情况下,行动学习法脱颖而出。  相似文献   

1998年11月9日,新华社、人民日报等各大媒体纷纷向公众报道,我国第一所网上大学--湖南大学多媒体信息教育学院日前开学,分布在湖南14个地、州、市的匕个远程教学点的1000余名学生,通过公众多媒体网开始了第一堂课的学习。这IO00余名网上大学生是从踊跃的报名者中录取的,他们当中的90op是利用业余时间上学的在职人员。通过4年、最长不超过7年的学习,在修满180个学分后,他们将分别获得国家教育部颁发的英语和计算机专业的成人教育本科毕业文凭和学士学位。现代远程教育是以计算机网络为基础,将文字、声音、图形、图像、动画、影视等…  相似文献   

随着影视摄影技术快速发展,中国影视产业发展规模的日益扩大,传统的人工手动摇臂拍摄技术迫切需要进一步发展。将机器人技术与传统拍摄技术相结合,既可以达到拍摄质量要求,还可以提高拍摄效率,应用SolidWorks软件对摄影机器人进行虚拟样机设计,并利用motion模块对机器人进行运动仿真,缩短了设计周期,节约了研发费用,为日后进一步研制提供理论依据。〖HJ4mm〗  相似文献   

服装结构设计课程是服装与服饰设计专业的核心课程,但传统的服装结构课程的教学内容无法与服装设计、服装工艺等核心课程结合,而且授课方式也大多采用手工打版的方式,课堂效率低下且不能提起学生学习的兴趣,学生不熟悉平面制图与成衣立体造型的相互关系,传统教学中只有通过缝制完成才能看到造型效果。本研究将教学任务与企业订单结合起来,以服装工作室为依托,结合真实订单任务,利用3D虚拟试衣系统以及CAD打版软件,解决了平面与成衣立体造型关系难以理解的难题。  相似文献   

本文主要研究传媒对服饰流行的影响。具体分析时尚杂志对服饰流行的导向作用,以及畅销书籍、热播影视作品、明星穿着打扮、流行音乐、外来文化及个人审美对服饰流行的影响。进一步阐明了这些因素与服饰流行之间的内在联系。  相似文献   

We combine economic and institutional theories of clustering in foreign entry location choice in an overarching social learning conceptualization. Prospective entrants learn about the attractiveness of alternative locations by observing the entry choices of previous investors (‘models’). We distinguish two types of learning that differ in observational focus width but can and do operate simultaneously. With assessment learning, firms judge the economic feasibility and agglomeration benefits of entering a location by observing and following a broad set of models. With bandwagon learning, firm‐level uncertainty narrows attention to, and prompts the following of, specific models, with recentness of model behavior an important moderator. We find broad support for our conceptualization in an analysis of the entries of 692 Japanese electronics firms into Chinese provinces during 1979–2001. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines and extends the resource dependence logic of diversification for a better understanding of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) activities by emerging market firms. We contend that the diversification logic is bounded by state ownership, an important but less considered component of interdependence. Our empirical results, based on panel data analysis of Chinese listed firms, suggest that the level of interdependence between Chinese and foreign firms in China in multiple forms, including symbiotic, competitive, and partner interdependencies, is positively associated with the level of the Chinese firms' OFDI activities. However, Chinese firms with higher levels of state ownership are less susceptible to the pressures imposed by foreign firms to invest abroad. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

From an organizational learning perspective, we argue that the information signaled by the distribution attributes of foreign investors already operating in a location will influence the entry decisions of later arrivals by affecting their level of confidence in imitating. In the context of foreign investment decisions, the proportion of experienced firms in a location was shown to first increase a follower firm's confidence about imitating them, but then to decrease it, due to anticipated competition. The impact of learning from target organizations also varies with the experience of the learning organization. Data on the location choices of 7,478 manufacturing ventures in China by U.S. firms supported the hypotheses. The results provide a more integrated and nuanced understanding of learning in foreign direct investment. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We offer an alternative explanation for follow-the-leader behavior in foreign investment decisions based on Bayesian learning by rival firms. We test the implications of the model through a panel count data sample of MNEs that have invested in Central and Eastern Europe over the period 1990–1997. Interacting the measure of rivals' investment in country-industry pairs with uncertainty, we are able to identify the channel of Bayesian learning about revenue postulated by the model as the only one consistently generating the detected follow-the-leader behavior of foreign investments. The empirical findings are robust with respect to different model specifications.  相似文献   

