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This paper examines the role of technological capability in product innovation. Building on the absorptive capacity perspective and organizational inertia theory, the authors propose that technological capability has curvilinear and differential effects on exploitative and explorative innovations. The findings support the proposition that though technological capability fosters exploitation at an accelerating rate, it has an inverted U‐shaped relationship with exploration. That is, a high level of technological capability impedes explorative innovation. Strategic flexibility strengthens the positive effects of technological capability on exploration, such that when strategic flexibility is high, greater technological capability is associated with more explorative innovation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work uses a sample of firm-level data from seven EU countries to explore the possible roles of simultaneity and heterogeneity in determining firms' decisions to engage in three types of innovation. Process, product, and organizational innovations are considered jointly, by applying a multivariate probit specification. The results support the hypothesis that the three innovation decisions are interdependent. This has straightforward implications for the practice of R&D managers. In order to gain advantages from an innovation, innovation managers need to jointly exploit these different types of innovation activities and their potential synergies. Given that the innovative firms in the sample, desire additional credit which actually they do not obtain, R&D managers should also be concerned with the financing sources firms have access to. Finally, from the analysis it also emerges that public support boost all the three forms of innovation.  相似文献   

Lutao Ning  Jian Li 《R&D Management》2018,48(5):519-533
There is a growing need for firms to acquire knowledge externally, but the process has become increasingly complicated. This article studies the mediating roles of the three process dimensions of organizational learning capacity (OLC), namely, knowledge acquisition, transformation, and application capabilities, in the context of a joint problem solving (JPS) arrangement with external collaborators for new product innovation. They employed the structural equation modelling method and analyse a sample of 331 high-tech manufacturers in China. Their results supported a conceptual model that shows (i) JPS exerts a positive impact on knowledge acquisition and transformation capabilities; (ii) these two capabilities promote knowledge application capacity; (iii) knowledge acquisition alone, and the combination of application and transformation capabilities, mediate the effect of JPS on both innovation efficacy and efficiency. Knowledge acquisition and application capabilities also jointly mediate the effect of JPS on innovation efficacy. They added to the existing literature by highlighting the need to consider the mediating roles of different OLC dimensions and the external context of JPS for learning capacity acquisition. Our model provides a practical framework for managers to better understand and influence OLC dimensions to improve innovation when engaging in JPS.  相似文献   

The current literature on open innovation (OI) has been limited to organization-level studies of inbound OI despite the importance of understanding outbound OI to improve performance of public research organizations (PRO) at project level. Our study contributes to the OI literature by investigating the relationship between the innovation potential and the commercialization performance of 189 outbound OI projects between PROs and firms, and the effect of network and project management processes on this relationship. In line with our expectation, our results demonstrate that PRO-firm outbound OI projects with technologies of high innovation potential are likely to have high commercialization performance. In addition, we empirically establish that among projects with technologies of high innovation potential, those with high resource allocation quality are more likely to have high commercialization performance. Finally, our findings indicate that among projects with technologies of high innovation potential, those with high opportunity discovery through networks are more likely to have high commercialization performance.  相似文献   

This paper conceptualizes and tests an integrated model that combines the dual-core and ambidextrous models of product innovation. The integrated model distinguishes the development and return on execution of radical and incremental product innovation capabilities. The authors argue that organizational structure plays an important dual role as an (a) antecedent to the development of radical and incremental product innovation capabilities and (b) as a moderator in determining the new product performance returns from executing such capabilities. Using a sample of high-tech firms, the study finds that organizational structure is more consistent in predicting the execution of product innovation capabilities into new product performance than in predicting the development of such capabilities. For example, the effect of radical product innovation capability on new product performance is negative but nonsignificant under a formal structure, while the same effect is positive under an informal structure. Conversely, the effect of incremental product innovation capability on new product performance is positive under a formal structure, while the same effect is negative under an informal structure. The implications for managing different types of product innovation capabilities under formal versus informal structures and their effects on new product performance are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between cooperation with competitors and product innovation performance was investigated along with the moderating effect of the innovating firm's technological capability and its alliances with universities. The hypothesis that cooperation with competitors has an inverted U-shaped relationship with product innovation performance was tested using data on new product introductions from 1499 Chinese firms. The results support the existence of a bell-shaped relationship between co-opetition and product innovation performance. Technological capability and alliances with universities were shown to weaken the relationship. The findings add significantly to the emerging literature on dynamic co-opetition.  相似文献   

This study develops and tests a comprehensive framework that explains what, when, and how CEO characteristics influence firms’ innovation outcomes in R&D-intensive industries. Empirical evidence from 109 CEOs from 87 U.S.-based pharmaceutical firms over the period 2001–2013 reveals that research-oriented CEOs – those with ability and motivation for science and technology – increase their firms’ innovation outcomes. The results indicate that the CEO–innovation relationship strongly depends on the extent of CEOs’ managerial discretion, which is shaped by the organizational context. We contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the role of CEOs in firms´ innovation performance differentials.  相似文献   

