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本文认为:(1)流动性冲击主要通过资产负债表渠道和资产价格渠道来影响金融市场,正是这两种渠道才使得流动性在金融危机爆发及传导的过程中扮演了重要角色。借款人的资产负债表效应导致损失螺旋和保证金螺旋的产生,造成资产的折价销售,推动了资产价格的下跌和进一步的银根紧缩;(2)房地产泡沫的形成与美联储的货币政策失误、金融市场结构变化、新布雷顿森林体系以及投资者的羊群行为等有关,房地产泡沫破灭是美国金融危机的导火索;(3)金融危机爆发后,美联储通过调整中央银行的资产负债表,推出各种形式的金融创新工具,向金融市场注入流动性,有效地降低了金融市场崩溃的概率。论文最后从流动性管理的角度,对美国金融危机进行了反思。  相似文献   

What kind of shock affects exchange rate dynamics? How much of an effect does the monetary policy have on exchange rates? To answer these questions empirically based on the currency crisis model, I use panel data on 51 emerging countries from 1980 to 2011, identify shocks, and apply instrumental variable methods. I found that both productivity shocks and shocks to a country’s risk premium affect exchange rates and a 1 percentage point increase in the policy interest rate is associated with a 1 percentage point appreciation of domestic currency. I further apply this method to Asian and Latin-American crises.  相似文献   

This paper deepens our understanding of the importance of the cost channel of monetary policy, where inflation adjusts with a firm's marginal cost of working capital. A model extended for a small, open economy with financial frictions is proposed and examined with data from Taiwan. The cost channel effect on inflation adjustment is substantiated by simultaneous generalized method of moments estimations and appears to be strengthened by financial frictions but mitigated by external shocks. Greater caution is hence required in the conduct of monetary policy for a bank-dependent emerging economy such as Taiwan because of the relative complexity in its supply-side interest rate pass-through.  相似文献   

对于我国货币政策操作目标,并没有一个明确的说法。为了对相对稳定、有效的货币政策操作目标进行实证判断,本文建立了宏观经济变量和准备金市场变量的结构性向量自回归模型(SVAR),通过识别假设把SVAR模型转化为包含政策变量和非政策变量新息(innovation)的关于政策变量的半结构性向量自回归模型(Semi-SVAR)。通过准备金市场模型,界定了可观察残差项与结构扰动项之间的黑箱,对我国货币政策操作目标进行识别。实证结果显示,1998年以来,我国相对稳定、有效的货币政策操作目标是准备金总额,也可以说是基础货币,并不是超额准备金和货币市场利率。识别的政策冲击反映了货币政策调控事件对货币供求的冲击,与我国货币政策的操作实际很吻合。  相似文献   

This paper studies a general equilibrium model that is consistent with recent empirical evidence showing that the U.S. price level and inflation are much more responsive to aggregate technology shocks than to monetary policy shocks. Specifically, we show that the fact that aggregate technology shocks are more volatile than monetary policy shocks induces firms to pay more attention to the former than to the latter. However, most important, this work adds to the literature by analytically showing how monetary policy feedback rules affect the incentives faced by firms in allocating attention. A policy rule responding more actively to inflation fluctuations induces firms to pay relatively more attention to more volatile shocks, helping to rationalize the observed behavior of prices in response to technology and monetary policy shocks.  相似文献   

We explain the heterogeneous response of central banks to financial stability risks based on a financial stability orientation (FSO) index, which reflects statutory, regulatory, and discretionary components of central banks' monetary policy frameworks. Our baseline results from a cross‐country panel of modified Taylor rules suggest that central banks with a high FSO increase their policy rates in response to elevated financial stability risks by 0.27 percentage points more than central banks with a low orientation. Back‐of‐the‐envelope calculations suggest that this policy rate differential translates into a reduced crisis probability but also into considerably lower inflation and output growth rates.  相似文献   

