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分析了供应链环境下质量风险的形成机理及特点,从核心理念和具体操作两个层面研究了供应链质量风险事件发生后的应急管理问题,提出了以供应链的最终产品质量风险为对象的应急管理模式。  相似文献   

文中通过信任在供应链中断风险现状中的理论和实证两方面的综述,发现信任能够降低企业间的交易成本、促进信息共享和长远合作。同时,信任与风险正相关关系,合理地防御信任带来的供应链风险,能够为核心企业和供应商创造大量商业价值和提高供应链企业共同防御风险的能力。文中指出了进一步的研究方向:①信任维护成本的问题;②供应链联盟的信任机制问题;③供应链中断风险的实证研究问题。  相似文献   

物流企业运营过程中会遇到很多种风险,某些风险会导致物流中断。这些风险不仅包括一些导致物流中断、财产损失和人身伤亡的纯粹风险,还有经营风险、财务风险、投资风险、客户流失风险、人力资源管理风险等。由于风险管理主要关注的是纯粹风险。文章用风险管理的思想来研究物流中断的风险,包括物流中断的风险识别、分析、评价和风险的控制措施和持续改进的建议。  相似文献   

郑攀  胡思继 《物流技术》2010,29(1):51-53
以分配在同一机位的相邻两架飞机产生的冲突概率最小为优化目标,并建立了整数规划模型,利用现代优化算法-遗传算法对该问题进行求解。该算法在计算时问、并行性和结果优化程度上都有一定的优势  相似文献   

基于复杂网络理论的供应链应急管理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱冰心  胡一竑 《物流技术》2007,26(11):147-150
基于复杂网络理论研究供应链应急管理,提出了运用复杂网络理论,可以帮助评价供应链网络的结构,衡量网络的效率,识别供应链网络中的关键节点,从而能够有效地对供应链网络进行防护,同时对将来的研究方向作了展望。  相似文献   

和一般的风险不同,突发事件具有发生低概率低一高后果、难以预测的特征,进而使得企业的应急管理难度加大,情景规划提供了一种有效的分析方法。供应中断风险应急管理的情景设计需要在识别影响供应中断风险的关键因素的基础上,刻画风险与应急情景维度,并建立不同情景下的应急范式。  相似文献   

This paper develops a mathematical framework that relies on modern social network analysis theories for treating the nurse team formation and nurse scheduling (shift assignment) problems, accounting for signed social connections. These problems lie in assigning nurses to teams/shifts such that the constraints regarding both the working regulations and nurses preferences are satisfied. Recent research indicates the dependence of nursing team performance on team social structure; however, so far, the social structure considerations have not been explicitly incorporated into the mathematical formulations of the nurse scheduling problem. The presented framework introduces models that quantitatively exploit such dependence. This paper explores instances of Nurse Team Formation Problem (NTFP) and Nurse Scheduling Problem (NSP) incorporating signed social structure with the measures based on such network structures as edges, full dyads, triplets, k-stars, balanced and unbalanced triangles, etc., in directed, signed networks. The paper presents the integer programming formulations for NTFP and NSP, and a problem-specific heuristic that performs variable-depth neighborhood search to tackle NTFP instances with signed social structures. Computational results for a real-world problem instance with 20 nurses are reported. The insights obtained from the presented framework and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

在面向订单制造的生产模式下,借助信息化手段提高汽车总装车间生产进度信息透明化与实时化管理能力已成为汽车整车企业的重要发展趋势之一。文章结合MES(Manufacturing Execution System,MES,制造执行系统)思想,提出了一种汽车整车总装车间生产进度信息实时管理系统,研究了该系统的体系结构、功能结构、运行模式及其实现技术,并将其应用于一个汽车整车制造企业,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

Process-oriented organisations need to manage the different types of responsibilities their employees may have w.r.t. the activities involved in their business processes. Despite several approaches provide support for responsibility modelling, in current Business Process Management Systems (BPMS) the only responsibility considered at runtime is the one related to performing the work required for activity completion. Others like accountability or consultation must be implemented by manually adding activities in the executable process model, which is time-consuming and error-prone. In this paper, we address this limitation by enabling current BPMS to execute processes in which people with different responsibilities interact to complete the activities. We introduce a metamodel based on Responsibility Assignment Matrices (RAM) to model the responsibility assignment for each activity, and a flexible template-based mechanism that automatically transforms such information into BPMN elements, which can be interpreted and executed by a BPMS. Thus, our approach does not enforce any specific behaviour for the different responsibilities but new templates can be modelled to specify the interaction that best suits the activity requirements. Furthermore, libraries of templates can be created and reused in different processes. We provide a reference implementation and build a library of templates for a well-known set of responsibilities.  相似文献   

文章针对卷烟厂混合型的卷烟生产,采用车间调度问题的方法,系统分析了卷烟生产中卷包和制丝不同生产环节的特点,得到了它们适用的计划模型以及相适应的算法。根据研究开发的计划排产信息系统,通过在武汉卷烟厂的实际应用表明,该计划排产信息系统具有优化排产、计划冲突避免的优点,取得了较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

