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2015年支付业务统计数据显示,全国支付体系运行平稳,社会资金交易规模不断扩大,支付业务量保持稳步增长,电子支付业务增长较快。一、非现金支付工具2015年,全国共办理非现金支付业务1943.22亿笔,金额3448.85万亿元。  相似文献   

2012年第一季度支付业务统计数据显示,支付体系平稳高效运行,支付业务量稳步增长,增幅有所回落,社会资金交易规模持续扩大,增速有所放缓。一、非现金支付工具2012年第一季度,全国共办理非现金支付业务90.96亿笔,金额293.35万亿元,  相似文献   

支票以其携带方便、支付便捷、不受外部硬件设备限制等优点,受到人们的欢迎,是我国重要的传统非现金支付工具之一。支票带给人们方便的同时也存在一系列问题,比如支票的处理速度较慢、处理成本较高、较易伪造等。此外,我国信用环境不够完善限制了支票在全国范围的流通。随着各种新型支付工具不断出现并被广泛使用,支票在非现金支付领域中的普及程度有所减弱。但是,从未来发展趋势来看,我国关于个人支票的推广使用将会对支票的结构产生影响,支票在相当长的时期内仍将在支付领域担当重要角色。  相似文献   

随着IT技术在银行业务中的应用不断深入,支付结算的安全性和便利性也不断提高.目前各商业银行为客户提供了银行卡、网上银行、手机银行等非现金支付工具,由中国人民银行牵头建设的电子汇票系统也正在酝酿之中.在各种支付工具中,密码、电子验印、支付密码等技术的使用保证了支付的合法性与安全性.  相似文献   

2013年第一季度支付业务统计数据显示,支付体系继续保持稳定高效运行,支付业务量保持增长态势,社会资金交易规模稳步扩大,增速有所加快。一、非现金支付工具2013年第一季度,全国共办理非现金支付业务112.01亿笔,金额371.46万亿元,同比分别增长23.14%和26.63%,笔数、金额增速同比分别加快0.70个百分点和12.03个百分点。  相似文献   

目前,非现金支付交易工具的推广应用工作存在难度,现金结算应用十分广泛,电子支付结算方式的应用增长势头较高,使用银行卡现金结算占比较多,其转账支付功能没有得到完全发挥。要解决非现金支付交易工具推广难的问题,必须改善信用环境和支付环境,加强宣传,增强社会认知度,多方协调,多措并举。  相似文献   

2014年第三季度支付业务统计数据显示,支付体系平稳高效运行,支付业务量持续增长,社会资金交易规模保持稳步增长态势。 一、非现金支付工具第三季度,全国共办理非现金支付业务162.07亿笔,金额457.98万亿元,同比分别增长26.33%和10.92%,笔数增速较上年同期加快5.84个百分点,金额增速较上年同期放缓14.95个百分点。  相似文献   

一、造成非现金结算工具推广应用困难的成因 (一)对非现金支付工具认知度低。一方面,受传统“一手交钱一手交货”交易方式的影响,人们已习惯于现金交易。一些地方金融机构经常出现排长队存取现金现象,造成金融网点库存现金余额经常要保持在高位。另一方面,社会公众对非现金支付工具认知度较低,对非现金支付工具的优点了解不够,在一定程度上限制了其在县域经济区的推广使用。  相似文献   

采用 Logistic 模型,基于 ST 公司分别作为并购方和目标方双视角,考量中国资本市场并购活动中决定支付方式的市场因素、公司因素和交易因素。结果表明,市场因素中商业周期指标越积极,并购双方越愿意选择非现金支付;市场利率越高,越倾向于以现金支付。ST 公司为并购方时支付方式选择受到管理者控制权、分析师数量和交易态度等因素的决定;ST 公司为目标方时支付方式选择受到公司财务杠杆、公司成长机会、分析师数量和交易态度等因素支配。不同的并购支付方式会对并购后企业产生不同的效应。  相似文献   

2013年第二季度支付业务统计数据显示,支付体系继续平稳高效运行,支付业务量保持增长态势,社会资金交易规模稳步扩大,增速有所加快。一、非现金支付工具2013年第二季度,全国共办理非现金支付业务121.91亿笔,金额388.52万亿元,同比分别增长21.71%和25.99%,笔数增速同比放缓0.39个百分点,金额增速同比加快8.89个百分点。(一)票据。票据业务量持续下降,实际结算商业汇票  相似文献   

