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Understanding wealth inequality has unique significance in South Africa. The co-existence of extreme poverty and extreme wealth is starkly visible. Apartheid-era inequality has persisted despite more than 20 years of democracy. Much of the recent research focus on inequality has been on inequality of income and of opportunities, especially quantitatively. With the recent project to release South African tax administrative data for research, this paper hopes to show how use of the tax administrative data can contribute to developing a refreshed quantitative analysis of wealth inequality, especially in estimating the top shares of the wealth distribution, and so contribute to the existing literature on wealth inequality in South Africa. The first section will explore why studying wealth inequality is of fundamental importance. The second section will review international data and methods used to research wealth inequality, before laying out suggested approach to doing such studies in South Africa.  相似文献   


From the moment South Africa became a liberal democracy, the Government promised to deliver on social security for the poor. However, South African NGOs have reported that several barriers prevent poor South Africans, and black women in particular, from accessing the country’s social assistance system. Government inaction has compelled NGOs to approach the Courts. As reflected in a series of court judgements, many problems faced by the system relate to the administration of payments by South African and multinational corporations. But is this the complete story?

Applying a critical, analytical lens of legal mobilisation to explain the potential of legal mobilisation to secure progressive structural change, this article will assess the extent to which civic-based, legal advocacy aimed at securing access to social grants, and challenging the manner in which these grants have been administered, has the potential to more strategically advance socioeconomic justice and inequality for South Africa’s poor.  相似文献   

张腊梅   《华东经济管理》2006,20(12):85-87
有限合伙是由有限合伙人和无限合伙人组成的特殊合伙企业,具有不同于其他企业的法律特征.有限合伙制度的确立将对我国中小企业的发展和我国高新技术尽快转化为生产力产生重要的影响.  相似文献   


This study examines the effect of foreign direct investment on domestic entrepreneurship in South Africa. With the focus on inward capital flows, the study specifically employed stock data and the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor to measure the impact. The data set analysed is for the period 2000–18, and after testing a Threshold Vector Autoregressive model, it was established that there is a short-run and long-run nonlinear relationship between foreign direct investment and domestic entrepreneurship in South Africa. The key findings of the study were that foreign direct investment has a positive short-run and long-run influence on domestic entrepreneurship. The policy recommendations are for government to create an eco-system that supports entrepreneurship through the lowering of regulatory burden on new domestic firms and enact robust sector-specific localisation policies for big corporations.  相似文献   

During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, western European countries introduced general incorporation and additional flexible enterprise forms, but the Russian Empire left its concession system of incorporation in place. The Empire's only major corporation reform, the 1901 law, strengthened minority shareholder rights and removed bankers from boards of directors for certain corporations. The reform offers a rare opportunity to examine the financial effects of improving corporations’ principal–agent relationships through regulation, because the reform did not affect all corporations equally. Corporations affected by the reform had smaller total share capital, fewer shares, and higher par values for shares as observed in 1905. The new regulations may have increased the cost of having shareholders and hence disciplined corporations’ founders to be more conservative in raising capital by issuing stock. Removing bankers from boards of directors may have removed an important source of firms’ founding capital, though corporations could easily evade this provision. The results also show that, although the commercial code treated all corporations equally, there were two major groups of Russian corporations that behaved differently, and, despite the fact that corporate charters could grant individual exceptions to the commercial code, a revision in the commercial code changed corporations’ behaviour.  相似文献   

The struggle for racial or ethnic group worth is an important socio‐political issue in societies where a minority ethnic group, like the English‐speaking whites in South Africa or the Chinese in Malaysia, dominates the economy but not the political system. There are two routes to the empowerment of an economically backward group. In the Afrikaner case, economic mobilisation formed part of a general ethnic mobilisation. While the Afrikaner‐controlled state after 1948 massively aided all whites, Afrikaner business increased its market share through serving a niche market. It received little ethnic patronage from the state or assistance from English corporations. A quite different from of advancement is that driven by the state, which imposes on large corporations the obligation to promote the economic empowerment of a racial group. While the first form facilitated the rise of the ethnic group as a whole, the latter one benefited mainly a business and middle class elite that may remain dependent on continuing state support.  相似文献   