This article conceptualizes the relationships among strategic resources, strategic actions, and consequent performance by incorporating the strategic sense-making perspective into the resource-based view. Specifically, the study suggests that the firm can use both market-driven strategic actions such as organizational responsiveness and market-driving strategic actions such as innovation strategy to make sense of strategic resources such as a market information system. The firm can then translate the strategic resources into a competitive marketing advantage, which leads in turn to superior financial performance. The study tests this framework by surveying 180 manufacturing firms in China. The empirical results support the theoretical framework.  相似文献   

Recent research shows that forecasting ability is an organizational distinctive competence. We propose and test a model accounting for interfirm differences in forecasting ability. After controlling for reciprocal effects, we find that two principal firm‐level factors (i.e., organizational illusion of control and organizational attention) influence both bias and magnitude of errors in estimates. High organizational illusion of control increases positive forecast bias. As for organizational attention, higher relative investments in market information appear to reduce positive forecast bias and magnitude of errors; they also moderate forecast bias due to illusion of control. Finally, higher relative investments in employee capability increase both negative forecast bias and, unexpectedly, magnitude of errors for the majority of observed cases. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Social and organizational capital: Building the context for innovation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the light of the key role intellectual capital has for firms' innovation capability, this paper analyzes the influence of two of their dimensions, organizational capital and social capital, on firms' product innovation, and the moderating role of radicalness. Unlike previous studies, the unit of analysis will not be the firm, but the R&D department. Thus, our research, conducted with a sample of Spanish industrial companies, provides a new insight with interesting results. First, our findings show that social capital favours firms' product innovation, especially under radical innovations. Second, organizational capital has an indirect effect on product innovation through positive influence on social capital. This implies that firms can stimulate communication and interaction among people, and therefore innovative activity, by means of explicit and codified knowledge (organizational capital).  相似文献   

The Launch strategy for innovative products is a crucial strategic typology adopted by many high tech firms, and which has been identified in prior research focusing on new product introduction to the market. However, the nexus between launch strategies and firm resources has gained little research attention. This article therefore aims to investigate the influence of technological capability and social capital, two key resources for innovation in high tech firms, on the adoption of a launch strategy for innovative products. Furthermore, prior research has revealed that market characteristics play a moderating role on the relationship between firm resources and company strategies; thus, this study also examines the moderating effect of market characteristics. This study takes Taiwan's integrated circuit design firms as the analytical sample. Based on a sample of ninety companies, two interesting findings have been found. First, both technological capability and social capital are associated positively with the launch strategy for innovative products. Second, while the market growth rates increase, the positive relationship between technological capability and the launch strategy for innovative products becomes weaker.  相似文献   

Organic organizational structures and cultures facilitate innovation because they allow organizations to shift their understanding of what a product, service or technology means. Yet, organic organizations may have to instill mechanistic structures and bureaucratic processes if they produce successful radical innovations. Thus, the basis of innovation can be undermined by its consequences. To explore this issue, this paper analyzes data from an ongoing longitudinal case study of a SME digital-design agency that developed a radical innovation for the market research industry. The paper observes that founders of the organization shifted their position to become managers as a result of their radical innovation and that other members of the organization have, consequently, re-evaluated their attitude toward the organization. To conceptualize our findings we turn to the work of Pierre Bourdieu. His notion of fields—which structure experiences and are, themselves, structured by experiences—offers a framework to understand the dynamics within an organization that occur as a result of a successful radical innovation. The contribution of our paper is: theoretically, we relate the discussion of innovation to wider social theories of practice and, thus, introduce temporal and cultural dynamics into the account of radical innovation; methodologically, we provide an example of a longitudinal study; and, in managerial terms, we indicate where divisions occur within an organization concerning the construction of meaning between managers and employees after a radical innovation.  相似文献   

This study develops a dynamic capabilities-based framework of organizational sensemaking through combinative capabilities towards exploratory and exploitative product innovation. Organizational sensemaking helps organizations develop cognitive maps of turbulent environments through its construction of shared interpretations of environmental changes. We argue, however, that successful exploratory and exploitative product innovation are not guaranteed by organizational sensemaking alone, but instead depend on how firms' capabilities synergistically combine and transform knowledge resources. Organizational sensemaking and combinative capabilities are together positioned as important dynamic capabilities. The dynamic capabilities-based framework is applied to explain why and how organizational sensemaking determining superior exploratory and exploitative product innovation in turbulent environments is realized by combinative capabilities. Furthermore, the paper examines the differential effects of combinative capabilities on the firm's exploratory versus exploitative product innovation. Firms can better understand how to leverage different type of combinative capabilities for optimal outcomes.  相似文献   