近年来,随着支付基础设施的不断建成和完善、支付服务组织的健全以及社会信用的发展,非现金支付结算工具的推广应用越来越广泛。本文从理论和实证两个方面研究了非现金支付结算工具的发展对区域现金流通的影响,探索非现金支付结算对流通中现金影响的传导途径,创造性地使用现金结算量作为现金流通状况的测度指标,在进行多元线性回归分析后,采用向量自回归模型(VAR)探讨各类非现金支付工具发展对现金流通的影响程度,认为非现金支付结算方式对现金的替代效果不明显。在对此进行原因分析的基础上,本文得出"增量替代"效应的新思路。  相似文献   

Since the mid-1990s, the US payment system has undergone a transformation featuring a significant decline in the use of paper checks that is quite uneven across consumers and not well understood. This paper shows that characteristics of payment instruments are the most important determinants of instrument use by estimating econometric models of consumers’ adoption (extensive margin) and use (intensive margin) of checks plus six other payment instruments with a comprehensive new data source. Changes in the relative convenience and cost of checks can explain directly about 34% and 11%, respectively, of the 8.4 percentage point decline in check share from 2003 to 2006. Changes in the relative characteristics of substitute payment instruments also likely contributed indirectly to the decline in check use through an increase in the number of payment instruments per consumer, but the exact magnitude of this indirect channel cannot be identified with available data.  相似文献   

Using three years of transactions data from a discount retailer with thousands of stores, we study payment variation along three dimensions: transaction size and location; weekly and monthly frequencies; and longer time horizons. In each case, we connect empirical patterns to theories of money demand and payments. We show that cross-sectional and time-series payment patterns are consistent with a theoretical framework in which individual consumers choose between cash and non-cash payments based on a threshold transaction size, and we evaluate factors that may account for the variation in threshold distributions across locations and time.  相似文献   

The Role of Risk Management and Governance in Determining Audit Demand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  Most prior research into audit fees has been based on a theoretical model which treats audit fees as the by-product of a production function ignoring potential demand forces that may drive the level of the audit fee. Inspired by prior 'anomalous' results, we take a different perspective by focusing on demand factors that may affect the level of the audit fee. Using data collected from a sample of listed companies in Belgium, we consider both disclosures about risk and risk management and actual decisions about corporate governance to examine whether audit fees are higher when these demand forces exist. In general, we expect that external auditing will increase in situations where there are multiple stakeholders with individual risk profiles who can shift some of the cost of monitoring to other stakeholders. Consistent with our theory and expectations, our results indicate that audit fees are higher when a company has an audit committee, discloses a relatively high level of financial risk management, and has a larger proportion of independent Board Members. Audit fees are lower when a company discloses a relatively high level of compliance risk management. The latter result indicates that controls are only complementary as long as they are voluntary, as mandated controls act as substitutes for non-mandated controls.  相似文献   

当前,我国非现金支付对现金支付的替代作用日益显著,但现金支付在居民日常支付中仍占据重要地位。在此背景下,如何精确地预测区域现金需求,保证满足区域现金流通需要已成为一项重要课题。通过借鉴国内外机器学习、神经网络等人工智能技术,基于地区现金投放历史数据,使用岭回归、MLP和LSTM三种模型,构建RR-MLP-LSTM加权组合模型实现了区域现金需求预测,对于统筹货币发行工作、积极防范和化解货币供应风险具有较为重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Even though security of payments has long been identified as an important aspect of the consumer payment experience, recent literature fails to appropriately assess the extent of social spillovers among payment users. We test for the existence and importance of such spillovers by analyzing whether social influence affects consumers’ perceptions of the security of payment instruments. Based on a 2008–2014 annual panel data survey of consumers, we find strong evidence of social spillovers in payment markets: others’ perceptions of security of payment instruments exert a positive influence on one’s own payment security perceptions. The significant and robust results imply that a consumer’s assessments of security converge to his peers’ average assessment: a 10 percent change in the divergence between one’s own security rating and peers’ average rating will result in a 7 percent change in one’s own rating in the next period. The results are robust to many specifications and do not change when we control for actual fraud or crime data. Our results indicate that spillovers rather than reflection appear to be the cause, although separating the two causes is very difficult (Manski 1993). In particular, the spillovers are stronger for people who experience an exogenous shock to security perception, people who have more social interactions, and younger consumers, who are more likely to be influenced by social media. We also examine the effects of social spillovers on payment behavior (that is, on decisions regarding payment adoption and use). Our results indicate that social spillovers have a rather limited impact on payment behavior, as others’ perceptions seem to affect one’s own payment behavior mainly indirectly through the effect on one’s own perceptions.  相似文献   

