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文章调查海口市老年人社区照护需求情况及海口市老年人对社区照护服务的认识情况,有针对性的、精确的提供照护服务,提高老年人生活满意度及生活质量。采用自行设计调查问卷,选择海口市四个区每个区100位60岁以上的老年人进行调查,并进行统计分析。对海口市老年人的健康需求进行调查,为后续工作提供支持。调研发现:有23.9%的老人所居住的小区并没有社区服务,而76.1%的老人所居住的小区有社区服务,并且58.3%对其服务感到满意,41.0%的对其服务感觉一般,还有0.7%的老人对其服务并不满意并希望得到改善。本次调查显示老年人主要的照护需求是:定期体检、血压监测、安全用药指导、健康指导、饮食指导。建议积极开展慢性病宣讲;加强慢性病管理和社区照护服务;培养高质量的老年照护人才;设立长期护理保险基金,纳入各类医疗保险基金管理。  相似文献   

第6次人口普查结果显示,我国已进入老龄化社会,养老问题急需解决,为此要构建以下和谐通道:建立较完善的养老保障体系,增加财政公共投入及完善政府服务制度的政府通道;提升尊老爱老的社会氛围,构建人人赡养老人的社会通道;完善社区服务措施,提高社区服务水平,建设便利养老的社区通道;提高家庭收入,改善家庭养老模式,建立老人归宿感的家庭通道.  相似文献   

城市社区服务建设对提高居民生活质量,维护社会和谐稳定具有重要意义。随着居民生活方式的改变,我国城市社区居民的需求呈现出新的特点。文章详细分析了社区服务内容、设施、人员的需求,找出了社区服务中急需解决的问题,并从服务意识、资金筹集、人员培养和服务技术创新四个方面提出了完善措施。  相似文献   

左冠涛  曹唤唤  王艳涛 《商》2013,(8):158-158
作为政府职能部门的一个细胞,社区越来越受到人们的注意;作为现代化信息管理的有机组成部分,社区服务系统相关的需求变得越来越迫切。随着信息化应用水平的不断提高,地理信息技术也开始受到各个业务部门的重视。将社区服务与地理信息技术紧密结合在起来,大力开展社区服务与查询系统的建设,是今后社区服务信息化的一个重要方向。  相似文献   

回顾了幸福的定义,描述了目前对于老年人口幸福问题的研究现状和进展,分析了宏观和微观的指标体系,并用江苏省实地调查资料作了深入研究.大多数老人认为"健康是福、足食为福".江苏老人对物质生活满意度要高于精神生活和文化生活.农村老人和城市孤寡老人目前物质生活仍很艰苦,对未来物质生活保障感到担心和忧虑.子女孝顺、经常问候、社区服务质量好、个人经济收入高、老人文化素质高、生理心理健康者,老人幸福程度高;反之则比较低.  相似文献   

以苏州市的调研数据为依托,运用需求供给差法、量表赋值法和改进的住房负担能力模型,对居家养老社区服务的内容可及性、地理和时间可及性、经济可及性进行实证研究,以了解苏州市居家养老社区服务可及性的现状.结果表明:居家养老社区服务内容可及性较高,但服务设施可及性优于服务项目可及性,而且内容可及性有时会呈现出“低需求,低供给,高可及性”的“虚高”现象;地理和时间可及性较高,但是城市社区优于农村社区;经济可及性较差,不同收入老年人的服务项目可负担度不同.针对苏州市居家养老社区服务可及性存在的问题,提出了对策建议.  相似文献   

政府购买社区服务是社会主义市场经济体制的客观要求和转型期社区服务社会化的既定方向.在社区社会化建设中,居家养老模式的创新就体现了这一方向.政府通过购买社区服务,从而实现社区服务的社会化改革,不仅提高基层政府的社区公共服务的责任,还推动社区公共服务的需求,并探索社区民间组织提供社区公共服务的运作模式,同时加强社区专业服务人员的供给,最终实现社区政治、经济与社会效益的"三赢".  相似文献   

