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COMET is a macroeconomic medium-term model for the European Economic Community. It basically consists of eight similarly specified country models which are linked by bilateral trade equations and equations specifying the formation of import and export prices. The medium-term nature is reflected in the role played by the degree of capacity utilization. Section 2 discusses the basic (structural) assumptions of the model, section 3 the performance of the model as a whole.  相似文献   

This article analyses the determinants of Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) activities in the European Union (EU). Evidence is based on panel Poisson models drawing on two investment monitors at the individual project level. Greenfield investments (GI) and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are distinguished. The findings indicate that market size and bilateral trade are the main factors for Chinese investment in the EU. In contrast, business-friendly institutions do not foster FDI. Probably, Chinese investors are risk averse, and prefer regions with less competitive markets. The striking difference between GIs and M&As is related to unit labour costs. Higher costs make the host country less attractive for the establishment of new firms, but do not affect the involvement in existing firms. The sectoral dispersion of Chinese FDI in the EU did not change much since the global financial crisis. Most relevant shifts have occurred in research and development (R&D), where low-income EU countries have become increasingly attractive.  相似文献   

This study investigates the extent to which diplomatic relations are related to cross-border merger and acquisition (M&A) activities in the European Union during the years 2001–2019. Implementing a gravity model, we find a positive relationship between diplomatic distance and M&A activities, meaning that weaker diplomatic relations are linked to increases in inward M&As. This finding holds when foreign investors target high-tech firms, are private rather than state-owned enterprises, or buy larger shares of the target companies. This evidence suggests that cross-border acquisitions could be a way for the investing firm to mitigate issues related to weak diplomatic relations, such as access to host markets’ information and technological knowledge.  相似文献   

In this paper we revise and extend the theory of the evaluation of public investments under uncertainty. Precisely, we argue that the value of the investments that the public sector would be willing to undertake is never below its market value, and that it can be higher if it provides social insurance.  相似文献   

This study analyses the effects of public and private investment on Portuguese GDP in the period 1960–2013. After a review of the literature based on works developed in the context of VAR analyses, an alternative econometric strategy is proposed. We opt for ADL models using the methodology of Krolzig-Hendry-Doornik. We estimate direct effects of public and private investments on themselves and also a system of simultaneous equations and calculate the multipliers of the exogenous variables, represented by the current external transfers, the short-run nominal interest rate and public debt ratio. Additionally, we tested a model with the first three equations of the system, using beyond those variables the real exchange rate as an exogenous variable. The results point to the existence of a complementarity between private investment and public investment rather than any idea of substitutability. We find that public debt has important negative effects on public and private investments and consequently on output. Public investment has positive effects on output and on private investment. The appreciation of the real exchange rate has an important and long-lasting negative effect upon output, confirming the presence of a mechanism associated with a Dutch-disease phenomenon in the Portuguese economy.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the New Keynesian multiple-equations small-open-economy macroeconomic model to illustrate deeper relations among model parameters. These relations are more important than the basic values of the parameters because it shows how the system behaves when some changes in the economy occur. The first stage of the analysis introduces a theoretical model. The second stage of the analysis estimates the states and parameters of the model on the quarterly data of the Czech economy. The third stage of the analysis focuses on the transfer function of this model and makes a deeper behavior analysis. In the final stage, the article demonstrates the stability of the model, shown through the impulse functions of the model. This shows response of the macroeconomic model to unanticipated shocks. This paper is part of the research activities for the grant project of GA CR Number 402/02/0393.  相似文献   

Anh L. Tran 《Applied economics》2013,45(23):3187-3201
This article examines the explanatory power and the dynamic impact of macroeconomic conditions on Initial Public Offering (IPO) activities in US during the period from 1970 to 2005. Applying time-series econometric techniques, we find the existence of long-run equilibrium relationships between IPO activities and selected macroeconomic variables. Stock market performance and volatility are shown to play the most important role in the timing of IPOs. The Fed funds rate and the 10 year US Treasury Bond (TB) yield play a comparable role in determining the amount of proceeds raised in the IPOs. There also exist different short-run dynamic adjustment mechanisms between IPOs and macroeconomic factors towards the long run equilibrium path and they are mostly completed within the period of 6 months to 1 year. The results have some useful implications for forecasting IPO activities.  相似文献   

This study tried to improve the understanding of the impact of context variables on the risk of financial difficulties from an European companies experience. To this end, a multilevel logistic model is developed to exploit the benefits of transnational analysis and to examine the effects of contextual factors in countries and the individual impacts of companies within each country. The resulting estimates and the post-estimation analysis based on non-parametric techniques demonstrated that country effects vary randomly but that significant variance exists in the level of financial distress within and between countries. The results also corroborate that companies’ financial variables provide extremely important information. However, the macroeconomic and regulatory factors of the environments in which these companies operate help to explain, to a large extent, the existing heterogeneity among countries.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the short-run impact of sales and payroll tax cuts in a complete macroeconomic model which explicitly involves the government financing constraint. Sales and payroll tax cuts have been stressed as good measures for achieving once-for-all price level reductions. We demonstrate that in quite plausible circumstances, cuts in these taxes (financed by an increase in the personal tax rate) result in the price level increasing, not decreasing. Also, it is shown that a policy package involving a wage subsidy and a profits tax hike must involve employment and investment moving in the same, not the opposite, direction.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the incidence of various tax changes using the intertemporal optimizing framework developed by Brock and Turnovsky. The model contains a reasonably complete specification of the corporate sector, in which firms have the choice of financial structure. It also allows for a range of government financial policies, although only one is considered in detail. Both the short-run and the long-run effects of changes in the personal income, capital gains, and corporate profit tax rates are analyzed. It is shown that the effects of tax changes (a) vary between the short and long run; (b) the effects of tax changes depend critically upon the financial structure adopted by forms; and (c) may also depend upon government financial policy.  相似文献   

