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No‐take marine reserves have been increasingly advocated as an effective means of supporting marine ecosystems and conserving fisheries resources. A major problem that can hinder the effectiveness of no‐take reserves is the incidence of illegal fishing, which has created significant ecological and economic losses in global fisheries. We construct a bioeconomic model to explore the connection between the effects of no‐take reserves and illegal fishing activities in relation to the level of regulatory control of illegal activities in the reserve and fished areas. Our parameterised model shows that the effects of no‐take reserves on both the extent of illegal fishing and the fish biomass critically depend on illegal fishing regulations and the scale and patterns of fish dispersal. In a fishery where illegal fishing can only be partially controlled, increasing the size of the no‐take reserve may result in a lose‐lose situation in which the level of illegal fishing effort increases and the total biomass decreases. Our results further show that when the pattern of fish dispersal is density dependent, imposing a stricter control on illegal fishing in either reserves or fished areas increases the aggregate level of illegal fishing.  相似文献   

本文针对江、浙两省渔业管理条例有关禁用渔具条款,以底扒网和帆张网为例,从法律和技术两个层面进行剖析,阐明作者观点:①法律体系层面,两渔具不应在《渔业法》规定"禁用渔具"类别内,两省渔业管理条例分别定性其为禁用渔具,不符合"下位法不得与上位法相低触"之立法原则;技术的自然属性层面,两渔具体现了客观的自然属性与人的主观能动性的综合,不失具独特的先进性。②相关禁用渔具法律条款之法律绩效无法实现的症结在管理层面,因此工作着力点应放在强化管理上。③建议对两省渔业管理条例中的有关禁用渔具条款启动"法律修改"程序,并同步实施与解禁渔具相配套的制度与体系构建,即根据幼鱼资源发生和时空分布等客观规律,积极引导捕捞生产,努力寻求利用资源与保护幼鱼之间的平衡。④基于配套法规之科技支撑体系难以短期解决现状,与解禁渔具配套法律体系只能分步构建和逐步完善,可先依据《渔业法》第三十条赋予权限,依法针对资源敏感区、幼鱼高发期实施探索性的临时禁渔规定,并可同时出台最小网目尺寸、幼鱼比例抽检等辅助性渔政管理规定等。  相似文献   

We report results from contingent valuation studies in each of two Tasmanian fisheries that estimate the value of a day’s recreational fishing. Published studies estimating the economic value of recreational fishing in Australia and New Zealand are limited, although the economic and social benefits associated with this activity are sizable and the importance of understanding the behaviour of recreational fishers for the sustainable management of aquatic resources is well recognised. In our contingent valuation surveys, we use a double‐bounded version of the dichotomous choice question, which improves the statistical efficiency of the estimates relative to those based on a single dichotomous choice question. We test and control for response bias, in the form of anchoring and a shift effect, that may occur in data collected using a double‐bounded dichotomous choice (DBDC) elicitation format. We highlight the importance of identifying and correcting for response bias in DBDC models on a case‐by‐case basis. Our estimation results show that there is no significant difference in the willingness to pay for a day of recreational fishing across individuals who caught different number of fish in either fishery. This suggests that high and low catch fishers placed the same value on a day’s fishing.  相似文献   

This article presents estimates of the recreational value of fishing in New Zealand. The data was obtained from a large-scale interview conducted at boat ramps across New Zealand. The results suggest that the recreational value of a species depends critically on the motives for targeting a particular species. Species targeted for eating purposes have marginal values that appear to closely reflect the market price of the fish (i.e. the opportunity cost). In contrast, those species which are sought mainly for recreational purposes, have a higher value. Furthermore, values for these fish types were found to be greatest for scarce species and large species of fish. The article examines the robustness of the estimates to determine whether strategic bias, embedding effects or hypothetical bias influence the results.  相似文献   

