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Ludwig M. Lachmann was born in Berlin in 1906 and died in Johannesburg in 1990. For more than forty years, until his retirement in 1972, Lachmann established himself as a prominent South African economist and for a time served as head of the economics department at the University of Witwatersrand. From 1974 to 1987, he worked with Professor Israel Kirzner in New York City to give new shape and life to the older Austrian school of economics. Lachmann influenced a small army of modern Austrians to discard the elaborate formalisms of orthodox economics for a "radical subjectivism" that had its roots in the teachings of the founder of the Austrian school, Carl Menger. Here a small platoon of scholars offer their thoughts about Lachmann, his contributions to economic reasoning, and his eccentric but engaging character. First hand reports explain what their mentor taught and what his students took away. Lavoie makes the case that Lachmann's "radical subjectivism" took a rhetorical turn toward the end of Lachmann's career in New York City. In addition, Kirzner reports on his long and most productive relationship with Lachmann and provides additional insights about the seminal role of the Austrian Economics Seminar at New York University from 1985 to 1987 in giving shape to the modern Austrian revival. This article is the written version of a "Remembrance and Appreciation Session" held on June 28, 1999 at the History of Economics Society meeting at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro. It is one of an ongoing series that appears in the July issues of this journal.  相似文献   

Systematically combining quantitative and qualitative research approaches offers the potential for a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of social scientific phenomena. With their strong opportunities for building, qualifying, and testing social scientific theories, methodological integrations thus enable researchers to make substantive contributions that would not have been possible with one method alone. In this article we demonstrate how the integration of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and conventional statistical analysis offers researchers new opportunities for contributing to the social sciences. Whereas statistical analysis is variable-oriented and relies on correlational analysis to make comparisons across cases, QCA is based on set theory, is case oriented, and relies on Boolean algebra to make comparisons between cases. Drawing on the literature on the interdependency between theoretical contribution and methodology, we review studies that integrate QCA and statistical analysis to explain how the specific combination of these two approaches allows researchers to strengthen the theoretical contribution of their research. From our review we identify common challenges and provide solutions for integrating QCA and statistical analysis.  相似文献   

A bstract . The methodology of Austrian economics's presented in the writings of Ludwig von Mises is described. The Misesian system is built on a priori categories (choice, causality, teleology, time, uncertainty) which Mises regarded as common to all human actors. He used these categories to describe how theories of social phenomena must be constructed if they are to be comprehensible to others. To interpret history , including economic history , one must invent models based on subsidiary assumptions and he or she must make bypotheseszbom the specific "intentions and expectations" of actors. One model is that of an "economic institution." The meaning of the Misesian model of an institution is stated. It is said to have much in common with the models of phenomenologicai sociology. Finally, contrary to recent papers in this J ournal , it is argued that (1) Misesian a priori categories are not alternatives to a priori assumptions described by institutionalists, (2) although a pure theory of choice does not lend itself to the evaluation of public policy , hypotheses about specific intentions and expectations do permit such evaluations, and (3) statements by Mises on institutions and the study of history resemble those made by many institutionalists.  相似文献   

A bstract . The economist Adolph Lowe has developed a methodological alternative, designated Political Economics , for the development of economic theory and the application of economic policy. In totality his system—with a methodology he calls instrumental—makes up a unity that can be seen as a logically derived paradigm shift for economics as a scientific discipline. Under it, by a democratic political process , some desired end-state is first consciously and systematically determined. Then economic means are instrumentally employed to bring about the economic and social behavior necessary to attain and maintain that end-state. Available knowledge and tools are useful for this model; however, there is no question that the approach raises significant technical, political and philosophical issues. But these are overshadowed by Lowe's paradigmatic vision, and its corollary modular framework of Political Economics.  相似文献   

Contemporary economic commentators have a habit of dismissing Austrian business cycle theory on the grounds that the implications for policy responses are unconvincing. Often the ‘Austrian’ position is misunderstood. But even if we wish to draw on other schools of thought to understand depressions, this does not affect the importance of Austrian insights to explain the boom.  相似文献   