In this paper we have developed an endogenous growth model to deal with exhaustible resources and secondary materials together, under the assumptions that these two inputs are, or are not, technologically perfect substitutes of each other, in order to compare the results obtained under both hypotheses. We highlight the implication of these two assumptions on the rate of growth of total output and upon the flow of exhaustible resources extracted. There are also some other interesting findings related to the spill-over on welfare of the waste recycling process, and the dynamics of shadow prices of both inputs considered. Finally, some implications on Hotelling's rule also emerge in our analytical framework.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the short-run effects of traditional balance-of-payments policies for a small developing country. The country is assumed to be running persistent payments deficits under a fixed exchange rate regime. This paper illustrates how conventional results are affected by the presence of (a) imported intermediate inputs, (b) partial wage indexation, and (c) a large initial trade deficit. Stagflationary effects of a currency devaluation are particularly noteworthy. A tariff/subsidy policy that leaves the price of imported inputs unaffected is shown to be likely to achieve the payments objectives without creating significant adverse supply-side effects.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates output and consumption asymmetries in the Eurozone and enlarged EU over the period 1992–2007, and their consequences for monetary policy. Our results reveal that in the Eurozone output asymmetry has remained practically unaltered; however, there is some indication of greater consumption smoothing. The UK, Denmark and Sweden are no less asymmetric than the average Eurozone member state and could probably enter the EMU without significant macroeconomic costs. New EU member states are diverse but display higher output and, in particular, consumption asymmetries. This warrants some caution against too quick expansion of the EMU.  相似文献   

Do European countries differ in the efficiency of their welfare policies? And which factors can account for such variability? To address these questions, we perform a two-stage efficiency analysis. First, based on a composite output indicator for social protection expenditure, we measure efficiency by means of the Free Disposable Hull and Data Envelopment Analysis techniques. Second, we perform an econometric analysis to identify the factors that can be associated to cross-country differences. We find that countries scoring higher efficiency have higher education and GDP levels, a smaller population size, a lower degree of selectivity of their welfare systems and a lower corruption level.  相似文献   

A strong private equity (PE) market is a cornerstone for commercialization and innovation in modern economies. However, substantial differences exist in the relative amounts raised and invested in PE across European countries. We investigate the macroeconomic determinants of PE investment in Europe, focusing on the comparison between Central and Eastern European (CEE) and Western European countries. Our estimations are based on a data set running from 2001 to 2011 that covers 16 countries. Applying robust estimation techniques, we identify a ‘robust’ set of determinants of PE activity in both regions. We find similarities as well as differences in the driving forces of PE investments in Western European and CEE countries. Our results suggest that economic activity, the inflation rate, equity market capitalization, unit labour costs, the unemployment rate as well the the institutional and legal environment are significant determinants of PE activity.  相似文献   

We develop a 4-region macroeconomic model of the euro area and the world economy. The model (EAGLE, Euro Area and Global Economy model) is microfounded and designed for conducting quantitative policy analysis of macroeconomic interdependence across regions in the euro area and between the euro area and the world economy. Specifically, we simulate a permanent reduction in labor tax rates in the euro area. The effects on real activity are expansionary in both the short run and long run. Implementing reforms simultaneously across regions would produce extra benefits and make the macroeconomic performance in the euro area more even.  相似文献   

This paper creates a structural vector autoregression (SVAR) model which looks at the macroeconomic factors that impact the export of both finished and unfinished Pakistani textiles between 1980 and 2011. The analysis is unique in two ways: first, it separates unfinished (low value-added) textile exports from finished (high value-added) textile exports; second, it separates out the impact of aggregate exchange rate changes with respect to trading ‘partners’ from aggregate exchange rate changes with respect to trading ‘competitors’. We find that unfinished, or low value-added, Pakistani textile exports were positively impacted by the aggregate consumption of trading partners while finished, or high value-added, textile exports were negatively affected by these shocks. Also, a real depreciation of the Pakistani exchange rate leads to temporary increases in unfinished textile exports but sustained increases in the level of finished textile exports. Finally, positive shocks in the textile exports of competitor countries lead to temporary decreases in both unfinished and finished Pakistani textile exports, but these falls were followed by eventual increases in the exports of both.  相似文献   

Fiscal harmonization among the European Union member states is a goal involving major difficulties for its implementation. Each country faces a particular trade-off between fiscal revenues generated by taxation and the productive efficiency loss induced by their respective tax code. This paper provides a quantitative analysis of these trade-offs for a number of the European Union (EU-15) member states using a dynamic general equilibrium model with public inputs. Calibration of the model for the EU-15 member states provides the following results: i) the maximum tax revenue level is relatively far from the current tax levels for most countries; ii) the cases of Sweden, Denmark and Finland are anomalous, as productive efficiency can be gained by lowering tax rates without affecting fiscal revenues; iii) in general, countries would obtain efficiency gains without changing fiscal revenues by reducing the capital tax and increasing the labor tax; and iv) capital tax harmonization to the average capital tax rate can be done with quite small changes in both fiscal revenues and output for most countries.  相似文献   

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