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This study shows that the proportion of total pessimistic language is higher for companies with lower earnings manipulation and higher leverage. In contrast, high growth companies display less pessimism. Companies with higher levels of pessimism tend to display higher conservatism even if they experience bad news or low cash flows. Companies that use pessimistic language tend to display stronger corporate governance. The use of pessimistic language is positively associated with forecast accuracy and analyst coverage. Annual reports tend to be more pessimistic in order to guide analysts downward and reach target earnings. Companies that meet or just beat analysts' forecasts tend to use less pessimistic language. On the other hand, they are likely to use pessimistic language in order to reduce the magnitude of a negative market reaction to underperformance. This study also shows that the change of the reporting tone to pessimistic as well as the use of unexpected pessimistic language reduces the cost of equity.  相似文献   

This exploratory study empirically investigates the performance of students in advanced management accounting. Findings are that English language as the first or subsequent language has no differential impact on introductory level performance. However, at advanced levels and in other subjects requiring the application of concepts to unfamiliar situations, students whose first language was English outperformed others. Similarly, students who had studied prerequisite subjects at the same university outperformed their exempted colleagues (both overseas and local) in advanced management accounting. These findings indicate that the difference due to language differences may not actually be due to language, but rather that language may simply be proxying for something else such as a different learning style.  相似文献   


This study investigated how three factors impacted performance on cost-volume-profit homework problems: language, formula use, and instruction. Students enrolled in Introduction to Financial Accounting (the first principles of accounting course) and Managerial Accounting (the second principles of accounting course) from eight different US colleges completed homework problems presented in everyday language or accounting language, with or without a formula ‘cheat sheet’ on the screen, and with or without prior instruction. Scores on formula-facilitated questions (those solvable by use of traditional cost-volume-profit formulas) were contrasted with scores on application questions, novel word problems requiring students to apply their knowledge about how cost behavior and sales impact profits. Students performed better on assignments phrased in everyday language. Students with formulas provided during homework completed more formula-facilitated questions correctly but some evidence indicated that they did worse on application questions; more work is needed in this area. Instruction effects were very small. Participants without instruction performed just as well as instructed students when problems were presented in everyday language or if formulas were provided.  相似文献   

"交互作用"阅读理论重视语言知识和背景知识的有机结合与相互作用,更好地促进阅读实践。外语阅读是外语学习的一种有效手段,也是外语学习者的学习目的之一。外语阅读技能是外语学习者应该掌握的重要语言学习技能之一,也是提高语言学习其他技能的基础和前提。"交互作用"阅读理论对培养学生高水平的阅读能力,提高其阅读效率有着重要知道作用。  相似文献   

Language can play an essential role in shaping how accounting reforms and the information around them are communicated and legitimated. However, scant consideration has been given to study what happens when politicians are the decision makers of accounting changes. This paper explores the political use of language by investigating how the Members of Parliament discuss about public-sector accounting reforms, and deploy different rhetorical strategies to legitimate or de-legitimate them. Through the analysis of Italian parliamentary debates in the 1990s and 2000s, this study highlights how the use of language can facilitate the exercise of power by deploying arguments rhetorically dominated by authorisation and moralisation strategies. The rhetorical arguments brought forward allow politicians to disguise their loss of power in favour of the European Union, depicting their actions and proposals as necessary and/or in favour of the public interest.  相似文献   

中介语理论的提出是第二语言习得研究中的一块里程碑,使人们对第二语言习得的认识更进了一步.后来,学者们又注意到了第二语言习得过程中存在的语用问题,因此又有了中介语语用学.中介语语用学的研究在中国尚属于起步阶段,但就已有的国内外的中介语语用学研究来看,已经对我们的对外汉语教学起到了一定的启示.本文重点讨论的就是这个问题.  相似文献   