In this paper, estimates of value for recreational fishing are reported for three major freshwater impoundments in Queensland, Australia, using both travel cost and contingent valuation methods. Policy analysts often require estimates of value when analysing the importance of recreation against other uses of impoundments, or when considering the potential for further investments, such as with fish stocking programs. Different forms of the travel cost method are used to estimate separate consumer surpluses associated with two key subgroups of recreational anglers: frequent and occasional anglers. A contingent valuation study is used to estimate the marginal values associated with a potential improvement in fishing experience. The results of the travel cost analysis provide strong evidence that recreational values vary between different groups of anglers and across sites, while the contingent valuation estimates provide values for additional marginal benefits of recreational angling.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了电子商务的概念以及电子商务的优势,我国渔业企业开展电子商务的必要性及其应用现状。根据调查的300家渔业企业结果显示,虽然我国渔业企业中真正拥有自己网站的比例很小,但我国渔业企业也在逐步的意识到电子商务对于企业以后发展的重要性。通过对渔业企业特点的分析,本文提出了我国渔业企业开展电子商务的方法,包括自建网站、外包以及租用。由于我国渔业企业大部分都是中小型企业,所以ASP和第三方电子商务平台是开展电子商务较好的选择。本文还指出了渔业企业在开展电子商务过程中存在的一些问题并提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

Overcapacity (OC) and excess capacity (EC) are serious obstacles affecting the sound management of commercial fisheries around the world. The use of individual fishing quotas (IFQs) has been proposed as a promising management tool to cope with these challenges. However, the empirical evidence on the efficacy of this instrument is scarce. Drawing on a stochastic distance frontier analysis, we investigate the impact of the US Gulf of Mexico red snapper IFQ program on fishing capacity, capacity utilisation (CU) and OC. The paper also offers an alternative approach to compute species‐specific capacity measurements for multispecies fisheries. Our findings show that following the introduction of the IFQ program, fishing capacity decreased, primarily due to the exit of a large number of fishing vessels. CU increased marginally indicating modest decreases in EC. Conversely, we find that OC remains high. Our estimates suggest that about one‐fifth of the actual fleet could harvest the entire quota.  相似文献   

建立渔港工程实验室可以有效的解决渔港建设和渔业研究中面临的各种工程技术问题,良好的建设和管理方案对实验室的快速发展和长久生存起着至关重要的作用。论文在介绍现有港口工程实验室特点及渔港工程主要特点的基础上,从渔港工程实验室的建设目标、建设内容及建设管理因素等方面,阐述如何有效地建设和管理渔港工程实验室,认为实验室的建设应综合考虑渔港工程特点、应用需求、建设经费等因素,而管理则应注重规章制度的制定、科研团队的建设、仪器设备的维护管理、合作力度的加强等因素。完善的渔港工程实验室为今后水产养殖、渔业水域环境保护、渔船发展等方向提供了有效的技术支持和研究平台。  相似文献   

The Danish fishing industry has gone through a turbulent period of declining catches and modest economic performance. In order to address these concerns, capacity reduction initiatives, mainly through vessel decommissioning, have sought to relieve pressure on fish stocks and improve the profitability of fishing vessels that remain in the fishery. It is the main purpose of this paper to analyse the capacity utilization trends of the four main commercial fleet segments of trawlers, netters, Danish seiners and industrial (fish for reduction) vessels. Annual cost and earnings data (1996-2002) for fishing vessels of the various fleets are applied to three data envelopment analysis models, which evaluate capacity utilization in terms of catch volume, catch revenue and short-run profit. Results suggest that considerable cutbacks in fleet capacity are required, in the range of 30-50%, if full capacity utilization is to be achieved. A preliminary discussion with respect to the impact of fleet capacity reduction initiatives on fleet performance concludes the paper.  相似文献   