This paper studies the nonlinear response of the term structure of interest rates to monetary policy shocks and presents a new stylized fact. We show that uncertainty about monetary policy changes the way the term structure responds to monetary policy. A policy tightening leads to a significantly smaller increase in long-term bond yields if policy uncertainty is high at the time of the shock. We also look at the decomposition of bond yields into expectations about future policy and the term premium. The weaker response of yields is driven by the fall in term premia, which fall more strongly if uncertainty about policy is high. Conditional on a monetary policy shock, higher uncertainty about monetary policy tends to make securities with longer maturities relatively more attractive to investors. As a consequence, investors demand even lower term premia. These findings are robust to the measurement of monetary policy uncertainty, the definition of the monetary policy shock, and to changing the model specification.  相似文献   

Imperfect international risk sharing and exchange rate volatility matter for how monetary policy should optimally be conducted in an open economy through affecting policymakers’ terms of trade considerations. I study these motives for a classical and long‐standing question in international monetary economics: the size of potential gains from international policy coordination. In a relatively standard model I allow for various degrees of risk sharing by considering different assumptions on international financial markets, and a large region for the crucial parameter of the trade elasticity. When incomplete markets give rise to high volatility of international prices and poor risk sharing—such as in Corsetti, Dedola, and Leduc (2008) —gains from policy coordination are an order of magnitude larger than previous studies, working under the assumptions of complete markets, suggest.  相似文献   

There is substantial agreement in the monetary policy literature over the effects of exogenous monetary policy shocks. The shocks that are investigated, however, almost exclusively represent unanticipated changes in policy, which surprise the private sector and which are typically found to have a delayed and sluggish effect on output. In this paper, we estimate a New Keynesian model that incorporates news about future policies to try to disentangle the anticipated and unanticipated components of policy shocks. The paper shows that the conventional estimates confound two distinct effects on output: an effect due to unanticipated or “surprise” shocks, which is smaller and more short‐lived than the response usually obtained in the literature, and a large, delayed, and persistent effect due to anticipated policy shocks or “news.” News shocks play a larger role in influencing the business cycle than unanticipated policy shocks, although the overall fraction of economic fluctuations that can be attributed to monetary policy remains limited.  相似文献   

The effects of monetary policy shocks on farm prices and exchange rates in Korea are empirically investigated by using vector auto-regression models with sign restrictions on impulse responses. The main empirical results are as follows. First, (contractionary) monetary policy shocks have significantly negative effects on real farm prices. Second, the SR effect on farm prices is significant but short-lived. The dynamic response of farm prices is consistent with the predictions of the “overshooting” model. Third, the effects of monetary policy shocks on farm prices are more significant than the effects of monetary policy shocks on exchange rates.  相似文献   

External Constraints on Monetary Policy and the Financial Accelerator   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We develop a small open economy macroeconomic model where financial conditions influence aggregate behavior. Our goal is to explore the connection between the exchange rate regime and financial distress. We first show that a calibrated version of the model captures well the behavior of the Korean economy during its financial crisis period of 1997–98. In particular, the model accounts for the sharp increase in lending rates and the large drop in output, employment, investment, and measured productivity. The financial market frictions play an important role, further, explaining roughly half the decline in overall economic activity. We then perform some counterfactual exercises to illustrate how the fixed exchange rate regime likely exacerbated the crisis by tying the hands of monetary policy.  相似文献   

We investigate the extent to which monetary policy can enhance the functioning of the private credit system. Specifically, we characterize the optimal return on money in the presence of credit arrangements. There is a dual role for credit: it allows buyers to trade without fiat money and also permits them to borrow against future income. However, not all traders have access to credit. As a result, there is a social role for fiat money because it allows agents to self‐insure against the risk of not being able to use credit in some transactions. We consider a (nonlinear) monetary mechanism that is designed to enhance the credit system. An active monetary policy is sufficient for relaxing credit constraints. Finally, we characterize the optimal monetary policy and show that it necessarily entails a positive inflation rate.  相似文献   

The comovement of output across the sector producing nondurables (i.e., nondurable goods and services) and the sector producing durables is well established in the monetary business cycle literature. However, standard sticky‐price models that incorporate sectoral heterogeneity in price stickiness (i.e., sticky nondurables prices and flexible durables prices) cannot generate this feature. We argue that an input–output (I–O) structure provides a solution to this problem. Here, we develop a two‐sector model with an I–O structure, which is calibrated to the U.S. economy. In the model, each sector’s output affects those of the others by acting as an intermediate input. This connection between the sectors provides a channel through which sectoral comovement is induced.  相似文献   