罗朋 《消费导刊》2013,(2):115-115
鉴于我国社区护理的实际情况,只有把具有我国特色的中医护理方法融入到社区服务中,才能更好地服务民众,满足人民的不同需求,将社区服务得到更大程度的推广。才能将中医护理的简、捷、效的特点以及中医护理在医疗、康复、预防保健和养生等方面的优势运用到社区卫生服务中,促进中医护理和社区服务的完美融合,服务更多的民众。  相似文献   

通过总结空巢老人的健康问题及老人对健康问题的护理需求,分析影响老年人健康护理需求的原因,为探索适合空巢老人的家庭——社区护理模式提供依据,共同解决空巢老人面临的严峻问题,从而全面提高其生活质量,同时营造"健康和谐老龄"社会。解决空巢老人的健康护理需求,是我国应对老龄化的必要措施。  相似文献   

高龄空巢老人相对于其他老人有着心理需求和物质需求的双重需求特点,需要专业的护理人员和护理机构长期的稳定照料以及完善的基础设施。但目前我国缺乏专业的护理机构、法律和资金的保障,基础生活设施不完善。为满足高龄空巢老人的需求,我国应提高养老机构的专业化水平,建立稳定的长期照料模式,完善老年人基础生活设施以及有关空巢老人的法律和政策,社区为空巢老人的活动提供支持。  相似文献   

This article is based upon surveys on services and their development carried out by 15 European research centres, within the context of the FASTprogramme of the European Communities' Committee. After an analysis of why the question of services is the object of growing attention on the part of governments, some of the aspects analysed by FAST, such as the new technology/service interaction and the change in the productive system are considered, and the implications of these evolutions for the community policies are discussed.  相似文献   

The decision to provide services of general interest by public or private enterprises has to be based on the following key issue: should one refer to these services as public goods? This question cannot be answered generally but has to be addressed on a case-tocase basis. Although there are some tendencies for remunicipalisation, especially in the energy sector, empirical studies show a lack of evidence about actual remunicipalisation of public service provisions and its impacts. To explain why local governments in Germany are presently thinking about remunicipalising some services there are changing factors to be identified. However, a closer look at the changing determinants makes clear that there are other options apart from remunicipalisation. Local politicians may have many reasons for providing services by public entities. The most relevant reason is nevertheless the option to organise and govern these services which are relevant for the local community.  相似文献   

This paper examines the common practice of relating the spending of local government on tourist-related services to tourist-generated income, either income accruing to the local government itself or to the local community as a whole. It is suggested that such practices are unsoundly based and serve to give a distorted view of the significance of tourism.  相似文献   

In 1996, the US Congress passed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, changing the culture of welfare from a system of dependency to one of personal responsibility and economic self‐sufficiency through workplace participation. Through the expert views of case managers and area employers of Wisconsin, this research sought to identify the problems and barriers to self‐sufficiency among former welfare recipients and other low‐income workers and the effectiveness of services and programs available to address these barriers. The study found situational barriers, education and learning experience barriers, personal issues and disabilities to impede the development of low‐income workers. The services found to promote the development of economic self‐sufficiency among former welfare recipients were support services, educational and learning programs, employer intervention services and counseling services. The findings suggest that these services could be expanded and made more effective through the collaborative efforts of welfare reform agencies, employers, educational institutions and community‐based organizations.  相似文献   

The sharing economy has shifted the way in which goods and services are consumed - from exclusive ownership toward collective usage with economic benefits. Current literature addresses consumer motives to participate in commercial sharing of goods and services with a physical manifestation. In contrast, this study shows the relevance of intangibility for sharing services and empirically examines consumers' motives, perceptions, and experiences in the context of a new insurance model. A qualitative investigation reveals three main characteristics of intangible service sharing: financial benefits as a main motivator for participation, emerging weak social and symbolic values in a controlled environment, and a network of strangers as a crucial precondition for sharing. The work contributes to research on the sharing economy as well as to managerial considerations for the design of sharing services. In particular, managers need to balance between community development and the preservation of anonymity when promoting sharing services based on intangible elements.  相似文献   

