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国际海事组织(IMO)通过的防止船舶造成污染公约.对减少船舶污染物和温室气体排放取得了共识.同时从船型设计、动力装置、推进技术等方面提出了相应技术.以降低船舶的二氧化碳排放。接连出台的国际海事规范.推进了环保型船舶由浅入深的发展。  相似文献   

2012年10月,国际海事组织(IMO)海洋环境保护委员会第64次会议(MEPC64)召开以来,国际社会在相关问题上的研究不断深化,其动向尤其值得关注。研讨完善船舶能效规范 在IMO第62次海洋环境委员会上,新的船舶能效规范得到审议和通过,其中针对三大板块中的技术内容进行了明确规定,新船能效设计指数(EEDI)的相关要求将于2013年生效,  相似文献   

近年来,随着人们对海事及船舶安全性、环保性重视程度的日益提升.世界海事规则和标准的制定修订十分频繁,标准日益严格。从国际海事组织(IMO)提出目标型标准体系(GBS)到IACS共同规范(CSR)的实施以及压载舱新涂层标准(PSPC)的出台,可以说,当前新规范层出不穷,这些新规则的相继出现将对造船业产生较大影响。  相似文献   

近年来.由于国际社会对船舶安全与环保的要求不断提高。国际海事组织(IMO)、国际船级社协会(IACS)等机构制定和实施了一系列标准、规范和规则,对我国船舶工业生产经营产生重要影响,带来了严峻挑战,同时也为我国船舶工业赶超世界先进水平创造了机遇,我们应该积极应对。  相似文献   

最近,IMO(国际海事组织)的MSC(海上安全委员会)已通过了一项新的国际标准和建议实施规则.这就是对船舶事故或船舶事件进行安全调查的“事故调查规则”。  相似文献   

船舶禁用石棉进入倒计时 国际海事组织(IMO)通过的MSC.282(86)号决议就石棉在船上的使用作了进一步修订,要求自2011年1月1日起,所有船舶应禁止新装含有石棉的材料。  相似文献   

为适应国际和国内绿色航运的发展趋势,作为中国航运、造船业的重要技术支撑力量,中国船级社fCCS)自“十一五”启动“绿色船舶计划”(G-VCBP)以来,相继推出了全球首部《绿色船舶规范》、《船舶能效设计指数(EEDI)验证指南》、《船舶能效管理认证规范》、《内河绿色船舶规范》、《内河船舶能效设计指数(EEDI)评估指南》等技术文件,研究开发了“营运船舶能效管理和运行系统”和“船舶能耗分布计算分析软件”等应用软件,  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,在欧洲主要航运国家和日本政府的极力推动下,国际海事组织(IMO)和国际船级社协会(IACS)出台了一系列旨在提高船舶结构安全和环保性能的国际新公约。特别是在过去5年里,频频出台了对海事界发展有重大影响的多个公约。面对频频出台的新公约,我国造船业积极应对,取得了不俗的成绩。例如,在共同结构规范(CSR)实施中.  相似文献   

由于IMO最新推出了更为严格的环境规则,愈加迫使船东和船舶经营者在特定的排放控制区(ECA)采用超低硫燃料来运行二缸发动机。而美国加州大气对策委员会(CARB)已从2009年年中起对在美国加利福尼亚海域航行的船舶实施“采用柴油(MDO)或汽油(MGO)燃料的规定”;  相似文献   

近年来,国际海事规范不断提升.新技术标准层出不穷.已对传统的航运业和造船业造成较大影响。7月11~15日,国际海事组织(IMO)在英国伦敦总部召开了海上环境保护委员会(MEPC)第62届会议.通过了包括EEDI在内的《国际防止船舶造成环境污染公约》附则六有关船舶能效规则的修正案。为使读者对海事新标准有关内容、出台背景、发展趋势有一定了解,记者日前采访了有关业内人士.请他们对此进行深度解读.  相似文献   

入世后我国环境法制建设思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张颖 《国际经贸探索》2004,20(1):41-43,82
发达国家打着保护环境的名义开始了新的“贸易壁垒”,WTO的规则允许各国可以为保护本国环境采取必要的措施,但要求不能造成新的贸易壁垒,如果违反有关限制性的措施,就是“环境贸易壁垒”。面对新的贸易体制,我国的环境法制建设应积极应对。  相似文献   

