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This study proposes a new approach to the estimation of daily realised volatility in financial markets from intraday data. Initially, an examination of intraday returns on S&P 500 Index Futures reveals that returns can be characterised by heteroscedasticity and time-varying autocorrelation. After reviewing a number of daily realised volatility estimators cited in the literature, it is concluded that these estimators are based upon a number of restrictive assumptions in regard to the data generating process for intraday returns. We use a weak set of assumptions about the data generating process for intraday returns, including transaction returns, given in den Haan and Levin [den Haan, W.J., Levin, A., 1996. Inferences from parametric and non-parametric covariance matrix estimation procedures, Working paper, NBER, 195.], which allows for heteroscedasticity and time-varying autocorrelation in intraday returns. These assumptions allow the VARHAC estimator to be employed in the estimation of daily realised volatility. An empirical analysis of the VARHAC daily volatility estimator employing intraday transaction returns concludes that this estimator performs well in comparison to other estimators cited in the literature.  相似文献   

Using high-frequency intraday data, we construct, test and model seven new realized volatility estimators for six international equity indices. We detect jumps in these estimators, construct the jump components of volatility and perform various tests on their properties. Then we use the class of heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) models for assessing the relevant effects of jumps on volatility. Our results expand and complement the previous literature on the nonparametric realized volatility estimation in terms of volatility jumps being examined and modeled for the international equity market, using such a variety of new realized volatility estimators. The selection of realized volatility estimator greatly affects jump detection, magnitude and modeling. The properties each volatility estimator tries to incorporate affect the detection, magnitude and properties of jumps. These volatility-estimation and jump properties are also evident in jump modeling based on statistical and economic terms.  相似文献   

The intraday nonparametric estimation of the variance–covariance matrix adds to the literature in portfolio analysis of the Greek equity market. This paper examines the economic value of various realized volatility and covariance estimators under the strategy of volatility timing. I use three types of portfolios: Global Minimum Variance, Capital Market Line and Capital Market Line with only positive weights. The estimators of volatilities and covariances use 5-min high-frequency intraday data. The dataset concerns the FTSE/ATHEX Large Cap index, FTSE/ATHEX Mid Cap index, and the FTSE/ATHEX Small Cap index of the Greek equity market (Athens Stock Exchange). As far as I know, this is the first work of its kind for the Greek equity market. Results concern not only the comparison of various estimators but also the comparison of different types of portfolios, in the strategy of volatility timing. The economic value of the contemporary non-parametric realized volatility estimators is more significant than this when the covariance is estimated by the daily squared returns. Moreover, the economic value (in b.p.s) of each estimator changes with the volatility timing.  相似文献   

Opening, lunch and closing of financial markets induce a periodic component in the volatility of high-frequency returns. We show that price jumps cause a large bias in the classical periodicity estimators and propose robust alternatives. We find that accounting for periodicity greatly improves the accuracy of intraday jump detection methods. It increases the power to detect the relatively small jumps occurring at times for which volatility is periodically low and reduces the number of spurious jump detections at times of periodically high volatility. We use the series of detected jumps to estimate robustly the long memory parameter of the squared EUR/USD, GBP/USD and YEN/USD returns.  相似文献   

This paper explores the return volatility predictability inherent in high-frequency speculative returns. Our analysis focuses on a refinement of the more traditional volatility measures, the integrated volatility, which links the notion of volatility more directly to the return variance over the relevant horizon. In our empirical analysis of the foreign exchange market the integrated volatility is conveniently approximated by a cumulative sum of the squared intraday returns. Forecast horizons ranging from short intraday to 1-month intervals are investigated. We document that standard volatility models generally provide good forecasts of this economically relevant volatility measure. Moreover, the use of high-frequency returns significantly improves the longer run interdaily volatility forecasts, both in theory and practice. The results are thus directly relevant for general research methodology as well as industry applications.  相似文献   

This study extends the volatility prediction literature with (1) new intraday realized volatility measures and (2) various implied volatility indexes for commodities, currencies, and equities. Predicting volatility is important for academics, investors, and regulators. Applications range from forecasting stock and option returns to constructing early warning systems. Using twenty-three Chicago Board Options Exchange VIX indexes, as opposed to the common S&P 100 and S&P 500 equity indexes, we find a bidirectional lead-lag relationship between implied volatility and realized volatility. The lead-lag relationships are more robust and stronger using suggested intraday volatility measures than using the interday volatility measures that are common in the literature.  相似文献   

