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高海波  林淑玲 《沿海企业与科技》2011,(11):119-120,F0003
在大学生中开展创业教育是我国高等教育和经济社会形势发展的迫切需要,各高校开展创业教育的现状不容乐观。社会和学生对创业的需求,要求高校教育必须进行及时的改革,转变教育思想,改革人才培养模式,在教学内容、教学方法、课程设置等方面进行探索、革新,通过开展创业教育,开发和提高学生的创业基本素质,培养和提高学生的生存能力、竞争能力和创业能力等,成为复合型人才,由"求职者"转变为"创业者"。文章分析我国开展大学生创业教育的重大意义,对于IT行业具有易自主创业的特点,提出在大学教育上采用"能力提高模块"课程体系,在培养模式上采取渐进式模式的创业教育体系架构的新模式,通过整合给予学生创新思维、系统思维、团队思维、商业思维等方面的提高,并就如何通过创业实施保障与资源整合来解决大学生就业等问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

目前公司创业环境层面的研究主要从宏观的角度强调经济环境和技术环境的观点,在很大程度上忽略了以合法性为基础的制度环境的观点。针对中国转型经济的背景,在有效利用创业制度环境实现公司创业的战略管理这一过程中,需要社会关系提供相应的资源和支持。本文阐述了转型经济下社会关系—商业关系和社会关系—对创业制度环境与公司创业关系的调节作用,即创业制度环境能显著促进企业绩效;商业关系倒U型调节创业制度环境与公司创业的关系,而政治关系显著加强了创业制度环境与公司创业之间的促进作用。  相似文献   

技术创业是把科学技术转换成社会收益的一种机制。本文基于技术创业者在技术创业过程中承担着研究角色和商业角色,分别对研究转移型创业、周期性创业、研究驱动型创业、公司创业等创业路径进行了解析。  相似文献   

创业初期,中小投资创业常常会感到势单力孤,或在资金,或在管理、技术方面都有不足,因而合伙创业就成了一个重要的选择。采用这种方式,不但可以汇聚各方资源,加速资本积累,缩短学习曲线,还可以在一个较高的起点上运作,得到单打独斗所不具备的好处。但相应的也会加大经营管理的难度,往往因合伙人之间经营理念分歧、利益分配不当,而使企业陷入危机。“爱多、的衰败,就肇始于合伙人的内部矛盾。因此,在采取合伙方式之前,创业必须清楚,应当在什么前提下合伙,以什么方式合伙。从笔多年来指导创业的经验看,合伙创业有三个原则必须坚持,六种方式可供选择。  相似文献   

"当今世界,商业变革正处在一个转折点。要想重塑企业文化,就必须认清一系列旋风般席卷而来的新挑战,并以内部变革的一系列新方法来应对。"科尔尼公司通过他们的高级合伙人在欧洲各地咨询考察后说。  相似文献   

旨在分析创业导向对于企业竞争优势的影响机制,重点进行公司创业、企业能力、竞争战略、竞争优势等相关理论的探究和模型的构建,并在理论分析的基础上提出若干命题。分析表明,创业导向通过企业能力和竞争战略内外两条互为补充的路径,实现竞争优势。不仅丰富了公司创业和战略管理理论研究,还为企业如何在动态、复杂、不确定的全球环境中生存和发展提供借鉴和指导。  相似文献   

吕贵兴 《企业活力》2006,(10):84-85
一、公司创业概述 对创业现象的分析始于18世纪中期,而创业作为一门学科引起学者们的注意和深入研究,是在近几十年甚至十几年,其大部分文献著作都是近二三十年才出现的。从已有文献看,创业研究可以在个体、群体、组织、行业和社会等多个层面展开。人们最早关注的是个体创业,但自Miller 1983年对公司创业(Corporate Entrepreneurship,简称CE)做出定义之后,CE开始受到理论界和实业界的广泛关注。2001年,Davidson和Wiklund对1988—1998年间在欧美地区权威创业期刊《创业理论与实践》、《企业创业》、《创业与区域发展》上发表的127篇文章进行了对比分析,与此同时,Chandler和Lyon也对9个创业期刊同时期发表的416篇文献进行了统计分析,得出了共同的结论,即创业研究的焦点已经从对企业家个人的研究转变到了对公司层面创业行为的研究上。随着研究的广泛开展,也产生了不同的称呼来描述公司层面上的创业活动,如内创业intrepreneurship,公司业务新拓corporate venturing等。本文等同使用这些术语。  相似文献   