论外语在高等教育中的隐性功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外语在高等教育中发挥着不可替代的作用,而对于外语教育隐性功能的研究略显薄弱,因此,加强外语教育隐性功能的研究,发挥其对大学生教育的效果。根据当代外语教学理论的发展趋势,本文拟就外语教育隐性功能的内涵、外语教育隐性功能的具体内容以及如何在高等教育中加强外语教育隐性功能等几个问题进行论述。  相似文献   

不同民族的语言交流实质上是不同民族的文化交流,文化差异的因素对翻译的影响不可低估.只有重视源语言和目标语言的文化内涵,才能克服翻译过程中语言的障碍,真正达到文化交流的目的.加强对语言文化差异的敏感度,是翻译工作者需要认真研究的课题也是成为合格译者的重要因素.  相似文献   

隐语作为一种特殊的语码长期以来未受到重视。笔者通过对隐语的特点,功能进行分析,归纳出隐语的产生,发展以及消亡的发展模式,提供了研究隐语的一般方法,并且为历时研究一般语言发展模式提供范例。  相似文献   

中介语理论研究与第二语言教学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中介语理论是第二语言习得研究领域中的一个认知理论.分析和研究中介语产生的根源和特点有助于了解第二语言习得机制,揭示第二语言习得的发展过程和规律.对提高教学效果有重大意义.  相似文献   

目前我国大学的双语教学是指以两种语言作为教学媒介的系统,其中除母语外的另一语言不仅作为教学媒介部分或全部地运用到非语言学科中,而且在教学过程中,要求学生逐渐基本掌握它,同时要在教学中对该学科的不同文化进行比较学习,以获得该学科先进的、系统的知识,来进行学科教育的一种教学方法组合。开展双语教学,是培养国际化人才的需要,是提高学生综合素质的需要。本文重点分析了《国际贸易实务》课程开展双语教学的必要性、可行性和教学方法。  相似文献   

Recent studies document that market participants react positively to the positive language sentiment or tone embedded in financial disclosures, and that investors’ reactions to negative news are more muted with poor disclosure readability. However, while language sentiment and readability co‐occur in practice, their joint effects remain largely unexplored. In an experiment with MBA students as participants, we investigate how the effect of language sentiment varies with readability and investor sophistication level. We find that language sentiment influences investors’ judgments when readability is low, but not when readability is high. Specifically, when readability is low, disclosures couched in positive language lead to higher earnings judgments for less sophisticated investors, but lower earnings judgments for more sophisticated investors. These findings show that the main effects of readability and language sentiment documented in prior studies have boundary effects, and may reverse when both variables are jointly considered along with investor sophistication.  相似文献   

The dominance of English as a lingua franca in international business exchanges is so commonly accepted that there has been no investigation into the use of English as an external financial-reporting language in non-English-speaking countries. In this study we analyze the factors associated with the publication of an English-language annual report in non-English-speaking countries. Using a sample of 3994 firms from 27 countries in 2003, we find that about 50% of the sample firms issue annual reports in English. Our findings suggest that the decision to publish an English annual report is related to the internationalization process (via foreign sales), language barriers (via language distance and language importance), governance (via ownership structure), and financial concerns (via the need for external financing, capital-market size, and cross-listing).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of relative familiarity and language accessibility on the International Accounting Standards (IASs) disclosures when IASs are first introduced in an emerging capital market. The study focuses on the annual reports of listed non-financial companies in Egypt when IASs were first introduced. The method used applies a disclosure index measurement to a sample of listed company annual reports and evaluates relative compliance with IASs in relation to corporate characteristics. The results show that for relatively less familiar requirements of IASs, the extent of compliance is related to the type of audit firm used and to the presence of a specific statement of compliance with IASs. A lower degree of compliance with less familiar IASs disclosure is observed consistently across a range of company characteristics. Consideration of agency theory and capital need theory would lead to prior expectation of a distinction in disclosure practices between different categories of companies. The results were, therefore, counterintuitive to expectations where the regulations were unfamiliar or not available in the native language, indicating that new variables have to be considered and additional theoretical explanations have to be found in future disclosure studies on emerging capital markets.  相似文献   

