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当前,营销方面的书籍已将读者市场细分到了无以复加的地步,从西方经典的译著,到古为今用的诠释;从对“舶来品”的深加工,到对“老祖宗”的再创造;甚至对每个行业、每个产业、每类企业都有无数本书去描述,而且基本放在书店显著位置热卖,营销类书籍正在卖力“营销”! 相似文献
当前,营销方面的书籍已将读者市场细分到了无以复加的地步,从西方经典的译著,到古为今用的诠释;从对“舶来品”的深加工,到对“老祖宗”的再创造;甚至对每个行业、每个产业、每类企业都有无数本书去描述,而且基本放在书店显著位置热卖,营销类书籍正在卖力“营销”! 相似文献
直销条例颁布之后,越来越多的传统企业欲转型直销行业,并希望找到一位行业高手充当“操盘手”来执掌大局。但由于直销市场高素质的职业经理人稀缺,在“一将难求”的情势逼迫下,这些企业往往又退而求其次,聘请“网头”充当“操盘手”。不过,众多实例证明,这种模式遗患无穷。因此,笔在本中将提出一套“组合拳”模式,希望能够帮助企业破解“操盘手”迷局。 相似文献
“营”,汉语字典中的解释是“经管,料理;谋求、营利”;而对“赢”的解释是“获利,利润;获得,得到”。对比理解,我们不难发现,“营销”强调的是过程,而“赢销”强调的是结果。或者换个角度说,“营销”是“赢销”的基础,而“赢销”是“营销”的最终目标。那么,企业如何才能从“营销”走向“赢销”呢? 相似文献
公益营销发展到现在这个阶段,不仅仅要破除观念上的保守,勇敢地将公益作为一场营销活动来做,也要善于总结经验,把握公益营销成功的关键。[编者按] 相似文献
Paul T. M. Ingenbleek 《Journal Of African Business》2019,20(2):195-205
ABSTRACTAfrica is currently undergoing a transition that is unprecedented in its history. For the first time, the demand of urban populations pulls business development, thus creating economies with higher levels of specialization than before. This essay highlights the phenomenon of the endogenous African businesses that are arising in this process. These businesses tap into the natural resources and the social, economic, and cultural systems that build upon them. These resources and systems make the African business environment different from business environments in other parts of the world. Furthermore, the endogenous businesses have access to knowledge on how to manage modern businesses in the formal sector of the economy. In combination with African resources and systems, such knowledge enables them to create and sustain and competitive advantage in modern dynamic marketplaces. Endogenous African businesses are important because they have the potential to fuel economic growth, to revitalize rural areas, to contribute to food security and healthy diets, and to provide role models of which Africans can be proud. Hence, these businesses deserve our attention in the next two decades of scholarly research and education on African business. 相似文献
绿色营销:企业竞争制胜的必然选择 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文认为,目前我国的绿色营销任重道远。从消费者方面来看,其绿色消费意识相对于发达国家还处于“初级阶段”;从企业方面来看,大多数企业实施绿色营销只是一种被动的措施,企业的营销组合策略与绿色营销不相适应;从政府方面来看,主要采用经济手段或行政手段来保护环境,在执行过程中,以权代法、以言代法、有法不依和执法难的现象普遍存在。文章提出,企业要搞好“绿色营销”,必须树立绿色营销观念,搜集绿色信息,开发绿色产品,重视绿色包装,制定绿色价格,实行绿色分销,开展绿色促销,争取绿色标志,实施绿色管理。 相似文献
Research on work values shows that respectful leadership is highly desired by employees. On the applied side, however, the
extant research does not offer many insights as to which concrete leadership behaviors are perceived by employees as indications
of respectful leadership. Thus, to offer such insights, we collected and content analyzed employees’ narrations of encounters
with respectful leadership (N
1 = 426). The coding process resulted in 19 categories of respectful leadership spanning 149 leadership behaviors. Furthermore,
to also harness this comprehensive repertoire for quantitative organizational research, we undertook two more studies (N
2a = 228; N
2b = 412) to empirically derive a feasible item-based measurement of respectful leadership and assess its psychometric qualities.
In these studies, we additionally investigated the relationships between respectful leadership as assessed with this new measurement
and employees’ vertical and contextual followership as assessed via subordinates’ identification with their leaders, their
appraisal respect for their leaders, their feeling of self-determination, and their job satisfaction. 相似文献
How does edible packaging bias taste perceptions and acceptability? To examine this, we conducted an experiment where we manipulated what information participants received about a product with edible packaging and whether participants ate the product with its edible packaging and core food product intact or ate the edible packaging and core product layers separately. Participants who received information about edible packaging and tasted the edible packaging layer separately rated the product lower on dimensions of taste, healthiness, and intention to purchase than participants in other treatment groups. Findings suggest that framing a product as an edible package with environmental benefits can lead to negative judgments. Contrary to what environmentalists would expect, it may be best to simply not highlight its environmental benefits. Findings also suggest that consumers’ judgments of edible packaging may depend on how well the packaging material is integrated with its principal food product, and that highly separated products (such as edible cups) may face greater barriers to adoption. 相似文献
《Journal of Marketing Management》2013,29(5-6):545-553
This paper describes our experience in undertaking a review of the effectiveness of using social marketing to tackle nutrition problems. One of the biggest challenges was identifying programmes which could be genuinely defined as 'social marketing'. Here we describe how we applied and tested a framework for identifying and assessing legitimate social marketing research. Implications for both social marketing theory and practice are discussed. 相似文献
绿色营销是市场营销的新趋势,是21世纪市场营销的主流与基本态势。在现代竞争日益激烈的国际市场上,绿色营销已成为保障出口企业扩大出口、提高国际竞争力的重要条件之一,在国内市场上也越来越引起人们的关注。企业要把握绿色市场机会,生产适销对路的产品,不断占领与扩大国内外市场,才能获得理想的绿色经济效益。 相似文献
由于白家电和黑家电市场发展相对成熟,不论在理论界还是实务界,对于白家电和黑家电的营销都已经提出了很多好的建议和可行的操作模式。随着小家电在中国消费者中的慢慢普及。越来越多传统的家电企业开始涉足小家电,引发了很多人对小家电营销的关注。小家电营销应该借用已经趋于成熟的白家电和黑家电的营销管理模式,还是应该另外开拓新的营销管理模式甲作者根据自己在小家电市场研究和咨询方面的一些感受和体会,觉得小家电营销,对消费者进行引导和教育才是关键。 相似文献
纳爱斯公司独到的营销理念、大胆的营销决策、精心的品牌培育、娴熟的营销技巧是其发展壮大的重要因素。总结纳爱斯公司的营销经验,最 主要的是以品牌培育为核心,争创我国知名品牌,以结构调整为主线,不断开发适销产品,以重点营销为抓手,构建市场营销网络。 相似文献