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西门子是国际领先的机场物流系统供应商,已成功地为全球300多家机场提供了行李处理与货运处理系统。在中国,西门子的业绩同样令人瞩目。  相似文献   

西门子自动化与驱动集团(A&D)是西门子股份公司中最大的集团之一,是西门子工业领域的主要组成部分,拥有54,000多名高水平专业人才,遍布193个国家,2000/2001财政年度销售业绩高达89亿欧元。西门子自动化与驱动集团的产品范围涵盖整个自动化产品领域,业务涉及工业自动化、运动控制系统、标准驱动、大型工业传动、低压开关柜、电气安装工程、过程仪表及分析仪表等许多领域。在西门子集团内部全球范围内,西门子自动化与驱动集团和西门子德马泰克共同为物流自动化领域提供“一揽子”解决方案。 在中国,西门子自动化与驱动集团在全国范  相似文献   

北京夏晖食品有限公司是总部位于美国芝加哥的世界知名物流企业。夏晖公司的主要业务是为高端客户提供高质量的食品物流服务,主要客户是麦当劳。  相似文献   

沈阳飞机工业(集团)有限公司(简称"沈飞"),是中国重要的歼击机研制生产基地,被誉为"中国歼击机的摇篮"。就是这样一家以航空产品制造为核心主业创造了无数荣誉和传奇的企业,孕育了一家如"战斗机"一般有竞争力的物流装备企业——沈阳飞机工业集团物流装备有限公司(简称"沈飞物流")。作为资格  相似文献   

西门子物流与装配系统有限公司(前西门子德马泰克生产与物流自动化系统有限公司)是我们杂志的老朋友了。在《物流技术与应用》的案例介绍中不止一次地出现“通向某某领域世界最佳应用实践的窗口”这样的标题。细心的读者仅仅从“通向……的窗口”的句式中就已经知道这是在讲西门子。如今,这个“窗口”俨然已经成为西门子与中国物流市场的最佳通道。通过这个窗口,西门子展示了它先进的技术和业绩;通过这个窗口,中国的物流企业大开了眼界,也找到了方向。  相似文献   

危险品物流应该怎么运作才能最大限度地保障安全?目前在国内,上海赛科石油化工有限责任公司在危险品物流领域被业界公认为物流体系完善、管理规范、安全性好的典范。上海赛科物流经理胡大铁先生认为,要最大限度地保障危险品物流安全,必须制定严格的高标准。  相似文献   

陈曦 《中国新时代》2012,(12):30-31
中国、美国和法国,这几个大经济体都换届了,不少欧盟国家在去年也换届了。现在各国都清楚地知道自己的问题所在,也相应地会出台一些政策。我认为,难的是如何把这些政策真正落实下去,而且是长期实施下去  相似文献   

宝供物流企业集团有限公司(简称"宝供物流")创建于1994年,总部设在广州,是国内第一家经国家工商总局批准以物流名称注册的企业集团,是我国最早运用现代物流理念和方法为客户提供供应链一体化物流服务的专业公司,也是目前我国最具规模及影响力的第三方物流企业之一.宝供物流最早运作的企业物流项目就是日化行业巨头宝洁的第三方物流项目,至今,联合利华、宝洁、汉高等全球知名日化企业仍是宝供的重要客户,因此,宝供物流拥有丰富的日化物流管理与运作经验.该公司信息系统部总监顾小昱为我们详解了日化品物流的特点以及第三方物流服务发展方向.  相似文献   

胡峰  肖翊  李箭飞 《城市问题》2009,(7):48-51,101
机场工作区是保障机场正常运作的必不可少的功能区域,以广州白云国际机场南工作区为例探讨复合枢纽机场工作区的功能分区、建筑布局、道路交通组织以及景观形象规划,以期为未来其他各地机场工作区规划提供参考。  相似文献   