We propose a new approach to measuring the effect of unobservable private information on volatility. Using intraday data, we estimate the effect of a well‐identified shock on the volatility of stock returns of European banks as a function of the quality of public information available about the banks. We hypothesize that as publicly available information becomes stale, volatility effects and its persistence increase, as private information of investors becomes more important. We find strong support for this idea in the data. We further show that stock volatility is higher just before important announcements if information is stale.  相似文献   

The intraday high–low price range offers volatility forecasts similarly efficient to high‐quality implied volatility indexes published by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) for four stock market indexes: S&P 500, S&P 100, NASDAQ 100, and Dow Jones Industrials. Examination of in‐sample and out‐of‐sample volatility forecasts reveals that neither implied volatility nor intraday high–low range volatility consistently outperforms the other.  相似文献   

The study investigates the intraday dynamics and price patterns of the primary cryptocurrencies. The Granger Mackey-Glass (M-G) model is employed to examine the asymmetric and nonlinear dynamic interactions in the first moment using positive and negative returns. The bivariate BEKK-GARCH model is applied to identify cross-market volatility shocks and volatility transmissions in the cryptocurrency market. The intra-cryptocurrency market analysis reveals that Bitcoin contains predictive information that can nonlinearly forecast the performance of other digital currencies when cryptocurrency prices either are rising or declining. The dominant power of Bitcoin is not dismissed using the intraday data. Further, Bitcoin's intraday lagged shocks and volatility induces more rapid and destabilizing effects on the conditional volatility of other currencies than each of the other currencies does on BTC's conditional volatility. The virtual currency markets are dynamically correlated and integrated through first and second-moment spillovers.  相似文献   

Current studies on financial market risk measures usually use daily returns based on GARCH type models. This paper models realized range using intraday high frequency data based on CARR framework and apply it to VaR forecasting. Kupiec LR test and dynamic quantile test are used to compare the performance of VaR forecasting of realized range model with another intraday realized volatility model and daily GARCH type models. Empirical results of Chinese Stock Indices show that realized range model performs the same with realized volatility model, which performs much better than daily models.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether intraday returns contain important information for forecasting daily volatility. Whereas in the existing literature volatility models for daily returns are improved by including intraday information such as the daily high and low, volume, the number of trades, and intraday returns, here the volatility of intraday returns is explicitly modelled. Daily volatility forecasts are constructed from multiple volatility forecasts for intraday intervals. It is shown for the DEM/USD and the YEN/USD exchange rates that this results in superior forecasts for daily volatility.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the long run dynamics of the intraday range of the GBP/USD, JPY/USD and CHF/USD exchange rates. We use a non-parametric filter to extract the low frequency component of the intraday range, and model the cyclical deviation of the range from the long run trend as a stationary autoregressive process. We use the cyclical volatility model to generate out-of-sample forecasts of exchange rate volatility for horizons of up to 1 year under the assumption that the long run trend is fully persistent. As a benchmark, we compare the forecasts of the cyclical volatility model with those of the range-based EGARCH and FIEGARCH models of Brandt and Jones (2006). Not only does the cyclical volatility model provide a very substantial computational advantage over the EGARCH and FIEGARCH models, but it also offers an improvement in out-of-sample forecast performance.  相似文献   

高频数据由于自身数量大、周期短、信息丰富的特点而受到关注。基于高频数据。对金融时间序列的厚尾特征进行条件极值分布下的VaR估计。在对条件均值和条件波动率估计时,以往采用一阶自回归模型和GARCH模型,但基于高频数据的估计较为繁复。为了充分利用日内信息,基于高频样本观测值,建立已实现均值RM模型,在考虑市场异质性的基础上,对条件均值进行估计。通过对TCL股票价格进行实证分析,估计出VaR风险值,验证模型是合理的。  相似文献   

