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Using unique data on employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs), we examine the influence of networks on investment decisions. Comparing employees within a firm during the same election window with metro area fixed effects, we find that the choices of coworkers in the firm's ESPP exert a significant influence on employees’ own decisions to participate and trade. Moreover, we find that the presence of high-information employees magnifies the effects of peer networks. Given participation in an ESPP is value-maximizing, our analysis suggests the potential of networks and targeted investor education to improve financial decision-making.  相似文献   

Life insurance has become an increasingly important part ofthe financial sector over the past 40 years, providing a rangeof financial services for consumers and becoming a major sourceof investment in the capital market. But what drives the largevariation in life insurance consumption across countries remainsunclear. Using a panel with data aggregated at different frequenciesfor 68 economies in 1961–2000, this article finds thateconomic indicators—such as inflation, income per capita,and banking sector development—and religious and institutionalindicators are the most robust predictors of the use of lifeinsurance. Education, life expectancy, the young dependencyratio, and the size of the social security system appear tohave no robust association with life insurance consumption.The results highlight the importance of price stability andbanking sector development in fully realizing the savings andinvestment functions of life insurance in an economy.  相似文献   

投资理念是主导金融机构投资行为的关键,有什么样的投资理念就会有相应的投资策略和投资组合。简单地说,投资理念就是投资的指导思想,是投资者理论与实践的总结。  相似文献   

采用预防性储蓄研究框架,通过建立纳入不确定因素的效用函数模型,分析了寿险产品中年金产品和非年金产品影响消费内需的机制及效果,并对2010年中国各地区及世界主要国家的寿险业发展和消费内需水平进行了横向比较。本文的研究表明,寿险业对于消费内需的作用机制在于:通过"风险汇聚"和"损失分担"的机制,消除居民面临的损失、收入、支出以及寿命的不确定性,使居民对未来形成稳定的预期,从而降低居民的预防性储蓄,增加现期消费。因此,寿险业对于消费内需具有重要的拉动作用。  相似文献   

资金运用风险是寿险公司面临的两大最主要风险之一,加强资金运用风险管理对确保寿险公司持续稳健经营至关重要。风险限额管理作为风险管理的核心内容,是风险管理体系中不可或缺的组成部分。建立一个科学、可操作和有效的风险限额管理体系,为寿险资金运用风险管理提供控制标准,是决定风险管理成效的关键环节。本文借鉴风险限额分配模型,总结寿...  相似文献   

对我国20年来A股滚动5年~15年的年均、月均回报率进行计算后发现其呈现以下特征:一是随着滚动时间的拉长,投资收益率的波动状况越来越平稳;二是当滚动投资期限拉长到15年(180月)以上后,股票投资的收益率在所有滚动年份(月份)均高于同期银行存款利率;三是无论采用何种滚动方式,股票投资平均收益率均远高于同期银行存款利率。结合我国A股历史滚动收益状况和寿险资金的特征,提出了寿险资金的大面积性、长期性、滚动性和周期性等四种投资策略。本文的研究结论对寿险投资、机构投资和政府监管具有重要的启示作用和现实意义。  相似文献   

我国保险业近年来飞速发展,但是保险资金存在着运用比重低、结构不合理等诸多问题.本文分析了我国寿险投资的现状和存在的问题,并同时与国际寿险公司投资的做法进行比较,提出了应该采取的风险管理对策.  相似文献   

Tax Rate Uncertainty, Investment Decisions, and Tax Neutrality   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article deals with the effects of tax rate uncertainty (TRU) on individual investment behavior. We show that under risk neutrality as well as under risk aversion, increased TRU has an ambiguous impact on investment, depending on the investment project's structure of cash flows and depreciation deductions. Although the investment effects are small the popular view that tax policy uncertainty depresses real investment is rejected. Further, tax neutrality in the light of tax policy uncertainty is defined more precisely. Neutrality results for the Johansson-Samuelson tax and the cash flow tax that are known from certainty are confirmed under TRU.  相似文献   

