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Although quality, safety, and sustainability are important concerns in logistics, managers are sometimes reluctant to invest in these areas because it is not always clear how such investments will benefit firm performance. Empirical literature provides little guidance in the context of logistics as previous studies report mixed findings across a diverse set of industries, which may not be directly applicable to logistics. To address this gap, we conducted an event study to estimate the stock market reaction to quality, safety, and sustainability award announcements in logistics. Based on 244 award announcements during the period 2004–13, we found that stock market participants react positively to announcements of these awards. The market reaction appears to be stronger for sustainability awards than for quality and safety awards. Our results also suggest that the market reacts more favorably to quality and sustainability award announcements for firms with better past financial performance and for smaller firms.  相似文献   

人工智能技术的出现和发展必然会引发一系列潜在风险,包括伦理道德危机、技术滥用隐患、极化异化风险以及军事战争灾难等。与此同时,人工智能时代的到来也使得诸多法律问题陷入困境,如法律主体资格的确定、著作权的归属、侵权责任的认定、人格权的保护以及无人驾驶汽车和替代劳工的相关问题等。对此,必须深入探究未来人工智能发展的监管路径,采取塑造多元价值目标、构建伦理规范体系、建立法律监管制度和加强国际协同合作等措施,有效规避人工智能带来的社会风险和法律挑战,从而最大程度发挥人工智能的积极作用。  相似文献   

Practitioners are using performance‐based logistics (PBL) strategies to reduce cost and improve value in industries such as defense, transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare. PBL is part of a group of increasingly popular buyer–supplier strategies that focuses on outcomes as oppose to the delivery of products or services. A key tenet of PBL is the use of innovation to create cost avoidance that benefits buyers and suppliers. In this research, we explore the interfirm team‐level factors associated with innovation in successful PBL strategies. This research brings together business, organizational behavior, and engineering literature to study PBL team success. The study entailed interviews with 17 managers involved in large scale PBL projects. The interviews and follow‐on member checking sessions resulted in a model composed of eight emergent categories and associated propositions. Both practical and theoretical implications are provided.  相似文献   

本研究基于社会互动视角,探讨职场排斥与沉默行为的过程机制,在此基础上提出一个调节的中介模型,特别是工作投入和感知凝聚力的中介作用和情绪智力的调节作用。通过213名员工的三阶段时间滞后调查分析,结果显示:职场排斥正向影响沉默行为;工作投入和感知凝聚力在职场排斥与沉默行为关系中发挥中介作用;情绪智力调节职场排斥与工作投入之间的关系,调节职场排斥和感知凝聚力之间的关系;此外,情绪智力调节“职场排斥-工作投入-沉默行为”和“职场排斥-感知凝聚力-沉默行为”这两条中介路径。  相似文献   

文章探讨了由供应商—经销商构成的渠道关系中,供应商角色绩效对经销商感知公平(分配公平和程序公平)的影响及社会互动与合同对上述关系的调节作用,并进一步考察了经销商感知公平对其绩效的影响。实证研究结果显示:供应商角色绩效可以显著地提高经销商对分配公平的感知,但在提高经销商感知程序公平方面作用不显著;社会互动可以强化供应商角色绩效在提高经销商感知公平方面的作用;合同可以强化供应商角色绩效在提高经销商感知分配公平方面的作用,但无法强化供应商角色绩效对经销商感知程序公平的作用;经销商感知的分配公平可以显著地提高其绩效,但感知的程序公平对其绩效无显著影响。研究结论从渠道情境的角度解释了以往实证研究与理论观点不一致的原因,丰富了现有渠道公平的研究,也为供应商如何有效利用其角色绩效以提高经销商的感知公平提供指导意见。  相似文献   

This paper initiates an exploratory investigation with the aim of providing a better understanding of the applicability of several commercial logistics processes to humanitarian logistics. The paper begins with background information, including humanitarian logistics literature and then summarizes current government agencies' and nongovernmental organizations' policies. Stakeholder theory is used to explore the motivations of commercial organizations to participate in humanitarian logistics operations. Next, the adequacy of emergency management policy is evaluated and four commercial logistics frameworks are analyzed for application to immediate disaster response. The analysis includes ratings of the frameworks and open‐ended comments from a sample of logistics experts. Findings provide guidance to the implementation of commercial logistics processes to disaster response efforts.  相似文献   

