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On April 29, 2005, the reform of non-tradable shares was started. 46 companies were selected as the first and second batches of non-tradable share pilot reform, and among them 45 pilot companies finished their non-tradable share reform. This study examines the abnormal stock returns of the 45 pilot companies finishing their non-tradable share reform to determine whether tradable shareholders gain profits from this non-tradable share reform. By employing event study analysis, we find that tradable shareholders do gain profits from the non-tradable share reform. The average abnormal return of the 45 pilot companies was 10.62% on the resumption trading day after they finished their non-tradable share reform, which was statistically significant. We also find that the average abnormal return of high-compensation package group is significantly higher than that of low-compensation package group.  相似文献   

XBRL作为一种新型的财务报告方式,为会计界带来了一场新的变革。本文以深交所上市公司为研究对象,探讨了这一新型会计信息报送方式在抑制企业非效率投资方面的作用。本文发现,XBRL技术采用后,深交所上市公司的非效率投资行为得到了明显的抑制,且这一效果在参与提前试点的深证成分股指数公司中体现得更加明显。此外,更进一步的研究结果表明,XBRL对缓解投资不足的作用效果更为显著。本文对XBRL采用后的企业投资行为进行分析,为检验XBRL在我国的应用效果提供了新的经验证据,也间接证明了试点机制对XBRL的推广是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

农村小型金融机构的改革与发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国小型金融机构理论与实践,与国际上的微型金融组织及相关理论密切相关。目前,试点中的小型金融机构主要是小额贷款公司、村镇银行和资金互助组织等。这些小型金融机构的试点与发展,为三农问题的解决提供了低成本、便捷、实惠的金融服务。但是,实践中也存在法律地位不明确、准入门槛过高、资金来源不畅、市场定位上偏离经济弱势群体等问题,影响了其比较优势的发挥。因此应当明确法律地位,培养农村金融本土人才,培育农村金融本土资本,拓宽资金来源渠道,一心一意解决三农问题。  相似文献   

代理成本和信息不对称是导致公司出现融资约束的重要原因。本文以2010年3月正式推出的融资融券制度为外生冲击,以2005—2015年间沪深两市A股非金融类上市公司为研究样本,利用双重差分(difference in difference)模型实证检验了卖空压力对公司融资约束的影响。本文研究发现:(1)卖空压力能够提高公司银行贷款规模,降低贷款成本;(2)卖空压力能够降低公司的现金持有水平;(3)卖空压力能够降低公司的现金—现金流敏感性。综合来看,卖空压力能够缓解公司融资约束。进一步的,卖空压力对公司融资约束的缓解作用在民营企业中更加显著,并且卖空压力可能是通过降低公司代理成本和信息不对称程度进而缓解融资约束的。在各种稳健性检验后,本文研究结论保持不变。  相似文献   

We examine the effect of short selling on analyst forecast quality following the pilot program in China in 2010 that allows short selling for selected companies. We find that reduction in short sale constraints significantly improves analyst forecast quality for these pilot-firms when compared to non-pilot firms. Specifically, analyst forecast errors for pilot firms are smaller and forecast dispersions are narrower. Further, we show that the improvement of analyst forecast quality is more prominent for firms with lower prior price efficiencies and disclosure quality, and in locations with lower institutional development. Our findings suggest that short selling activities serve an important role in facilitating the speed of information incorporation and improving the information environment faced by firms.  相似文献   

Several major aspects of the metric conversion process occurring in the United States are examined by comparing a group of sample companies that have converted to metric production with a control group of nonconverting companies. Data files were used to relate several explanatory variables to the degree or percentage of metric production for individual companies and to compare the financial characteristics of converting and nonconverting companies. Smaller companies, on average, did more metric work for a single customer than large firms. In addition, as the percentage of metric work performed by companies increased, their dependence on a single buyer of their products tended to decrease. The analysis of the conversion process as a function of financial variables concluded that the conversion process was positively and significantly related to 1) long-term profitability, 2) liquidity, and 3) the size of firms as represented by the number of employees. Additional documentation is needed on the metric conversion process in distinct industries by firm size to more fully understand whether the process of technological diffusion is translated from large to small firms or begins in small firms themselves.  相似文献   