随着高等教育的发展,高校连年扩招所带来的财力紧张问题十分突出,高校教育成本核算的研究成为热点问题,虽然对其已经取得很大的成就,但是对相关成本信息的披露还很少有人涉及。本文从博弈论的角度,从我国高校教育成本内容入手,构建了我国高校信息供需双方的模型,最后运用博弈论,构建了我国高校教育成本信息披露的供需双方博弈支付矩阵,并对此进行了简单分析。  相似文献   

在深入推广农村粮食收购非现金支付手段的过程中,中国人民银行四平市中心支行与金融机构联合积极稳妥地利用银行借记卡等非现金结算方式向农民结算售粮款,并取得了成功的经验。本文首先对四平市推广农村粮食收购非现金支付手段三种模式做法进行总结和认知,对非现金结算对现金流通的影响在理论上予以概述,并对粮食收购非现金结算三种模式对现金流通的影响进行深入分析;从而得到为将来农村地区非现金支付环境优化提供借鉴和经验支持。最后将对完善粮食收购非现金结算提出政策性建议。  相似文献   

康书隆  王晓婷  余海跃 《金融研究》2022,501(3):115-134
研究制约住房公积金制度效率的因素及作用机制,对保障国民安居、推动经济高质量发展具有重要的现实意义。鉴于此,本文首先通过构建理论模型,阐述了流动性压力下,公积金对缴存家庭贷款决策与消费的影响及作用机制,并使用中国家庭金融调查数据(CHFS)对理论假说进行实证检验。研究结果表明:借贷约束会显著降低缴存家庭使用公积金贷款的概率;流动性压力是公积金管理机构提高贷款门槛,从而降低借贷受约束家庭使用公积金贷款概率的重要原因;未获得公积金贷款支持的缴存家庭因购房成本的增加,家庭的非耐用品消费受到显著抑制。本文进一步通过倾向得分匹配方法和两阶段最小二乘法处理内生性问题,识别结果显示上述结论稳健可靠。本文研究表明:改善运营资金流动性不仅有助于提高公积金制度的运行效率,完善我国的住房保障体系,还有助于促进居民消费,提振内需,并为企业减费降负提供有效支持。  相似文献   

Because the automated clearinghouse (ACH) has been found to have lower social costs than paper checks, the Federal Reserve has been promoting more widespread use of ACH by lowering ACH processing fees. In this paper, we have obtained the first numerical estimates of ACH demand elasticities, a measure of the responsiveness of ACH demand to price changes. Various methods are employed to estimate the demand elasticities to determine how robust the estimates are. During the period 1985–1996, the Federal Reserve lowered the per-item price of interregional ACH, while the per-item price of intraregional ACH stayed constant. We take advantage of this unique pattern of historical price changes implemented by the Federal Reserve to estimate the effect of price changes on demand for ACH.We find that the volume of ACH processed by the Federal Reserve responds to changes in per-item fees, but the increase in volume that results from a price decline is very small and not statistically significantly different from 0, except in the case of debit origination. The results suggest that the Federal Reserve cannot expect to generate substantial additional volume by lowering its prices further. However, commercial banks may be able to increase the volume demanded by lowering their own ACH fees. We also examine how volume growth initiated by a price cut affects unit costs. Given the relatively large-scale economies found for ACH, volume growth leads to lower unit costs. However, to outweigh the revenues lost as a result of a price decline, ACH volume would have to increase by an amount much greater than our estimates indicate is likely. Consequently, a decline in per-item ACH fees likely would lead to lower net revenues.  相似文献   

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