In many industries, including retail, increased complexity of marketing strategies needs to be met with increased efficiency in product delivery, requiring integration across demand and supply facing functions of the firm. For frontline logistics employees (FLEs) of manufacturing firms who are delivering and marketing products in retail stores daily, the ability to understand both the marketing and supply implications of their actions is essential. Despite the importance of cross‐functional integration at the retail frontline, little logistics research has explored how logistics frontline employees interact with managers and each other to integrate knowledge and information. The purpose of this research is to examine the antecedents to cross‐functional integration across demand and supply functions in multiple social networks of the FLE. Mixed methods, including social network analysis, structural equation modeling, and analysis of variance, are applied to test social capital theory hypotheses regarding the impact of relational embeddedness and social mechanisms, socialization and shared interpretation, on individual demand and supply integration across friendship, key enabler, and ideation networks of the frontline employee.  相似文献   

The public–private partnership (PPP) is a popular strategy for creating global sustainable value. However, many PPPs struggle to realize their value‐added potential. Why do some publicprivate partnerships succeed while others fail, and how may those struggling succeed? Combining supply‐chain integration and social dilemma perspectives into the conversation of PPPs, we examine the dynamics and psychology of cooperation necessary for PPP success. Addressing the first part of our research question, we recognize three social dilemmas that can manifest while managing PPP supply chains: a give‐some dilemma, a take‐some dilemma, and a give‐or‐take‐some dilemma. To address the second part of our research question, we present a taxonomy of strategies resolving these PPP social dilemmas through the enhancement of trust, self‐efficacy, and social responsibility. We discuss implications for PPPs, supply‐chain, and social dilemma literatures.  相似文献   

While China's outward direct investments continue to soar, many Chinese firms reportedly face social resistance in host countries during the internationalization process. We explore this phenomenon from a country‐of‐origin (COO) perspective using Fiske and colleagues’ (Fiske, Cuddy, Glick, & Xu, 2002; Fiske, Xu, Cuddy, & Glick, 1999) stereotype content model. Our findings from a recent case in New Zealand show that China's COO emerges as a key variable influencing how local actors view Chinese investors. Specifically, despite China's significant economic and social developments over the past decades, it suffers from a somewhat negative country image in two stereotype dimensions: competence and warmth. This leads to a perception by local actors that Chinese firms are of low quality, which explains the source of resistance in society. To address such a liability of origin, Chinese firms must learn to deal with this form of stereotypical judgment encountered in a host environment. Further contributions and limitations of the study are discussed in the article. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Environmental supply chain management (SCM) initiatives often evolve as informal, grassroots efforts that are driven by policy entrepreneurs at lower management levels in an organization. These individuals usually are not in positions of power or authority to convince others to support the initiative. They thus rely on central positions in informal networks to gain access to and influence over other employees to be better able to sell these initiatives. This study examines how individuals arrive at positions of centrality within the networks surrounding environmental SCM initiatives. Linking social network theory and social capital theory with findings from the organizational behavior and environmental arena, the study investigates how an individual's proactive personality and commitment profile—affective, normative, and continuance commitment—might affect network centrality through the mediating role of championing behavior. Investigating the implementation of an environmental SCM initiative at a multinational enterprise, the authors identified a 90‐actor social network surrounding the initiative. The results provide evidence that championing behavior fully mediates the relationship between commitment and network centrality and to a lesser extent between proactive personality and network centrality. These findings suggest that championing behavior can enable an actor to become more central in social networks. Further, the results indicate that in an environmental SCM context, engendering the right type of commitment is a much more important driver of championing behavior than the proactive personalities of individual actors. This finding suggests that even employees who do not have proactive personalities can champion environmental initiatives and become central within the informal networks that surround these initiatives, if they strongly desire to support the initiative and believe that the initiative will lead to positive change.  相似文献   

Private enterprise carries out the complex operations of cross‐border logistics that are the lifeblood of global supply chains. Yet, the efficiency of these activities depends on government agencies that provide the logistics infrastructure for global trade. Thus, public–private partnerships (PPPs) play an important role in facilitating improvements in cross‐border logistics. While private enterprise and the public sector are key stakeholders in the quality of cross‐border logistics, research that examines PPPs in logistics management is relatively sparse. To address this gap, the current study aims to develop empirically based theoretical insights into the nature and role of PPPs in the context of cross‐border logistics. The study employs a grounded‐theory analysis of case study data collected at the U.S./Canadian border. Findings show that private enterprise collaborative capability and public interagency cooperation determine the performance of PPPs which, in turn, influence the quality of cross‐border logistics.  相似文献   

