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根据航空公司服务营销的具体特点及其常旅客数据库的信息,本文探讨了适用于航空公司客户细分的方法和参数,并对航空公司客户细分的具体步骤进行了分析,提出了相关的营销策略。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,航空公司推出了“常旅客计划”来提高客户的忠诚度,一种新的营销手段因此应运而生,这就是今天更加广为人知的“客户关系管理”(CRM)。  相似文献   

李轩修 《北方经贸》2008,(6):127-128
在企业经营管理实践中,必须摒弃那种以价格为基础、通过提高市场份额而获取利润的粗放式营销获利模式。营销获利观念应该是以客户和利润为中心的市场营销战略,要努力创新产品策略、价格策略、分销策略和促销策略。  相似文献   

美国西北大学的舒尔茨教授在20世纪末提出了整合营销的传播理念,对于营销组织应该更多地去理解客户和潜在客户的需求,即5R策略:关联策略、可接受性策略、认知策略、反应策略和关系策略.本章以下内容运用5R理论提出房地产网络营销的一些对策.  相似文献   

企业面临的社会环境复杂而多变,企业应该采用哪种导向的营销策略才能持久良性地发展下去?企业是否应该把自己仅仅定位于目前所在的行业?成功企业案例中是否都有一个共同的营销导向?从企业定位、企业营销导向方面讨论企业经营应遵循的"客户导向",建立客户导向模型,分析任何企业在考虑成本的同时按照客户导向发展才是最健康长久之计。  相似文献   

随着企业经济环境逐渐变化,企业所面对客户与理性的需求多样化的影响,使得以客户为导向的营销成为企业成功、获得持续竞争优势的要素之一,但是在企业中,对于如何在营销过程去实现以客户为导向,理解与取悦于不同客户需求的理论与实践应用的重视程度不够。为此,本文以营销策略为研究对象,以客户为导向,分析实施以客户为导向的营销策略的必要性,提出新的营销策略。  相似文献   

新的经济环境下企业营销渠道分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘毅军  程鹏飞  刘虹 《商业研究》2003,(13):150-153
新经济的发展要求营销手段必需满足市场发展的需要。只有营销渠道战略适应于宏观大环境,一个企业才可能不断发展壮大。当宏观环境发生变动时,营销渠道也应该做出调整,与之相适应。在这个新的时代里,企业的营销渠道战略应该紧紧围绕目标市场的需求进行调整,即营销渠道策略必需要满足以客户需求为核心的当代市场经济的要求。  相似文献   

潘彤 《江苏商论》2006,(7):71-72
关系营销理论是市场营销在竞争剧烈条件下积极进取的产物。关系营销最重要的理论就是客户关系价值管理。客户关系价值管理的核心是:企业必须经常对客户能为企业创造多少利润进行评估。在此基础上,对客户进行类别等级的划分,对不同类别等级的客户,企业应该分别采取不同的服务策略。这样就可以用最小的成本使企业的利润最大化,并使企业最重要的客户获得最大的超额价值。  相似文献   

《出口营销实战》本书讲述了“出口营销的60种准备”、“30种利用互联网迅速找到全球目标客户的方法”、“接触客户、克服客户价格异议的技巧”、“处理买家询盘策略”、“接待客户来访10部曲”等等有实效、可操作的实战经验,浅显通畅地告诉你应该如何获取订单。而且这些方法和  相似文献   

张丽拉  蔡亮 《江苏商论》2010,(12):68-69,91
定制营销策略即指企业按照客户的特殊要求定制产品和服务的策略。随着人们生活水平的提高,旅游需求也日益多样化、个性化,有些客户甚至希望旅行社按照自己的要求设计旅游产品和旅游形式。在这一趋势下,建立在旅游市场细分终极化基础上的定制营销策略,作为满足客户个性化需求的有效形式,便成为新时期旅游营销策略的必然选择。本文分析了定制营销策略的特点以及它对改变旅游业盈利模式和增长方式的重要意义,并以奖励旅游为例,研究了定制营销策略在旅游业中的具体运用。  相似文献   

网络营销策略:消费者行为黑箱与客户满意度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
西宝  杨晓冬 《商业研究》2003,(9):164-166
电子商务的快速发展给网络营销提供了商业平台,同时也要求网络营销采取面向客户关系、网络营销成本与风险管理以及提升客户满意度等方面的营销策略。在分析网络营销特性基础上,通过对消费者行为模式和购买过程以及消费者行为黑箱分析,提出了相应网络营销策略。最后指出,网络营销应结合传统营销策略、虚实结合、差异营销,“一对一”客户交流等措施,以提升网络客户满意度。  相似文献   

基于物流客户需求模式的物流客户满意策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,营销的实质是追求客户满意。追求物流客户满意、提高物流客户价值、使物流客户达到一个较高的满意度水平是物流营销的实质和目标。物流客户的需求受多种因素的影响,通过对物流客户需求内在规律性的分析可以发现物流客户需求模式的客观性。物流客户的需求模式包括三个阶段的内容:其一是刺激部分,即物流需求的产生源自内在动机和外部激励;其二是混合思维过程,该过程受思维者各种客观条件的约束;其三是反应过程,即物流需求者经过思维之后作出对物流服务的各种要求。为根据物流客户需求的特殊性采取相应的物流营销策略,实现物流客户满意,现代物流企业应参与到客户需求产生和决策的过程之中,与客户零距离接触,真正体验并满足客户需求,提高客户忠诚度,最终实现客户满意。  相似文献   

