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我国特许经营企业经过近20多年的发展,已经初具规模,但是便利店(特许经营方式)行业的经营现状却不容乐观,个别加盟店甚至面临经营困境。在此经济环境下,7-ELEVEN一枝独秀,堪称业内奇迹。从确立科学的供应链物流区域战略,到构建独特的物流配送体系,7-ELEVEN特色物流对相关行业有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

我国特许经营企业经过近20多年的发展,已经初具规模,但是便利店(特许经营方式)行业的经营现状却不容乐观,个别加盟店甚至面临经营困境.在此经济环境下,7-ELEVEN一枝独秀,堪称业内奇迹.从确立科学的供应链物流区域战略,到构建独特的物流配送体系,7-ELEVEN特色物流对相关行业有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

目前,国外的特许经营发展速度很快,2000年美国的零售业总额的50%都来自于特许经营,seven—eleven每两分钟开一个店。并且,特许经营的行业外延也在扩大,从最早的以餐饮、服务行业逐渐扩大到如汽车维修业、电脑销售等行业。可以这样说,特许经营作为一种国外成熟的经营方式在我国越来越被企业认同,虽然目前我国的特许经营行业总体还处于“不成熟期”,但可以预测,中国的特许经营模式将会迅速发展。 联想作为国内的著名企业,首先在IT行业运用特许经营模式,并取得了成功。1998年,联想开始进行特许经营模式的…  相似文献   

特许经营作为商品流通领域的一项新兴产物,在国民经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用。这一点,不仅在发达国家得到了验证,就是在已经进入市场经济的中国,同样得到了有力的印证。作为一种现代营销方式,特许经营对推动第三产业的发展,稳定中小企业经营,增加社会就业机会,特别是满足消费者日益增长的需求,具有着十分重要的意义。有关资料显示,截至去年,我国特许经营企业已有410家,店铺11000多个,涉及行业30余个,包括超级市场、便利店、餐饮、饮品和家用电器等。大量适合采用特许的企业和行业的存在和出现,是特许制发展的雄厚基础,我国许多拥有特色商…  相似文献   

著名的未来学家奈斯比特早在上个世纪就曾预言“特许经营将成为21世纪主导商业模式”。今天,特许经营作为一种现代营销方式,可以说已经在全世界范围内得到了普及。我国的特许经营在这股全球化的浪潮中,虽说引入得比较晚,但目前也已出现迅猛发展的趋势。据来自中国特许经营的行业协会——中国连锁经营协会的数字显示,我国特许经营企业已达410家,店铺11,000多个,涉及超级市场、便利店、中式正餐、文化教育等50多个行业。在我国,由于特许经营起步较晚,在表面上的热闹与繁荣背后,也存在着许多问题。这其中,特许经营的风险问题尤其为人们所关注。世界特许经营发展组织(FDS)中国区总裁刘文献认为,今明两年将是国内特许经营发展的关键时刻,因为2003年我国将向国外全面开放特许经营业,这之后,中国的特许行业如果还不能建立起自己的管理创新体制、法制环境、信用机制以及游戏规则的话,届时,国内的特许品牌将日渐失去自己的生存空间。  相似文献   

特许经营作为一种商业经营模式于1858年起源于美国.零售业特许经营作为特许经营发展较早的行业之一已经逐渐成为该行业二十一世纪的主导模式,是继百货商店、连锁超市之后的零售领域中的第三次革命.然而我国特许经营起步较晚,20世纪80年代,随着意大利纺织金融集团进驻中国,特许经营初次露面于中国市场.经过近20年的酝酿,零售业特许经营在我国已经有了初步的发展.  相似文献   

<正>按照我国商务部2004年12月颁布的《商业特许经营管理办法》,自 2005年2月1日起,将允许国外企业以特许经营方式在中国市场开展商业活动。以此为契机,日本著名的便利店集团7-11(Seven-Eleven)、家庭市场 (Family Market)等公司纷纷将以特许经营方式扩大在中国市场的份额,作为未来在中国发展的重要战略之一。  相似文献   

特许经营业务概念万事灵(中国)有限公司林大伟近年来特许经营业务在香港的发展锐不可当,其低成本高效益的经营特式已被接受,瞬间成为城中最流行的投资模式,最先进军本地饮食业的汉堡包及便利店等多店已是街知巷闻,成绩有目共睹。同样情形,近期我们已在国内各大城市...  相似文献   

商业特许经营(下称“特许经营”)被称为20世纪最成功的商业模式,也将是21世纪的主导商业模式之一。在国际上,特许经营历史已逾百年。在麦当劳全球3.2万个餐厅中,75%采用了特许经营模式。我国的特许经营发端于上世纪80年代,发展迅猛。截至2010年底.我国特许经营体系已超过4500个,位居世界第一,覆盖70多个行业①,  相似文献   

当前加油站的发展进入到了自由竞争的阶段,其中加油站内的便利店已经成为了加油站的重要收益来源之一。众多石油公司在激烈的竞争中已经开展了便利店业务,而且发展迅猛,但是由于长期以来石油公司都是以油品销售为主,所以在便利店营销方面缺乏经验,从而也导致了商品种类少以及经营状况差的现象,所以对加油站便利店营销策略进行研究,对推动石油公司经营利润的提升具有重要的现实意义。本文在对加油站便利店顾客群体特征作出分析的基础上根据便利店特点差异对便利店的经营策略进行了分析,同时对加油站便利店的促销策略作出了阐述。  相似文献   

