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本文总结了原油降凝剂的种类及其在国内的发展概况。  相似文献   

本文总结了原油降凝剂的种类及其在国内的发展概况.  相似文献   

文章以烷基萘、聚a-烯烃和聚甲基丙烯酸酯不同的降凝剂为研究对象,在不同的基础油中加入不同含量的降凝剂,利用倾点测定器测出不同基础油的倾点,试验结果表明,同一个降凝剂对馏分组成不同的基础油,其降凝效果不同,不同一个降凝剂对馏分组成相同的基础油,其降凝效果也不同。  相似文献   

自己路子自己走看你怎样去追求太原柴油降凝剂厂发展高科技产品纪实本刊记者许善本座落在太原北郊南寨村的太原柴油降凝剂厂,原是一片5000平方米的破败荒凉大院,院里草多、坑多、臭水多。王拴柱审时度势,毅然下海弄潮,租下了这个大院,带领十几个人,经过8个多月...  相似文献   

石油工业中一般将硫含量小于0.11%的原油称为超低硫原油,含硫量0.11%~0.15%(m/m)的称为低硫原油,大于0.15%(m/m)的称为高硫原油。原油中存在有机酸性物质,酸值大于0.15mgKOH/g,称为高酸值原油,酸值大于1mgKOH/g时,高温部位腐蚀极为严重。目前,随着原油性质越来越差,各石化企业加工高酸值原油比例越来越大。为此,开展加工高硫高酸值原油防腐对策很有必要。  相似文献   

近几年来,随着原油加工深度的发展,重油催化裂化技术和临氢工艺技术的开发和应用,对原油脱盐技术提出了更高的要求。原油电脱盐从作为一种防腐措施,而发展成为保护后续加工工艺所用催化剂免受污染,适应原油加工工艺发展的需要,适应加工多种原油的可能性,适应深度脱盐发展趋势的必不可少的原油预处理工艺。  相似文献   

从原油特性,分析了原油沉积物对储罐的危害,通过超声波测量技术,准确检测原油沉积物在油罐中的分布及高度,进而为清理原油沉积物提供有效的依据。  相似文献   

在当前的工业发展进程中,石油无疑是最主要的推动力量。可以说,如果没有石油,也就没有当前蓬勃发展的现代工业。而原油,就是指直接从地下开采出来未经过加工处理的石油;老化流花原油则是指在石油开采过程中,因受钻井油管破裂等因素的影响而被泥砂或海水污染的原油。这类原油因为受到了污染,所以原油质量较差,在加工处理原油时的难度更大。现本文就主要研究探讨了老化流花原油的处理技术,并提出一些原油处理措施方法,以供参考交流。  相似文献   

某石化企业Ⅰ常装置为75万吨/年沥青装置,设计加工文昌原油。根据加工计划,Ⅰ常装置计划单炼番禺原油。番禺原油性质相对于Ⅰ常装置,性质偏重。以往番禺原油常和陆丰等性质偏轻质原油掺炼,没有单炼此批次性质的番禺原油的经验。针对此次单炼,收集装置运行基础数据,分析对装置各方面的影响,针对出现问题采取有效的解决措施。为后期装置加工番禺原油提供运行管理和操作经验。  相似文献   

原油储罐防腐工程长期以来都是油田和炼化企业十分重视的主要工作之一,防腐工作水平的优劣直接影响到原油品质及性能,所以,一定要强化原油储罐的防腐品质.在目前市场经济环境下,原油储罐防腐工程必须采取优化设计,才可以提升原油储罐的防腐性,保障原油生产的经济效益.  相似文献   

在对城市物流系统规划相关概念、意义及难点分析的基础上,针对我国区域物流中心城市物流系统规划的实际需求,理论上,对基于“软系统”方法论的城市现代物流系统规划方法进行深入研究;实践上,将该方法应用到绵阳市涪城区物流系统概念规划过程中。一方面,为“软系统”方法论在城市物流系统规划中的应用积累经验,另一方面,解决区域物流中心城市-绵阳市涪城区物流系统概念规划中的实际问题。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2020,44(2):100786
In this paper, we estimate the effect of “cultural distance” on bilateral trade in services. The measure of cultural distance we use is based on scores that reflect country averages of individuals’ attitudes towards inequality, self-orientation, competition, uncertainty, traditions, and indulgence. Controlling for standard ingredients of gravity equations, we show that an aggregate measure of cultural distance has a significantly negative effect on total bilateral services trade. Once we take a more disaggregate view, we find that the strength of this effect differs across various types of services and various aspects of cultural distance.  相似文献   

蔡宗发 《价值工程》2012,31(19):234-235
本文主要是在张子柯,周涛,张翼成[1]研究的"基于用户-产品-标签三分图的整合扩散的推荐算法"的基础上进行改进,在用户-产品扩散过程中,使用用户对产品的评分等级进行加权扩散,在产品-标签扩散过程中,使用简单的平均分配扩散,然后进行用户-产品-标签三分图上的简单整合,最终把得分最高的一些产品推荐给用户,提高了推荐的效率和准确性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we prove an existence theorem for equilibria in production economies with increasing returns, which generalizes the classic results on this topic. In particular, we eliminate both the free-disposal assumptions and any smoothness requirements on the boundary of the production sets. For this purpose, we propose a new definition of the topological degree for non-convex-valued correspondences defined on non-smooth topological manifolds.  相似文献   

