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This paper explores the relationship between management characteristics and psychic distance, psychic distance and internationalisation and management characteristics and internationalisation. It is argued that internationalisation takes different forms and that psychic distance will impact differently on each form whether it is outward, inward or linked. It is shown that whereas some management characteristics impact on internationalisation directly, others have impact through psychic distance acting as an intervening variable. The management implications for the above are discussed, as is its effect on planning future international activities.  相似文献   

本文实证分析了农产品技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)的影响因素,探究TBT影响农产品出口的运行机制,为政府农产品国际贸易政策的决策提供依据。利用Ordinal Logistic对农产品出口TBT影响因素进行回归分析,结果表明,企业性质、出口渠道与贸易方式对农产品TBT的影响不显著,企业出口额、出口产品种类与出口目的地对农产品TBT的影响显著。在克服农产品出口TBT方面,政府扶持优势农产品及针对不同贸易伙伴进行国际协调政策有其合理性,但对出口龙头企业的扶持可能达不到预期目标。  相似文献   

This paper uses a comparative study to explore entrepreneurial marketing orientation in small software technology firms, in relation to firm growth. Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM) acknowledges the interface between entrepreneurship, marketing and innovation and, pursuance of customer value. Researchers acknowledge that firms adopting other strategic orientations combined with a market orientation are more likely to outperform their competitors. Currently, there are few comparative studies of knowledge-intensive technology firms and no comparative cross-country studies, which consider firm growth and orientation from the EM perspective. This paper addresses these issues by using an entrepreneurial marketing orientation qualitative framework that consists of 15 dimensions, which allow investigation of entrepreneur and employee activities, attitudes and behaviors in such firms. Using a UK and US sample of firms, this research enables assessment of how and why entrepreneurial marketing orientation may lead to sustainable growth for firms in challenging markets and provides a comparison in two different country contexts.  相似文献   

非关税壁垒是国内外学术界研究的热点问题.文章调查了上海市南汇区出口企业遭遇的非关税壁垒现状,对当前应对非关税壁垒存在的若干问题,提出了相应的措施建议.  相似文献   

技术性贸易壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响与对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
21世纪以来我国农产品贸易增长迅速,正逐步迈向农产品贸易大国。但在农产品出口贸易量连续增长的同时,国外对我国农产品设立的技术性贸易壁垒也呈现出增长的态势,技术性贸易壁垒已经成为阻碍我国农产品出口的第一大非关税壁垒。因此,深入剖析当前技术性贸易壁垒对我国农产品出口贸易造成的消极影响,并提出相应对策,有利于我国农产品出口贸易的发展和农产品出口竞争力的提高。  相似文献   

本文研究贸易壁垒对不同技术复杂度的中国产品形成的差异化的出口抑制作用。理论及作用机制分析从进口国的消费者需求层面考察,考虑到高技术复杂度产品对消费者效用的额外提升作用;实证分析则主要构建交互项模型。理论和实证分析均发现贸易壁垒对技术复杂度越高的中国产品造成的出口抑制作用越弱,这表明提升中国出口产品的技术复杂度是帮助中国出口跨越贸易壁垒的有效手段。本文通过进一步实证研究还发现,中国向经济发展水平越低的国家出口,通过提高出口产品的技术复杂度来弱化贸易壁垒的出口抑制作用的效果越好。本文的研究将为中国出口跨越贸易壁垒并进一步促进中国出口提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

武玉英  郭珉 《财贸研究》2007,18(2):56-60,71
文章对我国水产品出口欧盟遭遇技术性贸易壁垒的影响进行了实证的研究分析。研究发现,欧盟有关水产品及食品卫生法规(标准)对我国水产品出口有明显的阻碍作用,同时我国经济发展水平的增强以及无公害标准的制定和实施对我国水产品的出口有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

Export of goods and services is one of the most common ways of internationalization performed by companies. This activity associates various obstacles, internal factors that depend of the firm’s performance, and external environment factors in which firm is involved. Based on the perspective of flower firms located in Colombia, Mexico and Ecuador, this article prioritizes the barriers they face for positioning themselves in the global market. Governmental factors are the obstacle perceived greater interference in external forces, while in the internal forces are the operational factors, although there are considerable differences in the assigned weights in each country.  相似文献   

我国鞋类出口面临的贸易壁垒及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国鞋类产品具有很强的国际竞争力,生产和出口都占有重要的世界市场份额,因而也是国外进行贸易限制的对象.文章主要针对我国鞋类产品出口面临的技术性贸易壁垒,提出跨越国外技术性贸易壁垒的应对之策.  相似文献   

During the past few years, the phenomenon of Born Globals has been highlighted in many studies. Such firms adopt a global approach right from their inception or very shortly thereafter. This behaviour challenges the traditional internationalisation models of slow and gradual development with respect to geographical markets and market entry modes. In this paper a conceptual framework is developed from earlier research and includes the factors: globalisation, entrepreneurs, networks, and industry. A survey showed that Born Globals were still very uncommon in Sweden. However, four Born Global firms were identified and analysed with the framework. It was concluded that the ongoing globalisation has made it easier to conduct Born Global strategies. However, active entrepreneurs, who recognised the global opportunities, were crucial for the implementation of these strategies, in which personal networks were used as tools.  相似文献   

