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城市集聚经济微观机制及其超越:从劳动分工到知识分工   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在区分集聚机制与集聚效应、劳动分工与知识分工、成本外部性与技术外部性的基础上,使用统一的分析框架解释了城市集聚经济的发生机制,特别是将知识创造、知识溢出和知识积累结合起来,分析了知识分工与技术外部性促进城市集聚经济的发生机制。知识分工通过协作机制、结构匹配机制和循环累积机制促进知识的创造和积累,交流外部性条件下技术外部性的创新集聚效应和动态累积效应实现了知识在更大空间范围内的低成本使用,二者共同促进了城市收益递增。  相似文献   

鉴于60%左右的钢材作为建筑用钢被消费,钢铁行业亦需要与建筑业共同打造高效率的"钢铁-建筑"产业链。以往对如何建设"钢铁-建筑"产业链缺少关注,主要源于建筑业生产方式比较粗放,大部分建筑采用现浇混凝土结构的传统建造方式,建筑施工基本都在建筑工地现场完成。传统建造方式与钢铁企业的大规模、连续化生产无法在生产方式上形成有效对接,从而无法形成有效的供应链协同,亦导致建筑用钢的流通链条较长,"钢铁-建筑"产业链运行效率偏低。  相似文献   

Quantifying the impact of new technologies on economic activity has proven notoriously difficult. Indeed, it has taken decades of research to understand confidently the linkages between the advances in information, communications, and technology (ICT) spawned by the personal computer and aggregate economic activity. Today, the rapid deployment of broadband technology presents economists with this same challenge. In this paper, we explore the foundations of network and growth externalities that are associated with broadband deployment. We find that both theoretical and empirical models that better specify the micro-transmission paths in which broadband are likely to enhance economic output, employment and productivity are needed.  相似文献   

本文通过分析日本家电企业营销渠道模式的动态演变过程,系统地揭示了不同时期日本家电企业的营销渠道模式的特征,并指出了日本家电企业营销渠道模式演变的驱动要素。本文的研究结论对转型期的中国家电企业的营销渠道战略变革有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

简要介绍了长庆监督站的基本情况,重点围绕履行质量监督职责,努力服务油田发展这一主题,阐述了长庆油田工程质量监督管理的主要做法及取得的成效,提出了今后加强工作的措施与要点。  相似文献   

以往关于模块化的应用研究主要集中于制造业,本文是模块化理论在金融服务业应用研究的一次尝试。本文认为,银行卡产业模块化的价值创新机理就在于实现了从价值链向价值群的价值创新系统转变。我国银行卡产业模块化价值创新应该从三个方面着手:一是在产品模块化创新层面,着重银行卡产品设计规则参与、产品创新和服务标准化;二是在企业模块化再造层面,着重银行卡业务组件模块化和组织管理模块化;三是在生产网络模块化层面,着重外包策略和网络联盟在实现模块价值创新中的重要作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect on prices of the entry of a large supermarket into a given location. We use a panel with data from fifteen cities in Chile for the period 1998:I–2004:IV. We correct for the potential simultaneity problem derived from the fact that entry can be a response to price differentials. We find that the entry of a hypermarket to a given city reduces relative prices in that local market by 7–11%. Most interestingly, we also find that part of this effect takes place the year before the supermarket actually opens for business.   相似文献   

中国大飞机产业化的市场约束与进入条件   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
中国大飞机项目成功的关键在于实现产业化,而能否产业化又取决于市场基础。由于民用大飞机产业属于买方约束条件十分严格的市场,中国大飞机项目产业化的基本立足点应该是储备进入市场的条件。目前中国国内民用航空市场的结构状况不利于国产大飞机进入市场,应当对航空公司作进一步重组的市场制度安排。为了能使中国的大飞机在实现规模化生产之前就能获得“买家”的订单,有必要在航空运输市场重组现有的航空公司,减少航空公司的数量,鼓励更有实力的航空公司的涌现。  相似文献   

Incubation is a process whereby the firm nurtures breakthrough discoveries and inventions to test their potential as new business platforms. The recent emergence of organizational roles associated with innovation incubation shows that internal incubation is becoming recognized as an important organizational capability. This development also suggests that firms that invest in discovery for competitive advantage recognize a need to leverage that investment more fully. While case studies describe incubation activities and note their importance, empirical research linking this capability to firm performance is limited. The current study represents an initial attempt at exploring the relationship empirically. Our main finding is that financial markets have difficulty valuing a firm's exploratory discovery investments and that the presence of an incubation capability positively moderates the impact of such investments on firm market valuation. The implication of this result is that investments in certain types of R&D may be suboptimized if there is not a parallel investment in a capability to incubate the opportunities that arise from potentially breakthrough inventions.  相似文献   

