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We study the impact of mainland Chinese listings in Hong Kong on the quality and development of the Hong Kong equity market. At the macro-level, we find that the increasing presence of mainland Chinese stocks in Hong Kong increases the size, trading volume, and its link with the China and world markets but reduces the overall volatility of the Hong Kong stock market. At the firm level, the increase affects the market quality, resulting in lower turnover rate, higher Amihud illiquidity ratio, and higher spread for non-mainland Chinese firms. Furthermore, such an increase in presence causes Hong Kong stocks to move in a more synchronized way and reduces these firms investment sensitivity to stock price movement, implying deterioration in the information environment. As a whole, the increasing presence of Chinese companies in Hong Kong brings benefits to the Hong Kong market, yet not without cost.  相似文献   

State-of-the-art methods using attention mechanism in Recurrent Neural Networks have shown exceptional performance targeting sequential predictions and classifications. We explore the attention mechanism in Long–Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network based stock price movement prediction. Our proposed model significantly enhances the LSTM prediction performance in the Hong Kong stock market. The attention LSTM (AttLSTM) model is compared with the LSTM model in Hong Kong stock movement prediction. Further parameter tuning results also demonstrate the effectiveness of the attention mechanism in LSTM-based prediction method.  相似文献   

本文基于经济基础假说和市场传染假说两大基础理论,将股票收益率分解为开盘收益率和收盘收益率,运用GARCH.M模型研究了上海股市和香港股市之间的联动关系。结果显示,两大股市存在相互影响的联动关系,但是上海对香港股市的影响要强于香港对上海股市的影响,反映出两地之间的紧密经济关系及大陆对香港地区经济影响日益增强的现实。  相似文献   

Chinese public holidays of differing durations celebrated in mainland China and Hong Kong provide a unique trading gap when the A-share markets are closed but the H-share market is not. In this study, we examine how these non-overlapping trading gaps caused by holidays affect price transmission between cross-listed stocks in the A-share and H-share markets. We find that the price movements of H-shares during trading gaps are positively associated with post-holiday drifts in the A-share markets. This positive association is stronger when the length of non-overlapping holidays is longer, and when firms have a weaker connection to Hong Kong market. Moreover, our evidence reveals that investor distraction rather than sentiment during holiday periods may be the reason for this positive association. Finally, our results show that a portfolio trading strategy based on our findings can be profitable, indicating the economic magnitude of our findings.  相似文献   

We examine the price behavior and market activity of the Jardine Group companies after they were delisted from Hong Kong in 1994. Although the trading activity of the Jardine Group moved to Singapore, the core businesses remained in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Evidence indicates the Jardine stocks are correlated less (more) with the Hong Kong (Singapore) market after the delisting. This result cannot be explained by various hypotheses, such as relocation of core business, time‐varying betas, migration of trading activity, and currency and tax distortions. We conclude that price fluctuations are affected by country‐specific investor sentiment.  相似文献   

This paper explores the causality and cointegration relationships among the stock markets of the United States, Japan and the South China Growth Triangle (SCGT) region. Applying the recently advanced unit root and cointegration techniques that allow for structural breaks over the sample period (October 2, 1992 to June 30, 1997), we find that there exists no cointegration among these markets except for that between Shanghai and Shenzhen. By invoking the Granger causality test and considering the non-synchronous trading problem, we will show that stock price changes in the US have more impact on SCGT markets than do those of Japan. More specifically, price changes in the US can be used to predict those of the Hong Kong and Taiwan markets on next day. Similarly, price changes on the Hong Kong stock market lead the Taiwan market by 1 day. Furthermore, the stock returns of the US and Hong Kong markets are found to be contemporaneous. Finally, there is a significant feedback relationship between the Shanghai and the Shenzhen Stock Exchanges.  相似文献   

There is no consensus about the cause for higher volatility at the market open than at the market close in the U.S. market. As an order–driven, nonspecialist market, the Hong Kong stock market provides a useful setting for an examination. If halt of trade were the major cause of higher open–to–open volatility, the open–to–open volatility in the Hong Kong market would be higher. However, this is not observed. The autocorrelation of the open–to–open return series also indicates that the temporary price deviation at the market opening is not significant. We view these findings as consistent with the specialist argument.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyze the properties of Bitcoin as a diversifier asset and hedge asset against the movement of international market stock indices: S&P500 (US), STOXX50 (EU), NIKKEI (Japan), CSI300 (Shanghai), and HSI (Hong Kong). For this, we use several copula models: Gaussian, Student-t, Clayton, Gumbel, and Frank. The analysis period runs from August 18, 2011 to June 31, 2019. We found that the Gaussian and Student-t copulas are best at fitting the structure dependence between markets. Also, these copulas suggest that under normal market conditions, Bitcoin might act as a hedge asset against the stock price movements of all international markets analyzed. However, the dependence on the Shanghai and Hong Kong markets was somewhat higher. Also, under extreme market conditions, the role of Bitcoin might change from hedge to diversifier. In a time-varying copula analysis, given by the Student-t copula, we found that even under normal market conditions, for some markets, the role of Bitcoin as a hedge asset might fail on a high number of days.  相似文献   