Output targeting and capacity utilization issues are crucial but troublesome tasks for the new airport projects. This study aims to identify the output targets for the new-built airport in Istanbul to be considered operationally efficient when compared to regional and global counterparts and to investigate the utilization rate of input resources. To do that, a novel two-stage approach was proposed. The first stage involves setting output targets using a modified DEA approach and multi-layered perceptron algorithm. Once the output targets are determined individually by these two methods, slack variable analysis of DEA was applied in the second stage to define the input slacks related to infrastructure. Analysis results revealed the passenger, cargo, and aircraft movement targets for each stage of the project. Input slacks were also identified, and possible avenues for input reduction were explored that would enhance capacity utilization.  相似文献   

The original airport problem is concerned with the cost sharing of an airstrip among airplanes assuming that one airstrip is sufficient to serve all airplanes. In this paper, we generalize the original airport problem by imposing capacity constraints to consider the situation when one airstrip cannot serve all airplanes and investigate how to share the cost among airplanes. We introduce the sequential equal contributions rule for our problem and show that it coincides with the Shapley value of the corresponding airport game when the worth of a coalition is defined to be the minimum cost of serving all members of the coalition. The sequential equal contributions rule requires each airplane to contribute equally to the cost of a given section of any airstrip as long as the length of the section is less than or equal to its desired length even though the airplane cannot use the airstrip. Each airplane’s contribution is the sum of terms, one for each section of the airstrip whose length is less than or equal to its desired length. We also present an axiomatic characterization of the rule by imposing the axioms of efficiency, the equal share lower bound, smaller-cost monotonicity, and population fairness.  相似文献   

3. Conclusion The idea of ecometrics, which it has been the purpose here to begin to explain, has its primary basis in pure science’s sublime insights into nature. That is its main strength at this point. It has to do largely with what happens and has happened, in terms of DNA’s energy transformations and information gathering. But where it applies to problems which call for decision and action, it has also to do with what should happen, in connection with which the timeless aim of pursuit of the sublime offers an important adjunct. In small compass little more can be done than to present the vision of a quantitative discipline which can be used to serve this end; even the main outlines suggested for its development may be subject to much revision. However, the discipline envisaged has great flexibility and scope, and therewith significance and interest. On the practical side, enlightened control of affairs large and small inheres in its embrace of biological and economic knowledge, making it of concern alike to the educated private citizen and to responsible managers of the planet. On the theoretical side, illumination of the mind inheres in such potential understanding of the biosphere, in the perspective of geological time as well as of day to day living, as the idea may suggest. This paper contributed while serving as Fullright Lecturer, Institute for Statistics, University of Vienna, 1967–68.  相似文献   

SIEMENS(西门子)公司的PLC产品很多,且在我国的应用相当广泛,在化工、印刷生产、冶金等领域都有应用。其在炼钢转炉水处理系统中也有应用。文章通过对其硬件及软件方面的介绍阐述了其控制系统的组成和设计思想。  相似文献   

Five aspects of Japanese organisational practice are commonly cited as factors in the Japanese ‘economic miracle’. While these are often used to illustrate the human-centred philosophy of Japanese management, closer scrutiny reveals that these ‘ideal’ working practices are rooted in various culturally-dependent, coercive techniques which may be unsuitable for Britain.  相似文献   

Today's nurse manager is a leader in the 1990s health care delivery system. Collaborating with managers throughout the organization, the nurse manager calls upon skills and advanced education to carry out functions in the areas of clinical systems management, human resource management, environmental management, and financial management. This article describes this health care management role and presents case studies where collaboration with other disciplines was successful.  相似文献   

张秀红 《价值工程》2011,30(17):42-42
SIEMENS数控车床的切削循环指令LCYC95仅适合轴径单调变化的零件,轴径非单调变化的零件不能采用LCYC95编程,需另辟新径。本文结合实际加工经验,举例详细分析了SIEMENS数控车床轴径非单调变化零件加工时编程思路、工艺分析和程序编制。  相似文献   

Free or underpriced curb parking creates a classic commons problem. Studies have found that between 8% and 74% of cars in congested traffic were cruising in search of curb parking, and that the average time to find a curb space ranged between 3 and 14 min. Cities can eliminate the economic incentive to cruise by charging market-clearing prices for curb parking spaces. Market-priced curb parking can yield between 5% and 8% of the total land rent in a city, and in some neighborhoods can yield more revenue than the property tax.  相似文献   

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