本文利用16家上市商业银行从2014年第四季度到2018年第三季度的季度面板数据,采用差分广义矩估计(DGMM)方法实证分析了货币政策和杠杆率对银行风险承担的影响。结果表明:第一,货币调控在金融稳定方面并非风险中性,它与银行风险承担呈现显著的负相关关系,即货币政策放松会相应提高银行的风险承担水平。第二,杠杆率作为资本充足率的有益补充是有效的,银行杠杆水平越低则其风险承担水平也越低,杠杆率监管会减缓或抑制货币政策对银行风险承担的影响,这也为2018年我国“宽货币紧信用”现象提供了合理解释。根据研究结论,本文就完善并协调货币调控、宏观审慎和微观监管提出政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper studies empirical facts regarding the effects of unexpected changes in aggregate macroeconomic fiscal policies on consumers that differ depending on individual characteristics. We use data from the Consumption Expenditure Survey to estimate individual‐level responses and multipliers for government spending. We find that unexpected fiscal shocks have substantially different effects on consumers depending on their income and age levels: the wealthiest individuals tend to behave according to predictions of standard Real Business Cycle (RBC) models, whereas the poorest ones behave according to standard IS–LM (non‐Ricardian) models, most likely due to credit constraints. Furthermore, government spending policy shocks tend to decrease consumption inequality.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how U.S. monetary policy affects the pricing of dollar‐denominated sovereign debt. We document that yields on dollar‐denominated sovereign bonds are highly responsive to U.S. monetary policy surprises—during both the conventional and unconventional policy regimes—and that the passthrough of unconventional policy to foreign bond yields is, on balance, comparable to that of conventional policy. In addition, a conventional U.S. monetary easing (tightening) leads to a significant narrowing (widening) of credit spreads on sovereign bonds issued by countries with a speculative‐grade credit rating but has no effect on the corresponding weighted average of bilateral exchange rates for a basket of currencies from the same set of risky countries; this indicates that an unanticipated tightening of U.S. monetary policy widens credit spreads on risky sovereign debt directly through the financial channel, as opposed to indirectly through the exchange rate channel. During the unconventional policy regime, yields on both investment‐ and speculative‐grade sovereign bonds move one‐to‐one with policy‐induced fluctuations in yields on comparable U.S. Treasuries. We also examine whether the response of sovereign credit spreads to US monetary policy differs between policy easings and tightenings and find no evidence of such asymmetry.  相似文献   

基于马尔科夫区制转移模型,在刻画全球金融周期特征的基础上,构建包含调节效应的面板模型,对货币政策与汇率政策有效协调机制进行实证分析。结果表明:全球金融周期处于高波动率区制,即市场风险厌恶水平较高时,资本流动水平较低,浮动汇率政策能够有效缓解资本流动对货币政策独立性的影响;反之,浮动汇率政策调节效果减弱。因此在推进金融开放与人民币汇率市场化改革的进程中,要充分关注全球金融周期波动状况。  相似文献   

History suggests a conflict between current Basel III liquidity ratios and monetary policy, which we call the liquidity regulation dilemma. Although forgotten, liquidity ratios, named “securities-reserve requirements,” were widely used historically, but for monetary policy (not regulatory) reasons, as central bankers recognized the contractionary effects of these ratios. We build a model rationalizing historical policies: a tighter ratio reduces the quantity of assets that banks can pledge as collateral, thus increasing interest rates. Tighter liquidity regulation paradoxically increases the need for central bank's interventions. Liquidity ratios were also used to keep yields on government bonds low when monetary policy tightened.  相似文献   

We estimate a logit mixture vector autoregressive model describing monetary policy transmission in the euro area over the period 1999–2015. In contrast to other classes of nonlinear vector autoregressive models, regime affiliation is neither strictly binary, nor binary with a transition period, and based on multiple variables. We show that monetary policy transmission in the euro area can be described as a mixture of two states. In both states, output and prices are found to decrease after contractionary monetary policy shocks. However, the effects of monetary policy are less enduring in the “crisis state.”  相似文献   

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