As part of the Single Market initiative the European Commission has put in place rules to encourage greater transparency about public contracting in the EU member states. Although the new rules are well intentioned, this article argues that the rules, which came into force after 1992, may be based on a false logic concerning the benefits to consumers of neo-liberal market principles. In essence it is argued that the new rules will not have the impact on cross-border contract awards that the framers of the public procurement Directives intended. This argument is supported by an analysis of EU contract awards in 1993.  相似文献   

We propose a new portfolio rule for portfolio selection problems in the presence of transaction costs. The new portfolio rule is formed by combining an extant portfolio rule with the no‐rebalancing portfolio rule, which specifies the current portfolio weights before rebalancing as the desired portfolio weights. The new portfolio rule can be applied into most extant portfolio rules. Simulation and out‐of‐sample evidence show that the new portfolio rule can greatly improve portfolio performance, in comparison with the extant portfolio rules to be combined.  相似文献   

以TPP为代表的国际经贸新规则一方面在投资、金融、服务贸易领域强调放松管制,另一方面则加强对劳工标准、环境、公平竞争的有效监管。上海自贸区的法治建设体现了主动与国际经贸新规则对接的特点。然而,在权威的立法依据、地方立法与部委规章之间的关系、对抽象性行政行为的司法审查、加强司法审判中的商事思维、加大自贸区地方立法中使用国际通行规则的表述等问题上,仍需要深入思考,在法治框架下找到合理解决方案。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the role of government, advertisers, advertising agents, and the industry complaints body in unravelling what was once an effective self regulatory system for advertisements. It outlines the connection between the system for the accreditation of advertising agents and the system of fuzzy Codes of Practice rules for the content of advertisements that regulated Australian advertising until the end of 1996. It shows how a revamped competition policy, government review, aggrieved advertisers and an entrenched Advertising Standards Council contributed to the demise of the Media Council system of self regulated advertising. The paper describes the new self regulatory system that has been put in place and analyses both the old Media Council Code of Practice rules and the rules of the new Advertiser Code of Ethics.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the impact of fiscal and regulatory measures, at various levels of government, on the establishment of new businesses. We are interested in finding out whether, and to what extent, the existing rules and regulations (in particular the fiscal and regulatory frameworks) have impeded the entry of new firms in the early stages of transition. We are also interested in comparing the impact of such impediments amongst countries in different stages of transition. The paper is based on a survey of nearly 400 newly set up (de novo) firms in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Albania and Lithuania, all established in the 1992-94 period. We concentrate on four specific areas of regulation: registration and licensing of new businesses, rules governing the purchase or lease of commercial real estate, labour and employment laws, and the fiscal rules (taxes and contributions) to which new enterprises are subjected.  相似文献   

The Uruguay Round Agreement made significant changes to the governance of international trade. Trade rules and dispute settlement mechanisms were altered and a series of specific agreements provided for liberalisation across economic sectors. The Agreement on Agriculture, arguably the most difficult and contentious to negotiate, permitted the continued use of trade‐distorting instruments, both domestically and at the border. Rule‐enforcement in agriculture therefore relies crucially on the clarity of the rules. This paper provides an in‐depth study of a unique and critical case for understanding the new rules: the EC sugar regime. This policy was challenged unsuccessfully under the pre‐Uruguay Round rules, but successfully under the new rules. This case is particularly valuable in allowing us to isolate the effect of the Uruguay Round on agricultural trade disputes: the policy under challenge was essentially unchanged and the legal actions addressed the same concern – excessive export subsidisation. Drawing on primary and secondary materials and interviews with key policy actors, sugar is used to illustrate how those involved in the multilateral process learned from particular rule weaknesses revealed in earlier cases, revising those rules in the Uruguay Round in such a way that dispute panels can more readily and objectively determine rule breaches.  相似文献   

The international regulation of health, safety, and the environment has come far. Spurred by the United States, the United Nations established in the 1980's a tight net of rules that define minimum standards for the production and marketing of hazardous goods. The rules are for the most part non-binding. The successful conclusion of the GATT Uruguay Round now makes it imperative to balance the rules of international product safety law against the liberties demanded by international free trade. This challenge offers new perspectives for the development of international product safety law.  相似文献   

The current rules of the social and economic system have allowed the development of the sharing economy. However, through their spread across numerous industries, institutional inconsistencies and discussions on new regulation requirements have emerged demanding a re-assessment of rules, e.g. in tax laws, social security laws, labour laws and in the regulation of specific industries.  相似文献   

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