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Museums make their collections available online to keep pace with developments in how people access and share information. While museums have traditionally understood the notion of public access as part of their institutional remit, in this paper I draw on policy documents and qualitative interviews with Australasian cultural professionals, to examine how the discourse of access might account for the museum’s transformation from a community space to a resource that is beneficial to marketers. I use Google Arts & Culture as a case study, to suggest the terms of public access have altered to adapt to the needs of commercial “digital enclosures.” When people engage with the museum in virtual spaces data are collected. Algorithms work as a set of instructions that make it possible to search, sort and organise the data, linking together people and their online practices in order to enact a form of algorithmic cultural recommendation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to study the relationship between social position and food tastes. The empirical data stem from a survey carried out in 1991 on 703 people aged 23–26 years. Bourdieu's theory of the relationship between social position and consumption was used as a theoretical framework. Bourdieu attacks the position often expressed by economists that consumers are similar in most respects except for their economic capital. He introduced the concept ‘cultural capital’ when describing different consumption practices and emphasizes the relationship between gender and food tastes. The social position variables in this study include economic and cultural capital, and gender. Participants were asked to evaluate exotic, healthy, filling, inexpensive and traditional food. Two dimensions of food orientations were observed: food as form and food as function. Economic capital was of importance concerning the costs of food and its filling functions. Groups rich in cultural capital were more interested in healthy and exotic food and less interested in filling food than those possessing less cultural capital. Women were more concerned about healthy food than men. Cultural capital had an independent effect when economic capital was constant.  相似文献   

This study examines how consumers enact cultural ideals in mundane consumption. The empirical context is a weekday dinner practice among Finnish households. The findings demonstrate how practices inform consumers how, where, when, and with whom to enact and compromise cultural ideals and identity projects. Thus the practices guide food consumption choices and the meanings that the consumers ascribe to food consumption objects. The consumers are pragmatic, flexible and fragmented as they enact identity projects and cultural ideals in mundane consumption in relation to practices. They compromise the identity projects and the cultural ideals in some practice(s) but not across practices. As the practices serve different ends for the consumers at different times, the meaning of the practices is constantly re-created by the consumers. The perceived value of mundane consumption is related to how well and how frequently the consumers can enact their identity projects and cultural ideals in practices.  相似文献   

The aim is to illustrate how web marketing frame commercial baby food as a value-adding part of weaning practice and discuss how various ways of framing relate to contemporary mothering ideals. Drawing on “practice” and “frame analysis,” we illustrate how four baby food producers’ web marketing frame commercial baby food and weaning as “medical,” “fun” or “convenient.” The analysis shows that the web material offers a range of images and ideals that could function as discursive resources in mothers’ everyday feeding practices, while at the same time providing a good fit with several, rather than one specific mothering ideal. Besides adding to our knowledge on mothering this work illustrates the role that marketing play in configuring consumer practices. As a form of representation of consumer practice marketing involves a range of images offering discursive resources and supports consumers in negotiating actual and ideal practices linked to cultural ideals on consumption.  相似文献   

This project examines the advertising industry as a self-governing space that is guided by its own internal logics, but is nonetheless influenced by social dynamics at play in the larger social space. Using Bourdieu's theory of practice as a theoretical and analytical framework, this study explores the relationship between cultural capital and economic capital. Specifically, I examine the degree to which Hispanic practitioners have leveraged their knowledge of Latina(o) culture and their proficiency in Spanish as profits of distinction within the marketplace. Qualitative interviews conducted with Hispanic ad agents, general market ad agents and clients reveal that the position that Latinas(os) occupy within the social hierarchy has created both opportunities and boundaries for Hispanic agencies. This paper focuses on the practices that allow Hispanic agencies to isolate Latinas(os) from other consumers, distinguishing them institutionally and entitling them to dedicated marketing resources, but I also discuss the limitations to these practices and how such a narrow expression of the Hispanic agency's cultural capital ultimately limits their access to economic capital.  相似文献   

