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The prices of opening transactions on the New York Stock Exchange are determined quite differently from prices of subsequent transactions. This paper tests the null hypothesis that opening prices are as representative of contemporaneous equilibrium stock values as subsequent intra-day transactions prices. With one possible exception, there is no basis for rejecting this hypothesis, despite the very different trading mechanisms used in opening trades and intra-day trades.  相似文献   

Reputation Effects in Trading on the New York Stock Exchange   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theory suggests that reputations allow nonanonymous markets to attenuate adverse selection in trading. We identify instances in which New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) stocks experience trading floor relocations. Although specialists follow the stocks to their new locations, most brokers do not. We find a discernable increase in liquidity costs around a stock's relocation that is larger for stocks with higher adverse selection and greater broker turnover. We also find that floor brokers relocating with the stock obtain lower trading costs than brokers not moving and brokers beginning trading post‐move. Our results suggest that reputation plays an important role in the NYSE's liquidity provision process.  相似文献   

陈醒 《国际融资》2011,(5):21-21
纽交所集团执行副总裁兼美国上市及现金交易执行联合主管史考特·卡特勒在出席签约仪式时表示:“我们非常荣幸与中关村管委会建立长期伙伴关系,并高度重视此次合作,相信双方能够实现优势共享,共同成长。中关村作为中国领先的经济、科技及教育试验园区及中国创业和高科技投资热点实验区,  相似文献   

朱伟一 《国际融资》2001,12(9):66-67
许多新鲜事物都是首先在美国问世.这里有来自全世界的能人、好人和坏人.就其金额而言,这里是全世界最大的市场.但也有例外,例如,证券交易所的上市就是首先在瑞典推出的.欧洲的其他交易所也随即跟上.北欧的挪威的交易所、德国的证券交易所已经上市.英国平常与欧洲大陆不太合拍,但这次伦敦交易所也已经放出话来,今年晚些时候就上市.  相似文献   

Traditional price improvement improperly assesses large orders’ execution quality by ignoring additional liquidity depth-exceeding orders receive at the quoted price and viewing orders that “walk the book” as “disimproved”. Ignoring this additional liquidity is particularly problematic when assessing execution quality in markets with significant non-displayed liquidity. To correct this deficiency, we modify the price benchmark used to determine whether an order is price improved by making the benchmark a function of the order's size relative to the quoted depth. We document that the differences between conventional price improvement and our measure, adjusted price improvement, can be dramatic and show that the difference depends on trading volume, stock price, and volatility.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of Rule 10a-1, the Uptick Rule, on short-sell orders sent to the NYSE. The principal finding is that the execution quality of short-sell orders is adversely affected by the Uptick Rule, even when stocks are trading in advancing markets. This is inconsistent with one of the three stated objectives of the rule, i.e., to allow relatively unrestricted short selling when a firm's stock is advancing so that the rule does not affect price discovery during such times. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: G18, K22  相似文献   

The variance rate of return is shown to be nonstationary for the majority of stocks studied, with a median change of 100 percent over a period of one and one-half years. The degree of change declines as the interval between estimates is shortened as does the extent to which the variance rates of different of the change do not appear to be strongly related to the trading frequency of the stock.  相似文献   

We examine the valuation implications of human capital both for a broad sample of firms and for subsamples of high-technology firms and low-technology firms. Our results suggest that the market appears to value compensation expenses not as expenses but as if they serve as a proxy for a human asset that is omitted from the balance sheets. The findings are consistent with human capital comprising a more sizable portion of the value of high-technology firms than of low-technology firms. The findings also indicate that compensation expenses are valued differently from other expense components of income. Markedly, despite critical differences between investors on the exchange and those buying shares in transactions outside the exchange (controlling interests, information asymmetry, etc.), their assessment of the enhanced value of a firm attributable to human capital is shown to be relatively similar. The results in this study are consistent with compensation expenses creating a valuable intangible asset, hence suggesting that reform in the accounting treatment of these expenses is of critical importance.  相似文献   

Trading halts increase, rather than reduce, both volume and volatility. Volume (volatility) in the first full trading day after a trading halt is 230 percent (50 to 115 percent) higher than following “pseudohalts”: nonhalt control periods matched on time of day, duration, and absolute net-of-market returns. These results are robust over different halt types and news categories. Higher posthalt volume is observed into the third day while higher posthalt volatility decays within hours. The extent of media coverage is a partial determinant of volume and volatility following both halts and pseudohalts, but a separate halt effect remains after controlling for the media effect.  相似文献   

This article tests for differences in execution costs among specialist firms for New York Stock Exchange listed securities. Execution cost differences provide a measure of the relative performance of specialist firms. We find a substantial difference in effective spreads and order processing costs across specialist firms, controlling for stock characteristics. While economically significant, the differences in execution costs between specialist firms are much smaller than the cross-market differences reported by Huang and Stoll (1996). Within a specialist firm, there is a positive relation between order processing costs and trading activity that is consistent with the hypothesis that active stocks subsidize inactive stocks.  相似文献   

中华网(CHINA) 2001年1月股介变动图 美国PR有线新闻,1月4日,中华网宣布进军泰国,在经过三年的出资购买计划后,成功收购了在曼谷的电子商务服务公司Cyderimage,从而加速其在亚洲地区扩张电子解决商务.  相似文献   