Following the attacks of September 11th, public and private entities recognized a need to protect the global supply chain from terrorist disruption. In response to this need, the U.S. Government partnered with industry to create the Customs‐Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C‐TPAT) program. This research investigates the public–private partnership (PPP) relational aspects of C‐TPAT. C‐TPAT encourages firms to voluntarily improve their security competence and that of their supply chain partners. We introduce the concept of relational security in the context of PPPs. We define relational security as all activities that establish, cultivate, and maintain successful security exchanges between parties. We establish C‐TPAT as one indicator of relational security by demonstrating its ability to establish, cultivate, and maintain successful security exchanges between parties. Results indicate certified firms outperform noncertified firms in security performance, firm performance, and resilience.  相似文献   

The present study was prompted by the paucity of research about the perception among young people of their ability to cope with economic risks of contemporary society. The variables used in this exploration were attitudes to money. The variable of emotion management was included on the rationale that stress and negative emotions tend to arise from demands to manage economic aspects of life. The links between a sense of economic self‐efficacy and these variables were examined using a questionnaire filled out by 120 respondents. The findings revealed considerable correspondence between economic self‐efficacy and the notion of adhering to meticulous saving plans as well as firmer self‐control of emotions. Profiles that successfully discriminated between low and high sense of economic self‐efficacy were identified. The results further our understanding of the interplay between psychological factors and the self‐perception of efficacy in dealing with economic change.  相似文献   

The United States Government does not mandate that US based firms follow US social and environmental law in foreign markets. However, because many developing countries do not have strong human rights, labor, and environmental laws, many multinationals have adopted voluntary corporate responsibility initiatives to self-regulate their overseas social and environmental practices. This article argues that voluntary actions, while important, are insufficient to address the magnitude of problems companies confront as they operate in developing countries where governance is often inadequate. The United States can do more to ensure that its multinationals act responsibly everywhere they operate. First, policymakers should define the social and environmental responsibilities of global companies. They must consistently make their expectations for global business clear – and underscore that this objective can often be accomplished without mandates. Second, the US should closely examine the policies that undermine global Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and address the many conflicting signals sent by policymakers. Third, the President should make the US government a CSR model by examining how to use its purchasing power to promote human rights. Finally, the US government should require pension funds to report on the social and environmental consequences of their investments. In these ways, Americans can mind our business – and thus make sure that US based firms do not undermine social and environmental progress when they operate in the developing world. Susan Aaronson is Senior Fellow and Director of Globalization Studies at the Kenan Institute Washington Center, an arm of the Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Her scholarly research focuses on international investment and social responsibility issues. Aaronson devised and directed a study, funded by the Ford, UN and Levi Strauss Foundations, that examined how U.S. public policies can promote or undermine global corporate social responsibility. She is now beginning a Levi-Strauss funded project on trade and human rights. Aaronson is a frequent speaker on public understanding of globalization issues and the author of four books on globalization including, Taking Trade to the Streets: The Lost History of Public Efforts to Shape Globalization (Michigan: 2001).  相似文献   

The way this study has used the “best‐fit” approach has facilitated the investigation of how three hypothesized constructs of political, economic, and social barriers can deepen our knowledge of their impacts on small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs)' internationalization within a small developing country context. Based on a quantitative analysis of the three hypothesized barriers, we used the “best‐fit” approach to measure the extent to which the SMEs' internal variables like people, products, services, and practices might best fit some of the people and non‐people factors external to the businesses. The application of the “best‐fit” approach onto the three hypotheses—politics (H1), social (H2), economics (H3), helped us in explaining the major social and politico‐economic barriers faced by a developing economy' (Bangladeshi) SMEs' internationalization despite previous literatures' emphasis on the impacts of globalization, market drivers or their oversight. Based on the findings, we point to future research trajectory. This study used primary survey data from 212 Bangladeshi SMEs and successfully validated an HR model by using Smart PLS3 software. The results from the hypotheses were used to produce the HR model to help SMEs identify the significance of people and economic factors and propose these aspects for inclusion in the “best‐fit” approach, SME, and globalization research.  相似文献   

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