Dance is an integral part of culture, as is consumption. However, there is a paucity of published research regarding the effect of dance on consumption. In particular, studies on how black social dance in commercials depicts culturally defining racial tensions and stereotypes, and its effect on Euro American consumption are scant. Consequently, qualitative research was employed to survey and interview a small group of Euro American respondents. A Diet Pepsi commercial served as the research text. A consuming value system reinforced the association of the dance with consumption of individual identity as cool; fractured conformity away from the defining macro social structure; and provided for resistive self and community identities. Three contributions result from the research. First, an alternative way of seeking knowledge through dance theory demonstrated dance's value for consumer's lives. Second, Holt's 2004 work was built upon. The dance demonstrated cultural myth recreation in a “macro dance” performed in the “micro dance” of everyday life. Third, ethnographic dance premises were extended and served as the research framework.  相似文献   


Scholars have developed a vast literature that helps firms internationalise products and brands. Yet, there is comparatively limited work that examines the internationalisation strategies of cultural products. Through a case study of 31 visual kei rock bands, this study sheds light onto the patterns, objectives, and timing of internationalised cultural products. The results suggest that visual kei musicians adopt one of two internationalisation strategies: “standard internationalisation” or the “Ouroboros strategy.” Standard internationalisation is a linear strategy, where the objective is market growth through the acquisition of consumers in international markets, and where internationalisation can occur as early as the introduction stage of a product’s life. The Ouroboros strategy is a nuanced strategy where the pattern of internationalisation is circular, the objectives include market expansion and cultural goals, the target markets are both foreign and domestic consumers, and where internationalisation occurs in the growth and mature stages of bands’ life cycles.  相似文献   

In the late twentieth century there has been a proliferation, diversification and popularisation of New Age spiritual discourses and practices in Western industrialised nations. New Age spiritual thinkers such a Deepak Chopra, Ken Wilber, Gary Zukav and Shakti Gawain, have modified discourse and practices from Eastern and Western traditional religious beliefs, Western science and psychotherapy, to develop their own discourse and practices designed to assist individuals “transform” themselves. This article discusses the “commodified production of self‐actualisation” in consumer society and discusses how the discourses and practices in selected texts from four New Age spiritual thinkers take the form of an ever‐changing “social product”. The analysis shows how the discourse and practices of New Age spiritual thinkers align themselves with consumptive behaviour by secularising, homogenising and over‐simplifying scientific, social scientific and traditional religious discourse and practices into “social products” for consumption. The analysis also reveals that New Age spiritual thinkers are engaged in a process that could be described as the “consumption of the self”. The implications of the “consumption of the self” will be discussed in terms of the way consumer society requires New Age “technologies of the self” to be continually redefined, restructured and repackaged in new and different forms.  相似文献   

In this paper the author shows that the absence of a good which is used directly or indirectly for the production of other goods is a crucial feature of Wicksell's two-sector model, without which a positive relation between the value of machine stock and the consumption good output cannot be guaranteed. In fact he proves that, if that model is generalised by assuming that the capital good is used as an input also in its own production, the sign of the “marginal product of social capital” is indeterminate, even when both sectors have “well-behaved” production functions of a Cobb-Douglas type.  相似文献   

Going beyond cultural distance, the present study adopts a more contextualized view of cultural friction to account for the “actual cultural contacts” in cross-border mergers and acquisitions (CBMAs), and meanwhile builds a case-based measure of cultural friction to quantitatively capture the country- and deal-level cultural differences between the acquirer and the target in each CBMA. Differing from the existing research that takes the influence of cultural differences on CBMA performance for granted, we highlight the importance of managers from the acquiring firm by theorizing that cultural friction between the acquirer and the target can shape acquiring managers' choice of managerial practices to complete the managerial tasks during integration, leading to different performance. In particular, we postulate a curvilinear relationship between the cultural friction and CBMA performance. By incorporating regulatory focus theory into our analytical framework, we further hypothesize how this curve is shaped by managers’ regulatory focus, a key motivational trait at the firm management level. Using a sample of 304 completed CBMAs conducted by Chinese listed firms, our empirical results verify the U-shaped relationship between cultural friction and the CBMA integration performance, and suggest that this relationship is flattened by acquiring managers’ prevention focus.  相似文献   