This pooled cross-sectional/time series analysis focuses on individual consumer demand for sex-oriented pay cable programming using data obtained from Coaxial Cable in Columbus, OH. The results suggest that adult movies garnered more demand from pay-per-view subscribers than any other type of programme offered, indicating that sex- oriented cable movies has achieved a reasonable degree of community acceptance. These results are not very encouraging for those who would like to see adult content of this type eliminated from cable television.  相似文献   

文化服务产业消费“扩容”与“提质”对于中国当前消费升级至关重要。以2012—2016年中国1854部电影为研究对象,本文将每日电影院层面票房数据汇总至全国层面,构建“电影—日”全国票房数据。为避免弱工具变量问题,采用新近发展的套索(LASSO)回归选择最优的天气与空气污染变量作为电影首映周非预期票房的工具变量,识别了社会学习对电影跨期消费增长的影响。研究发现:受外生冲击影响的电影首映周非预期票房变化对于后续周票房存在显著的正向跨期溢出效应,且该溢出效应随着时间推移而逐渐减小。进一步地,制作质量越高、事前质量信息不确定性越高以及市场偏好越集中,电影消费的跨期溢出效应就越明显。这一结果表明,社会学习是引致电影消费跨期溢出效应的主要机制,观察学习与社会网络外部性等机制并未得到实证证据的支持。总体而言,本文揭示了社会学习是影响电影消费“扩容”与“提质”的关键因素,从个体间微观互动机制这一全新视角为激发中国新一轮消费升级提供了可行的实践路径。  相似文献   

Drawing on organizational learning theory and literature on guanxi, this study examines how and why ambidextrous learning balance influences firm innovation capability in Chinese business circles. We propose a U-shaped relation between ambidextrous learning balance and firm innovation capability which is mediated by guanxi inertia and knowledge inertia in different ways. Specifically, ambidextrous learning balance has an inverted U-shaped impact on guanxi inertia and further influences firm innovation capability. Whereas, ambidextrous learning balance has a linear positive influence on innovation capability through a decreased level of knowledge inertia. Based on survey data collected from, The results obtained from a sample of 197 Chinese channel enterprises using SEMs analysis provide strong support for our hypotheses. In addition, the findings based on firms with unbalanced ambidextrous learning indicate that as opposed to exploratory learning, higher level of exploitative learning leads to an increase in guanxi inertia and a decrease in knowledge inertia. These conclusions reveal how ambidextrous learning balance influence innovation capability for a firm with inherent learning preference which is not discussed by the extant research. At the same time, this study fills the gap of ambidextrous learning balance by considering the influence of culture. Our work also informs foreign practitioners of the optimal ways of learning for innovation in China.  相似文献   

The continued growth of the Chinese economy accompanied with the expansion of international investment in China has led to an increase in foreign research and development (R&D) activities in the country. Aside from the rising importance of R&D internationalization, research on foreign R&D in China has been neglected in the past due to its emerging status. In this article we examine drivers and barriers for conducting R&D in China. The focus of our research is on transnational companies typically characterized by decentralized R&D activities. Our research is mainly based on qualitative interviews with senior R&D managers. The success of foreign R&D activities in China strongly depends on the realistic estimation of its advantages and the proper identification and handling of barriers.  相似文献   

This study examines changes in content usage time due to the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea using Korean Media Panel data for the period 2011–2020 and explores the reasons for these changes. This study focuses on four principal contents: television programs, movies/videos/user-created content, traditional telecommunication services, and chatting/messenger/social network services. The empirical results indicate an increase in usage time for the four principal contents, as well as total content usage time because of the pandemic. The results also show that average Korean people stayed longer at home after the onset of the pandemic, leading to an increase in the time spent on all the principal contents, except for traditional telecommunication services, as well as an increase in total content usage time. Furthermore, this study suggests that whereas the effect of the pandemic on television program viewing time was mainly attributable to changes in time spent at home because of the pandemic, the effect on other contents was mainly caused by non-location-related factors. This study predicts changes in content usage time after the end of the pandemic and provides strategic suggestions.  相似文献   

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