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韩留富 《乡镇经济》2009,25(12):34-36
近年来,农民工资性收入已成为农民收入的主要来源。但目前在国家就业体系、劳动者权益保护、就业服务和法规救助等方面存在着许多歧视性政策,阻碍着农村劳动力平等就业,影响了农民收入持续增长和农村消费需求的扩大。  相似文献   

A Counterfactual Analysis on Unlimited Surplus Labor in Rural China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using a counterfactual analysis approach, the present paper examines a host of conventional wisdoms relating to issues of farmer, the countryside and agriculture, which are believed to be all originated from the existence of mass surplus laborers in China. When analyzing various sources of statistics, evidence shows that there is no longer a large pool of surplus laborers in rural China as most people believe. Based on this counterfactual result, all related events, such as the direction of agricultural technological changes, the level of comparative productivity of agricultural labor, and the degree of rural-urban income gap must be reconsidered.  相似文献   

主要从规模、结构和就业分布方面考察了福建农村劳动力的现状,并且根据相关理论和数据对福建省的富余劳动力进行测算,测算结果为福建有农村富余劳动力303.2万人,最后提出了一些对策建议。  相似文献   

农村劳动力回流趋势增强,不可避免对农地流转产生影响。文章在理论层面深入剖析了回流劳动力的就业选择与农地转出关系,并采用上海财经大学"千村调查"的数据资料,实证检验了农村劳动力回流特征变化和回流劳动力就业选择对农地转出的影响。研究发现,受非农就业不稳定的推力作用和与家人团聚的拉力作用,越来越多的外出劳动力选择回流,西部外出劳动力回流率最高,达到47.2%。回流劳动力的农地转出率普遍高于非回流劳动力的农地转出率,回流劳动力从事非农生产的就业选择对农地转出存在促进效应,而兼业和务农的选择对农地转出存在抑制效应,这意味着回流农村劳动力并非一定会选择农业生产,也可能选择在更小的地理半径内从事非农就业,并且长期外出从事技术工的经历进一步增强了劳动力回流对农地转出的抑制效应。虽然回流劳动力更倾向非农就业,但回流劳动力规模的扩大,使得兼业和纯务农的比例增加,对农地转出的抑制效应呈增强趋势。研究还发现,个人特征、家庭因素、社会网络也是影响劳动力就业选择和农地转出的重要因素,基层政府和地方政府在推动非农就业的政策合力上存在部分抵消,对农地转出产生了抑制作用。文章为农地流转进程缓慢提供了新的解释,推进农地流转需要关注农村劳动力流动特征新变化,同时兼顾各层级政策目标的衔接性。  相似文献   

新疆城乡劳动力流转市场培育障碍与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
促进农村劳动力向非农领域转移,关键是建立和优化劳动力流转的市场平台。要使劳动力与就业岗位的匹配得以比较顺利的进行,就必须坚持公平、公正原则,制定城乡统一的劳动、就业制度。  相似文献   

Self-employment is an essential form of non-agricultural employment, and its nature has been rarely identified in recent studies. From the perspectives of the human capital, social capital, and family assets of rural laborers, this study focuses on determining self-employment by using the nationally representative data on the rural labor force in China. Through the static comparative analysis between three groups of laborers in self-employment, wage employment, farming, and the dynamic comparative analysis of laborers entering into and exiting from self-employment, the study shows that self-employment of rural laborers in China is almost opportunity-driven or moving toward opportunistic self-employment. Human capital, social capital, and family assets promote rural laborers shifting from wage employment to self-employment and stimulate the establishment of high-value enterprises. The study suggests that local governments should increase the investments in rural education and vocational skills training and strengthen the availability of rural credit to lay a good foundation for self-employment activities in rural areas.  相似文献   

陈闻君 《改革与战略》2009,25(6):100-103
农村剩余劳动力转移基于就业机会带来的收入增长,但目前面临的困境制约着转移大军就业机会的获得。农村剩余劳动力和就业机会之间的均衡应是工业化与第三产业的发展,包括大力建设新农村,发展农村现代化,而不是一味地向城市转移或者表面城镇化。当务之急是发展农村教育,提高农民素质,提高人力资本含量,增强就业机会的主动创造能力,实现农民从贫困落后向现代生活方式与观念转变的文明转型。  相似文献   

劳动力就业体制、机制创新研究——以江西为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄小勇  陈学云 《特区经济》2008,(12):181-182
本文分析了江西省劳动力就业体制、机制方面的问题,并在统筹城乡劳动力就业、用人机制、社会保障机制和培训机制方面提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

中国农业劳动力断层浅论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村大量优秀人才特别是农业青壮年劳动力的流失、抛荒、弃耕在一定程度上影响到农业生产,致使农业劳动力可能出现断层现象。文章在分析农业劳动力断层这种现象的基础上,提出了提高农业生产效率、增加农村教育投入、加强农村剩余劳动力合理有序流动等建议,以期使我国农业走上  相似文献   

The migration of rural laborers into cities for employment has been one of the main driving forces of China's economic growth over the past three decades. Based on a dataset collected by the Ministry of Agriculture of China from 2003 to 2007, this paper examines the impact of health on the earnings of migrant workers engaging in physically‐intensive work requiring good health. Our findings indicate that a poor health status not only weakens the incentive of rural laborers to participate in the migrant labor force but also significantly reduces their earnings. A migrant worker in poor health only earns 67 percent of what a healthy worker makes. Among all the human capital characteristics and family economic factors, health status is the most influential on earnings for less educated workers. Labor productivity has a greater impact on earnings than the annual number of days that a person works. Ongoing health‐care reforms aimed at the improvement of the health‐care services available to rural laborers are urged to help reduce poverty in rural China.  相似文献   