Sustainable consumption manifolds and mobilizes one’s conscious choice to express a politically implied stance on environmental/cultural/social issues, to address social and/or ecological injustices, to reproduce or restore order and justice, as well as to fulfill responsibilities of a citizen consumer. Based on this premise, this paper attempts to explore what sustainable consumption means to young adults in Hong Kong. Findings from three focus groups and six follow-up interviews reveal that Hong Kong young adults’ sustainable consumption embeds their political ideals to construct collective civil power to fight against the structural inequalities, market hegemonies, imperial dominance and social/ecological injustice locally. The findings point to the need to further define and refine the unspecified concept of “reflexivity” in existing literature. The paper also unveils how the concept of “sustainable consumption” has evolved from the “individual,” “global,” “rational,” “remotely moral” and “ideological” to the “communal,” “local,” “emotional,” “politically civil” and “actional.”  相似文献   

This study conducts a critical cultural analysis of the assisted reproductive technologies (ART) market and selected consumption that takes place within that context. Specifically, it assumes the view of markets as cultures and conceptualizes the consumption strategies of “other mothers,” the unintended consumers of such body technologies, within the larger cultural context of what it means to be a family. The view of “markets as cultures” is employed to frame the ART marketplace and to address the multiple, local realities that emerge in the consumption process. The hyperreality of the ART marketplace emerges as a fluid and dynamic force that fosters the reversal of production and consumption through the creation of new forms of consumption. In this local context, marginalized ART consumers reappropriate body technologies to construct postmodern families of their own design. A conceptual framework of this cybernetic market culture is presented and discussed with implications for future research regarding bioethics, methodological approaches, family consumption, and new frontiers in postmodern consumption.  相似文献   

Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world due to successive waves of migration from Europe and recently Asia. Nonetheless, new migrants coming to Australia are not always able to adapt to Australian culture due to language and cultural barriers. Hence, the purpose of this study is to segment migrants based on their cultural adaptation and subsequently to examine similarities and differences between those segments in regards to their health‐related behaviour (i.e., alcohol and food consumption). A cross‐sectional study of migrants in Australia (N = 408) suggests that migrants from Asia have the greatest difficulty in adapting to the local culture due to language barriers. This study will assist public policy makers and social marketers in creating effective campaigns and interventions to reduce excessive alcohol consumption and obesity among migrants.  相似文献   

To compete on the world market, companies from emerging economies often adapt their innovations to satisfy unique cultural needs. They do so, in part, by copying the products of their western counterparts with a degree of modification. This approach is referred to as Shanzhai, which is a Chinese neologism meaning “copycat.” In this article, we discuss the Shanzhai phenomenon and explain Shanzhai's development stages and threats to original brands across the globe. Then, we examine how cultural factors (i.e., power distance belief, face consciousness, and analytic vs. holistic-thinking style) influence consumers’ perception towards Shanzhai products. We further suggest that original manufacturers should adopt selected strategies to combat Shanzhai threats vis-à-vis three cultural drivers. One driver entails launching full product lines and developing new distribution channels in high power distance belief cultures but promoting brand originality in low power distance belief cultures. A second alternative involves embracing a sustainable and green brand image in low face-sensitive cultures but strengthening brand logo impacts and enhancing intangible brand benefits—such as social value (e.g., brand user profile, prestige)—in high face-sensitive cultures. The third entails communicating integrated product values in holistic-thinking cultures but highlighting an offering's most competitive and unique features in analytic-thinking cultures.  相似文献   

This article takes as its subject practices of looking that occur in London's newsstands (magazine retail displays). Taking an ethnographic approach inspired by the flâneur and emphasising the symbolic properties of consumption activities that take place in public retail space, it reports on an extensive participant observation of newsstands. A three-fold typology of visual consumption is put forward: “drifting,” “speed-shopping” and “free-reading.” These practices of looking are then critically analysed in the light of theoretical perspectives on visual consumption, in particular, the tension between arguments prioritising the pleasures and, conversely, the constraints that it entails. The analysis culminates in the argument that the most fruitful position is a dialectical one that acknowledges the conditional freedom of visual consumption.  相似文献   

