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This paper examines the proposition that public capital spending fosters productivity growth in the private sector using a pooled sample of seven OECD countries over the 1963–1988 period. The results indicate that there is a statistically significant positive relationship between public capital formation and the growth rate of labor productivity. This result is not sensitive to whether there is constant returns to scale to some or all inputs, whether the stochastic formulation of the pooled model is a fixed- or a random-effect specification, whether the model includes an energy variable, or whether the data are expressed in the log-differenced or logarithmic form.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine whether the DOW effect still exists, and to evaluate empirically the explanations of the DOW effect for international equity markets. Evaluating 51 markets in 33 countries for the period between January 2000 and December 2007, reveals that the DOW effect persists for a significant proportion of equity markets. Evaluating open-to-close returns, liquidity, size effect and possible spill-over effects, the DOW effect can be explained for almost of all the exchanges. Individual stock analysis, covering 37,631 stocks traded in 51 equity markets shows that a DOW effect in returns exists for a statistically significant proportion of individual stocks in almost all of the markets in the study. Even markets without a market-level DOW effect contain a surprisingly large proportion of stocks with individual-level DOW effects. Interestingly, this proportion is only marginally lower than that which is found in markets with a market-level DOW effect.  相似文献   

科技创新是中小企业的生命线,中小企业要想在竞争中获取优势,必须依赖技术创新体系的支持。但与大企业相比,中小企业在创新过程中却具有更大的风险。通过合理的选择专利审查模式以获得专利权,为中小企业的技术创新提供了重要支撑。文章首先分析了我国中小企业在技术创新现状分析,并结合现有发明专利的不同审查模式,为中小企业在发明专利申请的审查模式选择中提出了一些建议,便于中小企业在发明专利申请中能够充分运用现有发明专利审查模式,从而通过提升企业专利工作能力、降低申请成本等来整体提升企业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

Trade liberalisation and endogenous growth: Some evidence for Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the impact of trade liberalisation on the long-run economic development as measured by the real GDP per capita in Turkey. Based on the endogenous growth theory, we employ bivariate and multivariate cointegration analyses to test the long-run relationship among the relevant variables. Results for Turkey suggest a stable, joint long-run relationship among real GDP per capita, an index of trade liberalisation, human and physical capital in accordance with the endogenous growth theory. Statistically significant error-correction terms provide further evidence that those variables are indeed cointegrated. This also implies causal effects.  相似文献   


This study identifies a gap in research concerning how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can benefit from pursuing locally (rather than globally) oriented internationalization strategies. Becoming overly dependent on one single foreign market could potentially reduce the inflow and diversity of new knowledge that can serve as input for new product development. This study discusses how this risk can be minimized. In this endeavour we create a theoretical model that investigates how the local sales concentration and relationship-specific commitment of SMEs relates to new product development. To do this we draw on the behavioural internationalization process framework. The theoretical model is tested on an effective sample of 188 Swedish SMEs. The results show that relationship-specific commitment mediates the effect of local sales concentration on new product development. The implication is that investments which enable collaboration in important business relationships are crucial requisites for keeping firms innovative and in pace with market fluctuations. The findings thus contribute to international business literature by showing that a local market scope of operations combined with a relationship orientation are beneficial for new product development in international SMEs.  相似文献   

Choosing the right time to release a new movie may be the difference between success and failure. Prior research states that the “bigger” a blockbuster is, the more likely it is (and should be) released during a high‐demand week. We present a theoretical framework which is consistent with this observation but adds a rather surprising theoretical prediction: among non‐blockbuster (i.e., niche) movies, everything else constant, the greater a movie's appeal, the more likely it is released during a low‐demand week. In other words, the relation between movie appeal and high‐demand‐week release is U‐shaped: it decreases at low levels of overall appeal (niche movies) and increases at high levels of overall appeal (blockbusters). We provide intuition for this novel result and argue that it is robust to a number of changes in functional form assumptions. We then show that the theoretical results are consistent with the evidence from an extensive data set on international releases. Specifically, we run a series of movie‐country‐pair regressions with high‐demand‐week‐release as a dependent variable and exogenous shocks to the movie's appeal as an explanatory variable. As predicted by theory, the regression coefficients have opposite signs for the blockbuster and non‐blockbuster cases.  相似文献   