Morck, Yeung, and Yu (2000), in their pioneering study of international differences in stock price synchronicity, emphasize the effect of market development on investors' ability to incorporate firm-specific information into prices. We use a unique institutional feature in the Hong Kong market to investigate one of the important tools investors use to do this and hence reduce stock price synchronicity: short selling. Examining the cross-sectional and time-series variation in short-sale constraints in the Hong Kong market, we find that after the removal of short-sale constraints, stock prices become more informative and move less in tandem with the market.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of auditor market share and product differentiation on audit fees. Previous studies have attributed the price premium charged by the Big Eight (the Big Six in the present study) to Big Eight product differentiation. However, such a price premium could be partly due to monopoly pricing. In the present study, the Hong Kong audit market provides a unique setting in which a non-Big Six local auditor has a market share comparable to those of the third and fourth largest Big Six firms. This makes it feasible to control for the effects of market share via matching. Also, the wide disparity among the Big Six firms ‘market shares in Hong Kong makes it feasible to test for the effects of market power on audit fees. The results show that, consistent with prior studies, the Big Six audit firms charge higher audit fees than non-Big Six firms in the small auditee, but not the big auditee, market. This suggests that similar economic forces to those other audit markets are also at work in Hong Kong. Despite the Big Six firms’ widely different market shares, there was no price differentiation among them. Yet there was a Big Six price premium over the large local firm with a similar market share to those of two of the Big Six. Together, these results suggest that the Big Six price premium is a result of product differentiation rather than monopoly pricing.  相似文献   

Do the Forward Sales of Real Estate Stabilize Spot Prices?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine the effect of forward sale (pre-sale) activities on the volatility of spot prices in the real estate market. The abundance of pre-sales data and major changes in regulatory control on the pre-sale market during the 90's in Hong Kong allow us to undertake empirical tests using Hong Kong's real estate data. Our results show that the volatility of spot prices increased significantly after forward sales were severely dampened by regulatory control measures introduced in 1994, but decreased again when the measures were partly relaxed in 1998. The results contribute to the long lasting debate on whether the introduction of a futures market reduces the volatility of spot prices. Previous studies were mainly conducted in markets with low transaction costs, notably financial markets. By utilizing the unique regulatory changes in the pre-sale market of Hong Kong, we are able to conduct an experiment on the conditional volatility of spot prices in a high information-cost environment, thereby shedding light on the important role of forward housing contracts in providing price expectation information for spot trading.  相似文献   

Chang et al. [Journal of Business 68 (1) (1995) 61] examine the impact of the closure of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on S&P500 stock index futures traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. They document a decline in futures market volatility immediately after the close of the NYSE, and an increase 15 minutes later when the futures market closes. They attribute this to contagion–i.e. a decline in information transfer from equities to futures markets following the closure of the underlying market. This paper examines the impact of the extension of trading hours in Hang Seng Index futures traded on the Hong Kong Futures Exchange on the 20 November, 1998 to 15 minutes after the close of the underlying market (the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong). Using the unique natural experiment provided by this change, a pattern similar to US markets is documented for the Hang Seng Index Futures following the change in trading hours. This provides strong evidence that the intraday pattern in volatility is caused by market closure. Unlike US futures exchanges, price reporters on the floor of the Hong Kong Futures Exchange collect quote data in addition to trade data. This data facilitates a test of another plausible microstructure explanation for the observed behaviour–bid–ask bounce associated with trading activity. This paper provides evidence that bid–ask bounce also explains part of the observed intraday behaviour in price volatility.  相似文献   

Noise trading has been intensively studied in finance, but rarely in real estate. Theories of price dispersion have also been well established in retailing research, but less so in real estate. This paper is the first attempt to study the effect of noise trading on price dispersion in the real estate spot and presale (forward) markets. Quality-controlled price dispersion data series are estimated using a sample of transaction data in the housing presale and spot markets in Hong Kong. Our results show that transaction volume has a negative and significant effect on price dispersion in the spot market, but a positive and significant effect in the presale market. These support our conjecture that there are more noise traders in the presale market due to lower transaction costs. The volume effects also provide support for the use of a volume weighted least squares model when constructing a repeat sales index.  相似文献   