本文探讨了捕捞业的特点以及捕捞业法律制度和政策应追求的多重目标,分析了现行法律制度和政策存在的问题。建议在物权法学和行政法学理论的指导下,重构捕捞许可制度,厘清和调整捕捞许可的管辖权,允许捕捞权经批准后有序流转,制定“捕捞渔区划分和命名”标准,完善行政配置捕捞渔区的法律程序,建立捕捞渔具渔法认证,完善捕捞生产信息记录及申报制度,积极地开展与八个海洋邻国间的渔业合作,加强对负面影响渔业发展的非渔业活动的管治,以便更好地明晰捕捞证作为用益物权表征和行政管理工具的双重属性,保护捕捞权人的合法权利,保护渔业生态环境,营造公平的竞争环境,促进捕捞生产效益的提高。  相似文献   

Illegal foreign fishing for sharks in Northern Australia has increased substantially over the last two decades. This has likely resulted in declines of shark species abundance, with potentially far‐reaching impacts on the ecosystem. This, in turn, could also have indirectly affected the legal prawn, shark, and other fisheries in the region through changed predation patterns and direct removal of targets. The prawn fishery in Northern Australia is currently one of Australia's most valuable fisheries. Sharks themselves are also a major target species by many Queensland and Northern Territory fishers. In this article, an ecosystem model developed in the Ecopath with Ecosim framework is used to estimate the impacts of illegal shark fishing on the remaining system, and the potential economic impacts on commercial fisheries in the region.  相似文献   

渔港及经济区基础设施投资模式创新初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔港及渔港经济区基础设施建设与一般的基础设施建设相比有共性也有个性。其基础设施建设需要符合渔港及渔港经济区发展需要,因地制宜合理有效的制定长期战略规划。渔港及渔港经济区基础设施由国家财政和地方财政专向拨款的投资方式已经不能适应快速的经济发展需要和人民生产生活需要,通过引入PPP模式促进多元化投资主体的形成,促进经济区内部基础设施资本的形成,不仅支持当地经济生产、人民生活、减轻财政负担,还促成当地优质、高效、较长价值链的形成。  相似文献   

渔村社区是统筹城乡发展,改善渔村生产生活条件,提高渔民生活水平的重要措施;也是转变政府职能,强化渔村公共服务的重要手段;还是深化渔民自治、完善渔村社区管理服务功能的重要载体。因此,渔村社区建设的必要性不言而喻。然而,渔村社区建设却面临渔村产业结果不合理、渔村基础设施薄弱等经济问题,面临着劳动力剩余、增收困难、权益保障等渔民问题和认识不到位、管理体制不顺等渔村社区管理问题。解决渔村、渔民和社区管理三个方面问题的根本途径就是城乡一体化。  相似文献   

我国渔港研究现状综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
渔港是渔民生产生活的重要场所,是渔船避风停泊的重要基地,在渔业生产管理、"平安渔业"建设、渔业水域环境保护以及渔区经济社会发展中发挥着重要作用。一直以来,学者们关于渔港建设等方面的探讨研究从未间断过,这些研究成果对于推进各地渔港建设和管理步伐,充分发挥渔港对渔区经济社会发展的辐射带动作用,促进渔业可持续健康发展有着不可忽视的作用。本文按时间分段对中国渔港研究现状进行了一次学术性梳理,指出我国渔港在20世纪70~80年代起步阶段、90年代发展阶段和21世纪以来的繁荣阶段的不同特点,以期对今后的渔港研究以及渔港建设起到一定的借鉴和促进意义。  相似文献   

我国渔港建设的回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
渔港是渔民生产生活最主要的后方基地和渔船最重要的避风场所。自2002年以来,中央和地方政府高度重视渔港建设,我国渔港建设取得了巨大成效,但也面临着许多问题。本文回顾了2002年以来我国渔港建设的概况,从渔港减灾、渔港经济区发展、渔民转产转业、小城镇建设、渔业执法监管等五个方面总结了渔港建设取得的成效,分析了当前我国渔港建设面临的问题,并提出了"十二五"甚至更长一段时期内推进我国渔港建设的对策与建议。  相似文献   

