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随着中国直销立法进程的日益披露,市场上传来了中国将对外资直销企业首先放行的消息。业界对此的质疑也由此开始。由于我国在执行WTO承诺过程中,部分政策存在着对外资的“超国民待遇”问题,如果一旦对外资直销企业首先放行,这是否会成为又一次超国民待遇呢?  相似文献   

引进外资是我国改革开放政策的一项重要内容,基于开放之初我国资金的极度稀缺,为了实现我国的社会经济政策,多而快地吸引外资,我国对外资实行了多种优惠政策,即对外资实行超国民待遇。超国民待遇涉及我国社会经济生活的方方面面,它起到了相当积极的、不可替代的作用;同时,我国长期执行的外资优惠政策对我国经济发展的诸多全局性不利影响也逐步显现。在中国加入TWO后过渡期的今天,我们有理由、有条件逐步取消超国民待遇,当然,在特定领域仍需保持适度的超国民待遇。  相似文献   

王存 《财贸经济》2004,(5):33-37
外资国民待遇在其涵义、适用领域、适用方式以及实践过程中均表现出相对性.应当正确认识入世后的外资国民待遇问题,入世并不意味着对外资实行全面的国民待遇,也不否定对外资实行优惠待遇.在外资国民待遇实践中应当着重解决国民待遇基准水平模糊、优惠待遇受益对象过于宽泛以及地区性审批制度对国民待遇原则的扭曲等问题.  相似文献   

刘红梅 《商业时代》2011,(15):33-34
中国在引进外资的过程中,存在"超国民待遇"、利用效率低下、监管制度不完善等问题。美国建立了专门的法律体系和监管体系,在保障国家安全的同时促进外资流入。美国外资开放战略对我国的重要启示在于提高与外资相关的国家安全意识,以及完善与外资有关的法律体系和监管机制。  相似文献   

我国在引进FDI中,存在着对外资各种形式的“超国民待遇”,存在着各地方政府由于竞相竞争引致的恶性博弈(不合作博弈),存在着征税体制上给外商运用“转移定价”大幅度逃税的巨大漏洞,在外资总量发展、GDP持续增长和产业结构进步的同时,我国所获的静态比较利益和动态比较利益都十分有限。因此,我国利用外资的质量和效率亟待进一步提高。  相似文献   

我国现行有关法律、法规同国民待遇原则严重背离 ,“超国民待遇”与“次国民待遇”并存 ,内、外资待遇存在较大差异 ,与WTO规则不相协调。文中从经济和法律两个层面剖析了“内外有别”的根源 ,并从统一内外资立法、制定统一的外资法、在《外商投资法》中贯彻国民待遇原则三个方面探讨了加入WTO后实行国民待遇的途径 ,以期确立真正的国民待遇原则 ,与WTO规则接轨。  相似文献   

随着2010年12月的到来,外资在华原先享有的准入、税收等"超国民待遇"被取消,进入后超国民待遇时代.站在新时代的门槛上,外资倘能调整心态,与时俱进,面向未来,仍可大有作为.  相似文献   

在引进外资中向外商投资企业提供国民待遇是一种国际惯例。我国实行改革开放以来,为积极引进外资和国外先进技术,同时尽量减少外资对民族工业的冲击,对外商投资企业实行超国民待遇与非国民待遇并存的外资政策。随着国内外经济环境的变化,这种偏离国民待遇原则的做法逐渐暴露出许多问题,给我国经济发展及进一步扩大开放带来障碍。因此,遵守国际规则与惯例,逐步给予外商投资企业国民待遇,成为我国对外开放、利用外资工作中急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

向超国民待遇说"不"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
所谓超国民待遇即指赋予外国人超过本国国民的待遇。改革开放以来,外商投资企业超国民待遇在我国大量存在,迄今仍然层出不止。对外商投资企业是否继续给予超国民待遇的争论已持续几年,特别是在我国加入世贸组织以来,争论更为激烈。逐步对外商投资企业实行国民待遇应是中国外资政策调整的主要方向,但还没有时间表。外商投资超国民待遇问题,十届全国人大第二次会议又被代表提出,现  相似文献   

张秀华  陈恒 《商业研究》2006,(8):184-185,205
WTO国民待遇原则要求一成员在对待其他成员的产品、服务或服务提供者、知识产权所有者或持有者的待遇不低于本国同类产品、服务或服务提供者、知识产权所有者或持有者的待遇。我国现行的现行三部外资法有关外商投资企业的“超国民待遇”和“次国民待遇”的规定与WTO的国民待遇原则不一致。为进一步调整和完善现行三部外资法应制定相关措施。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of policy uncertainty on FDI among 126 countries from 1996 to 2015. Using the timing of national elections as a proxy for policy uncertainty, we find that FDI drops significantly in election years, when policy uncertainty increases. The negative effect of policy uncertainty on FDI also depends on the degree of democratization and the political system. In democracies and countries with the Assembly elected president, the decline of FDI in election years is far more pronounced. Our results highlight the role of policy environment and institution in economic development.  相似文献   