The supply of and demand for accounting information   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The article analyzes the use of accounting information in Russia. We assess reporting behaviour in the lending process for a sample of Russian companies in the years 1999–2004 and postulate that Russian companies manage their earnings in order to avoid showing losses when applying for bank financing. Once a credit has been granted, companies are predicted to manage earnings because of the bank's monitoring activities. By means of univariate and multivariate analysis we are able to attribute the discontinuity around a zero target in the earnings distribution with firms’ response to the banks’ assessment of accounting performance. This implies that financing considerations affect the reporting incentives of Russian companies.  相似文献   

上市公司财务指标分析与投资价值判断   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
上市公司的财务报告具有公布集中、数量庞大、行业复杂的特点。根据主要财务报表的基本分析原理,运用公司的优选模型选择具有投资价值的上市公司,以简化繁。详解了如何以各种财务指标对上市公司进行投资价值的分析和判断。  相似文献   

The restructuring of insider-dominated firms: A comparative analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the effects of different modalities of privatization to insiders on the restructuring process in two former Soviet republics - Georgia and Moldova -using enterprise survey data for 1995-97. Enterprise restructuring was similar in companies where incumbent managers received significant ownership stakes for free and in state-owned companies. In contrast, the restructuring process was faster in companies bought by their managers. We interpret these results to suggest that managers' incentives to restructure decrease when they perceive their newly acquired ownership as a windfall gain.  相似文献   

Public health concerns played a major role in driving the shift from private to government ownership of water works in Britain and the US. Poor water quality is one of the criticisms made of the eight water companies providing piped water to London during the nineteenth century. Critics argued that monopolistic water companies failed to invest in filtration, move their intake, increase capacity or expand their network until compelled to do so by regulation. Critics have taken a static view: looking at water and sanitation in London at a moment in time and identifying actions that the water companies could take that could improve water quality and, consequently, public health. Taking an Austrian process approach, however, shows that companies were continually investing to increase access to piped water and to improve water quality during a time of severe uncertainty and knowledge problems. Water companies often acted before the government to improve quality: early competition encouraged investment and innovation, while later government regulation followed entrepreneurs’ leads and imposed on all water companies improvements already implemented by some. Government decisions were responsible for much of the deterioration in water quality.  相似文献   

增发是证券市场再融资的重要方式,增发不仅对证券市场产生短期的财富效应,也会对证券市场中长期的绩效产生重要影响。本文以会计新规为研究视角,分析了上市公司股权关联性与增发认购选择权的内在逻辑,构建了会计新规下上市公司财富效应的测度模型,在此基础上,揭示了上市公司财富效应的演进机理,并以此为依据,设计了基于财富效应的上市公司增发认购策略。研究表明,在两种增发模式下,均存在唯一的临界增发价格,其决定了净资产增值带来的潜在收益与股份稀释引发的潜在损失之间的动态对冲状态,从而决定了上市公司财富效应的动态分布规律;此外,在财富效应驱动下,上市公司将实施差别化的增发认购选择权。  相似文献   

现代企业的竞争将逐步演变为基于供应链的全面竞争。传统供应链管理往往只注重供应链成本的降低或供应链流程速度的提高,而忽视供应链的全方位价值增值。要全面提升供应链价值和企业业绩,企业应该基于最终客户的需求,打造产品的速度、成本、质量与灵活性四方面的竞争性优势。为了建立这样一套全面的供应链价值管理体系,企业可以首先以使命与愿景为起点,设立一套供应链价值管理体系的具体价值目标。其次,快速反馈消费者需求变化;及时适应外部环境的变化;以及做到内部一致性,内外一致性以及价值链上各个企业利益的一致性。在流程处理上,注重优化采购、物流管理、供应链信息系统管理、关系管理等供应链关键环节。  相似文献   

从我国军工行业管理体制改革视角出发,探讨军民融合产业创新内在机理和动力机制,运用动态博弈模型分析当前军工行业相关主体博弈策略与行为得益,基于“国企-政府-国资”之间的利益联系,总结出有助于军民融合深度发展的制度条件和政策建议。具体包括:引入园区化管理模式,实现地方军民融合领导机构与军工国企激励相容;借力国资投资运营公司试点,推动混合所有制改革,强化产业链协作与共享;体现“轻审批重监管“原则,通过“干中学、学中干”杜绝懒政作风,完善市场秩序。  相似文献   