Since the release of OpenAI's ChatGPT, there has been substantial interest in and concern about generative AI systems. This paper investigates some of the characteristics, risks, and limitations with the enterprise use of enterprise large language models. In so doing, we study the organizational impact, continuing a long line of research on that topic. This paper examines the impact on expertise, the organizational implications of multiple correlated but different responses to the same query, the potential concerns associated with sensitive information and intellectual property, and some applications that likely would not be appropriate for large language models. We also investigate the possibility of agents potentially manipulating the content in these large language models for their own benefit. Finally, we investigate the emerging phenomenon of “ChatBot Enterprise” versions, including some of the implications and concerns of such enterprise large language models.  相似文献   

本文将以语料分析、文献阅读和比较研究方法为基础,借鉴构式语法研究者们的研究思路,即特殊表达从常规表达传承了很多语义特征和用法规律.尝试解释被乔姆斯基等视为边缘成分而被忽视的非常规表达现象,基于西方语言哲学的视角和形式语义学的逻辑推导,运用语义、语用学理论对这一特殊句式中“他”的认知机制进行逻辑推断,进行经验式分析,再从特殊反溯一般,可望能为这类语言事实提供一个合理的解释.  相似文献   

本文运用统计调查法,致力于高校蒙古语授课学生(以下简称蒙授生)外语学习潜能的调查和研究,为高校蒙授生外语水平的提升提供理论依据,也为同行提供研究资料,供相关部门决策参考。  相似文献   

One of the foundational subjects comprising most Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs is an introductory accounting course, in which students are exposed to the study of financial and management accounting at a basic level. For many students accounting is arguably the most feared subject in the MBA program. Although some students embrace the challenge and opportunity to develop an appreciation of accounting, the part it plays in organisations, and its role in management decision-making, for others the prospect of entering the world of accounting is one fraught with apprehension. Frequently described as ‘the language of business’, for students with limited experience or prior instruction in accounting, engaging with this language is formidable, and the demystification of the accounting lexicon represents a major challenge to accounting educators. This paper advocates the use of analogies, metaphors, and similes in helping MBA students understand accounting principles and engage with the conceptual underpinnings of the discipline.  相似文献   

"日语专业教育创新模式的研究"课题组经过严密考察和充分论证,制定了以"传统+现代"为教学指导思路,模拟仿真语言环境,主客观相互作用,整合多方面要素,为培养合格人才服务的综合方案——"日语专业教育创新模式"的教育教学设想。该模式主要由四部分构成:尊重语言学习的客观规律,通过模拟仿真环境,实行本科生导师制,调动教与学的主观能动性;传统教学方法与现代教学手段并重,提高教学效果;启动多种益教助学手段提高认知感知度;用客观方法检验教育教学效果。  相似文献   

A rapidly growing emerging economy such as Indonesia has an increasing need for qualified accountants to service the many needs of business. However, the current dearth of qualified accountants is becoming critical, and this situation will only get worse as Big 4 firms, mid-tier firms and local firms struggle to recruit enough trainees to qualify as professional accountants. This study examines the plight of the Indonesian accounting profession by investigating why accounting students are shunning the profession, possibly leading to the demise of the Indonesian profession as we know it today.The study shows that although career intention constantly changes as new experiences are encountered, background factors matter. Ethnicity, living in an urban or rural environment, and where one is educated all matter to career intention. Further, one's own self-efficacy, such as English language ability, and other people's views are all influential in where we want to work.To address this looming crisis in the profession the Indonesian government needs to implement policies that ensure that the education curriculum addresses English language literacy, especially in rural areas; and the profession needs to engage more with remoter universities in rural locations to recruit high achieving students to provide greater diversity in the profession.  相似文献   

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