Existing studies on Russian culture using the dominant dimensional theory of culture (e.g., Hofstede’s), in general, offer “stereotypical” characterization of that country’s societal culture but fail to capture the dynamics of cultural values that exist in Russian business and society. We argue that this weakness stems from the either/or logic associated with such an approach. We echo the call for improving the quality of cross-cultural research by going beyond Hofstede (Tung & Verbeke, 2010) through studying cultural paradoxes and their embedded contexts (e.g., Osland & Bird, 2000) in historical and contemporary Russia. To this end, we have applied Faure & Fang’s (2008) framework which builds on the holistic, dynamic, and paradoxical Yin Yang thinking to unravel the paradox inherent and changes to Russian cultural values over time. We find that underlying paradoxical values that traditionally coexisted in Russian culture during the Communist regime have been further reinforced as a consequence of Russia’s interactions with the rest of the world. In post-Communist Russia, traditional values have not disappeared; rather, they coexist and interact with new values as a result of cultural learning and knowledge transfer in global economy. We discuss the implications of these findings for future research.  相似文献   


Cultural omnivorousness has gained relevance as a suitable theory to explain contemporary patterns of consumption, but the actual dealing of omnivorous taste by economic actors and businesses has been mostly overlooked. Through ethnographic research, this article explores how Italian gourmet food truck operators concretely produce claims of authenticity for omnivorous seekers. First, the adoption of the perspective of food truck operators highlights the reflexive and market-bounded nature of the omnivorous taste reproduction. Moreover, “being authentic” becomes an imperative for tastemakers, imposed by the economic imaginary. Finally, the centrality of regionalism in the Italian production of authenticity suggests that localism, too, has been subsumed by global food imaginaries and that regionalism expresses a cosmopolitan attitude. Taken together, these findings allow the integration of existing theory of food cultural omnivorousness: “gourmet” food must be authentic to be recognised by omnivores and distinctive to be successful on markets.  相似文献   

Nuevo Latino Cuisine invites diners to experience the vertigo of consuming a reinvented version of traditional Latin American food while enjoying a cosmopolitan atmosphere at sophisticated restaurants. Using “border thinking” and critical ethnography, this paper discusses how the restaurant industry in the US reproduces colonial desire by aestheticizing and commodifying traditional meals. This article assesses the rebranding of Latin American Cuisine as a fashionable consumer trend where identity, class, and cultural representations are resignified through consumption practices. The central issue guiding this research consists of identifying the rationales and strategies used by the restaurant industry when rebranding Latin American cuisine. Understanding Nuevo Latino at the intersection of hybrid cultural forms, cosmopolitanism, and the power structures of market forces in late capitalistic societies is fundamental to assessing the colonization of lifeworlds by the economic system, which imposes an alternative process of subjection and subjectivation through consumption.  相似文献   

This work aims at extending the boundaries of marketing to address the process of emerging consumption practices. This point of view is in line with the concept of megamarketing introduced by Kotler (1986, Harvard Business Review, 64, 117–124) and with the assumption that consumption practices depend heavily on supra individual and institutional structures that can take a cognitive, normative and regulatory form. Drawing from the recent insights of institutional theory, we propose marketing strategies that companies can use to shape the institutional structure underlying new consumptions practices. We extend the concept of megamarketing by collating it with that of institutional work, and thus identify the cognitive, symbolic, cultural and legal levers used by firms to shape the institutional conditions needed for consumption.  相似文献   

How can venture capital (VC) firms transform a weak innovation ecosystem into a productive and robust one? While the literature has found VC firms’ catalyst role in innovation in developed markets, we know little about whether and how they affect innovation in an emerging market, where formal institutions (e.g., regulations and markets) and informal institutions (e.g., professional networks) to enable VC firms’ catalyst role are relatively lacking. First, we argue that VC firms play a different and more proactive role in these markets as an “ecosystem engineer” through governing the resource flow and selecting deviation, which drive regional innovation performance. Second, such effects are further positively moderated by the presence of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in a region. Lastly, over time, while the direct effects of VC firms persist and increase, the moderating effects of MNE presence decline. Empirically, we examined a Chinese provincial-level panel data of VC activities (1999–2009) and patent applications (2000–2010) and found supportive evidence. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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