基于东道国引资政策对跨国企业行为的影响,研究建立一个由跨国企业与东道国企业构成的寡头垄断竞争模型,分析跨国企业的选择行为及东道国的最佳优惠政策,结论表明东道国最佳优惠政策与跨国企业直接投资的固定成本密切相关。因此,东道国制定引资政策时应以本国国民福利为首要目标,针对不同类型的FDI给予不同的优惠政策。  相似文献   

This article develops a comparative institutionalist framework to investigate how pro-enforcement reforms leading to a change in competition policy regimes attracts FDI in host countries, and how this relationship is moderated by the interplay between key formal and informal institutions. We revisit the FDI theory by integrating insights from economics of competition policy and the most recent debate on how institutions matter to international business. We contend that the effectiveness of competition policy enforcement is a crucial factor in attracting FDI, but only in host countries characterized by institutional configurations where the lack of trust is concomitant with a high-quality regulatory institutional environment. Our analysis on a sample of 63 countries followed in the 1980–2017 period supports our hypotheses. This paper contributes to a deeper understanding on the competition policy–FDI relationship at national level and has implications for policy makers.  相似文献   

我国对外直接投资决定因素的实证研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张新乐  王文明  王聪 《国际贸易问题》2007,293(5):91-95,102
本文利用近两年的数据对我国对外直接投资的决定因素进行了计量分析并与已有的研究成果进行比较。结果显示,我国的对外直接投资对东道国国内生产总值、出口、汇率、东道国人均国民收入等决定因素的反应与已有文献的研究结果有所不同,且大都不符合理论假设,这说明我国对外直接投资有一定进步,但还很不成熟。在分析了产生这种结果的可能原因后,提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

Since 1978, when China announced its ‘open-door’ policy to pursue the country's long-term national goal, the Four Modernisations, more than 220,000 foreign funded ventures have been approved. By the end of 1994 some US$300 billion of contracted investment had been agreed and US$95 billion of utilized investment, making the country the most important recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the developing world. This paper analyses the phenomenon of FDI in China. It examines the different forms and composition of FDI, reviewing its development since the early days of the ‘open-door’ policy and analysing its importance for Chinese domestic and export industries, as well as Western investor companies. Furthermore, the paper focuses on the world-wide sources of FDI in China and its distribution by both region and industry. Additionally, it reviews the existing research on FDI in China, emphasizing the investment mode of equity joint venture.  相似文献   

运用含有噪声的甄别博弈模型,分析得出东道国在引资过程中需要结合自身情况和其他引资国的政策制定符合本国福利增进的引资分割点,且东道国引资优惠额度越大反而越有可能损害本国福利。在此基础上结合我国1997-2009年引进FDI数据进行实证分析得出:(1)整体FDI对我国福利效应的增加带来了积极作用,但FDI对收入福利指数的贡献较小,对生产福利指数贡献较大;(2)自2005年开始,制造行业FDI对我国福利增加的贡献率趋于减小且有恶化趋势;而处于农、林、牧、渔业和信息传输、计算机服务和软件行业的FDI对我国福利的贡献率却逐渐增加;(3)处于后危机时代的FDI在引资政策上更应该重视产业导向以提升FDI的正向福利效应。  相似文献   

The proliferation of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) has resulted in an unstable political, legal, and regulatory environment for this form of foreign direct investment (FDI). This article explains SWF growth over the last half‐century; discusses issues surrounding SWF “transparency” and host‐country national security risk; reviews the legal and regulatory structures governing FDI in major national economies; examines proposed regulatory approaches to structure the FDI environment; and concludes with a discussion of SWF regulatory policy recommendations addressing corporate governance principles, national security restrictions on equity investment, and investment reciprocity, and suggests recommendations for executives considering engaging an SWF investment partner. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on local urban inequality in China. Specifically, we consider the FDI policy change as an exogenous shock on the local labour markets. We find that cities that have experienced a bigger policy change in promoting FDI between 1997 and 2002 are significantly more unequal in 2005. This pattern is mainly driven by the positive association between FDI liberalisation and skill premia. The result holds after we control for other policy changes, such as privatisation of state-owned enterprises, infrastructure and trade liberalisation. We then turn to investigate the mechanisms using firm and individual-level information. Our firm-level evidence shows that FDI firms not only hire relatively more high-skilled workers but also provide relatively higher wages to high-skilled workers compared to domestic firms. Moreover, the individual-level analysis shows that FDI has a significantly positive spillover effect on wages received by skilled workers employed by state-owned enterprises, but not wages of unskilled workers.  相似文献   

Government policy‐makers in many countries compete to attract FDI because they believe that FDI will generate knowledge spillovers in the local economy. However, there is surprising little empirical evidence in favour of substantial spillovers. This raises the question of what benefits can be appropriated by host countries when spillovers are small. This paper analyses the issue using a simple model of the global strategy of a profit‐maximising MNE. It is based on a partial equilibrium model of the firm; although less sophisticated than the general equilibrium approach, it provides a sharper focus on fundamental policy issues. It shows that the principal social benefit conferred by an MNE is measured by the profit its subsidiary generates. This reflects the fact that, according to standard theory, the MNE is an institutional arrangement for appropriating rents from innovation. Other rents may also accrue to local factors of production. The model is used to appraise a range of alternative policy instruments for maximising national benefit from FDI.  相似文献   

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