This paper provides the first systematic evidence comparing the incidence of below-cost dumping among state and privately owned firms. Recent economic theory indicates that government enterprises, if motivated by goals such as output or revenue maximization rather than profit maximization, face higher returns to engaging in below-cost pricing than private enterprises. International data from anti-dumping investigations strongly confirm this prediction. Between 43% and 94% of initiated below-cost dumping cases and between 54% and 100% of affirmative dumping decisions against exporting firms from nonmarket economies are attributable to those firms' publicly owned status. We are able to reject the hypotheses that this result is explained by political biases against nonmarket economies in anti-dumping procedures or from possible political biases stemming from the industry composition of nonmarket exports. In fact in both cases, we find that the above results may understate the true effect of market organization on a country's propensity to engage in dumping.  相似文献   

This paper sheds new light on the role of regional labor market conditions for regional mobility. We study competition for vacant jobs along two dimensions – between employed and unemployed job searchers, and between resident and non-resident job searchers – within a simple matching framework. Evidence from estimating regional matching functions with data on job searchers disaggregated by previous employment status and regional provenance indicates that competition for jobs along both dimensions affects hiring. Tests of the theoretical predictions suggest that labor market conditions do determine regional mobility, but the countervailing effects of competition between employed and unemployed dilute mobility effects.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines recent international evidence on monetary neutrality based on long, low-frequency data and the reduced-form tests of Fisher and Seater [Am. Econ. Rev. 83 (3) (1993) 402]. Using three popular tests, we show that it is generally difficult to determine the order of integration of money in a robust and satisfactory way. We, therefore, base monetary-neutrality conclusions on tests for unit roots, constructed to have good size and power. Long-run neutrality holds for Brazil, Canada, Sweden and Mexico’s M2. For Argentina, Australia, Italy, Mexico’s M1, and the U.K., LRN does not hold. For the U.S. and Denmark monetary neutrality is not addressable.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of board composition on overall corporate performance while controlling for managerial ownership and other key variables. We recognize that both managerial ownership and board composition may be endogenous to performance, but our work differs from previous in two important respects. First, we measure performance using the market value to book value ratio of common stock equity rather than the more commonly used Tobin's q. Second, recognizing that overall estimates from the IV approach depend greatly on the choice of instruments, we perform sensitivity analysis by using a variety of instruments to proxy for board composition and managerial ownership. Both our OLS and IV estimates indicate a significant curvilinear relation between board composition and performance. However, we find that moderate differences in first-stage regressions, resulting in small changes to first-stage R2s, lead to widely differing overall results. Our results suggest that findings of studies using IV and similar techniques (e.g. two- and three-stage least squares) must be interpreted cautiously.  相似文献   

The research reported in this paper is based upon the theoretical work of O. E. Williamson (1970, 1975) concerning the impact of internal organizational form upon business behaviour and enterprise financial performance. A sample of 144 large UK firms are classified according to the organizational classification scheme developed by Williamson and Bhargava (1972). An empirical investigation is then undertaken which lests for the impact of organisational form upon financial performance. The results are broadly consistent with both theoretical predictions and the findings of other researchers in so far as the pure M-form (multidivisional) structure is found to be associated with superior profitability. However, the evidence also suggests that the frequency of occurrence of pure M-form firms as a subset of all multidivisions may be rather lower than previously thought, and the closeness of the multidivisional/pure M-form link is questioned.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper is an assessment of the international career transitions made by senior female managers in Western Europe. The perspective explored is that of currently employed senior female managers in a wide range of companies, who have made at least one international career move. The article is based on data collected from interviews with fifty senior female international managers. The voices of the female managers illustrate difficulties they encounter in a 'man's world', and confirm that there is still much improvement to be made in order to accommodate and entice more women to senior management assignments. The study, for the first time, assesses an exclusively senior sample of female international managers in Western Europe. Previous studies have established that, throughout Europe, women's promotion into senior domestic management positions has been very slow, despite legislative changes, including the European Union's social protocol, to enforce issues related to equal opportunity such as equal pay and measures against sex discrimination (Davidson and Cooper, 1993). This article examines a number of explanations from the relevant literature and analyses the empirical data collected from the fifty interviewees in order to develop an understanding of senior female international career progressions in Europe. From the data, a model of the typical senior female international path was developed (Linehan, 2000). This research is particularly relevant, as existing European studies have not specifically addressed issues pertaining to senior female international managers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of federal deposit insurance on the riskiness of the commercial banking system. It is generally acknowledged that a system affixed rate deposit insurance creates incentives for banks to increase their risk-taking activities. Yet very little empirical evidence exists confirming or refuting this supposition. The coefficient of variation of bank profits and the standard deviation of profits are used as measures of bank risk. How these measures of bank risk are affected by deposit insurance coverage, and other variables thought to affect bank risk, is examined. Deposit insurance is found to have a statistically significant positive effect on bank risk. This result provides empirical support for the FDIC Improvement Act requirement of risk related deposit insurance premiums starting January 1994.  相似文献   