在中国经济进入绿色高质量发展的新阶段,促进企业绿色技术创新是关键。众多考察绿色技术创新的制度安排中,鲜见从宏观电子商务发展视角考察其对微观企业绿色技术创新的影响。选择2009—2019年沪深A股上市公司数据,利用渐进性双重差分法实证检验国家电子商务示范城市建设对企业绿色技术创新的作用机制。结果发现,电商示范城市建设这一信息化冲击能够显著降低试点地区企业内部管理性交易成本和外部市场性交易成本,促进企业绿色技术创新。异质性检验发现,电子商务普及与应用对信息化水平较高的地区和非资源型城市,以及民营企业绿色技术创新的作用更显著。进一步分析发现,电子商务对服务业交易成本的节约效应大于制造业,对外部交易成本的节约效应大于内部管控成本。  相似文献   

Current literature contains extensive results on the possibilities for capitalising different outsourcing strategies. However, previous research suffers from shortcomings on how these overall possibilities and benefits of outsourcing apply to the context of small and medium sized companies in several industries, and in particular, how the outsourcing strategies correlate to a firm's overall strategy during different phases of growth. Through the theoretical structuring and empirical analysis of six small and medium sized software companies and a total of 14 outsourcing or licensing projects, this article provides evidence and further develops the current theory-base on how small computer software companies are able to capitalise on and benefit from using external research-oriented product development related resources during different stages of their growth process. The results of this article are composed into a framework introducing propositions and testable hypotheses for future research.  相似文献   

In this article we deal with how large chemical corporations perceive and handle threats and opportunities deriving from environmental problems. We suggest that coalitions or networks are a useful way to analyse the dynamics of the links between separate aspects of the business. A differentation is made between production, innovation and strategy networks. Networks transcend firm boundaries and an analytical distinction is made between networks that remain inside and those external to the corporation. We concentrate on strategy formulation and implementation and on the role of intra-organizational structures. In a pilot study, we interviewed key persons in five chemical companies in the USA and in The Netherland. Conclusions are that firms increasingly adjust their strategies, that this leads to organizational changes; and that environmental, safety and health (ESH) units play some role in this strategy reformulation by becoming part of networks inside the corporation. Some suggestions for further research are given.  相似文献   

在证券市场上 ,始终存在着信息不足和信息过载的情况。低效率的信息处理方法无法令投资者做出正确的投资判断。本文以通信类上市公司为例 ,对上市公司公开可获得的财务数据的甄别做些理论探讨。具体地讲是为当前通信类上市公司转型阶段的确定提供一种与定性的基本面分析相结合的转型阶段判别模型分析方法 ,使投资者能够拨开“概念和题材”的迷雾 ,对通信类上市公司的转型有一个科学、客观的判断。本文模型的判别结果与基本面的分析具有高度的一致性  相似文献   

Intellectual property management plays a very important role in the process of technology transformation among different companies. This article discusses the main methods and mode which companies usually used to manage their IPM in market. Some suggestions are also provided for the company managers.  相似文献   

This article analyses the indebtedness of the companies belonging to the Spanish hotel industry. The internationalization process of Spanish hotel companies requires a new approach to their financial strategies. The form of expansion chosen in this process has an impact on the pace and volume of the funds needed for it. Other items are incorporated to observe different behaviour among hotel companies in relation with their indebtedness process. Among analysed factors, we can observe the importance of solvency, liquidity, and asset structure. The hotel industry's means to explain individual indebtedness is also relevant, demonstrating the fact that firms usually follow the sector's benchmark when determining the level of indebtedness. Studies such those of Grinblatt and Titman (2003) or Frank and Goyal (2009) confirm this same hypothesis.  相似文献   

The paper maintains that biotechnology regions develop as complexsystems: they start with star scientists in research universities,generating knowledge spillovers, then move progressively towardsregional technology markets. In the process they attract venturecapital (or modify the behaviour of existing venture capitalfirms with the addition of biotechnology portfolios). The routinesof universities are also modified with the addition of intellectualproperty and technology transfer offices intervening as sellersin the newly created knowledge markets. The paper also considerswhether companies located in regional agglomerations grow fasterthan isolated ones, and whether companies spun-off from universitieshave a better performance than start-ups. The study is basedon about 90 Canadian-based publicly quoted biotechnology companies.  相似文献   

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