The process of revolution in China itself his undergone profound reform. The most important reforms are reflected in a new direction of economic policies which focus upon a revival of market processes. This shift to greater reliance upon markets provides substantial support for similar programmes to be undertaken by South Africa and the developing nations of Southern Africa.  相似文献   

股份回购早已成为上市公司为配合资本结构决策或股利政策而广泛采用的财务举措,而在我国股份回购无疑也是证券市场上的一项重大制度突破和金融创新。本文首先阐述了股份回购的基本理论,然后结合东北老工业基地公司股份回购的相关情况,着重地分析了股份回购的负财务效应。最后针对股份回购负财务效应分析中所发现的问题,提出了一系列相应的建议和解决措施,使其无论在理论上还是实践上的研究都得到了进一步的完善。  相似文献   

Is there a Phillips curve relationship present in South Africa and if so, what form does it take? Traditionally the method to establish whether or not there is a relationship between the output gap and the change in inflation is merely to regress the latter on the former. This yields the well‐known augmented Phillips curve. However, Gordon has argued that this specification of the Phillips curve produces biased results. Instead, he puts forward and estimates successfully for several industrialised countries his so‐called triangular model that tests for hysteresis and inertia in the behaviour of inflation, as well as the impact on inflation of changes in the output level. This paper considers whether or not Gordon's triangle model is applicable to South Africa, i.e. are hysteresis and inertia present in South Africa? In addition, in an attempt to find a better estimation of the output gap, the paper also experiments with alternative ways to estimate the long‐run output level, including the standard HP‐filter, as well as a production function approach.  相似文献   

President Mbeki is emphasising the vision of an African Renaissance in many of his public addresses. Many multifaceted inputs are required to realise this vision, and human resources development is one of the cornerstones of this ideal. South African higher education institutions could play a major role in this quest by sharing their expertise to upgrade the scientific, economic and educational competencies of all people in Africa. Data analysis shows considerable potential for attracting students from Africa, especially from the Southern African Development Community, to study at South African institutions. Current initiatives for facilitating intellectual mobility across the country's borders lack vision, however. Academic exchange programmes in other countries could serve as models to kick-start the contributions of higher education institutions in South Africa in realising Mr Mbeki's vision for an African Renaissance.  相似文献   

《World development》2001,29(7):1097-1113
Strategic partnerships between civil society organizations (CSOs) and businesses are widely promoted as important new strategies to encourage corporate citizenship in the global South. This study tested these claims by examining 10 cases of collaboration between CSOs and businesses in Brazil, India, and South Africa. Findings suggest a sobering view of the benefits that civil society organizations and their constituencies can expect from collaboration. Development impacts may be more likely in sectors clearly linked to business interests, such as education and employment generation. Goals of organizational capacity building are more likely to be satisfied than those of citizen empowerment. CSOs and businesses reap mutual benefits from collaboration, but CSOs tend to shoulder more of the costs. Businesses can dominate collaborative decision-making, with negative results for sustainability. The paper offers a number of propositions to guide further research and inform collaborative practice. Empowered civil society collaboration with business is suggested as a more appropriate model than strategic partnership for CSOs pursuing sustainable development.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamic of currency substitution (CS) in Egypt and South Africa. The study also assesses the causal relationships of this phenomenon. There are three main CS‐related differences between the two countries. These are (1) the orientation of economic policy, (2) the degree and level of CS, and (3) the trend of CS. During the study period 1991‐2001, Egypt used the exchange rate as an anchor to its economic programme. While in the case of South Africa, the authorities directly targeted inflation. During this period, CS in Egypt started at a substantial level and experienced a steady decline. Conversely, CS in South Africa started at an insignificant level, but observed an uninterrupted increase. The results suggest that the elasticity of CS, with respect to exchange rate, of South Africa is 2.3 times that of Egypt, and that the speed of adjustment in South Africa is 5 times faster than in Egypt. Granger‐causality tests indicate a unidirectional relationship from the exchange rate to CS, in both Egypt and South Africa. The test for the interest rate differential and CS indicate that causality runs from the former to the latter in South Africa, but it runs in the opposite direction in Egypt. The study suggests that despite the cost of the exchange rate anchoring policy, it is more suitable to a high CS environment. Inflation targeting policy can be effective in achieving its objective as long as the CS is insignificant.  相似文献   