文章在详细分析技术性贸易壁垒产生条件的基础上,构建了技术性贸易壁垒实施意愿预警指标体系和技术性贸易壁垒跨越难度预警指标体系来对技术性贸易壁垒进行预警,通过引入层次分析法得出了预警指标权重,最后探讨了预警指标的应用过程.  相似文献   

加入WTO以来我国农产品出口贸易增长很快,但由于种种原因,在国际市场上屡受阻挠,尤其是以欧美日为代表的发达国家凭借自身优势所实施的技术性贸易壁垒,对我国农产品出口带来了极大的影响。通过对欧美日等发达国家的技术性贸易壁垒比较分析,探寻我国能够借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

A growing body of research on international entrepreneurship suggests that new ventures have succeeded in entering international markets by creatively exploiting their tangible and intangible technological resources. Using the resource-based view of the firm, this paper explores the impact of leveraging selected tangible and intangible technological resources on the speed and degree of sales internationalisation among US software new ventures. Even though R&D investments are not significant predictors of the speed or degree of sales internationalisation, technological networks and technological reputations are. The interactions of networks and reputation with R&D spending are also positively and significantly associated with higher sales internationalisation. Technological networks also interact positively with R&D spending to expedite sales internationalisation, but the interaction of these investments with technological reputations is not significant. The results show that intangible technological resources play an important role in the internationalisation of software new ventures' sales. The implications of the findings for future international entrepreneurship research are discussed.  相似文献   

在国际技术进出口中目前存在着大量的非关税壁垒措施,发达国家利用这些措施来遏制发展中国家的发展与竞争.就中国近年来看,技术出口中被国外设置专利壁垒的情况相当严重.文章以DVD专利池纠纷案为切入点,探讨应对技术出口中的专利壁垒问题,不仅需要企业自身的私力救济,同时需要政府和相应组织的公力破解.  相似文献   

本文基于租金分析范式将市场进入壁垒分为内生的结构性壁垒和外生的行政性壁垒,并进一步将后者分为能给在位企业带来额外收益的第Ⅰ类行政性进入壁垒和对企业施加了额外成本的第Ⅱ类行政性进入壁垒.企业寻求市场内生性的结构性进入壁垒会产生出有效产出,而寻求或者规避外生性的行政性进入壁垒则会导致与效率目标相冲突的逆向激励.  相似文献   

目前国内外有关创业导向的维度及其测量存在着差异,在一定程度上阻碍了公司创业理论的发展和实践创新。因此,文章通过案例分析,对家族企业创业导向的关键特征进行解析,探讨在我国情景下家族企业创业导向构念的维度结构及其各维度间的共变性问题,使相关构念更具有针对性也确保其适用性。   相似文献   

近年来,国际技术壁垒发展在形式、规模和影响上都具有新的特征。本文在全球视角下对当前发达国家和发展中国家实施的技术壁垒特点进行分析,并基于经济学MQS模型作比较。笔者发现,国际技术壁垒呈现一定的周期性,各发展阶段有着不同的贸易效应,据此进一步指出我国技术贸易壁垒建立存在的问题和解决思路。  相似文献   

The relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and performance has received considerable attention from the family business literature. However, little is known about how EO, organizational parameters, and environmental characteristics act in combination to influence family firm performance. Drawing on the socioemotional wealth perspective, this study proposes a configurational model that considers the performance implications of EO, family management, and environmental dynamism. The empirical analysis indicates that the combination of family management, low EO, and low environmental dynamism engenders the best performance. The paper contributes to the family entrepreneurship literature by identifying the conditions under which EO leads to improved performance in family firms, and answers a recent call for more context‐based investigations of the performance effects of family managers. © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Retailing in Poland after 1989 was privatised rapidly. There was an explosion in the number of small shops and kiosks. By 1996 rationalisation had begun in the store network. By the mid-1990s foreign retailers were perceiving the Polish market as a potentially lucrative one. Several store formats were introduced. Hypermarket operators from Western Europe have moved into the market strongly since the mid-1990s. French and German retailers are making substantial investments in this format. There are notable implications for the supply chain, logistics and the behaviour of manufacturers of fast-moving consumer goods, particularly food. There are implications also for the training and development of a cadre of managers in operational and strategic functions. The development of hypermarkets represents a significant transfer of managerial know-how from Western to Central Europe. There are also implications for the small shopkeeper sector which has already been affected but is likely to be more heavily affected as hypermarket numbers increase. In the process of the modernisation of retailing in Poland foreign hypermarket operators are playing an important role.  相似文献   

在应用型本科院校商科专业中倡导创业意识、构建创业文化氛围、实施有效的创业教育是实现其培养目标的重要途径。文章分析了目前创业教育在应用型商科学生培养中遇到的问题;解析了创业文化导向对培养商科创业型人才的重要意义;对创业型商科人才培养的优化路径进行了创新性探索。  相似文献   

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