Empirical studies suggest that the huge investment in information technologies (IT) of the past two decades has led to no significant increase in productivity; this phenomenon is known as the ‘productivity paradox’. It has been argued that the paradox might result from oligopolistic competition: because of strategic interaction, each individual firm might find it profitable to invest in cost-reducing IT, but total investment might then be excessive from the industry’s point of view. I confirm this view and strengthen it by allowing IT investment to be also devoted to product differentiation which makes the productivity paradox more likely. The emergence of Web-based electronic commerce provides an illustration of the forces identified in the model.  相似文献   

We develop and test a theoretical framework that describes the organizational antecedents of value appropriation capabilities in the context of obtaining patent protection. We argue that intermediate levels of cross‐functional involvement across intellectual property (IP) generation, protection, and utilization activities outperform very high or very low levels of functional specialization in terms of obtaining rapid patent protection; while these activities are distinct enough to generate gains from specialization, there are also significant gains to be generated by coordinating across them, which cross‐functional involvement achieves. Using a unique dataset that combines survey and patent (application) data, and multiple estimation techniques, we test and find support for our arguments. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

According to current opinion, competition in telecommunications stimulates innovation. However, there are reasons to believe that at least in some circumstances competition might lead to a decrease in product innovation. In this paper a cross-sectional statistical analysis is carried out on data for the OECD countries. A positive correlation is indeed found between competition and innovation. However, the level of economic development is an important mediating variable. The economies of emerging technologies in the local loop lead to the conclusion that especially in the mobile segment competition will stimulate innovation.  相似文献   

With the dramatic increase in technological interconnectedness between firms and the overall speed of technological change, organizations depend on each other to survive and stay competitive. While it is generally believed that dyads and networks can offer advantages over internal development in the innovation process, the authors suggest that it is not necessarily the case. Using a sample of 120 vendor firms that work in information technology industries in the Indian subcontinent, they find that client dependence in the inter-organizational relationship decreases vendor innovation. To resolve this dark side of business relationships, they further examine how the organizational culture can impact the dependence-innovation relationship. In line with organization literature, the authors distinguish two sub-dimensions of outcome-oriented culture: performance orientation, which reflects a firm's internal focus on employee performance, and competitiveness, which reflects a firm's focus on external competitors and markets. It is found that a vendor's competitiveness facilitates innovation, and that it weakens the negative effect of client dependence on vendor innovation. However, performance orientation strengthens the negative effect of client dependence on vendor innovation. Accordingly, in order to prevent themselves from falling into the dependence trap in the innovation process, firms need to build an externally oriented competitive culture and avoid overemphasizing their internal performance.  相似文献   

While networks, competencies, and information technology are key factors to drive innovation performance, they are frequently investigated on a separate basis. Further, their interplay and contingency have hitherto received scant attention. We propose and empirically test a framework based on the configurational perspective encompassing prevailing network theory and the competence-based view of the firm. Survey data from 235 foreign-owned subsidiaries located in Singapore and Thailand was analyzed using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis technique. We found that information technology advancement and high overall competence levels are important asset bundles for the occurrence of high innovation performance outcomes. However, we also determined that it is important for some subsidiaries to maintain strong interfirm network relationships for innovation performance, especially in combination with higher information technology advancement. In addition, the role of network strength as a cause of innovation performance seems also dependent on the business environment and practices of the host country. In addition, we also show that innovation performance is an important factor facilitating market performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the role of persistence and heterogeneity of innovative activities at the level of the firm in determining the patterns of technological change in different industries and countries. We ask: are persistence and heterogeneity associated with higher degrees of concentration in innovative activities, stability in the ranking of innovators, and lower degrees of entry and exit in the population of innovators? Or, do the patterns of innovation depend on other variables like firm size and industrial concentration? Moreover, what are the relationships between the patterns of innovative activities, their determinants, and the technological specialization of countries? We compute indicators of persistence and heterogeneity using the OTAF-SPRU patent database at the firm level for five European countries over the period 1969–1986 for 33 technological classes. Then, we estimate the relationships between our indicators of the sectoral patterns of innovative activities and international technological specialization on the one hand, and our indicators of persistence, heterogeneity and market structure on the other. Results show that persistence and asymmetries are important (and strongly related) phenomena that affect the patterns of innovative activities across countries and sectors, while the role of market structure variables is less clear. Finally, international technological specialization is associated to a competitive core of persistent innovators.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of social networks and trust on a new venture's innovative capability. The concept of social networks is studied as the configuration of internal and external social networks for entrepreneurial team members. This study collected information about 112 technology-based entrepreneurial teams from the 65 research-based incubators in Taiwan. The results indicate that both internal and external social networks have marginally positive impacts on a new venture's innovative capability, and trust within the entrepreneurial teams is found to be as important a moderator for the relationship between external social networks and innovative capability. Moreover, results reveal that a higher level of trust between entrepreneurial team members can reduce the external social networks spanning the boundaries of the new venture and therefore may cause a 'not invented here' syndrome which will reduce its innovative capability.  相似文献   

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