Land degradation is currently a major concern in South Africa. However, awareness of the problem and attitudes towards it have changed little over the past century. Soil erosion and veld degradation are continually being depicted as acute problems, and overpopulation, overstocking and poor agricultural practices are viewed as the major causal factors. Internationally, however, a new paradigm is emerging, which takes a somewhat more optimistic view of the situation in Africa. One of the basic tenets of this changing perception is that there exists an untapped wealth of indigenous knowledge about the environment and associated human potential. Within this context, this study examines and describes the local tradition of stone terracing on cropland within the former Venda in the Northern Province of South Africa. This living tradition has deep historic roots and local farmers have a remarkably well‐developed understanding of the causes and effects of erosion. While the research location is unique in many ways, this study indicates that farmer tradition and innovation in the former homelands may be more common than has been supposed, and should not be ignored but actively sought out and built upon.  相似文献   

South African firms have been slow to adopt cleaner technologies, and little research on this topic has been carried out in South Africa. This article reports on the results of a survey of 26 firms in South Africa that had recently adopted cleaner technology. The survey results indicate that market-led factors are seen as the most significant in prompting firms to adopt cleaner technologies. Proactive market factors, such as obtaining a competitive edge and taking advantage of a market opportunity, are rated highest. The results suggest that the adoption of cleaner technology in South Africa is often a 'win-win' situation in which firms and the environment both benefit.  相似文献   

The competing theories of the macroeconomic trilemma and dilemma are empirically tested for South Africa. The empirical findings show evidence of the trilemma theory being applicable to South Africa, supporting the country's ability to maintain monetary independence (MI). An empirical puzzle, however, emerged as South Africa's MI index decreased during the country's 2000–2014 inflation‐targeting period. A possible explanation, and subject for further research, is that the increasing opening of South Africa to international flows since 1995 may have caused South Africa to be more exposed to international business cycles and shocks, resulting in a reduction in measured MI.  相似文献   

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the economies of South Africa and its neighbours (Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland and Zimbabwe) are tightly integrated with each other. The multiple interconnections suggest that South Africa's GDP growth rate should affect positively its neighbours'. However, our review of the available econometric evidence and our panel growth regressions suggest that there is no strong evidence of real spillovers in the region after 1994, once global shocks are controlled for. More generally, we find no evidence of real spillovers from South Africa to the rest of the continent post‐1994. We investigate the possible reasons for this lack of spillovers. Most importantly, the economies of South Africa and the rest of Sub‐Saharan Africa might have decoupled in the mid‐1990s. That is when international sanctions on South Africa ended and the country re‐integrated with the global economy, while growth in the rest of the continent accelerated due to a combination of domestic and external factors.  相似文献   

Poverty in South Africa varies greatly across the nine provinces. An accurate estimation of relative poverty shares is important because they serve as key indices for targeting social expenditure. In this article we test the robustness of provincial poverty rankings against changes in measurement methodology. In recent years, a large body of international literature has developed concerning the choice of an appropriate poverty line and the construction of more appropriate poverty measures. This article uses two of these recent developments ‐ the concept of a poverty critical range in place of a single poverty line and distribution‐sensitive decomposable poverty measures — to re‐examine provincial poverty. Results are checked across two recent national data sets.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the pattern of inbound tourists' consumption in South Africa, examining four main intercontinental markets and five different tourism goods. The empirical investigation develops an almost ideal demand system (AIDS) model and it extends recent research by allowing tourists to base their spending decision on the real effective price differences between South Africa and their home country. The results show that tourist spending in South Africa is a luxury good, and tourists react normally to a change in the relative price of goods. The cross‐price elasticities suggest that the preferences of different markets influence their view of substitutability and complementary effects between various products in South Africa.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of the diversity of domestic and international innovation partnerships on the innovation outcomes of South African firms. A number of competing hypotheses are formulated and tested empirically using a sample of South African firms in manufacturing and services by applying Ordinary Least Squares regression analyses. Results show that having an innovation partnership, particularly an international partnership, is beneficial to innovation outcomes. However, it also emerges that too diverse a set of international partnerships is detrimental to innovation outcomes. The paper concludes with a discussion and a number of proposals for future research.  相似文献   

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