Various studies have focused on the reasons for franchising. Most studies have concentrated principally on the franchisors’ motivations for franchising, with only a few exploring franchising as a route to self-employment. This paper seeks to provide a conceptual framework which examines the value of franchising to franchisees, employing an intellectual capital perspective. It is suggested that the (perceived) value of the franchise system is unlikely to remain static over time, and that the perceived benefits of franchise systems will vary according to both system and franchisee attributes.
Anna WatsonEmail: Phone: +44-01483-686366

This case study of Avis Europe PLC examines the diminished role of franchising in the vehicle leasing firm's achievement of market dominance in Europe. Market maturity, industry consolidation, adoption of centralised, efficiency‐oriented technologies, and strategic alliances are the principal factors in accounting for the decline in the reliance on franchisees for local entrepreneurship and market expansion. Though many theories of franchising find at least some support in this study, the life cycle or ownership redirection explanation proves particularly compelling. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

特许经营被实践证明是一种成功的商业运作模式;但对这种网络组织的理论研究一直落后于实践。首先,对国外特许经营授权有关理论进行阐述,指出GHM模型是它们的理论基础。但由于GHM模型中的权利配置基于实物资产,而特许经营中的关键资源是品牌等无形资产,GHM模型作为分析特许经营的授权理论的基础存在明显局限。运用R-Z理论,以特许经营中的外部性分析为起点,对其专用性投资外部性进行考察,分析在不同情景下特许经营的不同授权模式,从而为特许经营授权提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The franchising business model is widely and increasingly used by entrepreneurs seeking growth through geographic expansion. Thus, continued research efforts are needed to help entrepreneurs make wise choices as to whether the franchising business model is appropriate for them. To help promote such research, we reviewed the literature on reasons for franchising and outcomes of franchising. Based on that review, we drew conclusions as to future research directions likely to be fruitful. Specifically, we recommend that researchers (a) continue adding theoretical diversity to franchising research, (b) build large-scale, longitudinal databases, (c) test or control for implicit and explicit assumptions, (d) pay more attention to micro-level considerations within franchise networks, and (e) compare franchising with alternative business models suitable for geographic expansion.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of human capital intangibles on the governance structure of franchise networks (i.e., proportion of franchised outlets) and the joint impact of human capital intangibles and governance on the performance of franchisors. Agency theory focuses on the free‐riding hazard and the costs associated with franchising in the context of high human capital intangibles. The critical resources theory highlights the weakness of company ownership and the advantages of using franchising in this context. Tests of the hypotheses derived from these theoretical frameworks indicate that these complementarily explain the governance structure and financial performance of franchise networks. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Whilst the literature on international franchising practice is well established, an issue that remains unaddressed is the optimal timing for international expansion activities. In this study an Internet survey of the population of business format franchisors in Australia is conducted to obtain a profile of franchising, including international expansion data. In the second stage, a series of case studies with 16 Australian-based franchise systems is reported. The results indicate that franchisors do not wait until the domestic market is saturated before venturing overseas. Moreover, franchisors tend to develop their international expansion strategies after the business has demonstrated success in the local market.  相似文献   

In many retail and service sectors, firms have to establish a physical presence in a geographic market to access customers there. In countries where the quality of institutions is low, this can put assets at risk. We use data on the operations of a multinational, multibrand hotel company to show that in environments where local institutions are weaker—as proxied mainly by the World Bank's Checks index—the company eschews direct ownership. Rather than increasing its reliance on franchising, as predicted by some models, the company relies more on another form of organization commonly used in this industry, namely management contracts. We explain these patterns by emphasizing how the quality of the institutional environment affects the cost of using equity‐based organizational forms, per arguments in the current literature, but also the cost of enforcing the terms of franchise contracts.  相似文献   

任政旭 《价值工程》2012,31(14):106-107
城市污水处理项目市场广大,但其首要的问题便是资金筹集渠道及建成后如何运营,因此特许经营权模式成为各级政府关于污水处理建设的首选投融资模式,但由于此类项目周期长、资金需求量大、合同结构复杂,因此其风险管理问题是项目成功地关键。本文从特许经营项目融资模式下的污水处理厂风险关系入手,通过文献综述、数据搜集、模型匹配等步骤量化特许经营项目风险关系,为污水处理的特许经营的风险管理提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

西安市生产性服务业空间格局及其机制分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着社会经济形态由"工业经济"向"知识经济"的转变,第三产业已经成为许多大城市的支柱产业.尤其是生产性服务业,作为一种中间投入性产业,在城市发展中的地位更加突出,对城市空间的重构产生了巨大影响.首先把西安市区划分为8个区段,以<西安黄页2008>中统计的6621个经济活动单位为主要样本,利用GIS技术对各个区段生产性服务业的密度、结构进行划分,并分析了其形成的空间格局,揭示出西安生产性服务业的空间分布规律.结果发现西安市生产性服务业呈现出大区域集中、小区域分散,集中与扩散并存的空间格局,最后探讨了西安生产性服务业空间格局的形成机制.  相似文献   

This article reports on the findings of a study within the automotive franchise retail sector which shows how employees' experiences of HRM can, under some circumstances, be influenced both directly and indirectly by third‐party organisations. A model that describes these patterns of influence is put forward. These findings point to the way in which inter‐firm relationships influence the employment relationship from the perspective of both the employer and the employee, and raise questions about the limits of control exercised by HR department policies and activities. The article also contributes to the relatively limited literature on the operation of franchising systems, in particular concerning the role played by HR policies and practices as a mechanism for inter‐organisational control.  相似文献   

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