潘虹秀 《中国企业家》2010,(17):120-120
VC和PE给商业软环境带来的一大变化是在企业商业模式设计、国内国际市场开拓、资本与团队引进、企业并购等方面发挥智囊和人脉作用,起到了单靠创业团队和咨询公司难以实现的作用  相似文献   

关于创业团队问题的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
一、正确认识创业团队的作用 正确认识创业团队的作用,对于积极组建创业团队和创业团队的有效运行具有重要作用。 没有创业团队的新创企业不一定注定失败。但是,没有一个创业团队而建立一个高成长潜力的企业是极其困难的。某些创业者确实不喜欢合伙人介入,他们更倾向于对所创企业处于完全控制地位,他们想要的是员工而不是合伙人,他们不愿受内部合伙人或外部投资者的控制或制约。这类企业能够生  相似文献   

合伙创业,而不是单打独斗,在当今世界越来越成为主流。然而,但凡创业之人,不管其动因为何,都不是心甘寂寞、但求无过的平庸之辈,多是有想法、有干劲、肯出力、有智慧的非常之人。尽管有振聋发聩的前车之鉴一“千万别和最好的朋友合伙开公司”,但事实上,除了亲属,合伙人多出自朋友、同学。本质上。合伙创业是一种集合了情感、财富、权力、...  相似文献   

Research at the interface of corporate entrepreneurship (CE) and family firms’ domains has grown steadily based on the premise that family firms’ specific elements uniquely affect CE antecedents, strategies, and outcomes. However, much remains to be uncovered. In this article, we offer a theoretical advancement of a corporate entrepreneurship process model for the case of family firms organized around the categories of ontology (i.e., domain redefinition), epiphany (i.e., new components and mechanisms), and heterogeneity (i.e., family firm variety and contingencies). This development paves the way for an agenda for future research and for possible generalizations to non‐family firms.  相似文献   

Most research on non‐competes has focused on employees; here we study how non‐competes affect firm location choice, growth, and consequent regional concentration, using Florida's 1996 legislative change that eased restrictions on their enforcement. Difference‐in‐differences models show that following the change, establishments of large firms were more likely to enter Florida; they also created a greater proportion of jobs and increased their share of employment in the state. Entrepreneurs or establishments of small firms, in contrast, were less likely to enter Florida following the law change; they also created a smaller proportion of new jobs and decreased their share of employment. Consistent with these location and job creation dynamics, regional business concentration increased following the law change in Florida. Nationwide cross‐sections demonstrate consistent correlations between state‐level non‐compete enforcement and the location, employment, and concentration dynamics illustrated in Florida.  相似文献   

Building upon prospect theory’s concept of narrow‐framing, we explore family firms’ risk preferences across multiple decisions in corporate entrepreneurship. We argue that family firms’ decisions are less likely to be narrowly framed (more likely to be made as a group rather than in isolation) compared to non‐family firms. Examining the interaction between two risky decisions (internationalization and R&D investment) in two samples of publicly traded firms in the USA and China confirms our hypotheses. Family firms appear more likely than non‐family firms to diversify risk when making multiple decisions concerning corporate entrepreneurship. However, given inferior performance, risk taking across multiple decisions in family firms is positively related.  相似文献   

Opportunity exploitation is a key aspect of the corporate entrepreneurship process and is particularly important to maintain a family firm through multiple generations. Drawing on an organizational design perspective, we investigate opportunity exploitation in family versus non‐family firms. The empirical analyses on survey data from a sample of 224 Italian firms reveal that family firms exploit significantly fewer opportunities than non‐family firms, and this result is fully mediated by the organization of their TMT. Our findings show that how family firms organize is crucial for opportunity exploitation, thus extending and enriching prior corporate entrepreneurship research, highlighting the importance of bringing an organizational design perspective to corporate entrepreneurship and family business studies.  相似文献   

