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日本的能源战略体系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
日本是世界第二能源消费大国,而日本自然资源极其匮乏。为了保障能源供应,日本制定了明确的能源政策目标,并围绕着能源政策目标的实现制定和实施了一系列能源战略,形成了一个具有鲜明特色的能源战略体系,在能源储备、能源进口渠道多元化和能源开发方面取得了显著成效,提高了本国的能源安全度,为世界其他国家,尤其是中国解决迫在眉睫的能源安全问题提供了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

卢新华 《特区经济》2012,(3):99-101
以色列注重加强能源立法、积极推进能源多元化、大力开发新能源、研发高新技术、扶持能源产业、倡导节能,形成了独具特色的能源政策。近年来,我国的能源问题日益突出,应借鉴以色列能源政策的成功经验,从战略上高度重视能源问题、推进能源法律制度建设、实施能源建设多元化、加强科技创新、大力开发新能源、积极营造节约能源的社会氛围,确保我国的能源安全。  相似文献   

随着城市化推进,镇域经济体的能源结构发生变化,因社会可持续发展需要,提高可再生能源渗透率备受关注.以能量四环节理论作为能源研究方法,构建涵盖"源-网-荷-储"技术环节的终端一体化供能系统.利用能量四环节理论规划设计了江苏省盐城市黄海湿地特色小镇.案例研究表明:可再生能源能够实现镇级区域能源基本自治;可打通"发-输-配-用-售"环节,实现镇级能源互联网;环境与社会效益较好,经济性较差.特色小镇全可再生能源多能互补耦合供能可作为城市化过程中新的供能模式之一.  相似文献   

吉林省新能源产业发展现状与前景展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省的风能、太阳能、生物质能、地热能和油页岩等新能源具有储量丰富等优势,并且在某些领域的技术研发和利用方面已经取得了积极进展,但同时也存在开发利用水平低、综合利用差等问题。文章认为,在国家大力推进新能源产业发展并给予强有力支持的背景下,新能源产业只有广阔的发展前景,吉林省应通过推广能源技术装备研发平台、科技产业园和制造研发基地建设、支持重点企业节能技术等措施促进新能源产业的快速发展。  相似文献   

本文就能源危机和环境污染现状做了阐述,并就如何尽快的转变生产方式、生活和消费方式,如何让节能减排成为全社会的自觉行动作了总结。  相似文献   

Development of the energy saving construction in our country is urgent, the energy situation of our country is quite stem, and it will be alleviate in the next long time. In order to make our national economy continually and sustainably and coordinately develop, and improve the environment quality, our country must save the use of energy. The reason of energy conservation is that the energy problem was related to the Chinese economy development already. This paper aims at the energy problem of our country now existing, and proposes countermeasures to construct the energy conservation work.  相似文献   

Thirty years have passed since China first adopted the policy of reform and opening up to the outside. Reviewing and appraising the advantages and disadvantages of the government's energy restructuring policy in the intervening years is of great importance to the consideration of future reform and opening-up efforts in this industry. Energy production and supply have been a major part of the national economic restructuring. In this paper, the author proceeds from three angles to review and assess the reform and opening-up efforts in the energy industry, and suggests some direction and priorities for its restrueturing in the future.  相似文献   

我国的能源形势与和平发展战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
能源问题已经成为我国和平发展和经济持续快速发展中必须要解决的瓶颈问题。文章对日益严峻的国际国内能源形势进行了分析,认为紧张的能源形势增加了我国和平发展的紧迫性;对和平发展下的中国能源解决方案进行了探讨,提出只有通过优化能源结构,大力发展水电等可再生能源,合理利用国内国外两种资源,并完善相关的能源储备,才能缓解能源的紧张局面,而节能减排、提高能源利用效率则是根本解决我国能源问题的必由之路。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the maximum energy efficiency level and the energy saving potentials in each region in China that can be practically attained at current economic and technological development levels. Most of the nation's energy efficient provinces are found along the coast of southeast China, while most of its least energy efficient provinces are in the hinterland that is rich in coal resources, and which depends heavily on coal consumption. China's low efficiency in energy resource allocation stems from its secondary industry, which is handicapped by the lowest energy efficiency and the most striking regional differentials. A comparison of the factors affecting the energy efficiency shows that the provinces being compared in this study differ tremendously in energy consumption structure, technological level of the secondary industry, and abundance of energy resources, and that the other factors are only adequate, rather than necessary, conditions. It is imperative to rectify the behaviors of provinces in balancing local energy allocation, to channel energy resources to energy efficient provinces, and to improve the national energy efficiency as a whole. When taking energy‐saving steps, provinces must take into full consideration both the national and local factors that affect energy efficiency. Furthermore, it is unrealistic for China to set a unified energy saving goal for different provinces. (Edited by Xinyu Fan)  相似文献   

能源互联网是第三次工业革命的代表性产物,是人类历史发展的必然结果,也是我国能源的重要战略发展方向。通过对能源互联网的分析,结合我国能源互联网技术和产业现状总结出未来能源互联网产业发展趋势,并展望我国能源互联网的商业机会。我国能源互联网的趋势包括:天然气分布式能源、分布式光伏、能源互联网大数据、纯电动汽车等。由此分析得出我国能源互联网三大主要商业机会:大数据能源服务产业、分布式能源互联网产业和新能源汽车产业。  相似文献   