Univariate dependencies in market volatility, both objective and risk neutral, are best described by long-memory fractionally integrated processes. Meanwhile, the ex post difference, or the variance swap payoff reflecting the reward for bearing volatility risk, displays far less persistent dynamics. Using intraday data for the Standard & Poor's 500 and the volatility index (VIX), coupled with frequency domain methods, we separate the series into various components. We find that the coherence between volatility and the volatility-risk reward is the strongest at long-run frequencies. Our results are consistent with generalized long-run risk models and help explain why classical efforts of establishing a naïve return-volatility relation fail. We also estimate a fractionally cointegrated vector autoregression (CFVAR). The model-implied long-run equilibrium relation between the two variance variables results in nontrivial return predictability over interdaily and monthly horizons, supporting the idea that the cointegrating relation between the two variance measures proxies for the economic uncertainty rewarded by the market.  相似文献   

This paper explores the effects of US monetary policy events on intraday volatility in the US equity markets. We examine Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) announcements as well as real-time changes in market expectations about future policy announcements and their impact on the intraday volatility dynamics of the S&P 500 index. The analysis shows elevated intraday volatility following FOMC announcements through the market close, with a spike at the time of the announcement. We then differentiate the volatility spike by modeling an asymmetric response based on the direction of the actual target rate change. Our results suggest that the size of the volatility spike is dependent on the direction of the rate change, with expansionary monetary policy actions having a larger spike than contractionary policy actions. The duration of these volatility spikes is relatively short-lived, with the spike dampening out within 15 minutes. A more lasting impact is, however, documented for real-time changes in market expectations where the volatility spike tends to persist for at least one hour.  相似文献   

In this study we empirically examine the intraday lead/lag relation between S&P 500 futures prices and the S&P 500 index, and whether daily market characteristics are associated with changes in the relation. We estimate daily Geweke measures of feedback and regress time series of these measures on daily price volatility and volume characteristics. Results indicate that the contemporaneous price relation is substantive and that measures of contemporaneous feedback are positively associated with the daily range of the futures price. The primary implication is that the relation between cash and futures prices becomes stronger as futures price volatility increases. As volatility increases, information is being impounded at a faster rate so that futures and equity markets operate more closely as one market. Large futures price moves, by themselves, are not responsible for breakdowns in the stock-futures price relation.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a two-step estimation procedure for the volatility function in diffusion models. We firstly estimate the volatility series at sampling time points based on high-frequency data. Then, the volatility function estimator can be obtained by using the kernel smoothing method. The resulting estimators are presented based on high-frequency data, and are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. We also consider boundary issues and then propose two methods to handle them. The asymptotic normality of two boundary-corrected estimators is established under some suitable conditions. The proposed estimators are illustrated by Monte Carlo simulations and real data.  相似文献   

Using four years of second-by-second executed trade data, we study the intraday effects of a representative group of scheduled economic releases on three exchange rates: EUR/USD, JPY/USD, and GBP/USD. Using wavelets to analyze volatility behavior, we empirically show that intraday volatility clusters increase as we approach the time of the releases, and decay exponentially after the releases. Moreover, we compare our results with the results of a poll that we conducted of economists and traders. Finally, we propose a wavelet volatility estimator which is not only more efficient than a range estimator that is commonly used in empirical studies, but also captures the market dynamics as accurately as a range estimator. Our approach has practical value in high-frequency algorithmic trading, as well as electronic market making.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop modeling tools to forecast Value-at-Risk and volatility with investment horizons of less than one day. We quantify the market risk based on the study at a 30-min time horizon using modified GARCH models. The evaluation of intraday market risk can be useful to market participants (day traders and market makers) involved in frequent trading. As expected, the volatility features a significant intraday seasonality, which motivates us to include the intraday seasonal indexes in the GARCH models. We also incorporate realized variance (RV) and time-varying degrees of freedom in the GARCH models to capture more intraday information on the volatile market. The intrinsic tail risk index is introduced to assist with understanding the inherent risk level in each trading time interval. The proposed models are evaluated based on their forecasting performance of one-period-ahead volatility and Intraday Value-at-Risk (IVaR) with application to the 30 constituent stocks. We find that models with seasonal indexes generally outperform those without; RV can improve the out-of-sample forecasts of IVaR; student GARCH models with time-varying degrees of freedom perform best at 0.5 and 1 % IVaR, while normal GARCH models excel for 2.5 and 5 % IVaR. The results show that RV and seasonal indexes are useful to forecasting intraday volatility and Intraday VaR.  相似文献   

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