李蓬 《乡镇经济》2008,24(11):8-12
农村劳动力转移是新农村建设背景下一项复杂的系统工程,需要精心计划,合理采取措施,才能加快农村劳动力转移速度,加快农村城镇化进程。应立足城乡统筹发展的思想,从建立公平自由的劳动就业制度、有利于人口流动的户籍制度、有利于土地流转的土地制度和城乡衔接的福利保障制度四个方面入手,为促进农村劳动力的顺畅转移提供良好的路径支持。  相似文献   

从制度制约看农村剩余劳动力转移模式的变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐旭晖 《乡镇经济》2008,24(12):93-97
改革开放以来,农村大量剩余劳动力向城市转移。文章回顾劳动力转移的进程,分析户籍制度、土地制度、保障制度和就业制度对劳动力转移的制约,提出在制度制约和制度创新下,农村剩余劳动力转移的模式选择及其实现途径。  相似文献   

农村剩余劳动力转移的制度性阻滞因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章指出,缺乏完善的土地流转制度和统一的土地流转市场,没有完善的农村社保制度,使农民很难下决心彻底放弃对土地的依附。农民工整体受教育程度低和缺乏职业技术使劳动力市场呈现结构性失业。文章认为,改革的深入使户籍制度、土地制度和社会保障制度对农村剩余劳动力转移的阻滞影响逐渐减弱。改革教育制度和健全劳动力市场制度是保证农村剩余劳动力顺利转移的长期策略。  相似文献   

我国低收入灵活就业弱势群体劳动权益保障研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵爽 《改革与战略》2008,24(12):8-11
低收入灵活就业弱势群体的劳动利益诉求存在着极大的共性,片面强调其中的农民工或下岗再就业职工的劳动权益的保护,既是对灵活就业弱势群体中其他劳动者的歧视和伤害,也会对维权资源整合造成不良影响。低收入灵活就业弱势群体劳动权益保障缺乏的成因虽然多样,工会维权以保障其劳动权益的充分实现是弱势劳动者最可倚重的方式之一。文章在对上述问题进行剖析的基础上。从促进改革成果公平分享的视角对这一特殊群体劳动利益诉求及其实现途径进行了有益的审思。  相似文献   

农村富余劳动力的转移是破解"三农"问题、实现城乡统筹发展的有效途径。对重庆的调研表明,长期以来形成的城乡分割的二元结构、农村劳动力就业素质偏低和现行的土地营理政策等是制约农村富余劳动力有序转移的重要因素。加快农村富余劳动力有序转移,促进城乡统筹发展,应采取完善农民工外出就业制度、加强农村劳动力转移就业职业技能培训、健全土地管理政策和现行土地流转制度、加大农村基础设施投入、促进县域经济和小城镇发展以及完善政府行政管理体制等方面的保障措施。  相似文献   

文章针对綦江县域的实际情况,提出提高农村剩余劳动力质量,依托资源优势尽最大可能拓展新的就业渠道、加强政府在农村剩余劳动力转移过程中的指导等对策,以有效解决綦江县农村剩余劳动力的转移问题,推进新农村建设步伐。  相似文献   

有效利用农村劳力资源的策略分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文从改变农村的劳力从业结构和提高农业纯收入劳动生产率两个方面探讨有效利用农村劳力资源的问题。首先建立了农村纯收入劳动生产率关于与农村劳力从业结构和农村各业纯收入劳动生产率的模型。然后分别探讨了基于农业纯收入劳动生产率的最大化与农村劳力从业结构的最优选择和如何提高农村各业纯收入劳动生产率的相关策略。  相似文献   

This paper ?rst examines the sources of growth in the Singapore economy by decomposing real per capita gross domestic product (GDP) growth into two components. It is found that, for the period 1974–1999, labor productivity was a signi?cant source of economic growth in Singapore. Conversely, the contribution of the rate of change in employment ratio was only of secondary importance. On further decomposition, the rate of change in employment ratio was due mainly to rate of change in population age‐structure ratio and rate of change in labor‐force participation rate. Growth patterns of the labor force were examined after it has been segregated according to gender, citizenship and age group independently. Labor productivity growth was highest in the transport, storage and communication sector, while labor productivity growth was lowest in the ?nancial, insurance, real estate and business services sector.  相似文献   

舒燕  黎东生 《改革与战略》2008,24(10):134-136
农村劳动力转移是我国实现工业化的一个重大课题,也是解决“三农”问题的根本途径。文章针对我国农村劳动力转移的现状和问题进行了分析,并结合增长极理论具体分析农村劳动力转移途径存在的问题,提出建设小城镇、发展乡镇企业、培育劳务品牌的理念,顺畅农民工进城务工途径。  相似文献   

以2009年暑期在福州市部分企业的调查数据为依据,运用logistic回归模型,对影响农村劳动力进城就业的因素进行了实证。分析结果表明,个人特征中的文化程度对农村劳动力进城就业选择老乡或亲友介绍这一途径具有显著的影响。文章对降低农村劳动力进城就业对老乡或亲友的依赖性,转而参加政府统一有序组织的进城就业,以提高在城市就业的稳定性及合法权益的保障性,提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

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