文中建立了由一个制造商和一个零售商组成的两阶段双渠道供应链价格和产量决策模型,模型中零售商服务在计划期内具有发生偏差的风险。通常,由零售商服务偏差引起的相对于原定生产计划的改变可能会产生供应链系统偏差成本,进而导致供应链系统利润的变化。文中讨论了在分散决策情形下,当零售商服务存在偏差时,如何调整价格和产量以保证利润的最大化,构建制造商作为领导者,零售商作为跟随者的斯坦伯格博弈模型。研究结果显示最佳生产量在分散决策情况下存在一定的鲁棒性,只有当零售商服务偏差达到某个临界值时,制造商才需要调整生产量策略,否则只需要调整价格策略即可达到利润最大化。  相似文献   

以供应系统的突发事件为研究对象,确定制造商作为供应链中的核心企业,引进紧急系数的概念,实现突发事件下对供应品的分类管理,在此基础上以制造商获得供应商告知实情,防止劣质产品供应以及期望收益的最大化为准则,对供需双方冲突进行博弈分析,从时间、收益等多个维度刻画突发事件可能造成的危害和可挽救度,建立不同等级供应品的供应系统动态应急模型,并分多阶段对突发事件进行动态协调,促进突发事件的快速恢复。最后通过实际案例,分析供应商和制造商的期望收益,给出不同等级供应品的应急预案流程,并对流程优化以及日常运营管理提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

Managing large IT environments is expensive and labour intensive. Maintaining and upgrading with minimal disruption and administrative support has always been a challenging task for system administrators. One challenge faced by IT administrators is arriving at schedules for applying one or more change requests to one of the system components. Most of the time, the impact analysis of the proposed changes is done by humans and is often laborious and error-prone. Although this methodology might be suitable to handle changes that are planned way ahead in time, it is completely inappropriate for changes that need to be done sooner. In addition, such manual handling does not scale well with the size of the IT infrastructure. In this article, the focus is on the problem of scheduling change requests in the presence of organisational policies governing the use of its resources. The authors propose two approaches for change management scheduling and present the implementation details of two prototypes that prove the feasibility of the proposed approaches. Their implementation is integrated with an autonomic manager which they had described in their earlier work.  相似文献   

High multiplicity scheduling problems arise naturally in contemporary production settings where manufacturers combine economies of scale with high product variety. Despite their frequent occurrence in practice, the complexity of high multiplicity problems – as opposed to classical, single multiplicity problems – is in many cases not well understood. In this paper, we discuss various concepts and results that enable a better understanding of the nature and complexity of high multiplicity scheduling problems. The paper extends the framework presented in Brauner et al. [ Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (2005 ) Vol. 9, pp. 313–323] for single machine, non-preemptive high multiplicity scheduling problems, to more general classes of problems.  相似文献   

文章根据一起由开关拒动引起越级跳闸的母线失压事故,分析了调度事故处理的思路、步骤及注意事项。指出调度员要对电网的整个运行状况非常熟悉,同时要掌握一定的继电保护知识作为事故判断和处理的依据,事故处理过程要做到全面、清晰、快速、准确。  相似文献   

Interruptions to the server in an outpatient clinic environment have received limited attention in the appointment scheduling literature. However, explicitly modeling interruptions on the part of the doctor may have an impact on the optimal appointment schedule and consequently, on patient waiting times. This is explored with a simulation optimization model that is based on data from time studies and interviews with medical professionals from multiple outpatient clinics. The results show a “plateau-dome” scheduling rule for practical implementation to be robust for low interruption rates and a traditional dome pattern for higher levels of interruptions. In addition, if clinic operations are such that doctors are able to adjust their behavior to complete all work during the session, then the schedule is invariant to changes in the interruption rate.  相似文献   

Cloud manufacturing (CMfg) has emerged as a new manufacturing paradigm that provides ubiquitous, on-demand manufacturing services to customers through network and CMfg platforms. In CMfg system, task scheduling as an important means of finding suitable services for specific manufacturing tasks plays a key role in enhancing the system performance. Customers’ requirements in CMfg are highly individualized, which leads to diverse manufacturing tasks in terms of execution flows and users’ preferences. We focus on diverse manufacturing tasks and aim to address their scheduling issue in CMfg. First of all, a mathematical model of task scheduling is built based on analysis of the scheduling process in CMfg. To solve this scheduling problem, we propose a scheduling method aiming for diverse tasks, which enables each service demander to obtain desired manufacturing services. The candidate service sets are generated according to subtask directed graphs. An improved genetic algorithm is applied to searching for optimal task scheduling solutions. The effectiveness of the scheduling method proposed is verified by a case study with individualized customers’ requirements. The results indicate that the proposed task scheduling method is able to achieve better performance than some usual algorithms such as simulated annealing and pattern search.  相似文献   

短生命周期产品供应链应急数量柔性契约研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张建业  庄品  李宏娟 《价值工程》2009,28(12):57-59
基于数量柔性契约,从系统优化的角度研究了一个两级供应链系统如何应对突发事件的问题。首先研究了数量柔性契约协调一般情况下的供应链系统;然后研究了突发事件对供应链系统造成的影响。并在协调的基础上改变原有的数量柔性契约的策略,研究了在突发事件情况下,如何制定新的策略,协调此类情况下的供应链系统。  相似文献   

钟金宏  郑贵 《物流科技》2014,(4):6-8,11
新产品开发过程工程管理是企业和研究者关注的热点,其过程中的任务调度和资源优化配置,对于资源的利用率、开发成本和开发周期都有改善作用。通过回顾新产品开发过程中的任务调度、任务分配、试验任务分配等方面的研究进展,发现这方面的研究总体上还比较匮乏,特别是试验任务调度与分配研究。在此基础上分析了其主要考虑的模型要素以及常用的求解方法,为进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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