基于重庆境内矿山开采现状,对境内矿山开采面临的问题进行了深入研究,构建了采用层次分析法对各个矿山地质环境指标确定权值,运用灰色聚类方法对矿山地质环境进行综合评价,从而得出地质环境评价模型。针对重庆矿山地质环境的现状提出具有实际意义的防治对策。最后,基于地质环境保护理念,结合重庆实际情况,提出完善境内矿产资源开发新模式。通过对重庆境内矿山地质环境评价与防治对策研究,实现环境与经济的协调发展和可持续发展的目标。  相似文献   

Forecast Summary     
《Economic Outlook》1993,17(5):2-3
Backed by the lowest interest rates in fifteen years and a competitive exchange rate, we see the economy moving off the corrugated bottom of last year and recovery gathering pace as this year progresses. We expect output to rise 1.4 per cent this year, 0.5 per cent more than we forecast in October when we were expecting a far more cautious approach on interest rates, and 3 per cent in 1994. Here we have factored in another 1 per cent cut in base rates to coincide with the Budget on 16 March but this may prove to be the floor, especially if, as is rumoured, the Prime Minister has vetoed tax increases in the Budget for fear of derailing a fragile recovery. By the end of the year, however, we expect the trend in interest rates to be upwards to halt a sliding exchange rate and to cap the devaluation-induced price increases that will be feeding into domestic prices by then. On this basis we believe that inflation can be contained at 4 per cent underlying this year, 5 per cent in 1994 - outside the Chancellor's target range. While we are more sanguine than before on the outlook for output and inflation, major problems remain on the PSBR and the balance of payments. Beginning in the December Budget, the Government will have to raise taxes to avoid a debt spiral on the budget deficit and channel resources into net exports. Even on the basis of a £4bn tax hike in the first of the unified Budgets, we expect the PSBR to run along close to £50bn and the current account deficit in the £15bn-20bn range.  相似文献   

Management research is increasingly using fiction as an insightful way to analyze complex organizational dynamics. Focusing on user appropriation of Knowledge Management Systems, we describe how we used the popular Astérix, a well-known French cartoon to better understand KMS appropriation. We came to use this approach in an action research project in a large French construction firm initially designed to help Chief Knowledge Officers address KMS non-use. After our first findings showed paradoxical cultural issues, and based on the idea that culture is central to sensemaking and appropriation, we used the notion of the cultural metaphor to help better understand the cultural aspects associated with KMS appropriation. These results contribute knowledge in three different areas. First, we underline the role of cultural metaphors in information systems appropriation. Second, we enrich the literature on the role of fiction in management by illustrating the role of cultural metaphors. Third, we report on how this can be used in an action research project to help better understand KMS appropriation issues, which has the potential of leading to practical managerial action.  相似文献   

abstract    In this Counterpoint, we build on Paauwe's suggestions to take the field of HRM and Performance further. Rather than aiming for a synthesis or proposing a radical alternative, we argue that R(econstructive)-reflexivity is needed for theorizing HRM. In particular, we bring in insights from critical studies on the notion of HRM, on the notion of performance, and on the theoretical relationship between them as a way to open up new research avenues and lines of interpretation. For each of these three aspects, we indicate how studying the employment relationship can be reframed. In particular, we emphasize practice-oriented research as one possible research path for the field of HRM as it allows for an examination of HRM as a set of practices, embedded in a global economical, political and socio-cultural context. We end our counterpoint by reflecting on reflexivity, proposing three practices that can guide HRM scholars in becoming reflexive in the ways they study HRM.  相似文献   

Because prior studies find mixed results on the relation between CEOs’ pay performance incentives and a firm’s likelihood of financial reporting fraud, we restudy their relationship using innovative research methods. First, we concentrate on incentives from granting options rather than equity-based incentives. Second, we emphasize vested options, disregarding unvested option holdings, and take the logarithm transformation of option incentives. Third, we analyse the impact of option incentives on future financial reporting irregularities. Using this innovative approach as well as a full sample and a matched sample, we find that an increase in executives’ option incentives raises the likelihood of financial reporting violations. Moreover, the effect of option incentives on financial reporting fraud is moderated by auditor effort. In addition, we find that another proxy for the measurement of executives’ option incentives, namely, the number of vested options by executives, is highly correlated with the CEO’s vested stock option sensitivity.  相似文献   

对我国房地产开发投资风险进行压力测试分析,考虑房地产开发投资的地域性差异,选取三个代表地区——上海、辽宁和贵州,首先分析影响房地产投资的风险因素,然后运用Logistic回归模型建立该地区的房地产投资风险评价模型,确定重要影响因素,设定"异常"情景,最后测试房地产业的抗压能力。研究发现:影响三个地区房地产投资的因素不同,且重要性不一致。房地产销售价格变动与上海房地产投资风险关系最为密切,居民消费价格指数波动对辽宁房地产投资影响最大,而房地产投资的波动直接影响贵州房地产业的健康运行。对这三个重要指标设定极端情景,三个地区的房地产投资风险出现了不同程度的提高,由此得出,在投资这三个地区或与其相似类型的地区时,要充分考虑实际的宏观经济情况,特别是显著指标的变动情况,使投资更加的合理和安全。  相似文献   

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