The paper deals with prerequisites, conditions, problems and directions of energy cooperation between Russia and Northeast Asian (NEA) countries. It describes a transition period of the Russian economy, shows the significance of the Eastern energy policy of Russia, and the role the fuel and energy potential of the Eastern regions of Russia can play in its implementation. Prediction of the economy and energy development in the eastern regions of Russia is given in terms of export of Russian energy resources to Japan, China, Korea and other NEA countries. A comprehensive strategy of energy cooperation for NEA countries is shown and elaborated.  相似文献   

Although enterprises in the informal food sector require energy to transform, cook and process food, energy-use patterns in this sector are not well understood by policymakers and the local-level authorities who regulate their trading activities. This paper reviews relevant literature and presents empirical data collected in Rwanda, Senegal and South Africa on the use of traditional and modern energy sources by informal food sector operators. Our sample includes male- and female-operated enterprises in the urban centres of three African countries where the informal food sector is important, not only for providing the convenience of affordable and readily prepared meals, but also as a source of income for women and men in developing countries. Multiple fuel-use and energy-stacking strategies are common among informal food enterprises and policy needs to acknowledge this if it is to intervene in ways that will benefit both enterprises and regulators.  相似文献   

上海市碳排放的历史特征与远期趋势分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文推导了能源消费总量、结构与碳排放量之间的关系式--即单位能耗碳排放系数的表达式,利用上海市1978年~2007年的历史数据,构建了上海市能源消费总量与经济总量、人口和产业结构之间的关系式.在此基础上,按照对2010年、2020年上海经济增长速度的估计预测能源消费总量,模拟出不同情景下的能源结构,从而测算上海市各主要年份的碳排放总量,分析上海市碳排放总量、人均碳排放和碳排放强度的演变趋势.  相似文献   

随着中国经济高速增长和城市化进程加快所引致的能源需求急剧上升,受国内资源特别是石油资源短缺约束能源产供能力短期内难以大幅度增加情况下,能源供求矛盾日益突出,石油进口对外依赖度也随之节节攀升。为此,本文主要通过对中国能源贸易发展状况、能源安全现状以及影响能源安全的制约因素等进行深入分析,寻求加快中国能源贸易发展、确保能源安全、促进经济社会可持续发展的基本思路与对策。  相似文献   

王军 《特区经济》2012,(4):122-124
我国已成为世界最大的能源消费国与全球第二大二氧化碳CO2排放国,开征碳税节能减排的号角日渐吹响。本文从庇古税和双重红利理论出发,在简要回顾了国际社会不同碳税政策优劣的基础上,结合我国国情论证了我国开展碳税征收的重要意义和现实可行性,提出了我国开展碳税政策的三大原则和长短不同时期的税制要素设计方案。  相似文献   

多年来黑龙江省能源工业为国家建设提供了重要的支撑。但是随着国际和国内政治经济形势的不断变化,黑龙江省能源工业的发展也面临着挑战与机遇。巩固传统能源产业,发展新型能源产业,是今后黑龙江省应对世界格局新变化,推动能源工业发展的正确选择。  相似文献   

姜达洋  张宏武 《特区经济》2006,213(10):164-166
为了建设和谐社会的目标,制定科学合理的能源开发、能源利用的政策已经成为摆在我国政府面前的一项重大任务。在这方面,日本的一些能源政策为我国提供了一些思路,我国政府可以仿效日本发展能源立法,确定节约能源,开发新能源的法律地位,通过经济手段诱导市场主体实施国家的能源计划,大力开展能源教育、环境教育,调动民众节能的积极性等。  相似文献   

I. IntroductionAmong current Sino-Russian Relationships, energy cooperation should have been animportant part of the “Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperative Partnership” since suchcooperation is founded on the basis of “reciprocity and mutual benefits” in terms of economicbenefits. However, within the past year, the “Angarsk-Daqing Line” has caused manyobstacles to Sino-Russian energy cooperation. Under such a situation, on the one hand,the “mutual complementing” of Sino-Russian ener…  相似文献   

谭元发 《特区经济》2008,(12):84-86
随着世界能源格局多元化时代的到来,作为世界能源大国的俄罗斯在世界能源格局中的地位越来越举足轻重,并制定了具有长远性、综合性、相对完善的能源战略。通过对外能源合作,谋求自身安全已成为当前各能源消费国的一大趋势,作为与中国有着紧密地缘政治关系的俄罗斯来说,其能源战略必将对我国的能源合作产生直接的影响。本文在强调全球能源格局演变和俄罗斯在全球能源格局重要地位的基础上,就中俄能源合作策略选择进行了思考。  相似文献   

尹硕  张耀辉  bc  燕景 《华东经济管理》2014,(7):53-56,80
在结构转型和节能减排双重背景下,能源消费、产业结构和能源效率的动态关系值得关注。文章基于我国1952-2012年的相关数据,通过构建误差修正模型(VECM)来研究能源消费、产业结构和能源效率三者之间的动态影响。研究发现,从长期来看,能源消费和产业结构的变动呈现正向关系,表明第二、三产业的发展对能源消费的增加影响显著,且具有粗放特征;能源效率和能源消费的变动呈现反向变动特征,说明能源效率的提升在长期对能源消费的减少起到了一定作用,但是能源消费的变动幅度明显小于能源效率的变动幅度,我国的能源消费存在基于能效提升的回弹效应。  相似文献   

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