湛江地处祖国大陆最南端的雷州半岛,三面环海,海岸线占全国的8%以上,海洋渔业资源极其丰富,为湛江发展海洋捕捞业提供了良好的条件。论文从捕捞产量、渔船结构、劳动力结构、技术进步以及资金投入等方面介绍了湛江海洋捕捞业的发展现状,定量分析了捕捞量以及捕捞效率两个方面的影响因素。随着2004年中越北部湾渔业协定的生效,湛江海洋捕捞传统作业区域大大减少,捕捞能力过剩问题更加突出。同时,湛江海洋捕捞业还面临诸如捕捞基础设施不足、科技含量偏低、转产转业难度大等诸多问题,亟待在今后的发展过程中逐步完善。  相似文献   

The management of small pelagic fisheries is difficult due to environmental regime changes that generate multi‐decadal cyclic fluctuations in stock abundance. Lagged management responses to environmental factors can amplify the effects of fishing and may even result in stock collapse. In this paper, we develop an age‐structured bioeconomic model to explore the effectiveness of alternative management approaches for cyclically fluctuating small pelagic fish stocks. The fishery outcomes are evaluated against the overall profit of the fishery and the intertemporal distribution of fishing profits. The model is parameterised for the Japanese sardine fishery, once the largest fishery in Japan, which has experienced a prolonged period of stock collapse over the last 100 years. The results show that the duration of fishery collapse is mostly determined by the extent of cyclic fluctuations in the recruitment of immature sardines, but the effects of the fluctuations on the fishery are heightened by the cumulative impact of fishing. We further show that restricting fishing reduces the fishery’s overall profits, but smooths the intertemporal distribution of profits, resulting in greater intergenerational equity. This income smoothing effect is particularly pronounced when the stock exhibits high levels of cyclic fluctuations.  相似文献   

This study examined interactions between targeted fish populations, aspects of the fishing industry and land use changes along two ports in New England. By tracking changes in land uses over a two-decade period using parcel level data and geographic information system (GIS) tools, we examined the relationship of changes in species biomass, landings and other fishing industry variables to community spatial change. Using logistic regression models we assessed the impacts on essential infrastructure for continued fishing industry activity. Our findings have implications for land use policy that should accompany efforts being made to rehabilitate fish stocks; it should ensure that current marine infrastructure will remain in place to support the fishing industry if and when species rebound. Our models show that in New Bedford Harbor, the larger of the two ports, increasing scallop biomass (considered a long-term factor) is associated with the increase of marine-related land uses. In Provincetown Harbor, short-term factors, such as value and volume of fish landings as well as stock sizes, influence land use change. These findings suggest that the smaller port (Provincetown) is more vulnerable to market conditions and therefore in need of greater land use controls to prevent the conversion of marine-related uses. We propose some directions for further research and present the methodology used as one that can be applied to research questions of a similar nature.  相似文献   

山东省渔港功能多元化发展现状评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文运用模糊数学方法,建立了评价模型,综合分析通过问卷调查和专家座谈等形式获取的资料,并采用专家打分法确定了评级模型所需的权重值,对山东省渔港多元化发展现状进行了研究。研究结果表明,山东省渔港功能多元化发展情况不理想,从渔业生产基础功能、二三产业拓展功能、渔区经济带动功能等三个一级指标看,评级为“一般”以下的隶属度均高于50%。同时,研究还表明,山东省渔港在渔区经济带动功能和渔业生产基础功能较强,二三产业的拓展功能较弱。  相似文献   

日本渔船管理制度建设的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文从渔船管理组织体系、渔船管理法规建设以及渔船管理现状和应对措施等角度,考察日本的渔船管理体系和机构设置情况,解读日本《渔船法》的要点,对日本渔船的管理现状特别是近些年来发生的一些具有代表性的渔船违法重大案例进行梳理和分析,并考察相关行政所采取的应对措施,为我国渔船管理行政提供参考。  相似文献   

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