In this paper we use a search and matching model to investigate the economic relationship between training and local economic conditions. We identify two aspects of this relationship going in opposite directions: on the one hand, the complementarity between local knowledge spillovers and training generates a positive correlation between training and local density; on the other hand, higher wages and labor turnover in denser areas reduce training. Overall the relationship can be either positive or negative, depending on the relative strength of these two effects. Our empirical analysis, based on a sample of Italian firms, shows that training is lower in provinces with higher labor market density, measured as the number of employees per squared kilometer.  相似文献   

This study extends the previous research on interdependence of international stock markets by using Geweke's (1982) causality test on seventeen stock market indices. The impact of the stock market crash of October 1987 on other national stock markets is investigated by disaggregating the data into pre- and post-crash periods. Direction of causality and feedback is studied using standard causality tests. The results indicate very few stock markets (namely, the U.K. and the U.S.A.) influence other markets significantly. Almost all markets react to other markets' past and present movements. Traditional major markets (Japan, France, and Canada) do not seem to be influential at all.  相似文献   

Countries have progressed during the decades through internationalization of their products. Pakistan is also trying hard to internationalize its products and has succeeded as far as the textile and sport ware industries are concerned. Pakistani Sports industry, though always relying on high quality products, lacked a formal quality management program till 1990’s. It was during this decade that most sports industries adopted a formal quality management program in the shape of ISO-9000. This paper encompasses different aspects of quality management and establishes its role in internationalization. Research findings presented in this paper are carried out in two phases. In phase-I, the detailed analysis of 6 sports industries is done, whereas in phase-II, a survey of one hundred industries was conducted and the role of quality management was established based on obtained results. It was found that 85% companies adopted ISO-9000 as a formal quality management program. The quality impact on internationalization was probed and it was found that the following quality management programs increased the sale, exports, profitability and the well being of the owner and the workers.  相似文献   

中小企业作为我国企业的重要组成部分,提供了大量就业机会,创造了巨大的社会财富,但由于存在财务控制不严、资本结构不合理、融资困难、缺乏管理经验和危机意识、财务人员素质不高、领导法制意识淡薄等方面的问题,使得中小企业经常陷入财务困境甚至破产.因此,中小企业必须采取有效措施来促进自身的发展.  相似文献   

Why do SMEs invest in environmental measures? From the literature we know that most SMEs are rather slow in adopting these sustainable measures, but then the following question arises: why are other SMEs fast in this respect? From our research, it becomes clear that improving the working conditions is the most important reason why these fast‐going SMEs invest in environmental measures, as this probably improves their employees' motivation and performance. This explanation connects ‘planet’ and ‘people’ with each other, and does not exclude ‘profit’, which completes the traditional sustainability circle. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This paper presents a firm-level analysis of multifactor productivity (MFP) in Italy between 1998 and 2004. Using data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique, MFP change are measured for 31 industries and decomposed into efficiency change and technical change (which in turn is interpreted as the combined effect of technical progress and scale economies). The results highlight the stagnation in many Italian production activities and even a decrease in MFP in some industries. A non-parametric statistical test on the results obtained from DEA reveals that the analysed larger firms have been more likely to perform better in efficiency than the smaller ones. This outcome seems to complement the Schumpeterian view of a relatively high attitude of larger firms towards technological innovation and productivity growth.  相似文献   

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