高鹏龙 《商》2014,(36):74-75
目的了解南宁市流动妇女的卫生服务需要、需求和利用现状。方法采用整群随机抽样的方法,随机抽取南宁市青秀区5个社区,每个社区调查200户共1000例流动妇女,采用问卷调查方法进行入户调查。结果调查的社区流动妇女有48.63%没有做过妇女病普查,181人自报在两周内患有各类疾病,共计201人次,两周患病率为201.9‰;136人自报半年内患有各类慢性病,共计209人次,慢性病患病率为20.9%。54.01%的妇女有病愿意去医院看病,72.7%的妇女就诊时首选社区卫生院,181名两周患病者就诊307人次,两周就诊率为30.7%;46.80%的妇女认为诊治费会对他们的生活有影响,有86.70%的妇女愿意了解和获取卫生科普知识。结论流动人口收入低,负担重,选择医疗服务最重视价格因素,服务便捷性,要优化社区卫生服务,改革社区卫生服务的收费制度,减轻流动人口的就医负担,同时加强对流动人口的健康教育,转变其传统的健康观,提高流动人口妇幼保健服务利用。  相似文献   

对我国老年人社区服务供给的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论老年服务机构的供给现状、发展趋势以及职能定位等问题。老年社区服务机构的民营化应成为发展的重点 ,国家兴办的服务机构应把具有较大吸引力的项目做得更好 ,同时逐步退出 ,转为民营 ,在老年服务市场中引入竞争机制。社区老年服务机构的重要职能之一在于提供老年人参与文娱活动的机会以及基于老龄保健的各种形式的护理服务及咨询。建议建立健全老年人电子档案以密切社区与其他社会资源的相互配合 ,加强服务跟踪 ,提高服务效率 ,共同提高老年人的生活质量。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(6):807-817
The business models of digital maker-entrepreneurs in open design are inextricably linked to the broader open design community. Digital makers share designs on online platforms such as Thingiverse and use digital manufacturing technology such as 3-D printing as a generative mechanism for their entrepreneurial activities. There is a general understanding of how sharing works in that community and the basic design parameters that determine the business models of these digital maker-entrepreneurs, which are based on a portfolio of activities. This study is based on in-depth interviews with 11 digital maker-entrepreneurs from the open design community. We investigate the activities that constitute their business models using activity theory as a lens with which better to understand them. This study provides a perspective on the complexity of the relationships in which these activities are embedded and analyzes the activities related to the production, distribution, and consumption of value. Finally, we examine the exchanges between digital maker-entrepreneurs in the community, shedding light on how digital maker-entrepreneurs share and exchange goods, services, and knowledge as peers.  相似文献   

Access to high quality health care services plays an important part in the health of rural communities and individuals. This fact is reflected in efforts by governments to improve the quality of such services through better targeting of funds and more efficient management of services. In Australia, the difficulties experienced by rural communities in attracting and retaining doctors has long been recognized as a contributing factor to the relatively higher levels of morbidity and mortality in rural areas. However, this paper, based on a study of two small rural communities in Australia, suggests that resolving the health problems of rural communities will require more than simply increasing the quality and accessibility of health services. Health and well‐being in such communities relates as much to the sense of community cohesion as it does to the direct provision of medical services. Over recent years, that cohesion has diminished, undermined in part by government policies that have fuelled an exodus from small rural communities to urban areas. Until governments begin to take an ‘upside‐down’ perspective, focusing on building healthy communities rather than simply on building hospitals to make communities healthy, the disadvantages faced by rural people will continue to be exacerbated.  相似文献   

信息服务社会化是时代的变化与发展对图书馆提出的新要求。在论述高校图书馆信息服务社会化意义的基础上,对其必然性、可行性和基本原则作了分析。  相似文献   

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