Previous research documents that Hong Kong stocks have a full ex-dividend price adjustment consistent with dividends and capital gains being tax free. We examine ex-dividend price behavior of Hong Kong ADRs to assess the impact of differing tax environments in US and Hong Kong. These ADRs typically go ex-dividend before their underlying stock. They experience significant abnormal returns of 1.16% on their ex-day; the average ex-day price drop is only 30% of the dividend. However, ADR prices drop when the underlying stock goes ex-dividend subsequently. The cumulative ADR price drop is equal to the dividend. Thus, the ADR ex-dividend adjustment resembles that of the underlying stock, consistent with home country tax laws governing ADR price behavior. Neither liquidity nor transaction costs can explain the anomalous delayed ex-dividend adjustment of ADRs.  相似文献   

We find that the risk premiums associated with the Hong Kong and mainland Chinese markets in a two-factor model successfully explain the cross section of returns on the A and H shares. Discounts of H-share prices relative to A-share prices are related to the contemporaneous movements of the H-share local market index relative to the A-share local market index, especially during the period of the Asian financial crisis, as well as the spread of savings rates between Hong Kong and mainland China. The evidence suggests that the risk premiums associated with the segmented A-share and H-share markets exert crucial impacts on the price differentials between the two classes of shares.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines whether the price difference between Chinese A shares, which are traded in the domestic market, and their matching H shares, which are traded in the Hong Kong market, can be explained by firms’ corporate governance characteristics. We find that the A- to H-share price premiums are higher for firms in which the controlling shareholders and corporate insiders have greater potential to expropriate wealth from outside investors. This result is robust when we use a variety of corporate governance variables specific to listed Chinese companies to explain the A-share price premiums and when we control for differences between domestic and foreign investors in required returns, degree of speculative trading, liquidity, information, and demand elasticity. Our findings highlight the important role of corporate governance in explaining the price difference in segmented stock markets.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of capital account liberalization policies on the price discovery of cross-listings in Chinese stocks. We construct a non-linear causality framework that decomposes short- and long-run dimensions of price leadership. Our analysis shows that capital account liberalization has had a profound effect on long-run A- and H-price leadership traits. Specifically, increased inward capital movement from Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors strengthens long-term leadership in the mainland A-market. Similarly, increased capital outflow from the Chinese mainland galvanizes long-term price discovery processes in the Hong Kong H-market. We thus offer strong evidence that capital account liberalization promotes stock market efficiency in the long-run. The present study's empirical account also suggests that such capital flows inhibit short-term lead-lag effects.  相似文献   

Local correlation is used to examine financial contagion. We share the view of previous research that there is contagion from the U.S. spot equity market to that of Germany and Britain. In addition, we provide evidence to suggest contagion from the U.S. spot equity market to that of Japan and Hong Kong. Furthermore, we have detected contagion from U.S. futures to other futures markets. However, there is no reverse contagion from any of the German, British, Japanese, and Hong Kong spot or index futures markets to those of the U.S. The results have international diversification, portfolio management, and within-industry implications.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of housing markets and a cross-sectional analysis of housing demand in Hong Kong. Disturbances from political events have produced price upheavals in property prices; long-term inflation and low interest rates provide a strong stimulus for a sustained price surge in the housing market. Household income seems to have relatively little bearing on recent development in the market, especially when demand for housing has become more investment-oriented.With the data from the 1991 Population Census of Hong Kong, we find in the cross-section study that permanent and transitory incomes, rather than current income, provide better estimates in the tenure choice equation. The results also indicate that family size and the number of elderly persons affects ownership. Renter expenditure and tenure choice decisions are linked by using the two-stage estimation procedure of Lee and Trost (1978). No correlation was found between renter expenditure and tenure choice. Further, the two-stage approach does not seem to be superior to the OLS approach in the estimation of the rental expenditure equations.  相似文献   

扩展香港居民投资大陆市场的渠道是深化深港金融合作的重要内容。由于我国目前实行资本项目管制,香港居民不能直接投资大陆市场。目前,香港发行的A股ETF基金是香港居民投资大陆市场的主要渠道。本文考察了香港发行的A股ETF产品的发展现状、产品设计原理以及QFII制度对香港居民投资大陆产品发展的影响。在目前的QFII制度背景下,本文提出了人民币定价的A股ETF、香港和大陆基金互换、QHII制度等一系列循序渐进的产品和方案。  相似文献   

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