Abstract This is an attempt to tell a coherent story of a possible path towards an algorithmic revolution in economic theory, based on foundational debates in mathematics. First, by exposing the non‐computational content of classical mathematics, and its foundations, it is shown that both set theory and the tertium non datur can be dispensed with, as foundational concepts. Next, then, as a natural sequel, it follows that every kind of economic theory that bases its theoretical underpinning on classical mathematics can be freed from these foundations and can be made naturally algorithmic. This will make the subject face, in an all pervasive way, absolutely (algorithmically) undecidable decision problems. The thrust of the path towards an algorithmic revolution in economics lies, then, in pointing out that only a radically new mathematical vision of microeconomics, macroeconomics, behavioural economics, game theory, dynamical systems theory and probability theory can lead us towards making economic theory a meaningfully applied science and free of mysticism and subjectivism.  相似文献   

Collateralized Social Relations: The Social in Economic Calculation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Traditionally, economists have viewed social relations as "friction" or "impediments" to exchange and have excluded social relations from their analyses by assuming autonomous actors. Recently, however, a number of scholars—economists, sociologists, anthropologists, and other social scientists—have begun to discuss the numerous ways in which social arrangements both prompt and channel economic activity. Rational choice theory, social capital and network analysis, and agency and game theory, are among those approaches that consider the effects of social relations on economic action. In this paper we extend that discussion by arguing that social relations can function as "collateral" or assurance that an economic transaction will proceed as agreed by the parties involved. We review recent microeconomic theories and conjecture how they might be developed following this observation, which is derived from sociological and anthropological studies of economic action and organization.  相似文献   

In recent decades economists started discovering the importance of the social dimension of economic interactions. Contemporary economics has borrowed several sociological concepts for its own use, among the most important being the concept of social capital. However, this transfer within disciplines did not occur without a loss—the nature of social capital in economics remains confused and obscure. The purpose of this article is to clarify it, specify the possibilities for its use, and discuss their limits. It is argued that economics once also possessed a view of human beings that was more “socialized” than the modern neoclassical Homo oeconomicus, and that this more “socialized” view still exists in the Austrian school of economics. Because this tradition of economic thought has also developed an elaborate capital theory, it can serve as an ideal source where we can look for inspiration in the current social capital debate. First, social capital is (re)defined along these lines as an individual's asset connected with recognized reciprocity (as opposed to interactions usually classified as “altruistic”). Then major critical claims about the relation between social and physical capital are answered and the connection between social capital, trust, and social norms is described.  相似文献   

马虹 《价值工程》2012,31(6):102-103
回归分析是数理统计中的一个重要内容,是利用统计学原理寻求隐藏在随机现象中的统计规律的计算方法和理论,它在各个学科领域以及社会经济各部门都得到广泛应用。运用回归分析建立回归模型,并通过逐步回归求得"最优"结果,利用最优回归模型对规模以上企业效益未来发展进行预测,从而为有关部门的决策提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

信息系统论是社会发展到一定阶段、特定的环境下才发展起来的,体现了会计的本质特征。以信息系统化为核心所形成的理论和方法体系能适应具体社会环境的要求。因此,保证会计信息真实、可靠,对于维护社会经济秩序,保证经济持续稳定发展,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A bstract .   Although heterogeneity and time are central aspects of economic activity, it was predominantly the Austrian School of economics that emphasized these two aspects. In this paper we argue that the explicit consideration of heterogeneity and time is of increasing importance due to the increasing environmental and resource problems faced by humankind today. It is shown that neo-Austrian capital theory, which revived Austrian ideas employing a formal approach in the 1970s, is not only well suited to address issues of structural change and of accompanying unemployment induced by technical progress but also can be employed for an encompassing ecological-economic analysis demanded by ecological economics. However, complexity, uncertainty, and real ignorance limit the applicability of formal economic analysis. Therefore, we conclude that economic analysis has to be supplemented by considerations of political philosophy.  相似文献   

Generally valid scientific explanations of observable social phenomena are still hardly available. By applying philosophical insights generated by Quine and derived from semiotics to social research methodology three kinds of context dependencies accompanying theory formation within social science are identified. The third context dependency is mostly not attended in theory formation about social phenomena thereby producing a ``connotation fallacy', which leaves almost all social theories undetermined and fallible. These context dependencies should be taken into account in the research design and be tested for using statistical criteria comprising a new methodology presented in this article.  相似文献   

论我国会计科学研究方法的专门研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
会计学是一门具有自身专属研究对象与研究内容的科学,它是社会科学体系中管理科学的一个重要组成部分,其理论的发展与创新离不开科学的研究方法,故会计科学研究方法也应作为会计科学理论体系中的一个专门问题进行研究。本文以对我国会计科学研究方法研究现状的评析为基础,提出会计科学研究方法研究成果的运用应当以推动其学术规范建设作为重点。  相似文献   