Many firms have experienced greater success through implementing relationship marketing strategies. This is achieved by gaining knowledge about their own customers through database marketing and about the general marketplace through marketing research. Over time, this has led firms to adopt a general framework which we call the conventional path to profitability. This conventional framework suggests that new product innovation leads to acquisition, acquisition combined with a rich experience leads to satisfaction, satisfaction leads to loyalty and customer retention, and loyalty/retention leads to profitability. However, we show that some of the links in the framework are weak based on both academic research and marketplace realities. Consequently, we reverse the logic of the conventional path to profitability. We introduce a new approach that starts the customer relationship management strategy with customer profitability and the notion that different customers should be rewarded and satisfied differently. In addition, we outline a strategy that relationship marketing firms can implement, leading to higher levels of customer profitability and offer directions for future research.  相似文献   

探讨在新形式下,企业营销应该具有的新的营销策略,主要包括:新的营销理念——战略营销;新型顾客观——重视顾客价值;新的营销方法——重视观念创新、市场创新和方法创新等。  相似文献   

目前,内蒙古经济型酒店营销存在的问题是:市场竞争激烈,产品缺乏创新;缺乏专业的营销人才;市场营销手段单一,网络技术水平较差;营销策略缺乏特色。针对这些问题,内蒙古经济型酒店应创新产品策略,注重对产品质量把关,发挥特殊民族风情优势,制定符合自身的产品策略,加大酒店营销人才的培养力度,提高全体员工服务意识,加强网络营销和有效沟通,树立品牌形象,增强客人对酒店的信赖感和真诚度,以提高内蒙古经济型酒店的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2021,97(4):764-779
It is standard procedure to use short-term measures for designing customized marketing campaigns and evaluating their success. We consider the integration of customer lifetime value (CLV) thinking into the category selection problem for targeted coupons. This problem involves two primary considerations: should the coupon be a category-specific one? – and, if so, should short-term or rather long-term objectives govern the choice of category? Our paper is the first to address these questions by analyzing the effects of different customized targeting strategies for category coupons on short-term marketing costs and long-term CLV using an analytical model. We develop these targeting strategies with the help of a data-driven customer segmentation framework based on the dimensions of churn, frequency, and loyalty. Using data from a German hypermarket chain, we identify four refined targeting strategies that enable multi-category retailers to exploit the full potential of customized marketing by optimizing the trade-off between marketing cost and CLV considerations. Our analysis reveals that the targeting strategy most likely to be employed by retail practice – as compared with the one most commonly used – can yield a substantially higher CLV even as it reduces wasteful marketing costs.  相似文献   

一对一:新世纪市场营销发展的新趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张志平 《商业研究》2006,(1):147-149
当今市场营销范式正从大众营销向一对一营销转变。和大众营销相比,一对一营销注重顾客份额而不是市场份额,细分顾客到个体的程度而不是群体的程度,与顾客对话与协作而不是“我说你听,我做你买”,将产品传递给顾客而不是将顾客推向产品。实施一对一营销要创建顾客管理机构,识别顾客的需求和价值,整合顾客数据库,进行批量定制生产。  相似文献   

Choosing the Right Metrics to Maximize Profitability and Shareholder Value   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is an ever-present need for managers to justify marketing expenditures to the firm. This can only be done when we can establish a direct link between marketing metrics and future customer value and firm performance. In this article, we assess the marketing literature with regard to marketing metrics. Subsequently, we develop a framework that identifies key metrics that firms should focus on that can give a firm a better picture of how they got to where they are now and insights towards how they can continue to grow into the future. We then identify several organizational challenges that need to be addressed in order for firms to build the capabilities of collecting the right data, measuring the right metrics, and linking those metrics to customer value and firm performance. Finally, we offer guidelines for future research with regard to marketing metrics to help firms establish successful marketing strategies, measure marketing effectiveness, and justify marketing expenditures to top management.  相似文献   

This paper provides insights about how customer equity estimates can help businesses monitor the competition as well as aid managers in making their marketing investment decisions, and how companies can employ their marketing investments to maximize current and future yield/returns. The article concerns itself with the current offer of cellphone providers and their main products. The research includes survey data through interviews with 302 cellphone users of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The study uses this data combined with a number of economic assumptions and a financial marketing model to create an insight in customer equity values of cellphone providers in the region. The scenario dated October 2005 is that the estimated customer equity of the service provider Vivo is, respectively, 93 and 91% larger than those of competing providers Claro and TIM. The research underlines that on average the customer equity flowing from the post-paid segment is 3.5 times larger than that of the pre-paid. In addition to these results the study provides the customer lifetime value (CLV) estimates for Claro's, TIM's and Vivo's pre- and post-paid customers and analyzes the retention and loss figures of CLV. Also a discussion follows of the implications that these values will likely have for the companies' marketing strategy.  相似文献   

市场利基营销战略是充分满足特殊顾客群的完全需求而形成无法替代的市场战略,兼顾了顾客、竞争、企业实力三种导向,是市场补缺者和中小企业的重要战略。面对以消费者个性化需求为特征的消费主权时代和全球范围买方市场的竞争压力,应从多个层面对利基营销战略进行了理性思考。  相似文献   

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