Between 2005 and 2008, nineteen of the fifty states of the U.S. reformed the franchising process for cable television, significantly easing entry into local markets. Using a difference‐in‐differences approach that exploits the staggered introduction of reforms, we find that prices for ‘Basic’ service declined systematically by about 5.5 to 6.8 per cent following the reforms, but we find no statistically significant effect on average price for the more popular ‘Expanded Basic’ service. We also find that the reforms led to increased actual entry in reformed states, by about 11.6% relative to non‐reformed states. Our analysis shows that the decline in price for ‘Basic’ service holds for markets that did not experience actual entry, consistent with limit pricing by incumbents. To control for potential state‐level shocks correlated with the reforms, we undertake a sample‐split test that finds larger declines in prices for both ‘Basic’ and ‘Expanded Basic’ services in local markets which faced a greater threat of entry (because they were close to a prominent second entrant). Our results are consistent with limit pricing models that predict incumbents respond to increased threat of entry, and suggest that the reforms facilitated entry and modestly benefited consumers in reformed states.  相似文献   

This editorial article introduces the papers presented at the ITS Seoul 2018 and seven papers selected for the special issue of ITS Seoul 2018. Specifically, this article provides the results of keyword networks, research agendas and coauthor networks of ITS Seoul 2018. A summary of the seven papers accepted for the special issue of ITS Seoul 2018 is also included. Finally, this article concludes by introducing another paper that empirically explores the value of special issues by analyzing the characteristics of special issues of Telecommunications Policy.  相似文献   

伴随着经济和社会的发展,浙江省 电力需求快速增长,2002年以来,浙江 省内发电能力明显供应不足,拉闸限电 日趋严重。得益于省内新增机组的陆续 投产,也得益于区域电力资源的优化配 置和大量的省外电力输入,2005年,浙 江省严重缺电的局面有所缓和。总结 “十五”期间浙江电力发展的经验和教 训,特别是浙江电力市场的运行情况,展 望“十一五”及以后浙江电力改革和发 展的前景,能更好地服务浙江经济社会 发展,为“十一五”电力市场化改革提供 借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper uses the theoretical perspectives of disruptive innovation, network externalities, and regulation to study the submarket strategies of incumbent firms that operate in a regulated network industry. In this setting, the impact of potentially disruptive innovations might be different because of the tighter regulation of incumbent firms. By analyzing the entry and success patterns of incumbent mobile network operators (MNOs) in the public hotspot markets in 17 Western European countries, we focus on how regulation and network effects as well as disruption factors influence the incumbent firms' strategies. In doing so, this paper departs from prior research that has primarily focused on unregulated industries and combines contradicting explanations from disruptive innovation theory, the motivation/ability framework, regulation theory, as well as network effects to provide a comprehensive analysis on how incumbents behave in a regulated network industry that is being confronted with a potentially disruptive innovation. In particular, while disruptive innovation theory predicts that the incumbents' vast experience in an industry could cause them to avoid entering new submarkets created by potentially disruptive innovations, the desire to avoid regulation could encourage such submarket entry. Furthermore, in regulated network industries, incumbent firms might have a stronger motivation to enter new submarkets as the importance of single customers and high market shares could be substantially different. These contrasting insights are used to develop an integrative research model and to derive hypotheses on incumbents' submarket entry decision and success. Drawing on cross‐sectional, multicountry data of 62 MNOs that operate in 17 Western European countries, this study uses logit and tobit regressions to test the impact of disruption factors, regulation, and network externalities on the entry decision and success of incumbent firms. The results reveal that the incumbent MNOs are caught in an area of conflict between the regulated industry context and their international technology strategy. The findings suggest that the incumbent MNOs' motivation and ability to escape regulation positively influenced their submarket entry and success in the public hotspot market. Thus, the potentially disruptive scenario was successfully turned into a potentially sustaining one as the incumbent MNOs could enhance their presence in the mobile broadband market. The testing on a multicountry basis as well as the positive influence of ethnocentric technology strategies for public hotspots, which are devised in the headquarters' location and are then brought out internationally, shed new light on an industry that has typically been characterized by country‐by‐country decisions. These findings may also reveal challenges for future research on disruptive innovations in multinational industries and expose future challenges for regulative authorities and managers. This paper thereby adds to the theory of disruptive innovation as it includes the influence of regulation on incumbents in network industries. Additionally, this study expands on previous findings on the disruptive potential of wireless local area network technology by employing a multi‐country analysis in 17 Western European countries.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2007,31(6-7):389-400
The paper examines current trends and policy issues related to broadband access and use in the rural areas of European Union (EU) member states. It draws selectively on the findings of a recently completed, multi-country project focused on current and future trends in broadband provision, applications and use in the enlarged European Union.The paper reviews key aspects and examples of the research literature and policy initiatives related to socio-economic and policy aspects of broadband, especially those focused on spatial inequalities of network rollout, access and use. It presents the main trends and issues related to broadband access and use in rural areas in EU countries and considers some related implications and conclusions.  相似文献   

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