A bstract . The philosophy of science developed by John Dewey in Logic: The Theory of Inquiry should be applied in the study of philosophy and the social sciences as it has come to be applied in the physical sciences. Dewey's methodology prescribes the use of both reason and observation in problem-solving , that is, both theory (hypothesis making) and practice (fact-gathering), with movement back and forth between the two, revising the theory and gathering new facts until a conclusion is reached. The rightness of a conclusion should be evaluated in terms of its consequences and is always subject to modification in the light of later evidence. This philosophy means that a scientific criterion of judgment is possible, in this case Dewey's instrumental theory of value. Higher education should incorporate value theory explicitly into its curriculum and thereby help society to make choices about the good, the true, and the beautiful.  相似文献   

A bstract . Instrumentalism and the instrumental logic , as developed and reconstructed by John Dewey, Clarence Ayres , and Jacob Bronowski , is a mode of philosophy exceedingly critical of dualistic, teleological, tautological, and atomistic individualistic biases in philosophy and in economic theory. Instead, it has emphasized processual, contextual, and evolutionary systems of analysis, accentuating conceptual linkages, topological connectivity and joint relationships as a basis of rejecting conceptions of scientific neutrality and intellectual "instruments" forged in an insulating and compartmentalizing style. The principle of continuity becomes the key to the truth process and its directly associated theory of instrumental value. Applying this instrumental philosophy to the critical analysis of the utility theory of value underpinning orthodox economic theory not only exposes the theoretical and philosophical failures of the utility approach but also highlights the strengths of the instrumental logic as a reconstructive tool. The "life process of mankind" is most enhanced by distinguishing truth from falsity and by applying warranted knowledge to the examination of social and economic problems and the power institutions which give them an exacerbated life.  相似文献   

A bstract .   Peukert (2004 ) argues that Weber's work is only of limited relevance to present-day economic sociology because it incorporates "a rather narrow and static understanding of rationality and the economy." This article disputes that claim. It is argued that Weber differentiates between economic and sociological perspectives on the economy through incorporating uncertainty into the latter. Hence Weber's economic sociology develops the distinction between "before" and "after" perspectives on action, incorporates expectations, and defines capital with reference to time and uncertainty. Furthermore, Weber's analysis of formal rationality presupposes uncertainty. Weber's economic sociology thus assumes a dynamic economy, where uncertainty is prevalent, and formal rationality can reduce uncertainty. Peukert's analysis thus (a) fails to consider Weber's differentiation between economic and sociological investigations, and (b) does not engage with Weber's knowledge of Austrian economics.  相似文献   

A bstract    Economic sociology furthers a healthy alternative to price-theory–oriented economics as it sets out to remedy the invisibility of the market within the latter. There is, however, no doubt that such a market-oriented sociology is still in its infancy, given among other issues its inability to shoulder market change. The void thus recognized opens up the potential for a market idea with both social and dynamic properties. There is good reason to believe that such an endeavor would benefit from the constructive blending of economic sociology and Austrian economics. This paper argues that such a "socio-Austrian" connection is in the position to enrich the socioeconomic discourse in general and its market conception in particular.  相似文献   

The scientific needs and computational limitations of the twentieth century fashioned classical statistical methodology. Both the needs and limitations have changed in the twenty-first, and so has the methodology. Large-scale prediction algorithms—neural nets, deep learning, boosting, support vector machines, random forests—have achieved star status in the popular press. They are recognizable as heirs to the regression tradition, but ones carried out at enormous scale and on titanic datasets. How do these algorithms compare with standard regression techniques such as ordinary least squares or logistic regression? Several key discrepancies will be examined, centering on the differences between prediction and estimation or prediction and attribution (significance testing). Most of the discussion is carried out through small numerical examples.  相似文献   

Austrian Business Cycle Theory can shed light on the ways in which the current Chinese economic boom is unsustainable. On the one hand, government interventions, such as land monopolies, have raised costs for real estate developers. By limiting the availability of investment instruments and access to external markets, government interventions have created a strong demand for housing as a hedging tool. On the other hand, a loose monetary policy and artificially low interest rates have made the property market tempting for developers. Over‐construction and over‐consumption in the housing sector epitomise the capital structure analysis that Austrian economists regard as the core of their business cycle theory.  相似文献   

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