Judging from their profit trends, new technology-based firms have not been very successful in Norway. After ten or more years of activity, fewer than half a dozen has accumulated profits over £1 million. Those that risked large initial investments in order to standardize an innovative new technology enjoyed the greatest amount of success. Most firms were able to develop a prototype, but many had great difficulties gearing up for production. Insufficient financing and know-how were the main problems. Firms have had more problems with production than with marketing, but very few seem prepared for the costs and challenges of an international marketing effort. Most lacked a clear marketing strategy or business plan. Financing was often a problem: there was little private investment, and equity capital was often scarce with a mean debt to equity ratio of less than 30%. Most firms received some sort of public funding, usually in support of product development, but so far it has had little impact on profit trends. A multi-national follow-up study with access to a larger data base would provide many more insights.  相似文献   

It is generally acknowledged that transnational networking plays an important role in promoting the performance of ethnic entrepreneurial firms. Yet distinctions between the different types of transnational networking and their effects on business performance have received scant attention in the literature, probably because ethnicity has been considered to be the main actor in the networking–performance relationship. This paper argues that one of the reasons why business performance differs across ethnic entrepreneurial firms is that ethnic entrepreneurs engage in dissimilar types of transnational networking. Analyses of the data generated by 720 ethnic entrepreneurs in Canada revealed that ethnicity, along with human capital and push/pull factors, both of which are part of our conceptual framework, plays a central role in the engagement of different types of transnational networking and that the different types of transnational networking affect business turnover (sales) and business survival (age). Push/pull factors were found to play a marginal role in business performance. These results highlight the competitive market that immigrants and members of ethnic minority groups encounter in the hosting economy and stress the value of transnational networking.  相似文献   

Since 1980, the UK has experienced a dramatic growth in firms and employment in information–intensive business services, such as management consultancy and market research. Recent expansion of new and small firms operating in these sectors is the focus of a major ESRC–sponsored research project currently under way at Cambridge University Small Business Research Centre.

Small business service firms are able to compete successfully with large firms due to the imperfect nature of the market which characterizes business services demand and supply, together with specialization of expertise. The success of small business service firms depends on informal person–to–person networks, word–of–mouth recommendation and repeal business based on successful earlier assignments or personal contacts acquired, for example, while working in a large consultancy or market research company. This paper examines the types of networks utilized by small business service firms and argues that two distinct types exist: demand– and supply–related networks; the former involves links with clients, the latter links and co–operation between complementary small business service firms.  相似文献   

Many regional development policy initiatives assume that entrepreneurial activities promote economic growth. Empirical research has presented rationale for this argument showing that small firms create proportionally more new jobs than large firms. However, little research has been performed on the issue of net job generation at the urban level, particularly when self-employment is considered as an indicator of entrepreneurial activities. This paper investigates to what extent US metropolitan areas in the 1969–2009 period characterized by relatively high rates of self-employment also have shown relatively high rates of subsequent total employment growth. The analysis corrects for the influence of sectoral composition, wage level, educational attainment, presence of research universities and size of the metropolitan area to measure the extent to which the number and quality of self-employed in a region contribute to total employment growth. It finds the relationship between self-employment rates and subsequent total employment growth to be positive on average during the 40-year period but to weaken over time.  相似文献   

The process of founding a business is for most people a period of transition entailing taking on a new role. Such a transition will often result in a change of values and beliefs. For some women, values ascribed to the entrepreneur will conflict with conventional feminine values. Previous researchers have classified women in accordance with their degree of attachment to entrepreneurial values and conventionally defined masculine-feminine values (Goffee and Scase 1985, Cromie and Hayes 1987), but to date there has been little attempt to examine the process of change in women's values and beliefs as a result of business start-up.

This paper reports on the first attempt to use Identity Structure Analysis (Weinreich 1980/1986/1988) to investigate entrepreneurship: in this case, specifically female entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the recent empirical literature on the performance of transnational immigrants' firms by investigating the effect of transnational ties on the firm's growth. In addition to the effect of the ties, the paper shows that home country's institutional and socio-economic characteristics and country-specific entrepreneurial factors have a crucial role in shaping the ties–performance relationship. The evidence from a sample of immigrant-owned firms in the Italian information and communications technology (ICT) sector in the period 2000–2010 confirmed the relevance of the proposed model and helped in understanding a potential channel of improvements in immigrant firms' performance through transnational ties. Our results show the limited relevance of a direct, or linear, impact of ties on the growth of sales in immigrant-run firms in the ICT sector, but support the crucial moderating role of home-country characteristics on the ties–performance relationship.  相似文献   

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