吴石 《国际融资》2001,(2):74-75
中华网(CHINA) 2000年12月股价变动图 ▲美国PR有线新闻,12月4日,中华网公司子公司"城网联系"在网络营销协会(WMA)组织的网络大奖赛和香港设计家协会组织的2000年设计展上连膺六奖.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the likelihood of becoming involuntarily delisted from NYSE is associated with a firm’s board of directors and ownership characteristics. To this end we compare 161 firms that were delisted from NYSE between 1998 and 2004 to a set of industry and size-matched control firms. Consistent with our expectations, we find that the likelihood of delisting is related to a firm’s governance characteristics. Our results on the importance of the board of directors are new to this setting and add to a large body of evidence linking corporate boards and ownership characteristics to corporate performance.  相似文献   

In contrast to previous literature, we argue that are two typesof poorly performing firms going private through a leveragedbuyout (LBO). One group consists of firms in which managersown an insignificant fraction of their firm's stock and arevulnerable to a hostile takeover. The other group consists offirms in which managers own a significant fraction of theirfirm's stock and so face little risk of hostile takeover. Ourevidence indicates that there are two such groups of LBOs andthat their motivations and posttransaction actions are different.  相似文献   

We use NYSE system order data to conduct a controlled experiment examining changes in trader behavior, displayed liquidity supply, and execution quality around the reduction in the minimum price variation to $0.01. Although traders do not substantially reduce their use of traditional limit orders in favor of market orders or non-displayed orders, they do decrease limit order size and cancel limit orders more frequently after decimals than before. These changes in order submission strategy appear to result in less displayed liquidity throughout the limit order book more than 15 cents from the quote midpoint. This reduction in displayed liquidity, however, does not manifest itself in poor execution quality. Even for large system orders, traditional execution quality is not worse with decimals than with fractions.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses have been advanced to explain why spreads on NASDAQ were substantially higher than those on the NYSE in the 1990s: “collusion” and “preferencing and payment for order flow.” We present data on all actively traded stocks in these markets of relative effective spreads (RES), aggregated monthly over 1987–1999 and advance a third hypothesis: NASDAQ “SOES-day-trading.” We estimate NASDAQ and NYSE informed-trade losses and gains to market makers and other liquidity providers on six trade sizes, and find that losses on trades we ascribe to SOES day traders were substantially greater than those on other trades, offset somewhat by gains from small-trade-size investors. NASDAQ market makers' response to these losses and additional operations costs incurred to reduce the losses resulted in greater RES and increased trading within the best quotes, predominantly on larger trade sizes. The data are consistent with the “SOES-day-trading” hypotheses, but not with the other two. Furthermore, the mandatory SOES “experiment” provides insights into the negative effects of automated trading systems (such as ECNs, which now dominate NASDAQ) when their design does not adequately consider opportunistic traders.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of the recent spate of financial exchange mutual-to-stock conversion phenomenon on the performance of listed exchanges and the quality of the stock market using the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) as a case study. We find that the ASX stock significantly outperformed the stock index and the control group on a market-adjusted return basis. The stock market performance is driven by strong operating performance. The profitability ratios of the ASX have significantly improved in the five years following the demutualization and self-listing. The performance improvements remain significant even after controlling for growth in the Australian economy. From a market quality perspective, we document evidence of increased trading activity by foreign investors after ASX’s demutualization and self-listing. Interestingly, we also find that bid-ask spreads of the stock market have narrowed in the post-conversion period. In particular, small-cap firms have become more liquid. The results show that stock exchange conversion from mutual to publicly traded exchange is not only value enhancing for the exchange and its shareholders, but it is also beneficial for the stock market as a whole.  相似文献   

Can a stock exchange improve corporate governance and transparency by designating companies that exhibit superior corporate governance? In 2000, the Borsa Italiana created a mid-cap segment with strong listing standards, which is composed of firms (called STARS) that follow stricter standards of transparency, disclosure, monitoring and liquidity. We find that STAR firms exhibit governance characteristics not observed in non-STAR firms, such as a higher incidence of audit and executive committees and higher debt ratios. They experienced a modestly favorable share price response upon the implementation of the STAR initiative. Moreover, they experienced significantly higher buy and hold returns and transparency after the initiative. Several governance characteristics are cross-sectionally associated with performance following the STAR initiative. Overall, the results suggest that firms may be willing to improve governance when they are endorsed by a credible agency for doing so, and such improvements may lead to better performance. The STAR initiative may serve as a model that can be adapted by other stock exchanges to promote transparency and governance.  相似文献   

The securities settlement literature indicates that centralized settlement can reduce monitoring incentives and lead to excessive risk‐taking and inefficient risk‐sharing. This paper examines broker‐failure rates and counterparty losses surrounding the transition from bilateral to multilateral settlement facilitated by the NYSE. Study results provide evidence that net settlement reduced failures without diminishing risk constraining incentives. The study constructs a controlled comparison of broker failures through data collected from the NYSE and the Consolidated Stock Exchange, which traded identical securities settled under different systems. The results suggest that multilateral settlement is advantageous when financial markets are highly stressed.  相似文献   

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