今天,个人寿险产品的购买成为越来越普及的一种消费活动,按着消费者购买行为规范分析的框架,分析发现:个人寿险产品兼有选购品和非渴求商品的特征;其消费者的购买决策行为属于一种“高介入度-理性”的活动;收入、教育水平、年龄、家庭生命周期、职业、产品提供的利益、消费态度和顾客品牌忠诚度等成为影响消费者对其进行购买的主要因素。  相似文献   

Investment Decisions and Managerial Performance Evaluation   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:13  
This paper considers incentive provisions for a manager who makes investment decisions. The manager's performance measure can be based on current accounting information: cash flow, depreciation, book value, and current investment. We argue that Residual Income is the unique (linear) performance measure that achieves goal congruence, i.e., the manager accepts all positive NPV projects, and only those. If the manager has the same discount rate as the owner, the depreciation rules remain indeterminate. However, if the manager's discount rate assumes potentially a whole range of values, then a particular depreciation policy combined with Residual Income is the unique way to achieve goal congruence.  相似文献   

This study examines some of the key factors affecting life insurance consumption in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. It also attempts to gain an understanding of the different characteristics of the market in life insurance in each territory. Income and life insurance consumption are found to be strongly correlated, which is consistent with previous studies. Education is a significant factor. Price is found to be insignificant, largely conflicting with previous studies. Levels of social security are not significantly related. The one-child policy in mainland China has a negative effect on life insurance consumption. Differences in the level of economic development reveal a variation in life insurance consumption. Generally, the more advanced the economy, the greater the life insurance consumption. However, mainland China, which is a low-income country, shows the greatest potential.  相似文献   

保险消费是保险业发展的原始动力。深入了解居民保险消费心理和消费行为是有效开发我国潜在巨大保险需求市场的前提。本文在问卷调查的基础上,采用因子和聚类分析方法,对影响保险消费行为的因素和不同保险消费群体进行分析,得出收入水平是限制保险消费的基础因素,但行业在培育公众风险和保险意识、提供有效供给和优质服务方面仍大有可为。  相似文献   

本文基于pair_Copula_CVaR模型对保险投资组合进行优化.选用977个交易日的上证指数、上证国债指数、上证基金指数和SHIBOR为样本数据,采用GARCH模型对单个资产建模,运用pair_Copula模型估计投资组合的联合分布,并通过Monte Carlo方法得到投资组合未来收益的多个可能情景,求得组合VaR和CVaR,得到使CVaR最小时的投资比例.实证研究表明,为了使风险值最小,保险资金可以将大部分的资金投资到风险较小的银行存款和国债中,适当地投资到风险较大的股票和基金中.通过理论最优比例结合实际情况可动态调整保险投资的结构,有利于保险资产的合理配置和保险资金的高效利用.  相似文献   

基于对国内保险资金投资风险测量的主流方法VaR和CVaR模型的缺陷进行分析后,本文提出将新的风险度量方法CDaR模型引入到国内保险资金的投资风险管理实践,结合我国保险资金投资管理条例中的相关投资风险约束条件和国内金融市场的实际情况,并考虑到保险资金的资产负债匹配管理要求,提出了有投资约束条件下的保险资金风险管理拓展模型.  相似文献   

We propose a new type of investment fund, a Target-Bequest Fund (TBF), for which the manager of the fund invests to maximize the probability of reaching a bequest goal, specified by the investor. We assume the fund pays dividends at a rate proportional to the value of the fund, with the proportion also specified by the investor. In addition to considering this basic fund, we propose two extensions. The first extension is to impose a no-borrowing constraint. Indeed, unless the investment fund is a hedge fund, it will likely not allow the manager to invest more in the risky asset than is available in the fund, so this constraint is a realistic one. The second extension is to allow the fund manager to buy life insurance to help reach the bequest goal. We consider both extensions in the special case for which the proportional dividend rate is less than or equal to the riskless rate of return. Our focus is to obtain explicit solutions in a simplified market and insurance setting to give actuaries implementing this fund design some rules-of-thumb for investing in a financial market and buying life insurance in more realistic settings. We fully expect these rules-of-thumb to be generally valid in those more realistic settings.  相似文献   

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